HomeMy Public PortalAbout04-20-1965Village of Medina Hamel, Minnesota SP .CIAL b1 21.1.: OF TflE COUNiCI , 9.1B PIA, 'MI G CCHMISSICI -- April 20► 1)65 The meeting was called to or =r be laSor Robert Scott at 8:00 p.m. Members preeent: Council - Robert Scott Planning Commission - Gerald Dykhoff Raymond Bosch Anne Uorweilar Harold Winterh_aIter Walter bohnen r.ugene Pulju Wayne Neddermeyer 'tillage Engineer Archie Carter Points of onnei, eration of Twelve Tr °yes WEre A. letter to dsr. Hussman of Time Develonment, Inc. was dictated to read as follows: As far as superficial axaminetion of road and lot laeout, th= Council is sat 1.8f i -el. A 1d it i ona.l study may lee i cat a change s. The Council and. the Ti llarge -ngineer need. to have for their study, road profil= s and Iroposed drainage plans. "he Village has three main areas of concvn before ado:eting this plat. I. Adequate time to study sewer and water needs with the State Derartm ant of Health. 2. The area resfrved .for aeepearrs quite wet and generally unusable recc: pt in the driest of ears which is of .tittle benefit to surroanding property owners. Some form of lagoon system or addition of more usable land is felt to be desirable. ;. Th:Ts, anL.PttrS to b-, n=e0, for act essive drainege for rua-off for the Block 6 ar-a which presently eat. vs the nark area,. Ditching or t.ilittg may be necessary to correct is reca-off problem. It is r.ot the intention of this Council to bur .e13. you with unnecessary delay, but the- implications of adding approximately 700 people to the Pillage population must be thoroughly considered so that errors which would work a hardsaip on the future; teetres,Tere can be avoided. Herold Winterhalt:=r made the motion to send the letter as d.ietated. tlugene Pulju seconded the motion. The motion wa.s carried. A question of Mr. HUGErtaills was relayed regarding the bla.cetopping of streets, and it was repeated. that the Council will insist that the str,4.ete be bla,cktopped before the plat will be accepted. Mr. Carter gav- a, reeort on the Colonial Drive --In Theat �r. The motion was made to instruct the Village ' regineer to see, that: ?. µinn. sota, r'igrwazr Deraetment is fully informed as to the plans and the rszeacity of the Colonial Drive -Tea Theater and that all their re +,3 i.r Bent s are being met. I . " Village of Medina Hamel, Minnesota . 'rho Iloard of Health to folly' toromood rogartIlios titolv Orivo-to) minroon 1 of irowarmov 4 isoonal. awl to reaskre the AVM's" et Oa ewe in writ inf. Atter trf " vilivre udrisher tam roe ,trAit seetritilla potatil 2 oil1 most full cfry,-,iienco. he to to inform the Dot,!time taspostat Sat * pleat sea toemed. IIlard& Viatorhaltor mad* the notion to giro firs Sartie ttb.Mliosity. See* ooemallet tit* mottes. Ili* motion ws* 41.11P1nd" as wits Made tri ilar" U rrtaterhatt r to autlicx lisalier to parrohone a stoop -tyre mash basin for mAitas liaritingsidle" twos Onconded the Setiort" Am Set ton, v7ke coif tan. Fomomo PmAjo als4 t, the notion to %:or.si; r the preprect for f proposea by the liallaims t ;:',,ctor " `fir ol tntbx> a tar moMmitoit the sot ion. Ihe motif* vas soortmt. winteolimitor wittylkhe motion to ongrovo Oho 'wised forms for volt ~log omit AMV001410 fart for talislimg roositrammete. wee* Pulp/ 000migtot %Ito aetisa. *sties gas oorrtell. ha bit Minterliallwr made SU not Loa that tit* asititig be allieseara. Estate the astiipa. motion was morriedi.