HomeMy Public PortalAbout2009_07_14_O010 - ZO Art. 2,3,4,7,8,9,11,12,15,17 The Town of Leesburg, Virginia PRESENTED: July 14,2009 ORDINANCE NO.2009-0-0 1 0 ADOPTED: July 14,2009 AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 2 REVIEW AND DECISION MAKING BODIES, ARTICLE 3 REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCEDURES, ARTICLE 4 ZONING DISTRICTS (IN GENERAL), ARTICLE 7 OVERLA Y AND SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 8 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 9 USE REGULATIONS, ARTICLE 11 PARKING, LOADING AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS, ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING, ARTICLE 15 SIGN REGULATIONS AND ARTICLE 17 ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES The Town Council of Leesburg, Virginia, ordains: SECTION I. That the following sections of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Leesburg, Virginia, 2003, as amended, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: 11. Section 2.3.7 Powers and Duties 2.3.7 Powers and Duties The powers and duties of the Board of Architectural Review shall be as follows: 1. Decision Makin!! Authoritv A. Exterior Alterations. Review and decide upon exterior alterations to all structures (including buildings, bridges, signs, fences, walls, and monuments) or sites within the boundaries established by this Zoning Ordinance. B. Demolition. Review and decide upon any proposed demolition within the boundaries of the H-I and H-2 Overlay Districts. C. New Construction. Review and decide upon all proposed new construction within the boundaries established by this Zoning Ordinance. D. Relocation. Review and decide upon any proposed relocation of a structure (including buildings, bridges, signs, fences, walls, and monuments) within the boundaries established by this Zoning Ordinance. E. G. Comprehensive Sign Plans. Review and make recommendations to the Town Council regarding comprehensive sign plans within the boundaries established by this Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with Sec. 15.14 (Comprehensive Signage Plans). -2- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE 2. Advisory Duties A.-B. List. Establish and maintain a list of structures, sites and areas having a special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value. Ii.,.+.; Recommend Designations. Make recommendations to the Town Council regarding the designation of individual sites for inclusion in the H-l Overlay District. or establishment of a new district or landmark site. c...J.: Buffer-yard Modifications. Review afld aeeiae \ipon modifications of buffer- yards in the H-l Overlay District, in accordance with Sec. 12.8.5 (Modification of Screening and Buffer-yard Requirements). 3. Annual Report A. I:-Annual Report. Submit an annual report of its activities and decisions to the Town Council. H. H 1 and H 2 Distriet Signs. Revievv and deeide \ipon signs loeatea in the H 1 and H 2 O'terlay Distriets in aeeordaflee with 15.11 (Signs in the H 1 Overlay Distriet) ana 15.12 (Signs in the H 2 O'terta)' Distriet). I 2. Section 3.1.8 Summary of Procedures The following table provides a summary ofthe procedures in this article. In the event of conflict between this summary table and the detailed procedures in this article, the detailed procedures shall govern: Zoning Ord. Text Amendments r Zoning Map Amendments Special Exceptions molition Permits (BAR) Temporary Use Permits Zoning Permits lats ccupancy Permits Historie Distriet Permits Certificate of A ro riateness Architect. Control Cert. of Approval W,P,N W,P,N W,P <A> <DM> A W,P <DM> A W,P -3- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE Commission Permits (Public I3J2l Pro' ects) L---.J [Yariances -I 3.13 R W,P, N I Administrative Decisions I 3,14 DM W, P, N* I Proffer Appeals ~I 3.15 , DM <A> N PC = Plan. Comm,; BZA = Bd, of Zoning Appeals; BAR = Bd. of Architectural Review; Council = Town Council R = Review Body (Responsible for Review and Recommendation) DM = Decision-Making Body (Responsible for Final Decision to Approve or Deny) A = Authority to hear and decide appeals of Decision-Making Body's action <> = Public Hearing Required *W,P,N notice only on appeal to BZA 13. Section 3.10.1 Applicability Sec. 3.10 ~+-V-t'HtHts ('('rtilicate of Appmp,"iatelll'ss (11-1 OH'day: Old and Historic ~ Distl"ict) 3.10.1 Applicability A Historie District Permit Certificate of Appropriateness shall be required prior to the alteration of any building or structure (defined for the purposes ofthis section as anything man-made, including but not limited to outbuildings, fences, walls, lamp posts, light fixtures, signs, signposts, driveways, walkways and paving) located in the H-I Overlay District and specifically including any of the following activities: ,\. Chaage ia the exterior appeanmee of existiag bl:lildiags or stmetl:lres; B. Demolitioa af aR)' Bl:lildiag or stmetl:lre, ia '.vhale ar ia part; C. Movemeat of lift)' buildiag or stmet1:lre; D. ,A.a)' aew coastruetioa; E. Recoastruetioa of existiag walls aRd feRees, or coastmetioa of aew .valls aad feRces; F. SigRs. G. ChaRge ia the exterior color seheme of struetl:tres. A. Site Improvements. Including but not limited to removal. enlargement. or reconstruction of: driveways. walkways. and other paving: lampposts and landscape lighting: fences and walls: gazebos and pergolas. Not to include plant materials or installation of movable. non-permanent play equipment. B. Exterior Modification of Existing Buildings and Structures. Including. but not limited to: the removal. replacement. or addition of windows. doors. and chimneys: the alteration of porches and decks: the alteration or addition of -4- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE commercial storefronts on existing buildings and changes to exterior paint and color. Not to include routine maintenance as defined in Sec. 7.5.9.A Routine Maintenance Exclusion. C. Additions to Existing Buildings and Structures. Including. but not limited to: the construction of new porches and decks: the expansion of the square footage so that it increases the height or the footprint of the existing structure. D. New Construction. E. Demolition and Relocation of Existing Buildings and Structures. in whole or in part. F. Signs. in accordance with Section 15.14. 14. Section 3.10.2 Required Contents of Applications A. General. When making application for a Historie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness. applicants must submit information for consideration by the Board of Architectural Review, including the following: B. Sign Permits. When making application for an Historie Distriet Sign Permit Certificate of Appropriateness. applicants must submit the following information: 15. Section 3.10.3 Application Filing Deadline and Fee Applications for Historie Distriet Permits Certificate of Appropriateness must be made on forms provided by the Zoning Administrator and must be accompanied by a filing fee in accordance with the latest Schedule of Fees adopted by the Town Council. Complete applications must be submitted at least seventeen (17) days before the scheduled monthly meeting at which the applicant is requesting consideration. 6. Section 3.10.6 Board Action on Applications; Review and Approval Criteria 3.10.6 Board Action on Applications; Review and Approval Criteria In response to applications for Historie Distriet Permits Certificates of Appropriateness, the Board of Architectural Review shall be authorized to approve the application, deny the application or approve the application in modified form. See Sec. 7.5.6 for the Preservation Planner's administrative review authority. -5- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE ,^.. General RevievI aRd ;\pproval Criteria 1. General Criteria. lR eORsideriRg t-8e appreflriateness of aRY aflfllieatioR, the Board of ,^.rehiteetural Review shall eORsider the arehiteetural signifieanee aRd aflflearaRee, hi storie sigRifieaRee, aRd aflpropriateness of the proposed use of the property. 2.Criteria fer ExistiRg BuildiRgs aRd 8tru6tures. IR de6iding UflOR applieatieRs to alter buildiRgs or struetlifes subjeet to the previsions of this seetioR, the Beard of f.rehiteetural RevievI shall eonsider the Certified Loeal GevernmeRt Gram BuildiRg 8urvey desigRatioRs as 'Nell as the eriteria listed iR the H 1 O'/erla-y Distriet DesigR GuideliRes aRd shall eonsider eriteria set forth iR the 8eeretary of the IRterier's 8taRdards far Rehal9ilitatioR Revised 1990, as ameRded. The 8taRdards for R-ehabilitatioR are as follows: 1. ,\ property shall be used for its historie pUf'fJese or be plaeed iR a Re';", use that requires miRimal ehaRge te the defiRiRg eharaeteristies of the buildiRg and its site aRd eRviroRment. 2. The historie eharaeter of a proflerty shall be retaiRed aRd preserved. The removal €If historie materials or alteratioR of features aRd spaees that eharaeterize a flreflerty shall be avoided. 3. Eaeh flroflerty shall be r-e6egnized as a flhysieal reeord of its time, fllaee, and use. ChaRges that ereate a false sense of histerieal de'/eloflment, sU6h as adding eORjeetural features or arehiteetural elements from other buildings, shall not be uRdertakeR. 1. Most properties ehaRge o'/er time; those ehanges that have aequired historic signifiean6e iR their OV/R right shall be retaiRed aRd flreserved. 5. Distinetive features, fiRishes aRd eonstruetion teehRiEJ.ues or examples of eraftsmaRshifl that 6haraeterize a proflerty shall be flreserved. 6. Deteriorated historie features shall be reflaired rather than replaeed. Where the severity of deterieration requires replaeement of a distincti'/e feature, the ne..v feature shall mateh the eld in desigR, eolor, texture, aRd other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Refllaeement of missing features shall be sHbstantiated by doeHmemary, ph-ysieal, or pi6torial evideflee. 7. Chemieal er physi6al treatmeRts, sHeh as sandblasting, that eause damage to hi storie materials shall not be used. The sHrfaee eleaRiRg of strnetures, if approflriate, shall be uRdertaken HsiRg the geRtlest meaRS possible. 8. 8ignifi6ant ar6haeelogieal resourees affeeted by a flrojeet shall be proteeted and preserved. If sueh resourees mHst be distHrbed, mitigation meaSHres shall be Hfldertaken. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related Re'N eonstrHetion shall not destroy hi storie materials that 6harooterize the flroflerty. The flew work shall be differemiated from the eld and shall be eompatible with the massing, size, seale, and arehiteetHral feat1:lres to proteet the historie imegrity of the preflerty and its eRvironmeRt. 10. NeVI additioRS and adjaeent or related flew eonstruetion shall be undertal.en in suea a maRfter that if removed in the fl:ltHre, the essemial form aRd integrity of the hi storie 13reperty aRd its envirenment v/eHld be unimpaired. 11. lR addition to tfle staRdards listed above, the applieation of artifieial siding, inelHding alHmiR1:lm and ':inyl sidings, OR existing bHildings shall not be permitted for any strnet1:lre designated as hi storie by the Certified Loeal -6- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE GO'/ernment Grant B\:lilding S\:lfVey , or f-or any indiyid\:lal historie landmark due to its in8flflrElflriateness, its flotential tEl aamage 'NOEla frame b\:lilaings ana its destruetiEln of the \:lniq\:le eharaeter of wood materials and eraftsmanship. 3. Criteria for New Constrnetion. In deeiding upEln apfllieatiElns fElr ne>,'.' eonstr\:letion, the Boara of .\rehiteet\:lral Review shall take into aeeO\:lnt the eK:teRt to whieh the b\:lilding or struet\:lre V/o\:lld be appropriate or ineongr\:lo\:ls to the H 1 Overlay Distriet as 'Nell as its immediate S\:lITo\:lnaings; and the BElard of .^.rehiteet\:lral Reyiew shall eonsider major design elemeRts, inel\:lding site fllanaiag; massing, flroportion and seale; roof, windows aHd doorways; and all eJ(terior arehiteetlif'81 elemems, inel\:lding materials, eolors, trim and other details. More sfleeifie eriteria fElr aflflrElflriate nevI eonstr\:letion ean be fO\:lod in the H 1 O'/erla)' Design G\:lideliHes. The Board Elf .^.rehiteet\:lral Reyiew shall ameHd the H 1 Overlay Design G\:lideliHes for HEl.'.' eonstmetion as it deems appropriate. 1. Demolition Permit Reyiew and ,^.ppro'/al Criteria. In reyie'lIing demEllition applieations, the Board of f.rehiteet\:lral Reyie'N shall eonsider the followiag: 1 , The designation of the flartie\:llar stmet-\:lre as historie or non historie in the Certified Loeal Government Grant B\:lilding Surveys. 2. The eriteria listed in the H I Overlay Distriet Design Guidelines iaeh:lding the extent to whieh loss of the buildings or struetures would aff-eet the hi storie and arehiteetural eharaeter of sHITounding properties and of the entire H 1 Overlay Distriet; and 3. The ability of the owner to put the subjeet proflerty to reasonable benefieial use. A. The design guidelines upon which approval or denial is to be based are the Old and Historic Design Guidelines. adopted by the Town Council January 27. 2009 and as amended from time to time. and which include the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation as referenced as Appendix A. These guidelines will be used to evaluate all proiects in accordance with Section 3.10.1 Applicability. Except that approval or denial of sign applications in the Old and Historic District are to be based is the Old and Historic District Sign Guidelines dated January 4. 2006 and as amended from time to time. I 7. Section 3.10.8 Form of Decision All decisions of the Board of Architectural Review granting or refusing a Historie Distriet PemHt Certificate of Appropriateness shall be in writing, a copy of which shall be sent to the applicant and a copy filed with the town office. 18. Section 3.10.9 Explanation of Disapproval In the case of denial of a Historie Distriet Permit, Certificate of Appropriateness. the Board of Architectural Review shall state the reasons for such denial in writing and transmit the written statement to the applicant. In the statement, the Board of Architectural Review may make suggestions that would help the applicant in the resubmission of an application. -7- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE 19. Section 3.10.11 Conformance with Permit Required All work performed pursuant to issuance of a Histerie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness shall conform to the approved plans and specifications and to any modifications required by the permit. In the event work is performed not in conformance with the permit, the Zoning Administrator shall notify the responsible person or firm in writing of the violation and shall take the necessary legal steps to ensure that the work is performed in conformance with the permit. 110. Section 3.10.12 Lapse of Approval A Historie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness shall lapse and become void unless construction is commenced within twenty-four (24) months from the date the permit was issued. 111. Section 3.10.13 Change of Plans after Issuance of Permit Any change in the work plan subsequent to the issuance of a Historie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness shall require submittal of a new application and issuance of a new permit except that modifications to approved projects may be administratively approved by the Preservation Planner in accordance with Section 7.5.6.D of the Zoning Ordinance. 12. Section 3.10.7 Board Authority to Seek Outside Advice The Board of Architectural Review may seek technical advice from outside its members on any application. If the Board of Architectural Review seeks outside advice, the Board of Architectural Review shall provide a copy of the consultant's report to the applicant and shall render a decision on the application within BiBet)' (9Q) seventy five (75) days from the date of the first public hearing. that the eomplete applieatioB was filea. 13. Section 4.1.2 Overlay and Special Purpose Districts A. M-C, Medical-Hospital Center (Special Purpose) District B. GC, Government Center (Special Purpose) District C. MA, Municipal Airport (Special Purpose) District D. H-IOverlay. Old and Historic District, Old aad Historie O';erlay District II4.Section 7.5 H-l Overlay, Old and Historic Overlay District 115. Section 7.5.3 Historic District Created, Established A historic conservation district is hereby created within the town as an overlay on the Official Zoning Map under authority of Section 15.2-2306 ofthe Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended, to be known as the H-l Overlay, Old and Historic O',erlay District which includes the original boundaries shown on a map designated "Gray's New Map of Leesburg" drawn from the special surveys in the year 1878 as hereby amended and described as follows: -8- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE 16. Section 7.5.4 Public Meetings Required The Board of Architectural Review shall meet at least once monthly to consider applications for Historie Distriet Permits Certificate of Appropriateness. The meeting of the Board of Architectural Review shall be open to the public and a full and impartial hearing shall be granted to the applicant and to any other interested parties. 17. Section 7.5.5 Historic District Permits Certificate of Appropriateness 7.5.5I1istarie Distriet Permits Certificate of Appropriateness Within the H-l Overlay District, no building or structure (defined for the purposes of this section as anything man-made, including but not limited to outbuildings, fences, walls, lamp posts, light fixtures, signs, signposts, driveways, walkways and paving) shall be altered in any of the following ways unless a HistoTie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness has been issued by the Board of Architectural Review in accordance with the procedures of Section 3.10, or by the Preservation Planner in accordance with Sec. 7.5.6. The regulations below apply to both public and private structures and facilities. ,\. Change in the exterior llflpearanee of existing Buildings or stmetMres; B. DemolitiaB of any building or stmetMre, in 'lo'hole or in part; C. Movement of any buildiBg aT stmeture; D. Any ne',\' eOflstruetion; E. Reeonstmetion af existing v.'alls and f-enees, or eonstruetion of new walls and fenees; afld F. Signs. G. Change in the exterior eolor of a stmet-1:lre. A. Site Improvements. Including but not limited to removal. enlargement. or reconstruction of: driveways. walkways. and other paving: lampposts and landscape lighting: fences and walls: gazebos and pergolas. Not to include plant materials or installation of movable. non-permanent play equipment. B. Exterior Modification of Existing Buildings and Structures. Including. but not limited to: the removal. replacement. or addition of windows. doors. and chimneys: the alteration of porches and decks: the alteration or addition of commercial storefronts on existing buildings and changes to exterior paint and color. Not to include routine maintenance as defined in Sec. 7.5.9.A Routine Maintenance Exclusion. C. Additions to Existing Buildings and Structures. Including. but not limited to: the construction of new porches and decks: the expansion of the square footage so that it increases the height or the footprint of the existing structure. D. New Construction. E. Demolition and Relocation of Existing Buildings and Structures. in whole or in -9- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE part. F. Signs. in accordance with Section 15.14. 18. Section 7.5.6 Administrative Approval of Historic District PermitsCertificate of Appropriateness A. Lighting, Fences, Paving and Color. The Preservation Planner shall have the authority to issue a Histerie Distriet ZORiRg Permit Certificate of Appropriateness for alterations to existing or installation of new lampposts, light fixtures, fences, driveways, residential walkways or changes in existing exterior color schemes. If the Preservation Planner determines the application may not be in conformance with the Old and Historic District Design Guidelines, the application shall be forwarded to the Board for consideration at the applicant's request. B. Signs. The Preservation Planner shall have authority to issue a Historie Distriet Pefffiit Certificate of Appropriateness for applications that request approval for signs that conform to the criteria as established in the in the Old and Historic District Sign Guidelines in the section titled "Administrative Approval Criteria for Signs in the Old and Historic District". In the event the Preservation Planner determines that the sign does not conform to said guidelines the application shall be forwarded to the Board for consideration at the applicant's request. C. Modifications to Existing Structures. The Preservation Planner shall have the authority to issue a Historie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness for the following modifications to existing structures: like-kind replacement of roof materials, the installation of storm windows and doors and the replacement of installation of new shutters. D. Change of Plans after Issuance of Permit. Any change in the approved plans subsequent to the issuance of a Historie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness shall be promptly submitted to the Preservation Planner prior to construction of the modified feature. The Preservation Planner may administratively approve the following modifications: (a) change in the color of brick selected for a project; (b) change in the profile of door and window moldings; ( c) change in the type of siding used in a small area, which does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total area of a building; and (d) change in the style of a door or window. A report of administrative approvals shall be made to the Board of Architectural Review at its next meeting. 119. Section 7.5.8 Demolition Applications A. Board's Authority to Review DemolitioR Permit '^'flfllieatioRsCertificate of Appropriateness for Demolition. No historic landmark, building or structure subject to the provisions of this section shall be demolished until its owner has applied for and received a Historic District Demolition Permit from the Board of Architectural Review pursuant to the procedures of 3.10, except as otherwise expressly provided in Sec. 7.S.8.D. B. Demolition Defined. Any removal of forty percent (40%) or more ofthe total exterior wall or roof surface of any building shall require a Historie Distriet -10- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE DemelitioH Permit Certificate of Appropriateness approved in accordance with the requirements of this section. Any removal of less than forty percent (40%) of the exterior wall or roof surface of a building shall be considered an alteration and requires a Historie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 7.5.5. 120. Section 7.5.11 Violations The enforcement of the provisions of this section shall be the responsibility of the Zoning Administrator or the Zoning Administrator's designee. The Zoning Administrator shall take the necessary legal steps to stop work that is being performed without a Historie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness. Any violation of these regulations is a civil violation as provided in Sec.17.2.2. 121. Section 8.4.8 Open Space Requirement for "Infill" PRN A Planned Residential Neighborhood (PRN) located in an area designated in the Town Plan as "Infill" on Map 6.3 therein shall provide at least fifteen percent (15%) of the land area as public and common open space. In the H-I Overlay. Old and Historic Oyerla-y District this open space requirement can be further reduced by the Land Development Official with the concurrence of the Board of Architectural Review. The Land Development Official shall set forth in writing the reasons for granting such a waiver of the 15% open space requirement. 122. Section 9.6.5 Location No such activity shall be located closer than 200 feet to a residential use except in the H-I Overlay. Old and Historic Overlay District. 123. Section 11.6.2 General A. Overall Internal Circulation Pattern. All off-street parking and loading facilities shall be designed and constructed in a manner so as to provide for adequate circulation within the site and safe and convenient access onto adjoining streets. Among factors to be considered during the review of parking and loading areas shall be the following: number and location of entrances and travel aisles; need for acceleration, deceleration and turning lanes, and other traffic control improvements; the general arrangement and delineation of parking and loading areas; the quality and quantity of landscaping provided; the means of access to buildings for firefighting equipment and emergency vehicles; and the needs of the handicapped. B. Entrances and Exits. Driveway entrances shall be designed to accommodate all vehicle types having occasion to enter the site, including delivery vehicles. There should be not more than one entrance and exit or one combined entrance and exit along any street frontage unless deemed necessary by the Land Development Official in order to alleviate traffic congestion and interference along such street. The width of all entrances and exits to off-street parking and loading areas shall comply with the requirements of the Design -11- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE and Construction Standards Manual, except that the Land Development Official may authorize a narrower driveway entrance/exit width for parking and loading areas within the H-I Overlay, Old and Historic District when: 1. The Director of Engineering and Public Works verifies in writing that a narrower driveway entrance/exit is acceptable based on adequate sight distance and vehicle turning movement requirements in the particular case. 2. Sufficient turning space is provided so that vehicles need not back into a public street. C. Relationship of Off-Street Parking and Loading Areas to Public Rights-of-Way. In no event shall parking or loading areas be provided in a manner that requires vehicles to back out into the public rights-of-way, or that requires vehicles to enter or exit a site in a manner which would require them to make an unlawful maneuver within the public right-of-way. This requirement does not apply to areas consisting of driveways serving single-family detached, or duplex dwellings, although direct access onto arterial roadways is discouraged. D. Pavement Requirements for Residential and Commercial Travel Ways and Spaces. Unless otherwise expressly exempt under the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance, all of street parking and loading areas including aisles and entrances, shall be paved with durable dust-free hard surface, except as may be specifically authorized within the IOO-year floodplain. Residential driveways shall be paved at least twenty feet (20') back from any public sidewalk or driveway apron. Beyond twenty feet alternate materials such as gravel, grasscrete or brick pavers that are designed to be driven upon may be used. Individual parking spaces shall be paved; provided however, that a two-foot section of the standard 18-foot commercial parking space may be unpaved if the area is landscaped and a raised curb stop is installed so that the front two feet of the vehicle may overhang the landscaped area. Off-street parking areas associated with public parks, open space areas and driveways for designated historic landmarks and within the H-I Overlay, Old and Historic District shall be eligible for a waiver from the pavement requirements of this section. The applicant must request the waiver in a letter attached to the application. To grant a waiver or modification the Zoning Administrator must determine that actual pavement is not necessary in the particular case. The Zoning Administrator Land Development Official shall set forth in writing the reasons for such determination. E. Curb and Gutter. Curb and gutter shall be installed where deemed necessary by the Land Development Official, within off-street parking and loading areas in order to manage storm drainage, channelize traffic, protect buildings and landscaping areas, and separate pedestrian and vehicular circulation areas. F. Sidewalks and Pedestrian Facilities. Sidewalks shall be provided on-site, as necessary to protect pedestrians and promote the safe and efficient movement of pedestrian and vehicular movement. Sidewalks shall have a minimum unobstructed width of five (5) feet. Sidewalks which are constructed to a six-foot width and directly abut the front of a parking or loading space may include two (2) feet of the sidewalk width when determining the length of the parking or loading space. In the case ofa block containing a partial sidewalk, the width of the existing sidewalk may be continued for the remainder ofthe block length so long as ADA requirements are met. New sidewalks within a historic district or serving a historic district will be reviewed to mitigate potential impact on the historic resource or historic streetscape. -12- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE In those cases outside of the H-l Overlay. Old and Historic District where the applicant can properly demonstrate that a sidewalk four (4) feet in width that meets ADA minimum requirements can adequately and safely accommodate pedestrian traffic, the Zoning Administrator may modify the five-foot width requirement. Any modification request shall be made in writing to the Zoning Administrator with adequate information testifying to the nature of the existing block or sidewalk and evidence justifying the modification sought. The Zoning Administrator shall set forth in writing the grant of modification with reasons for such determination. G. Delineation of Parking and Loading Spaces; Traffic Control Signs. All parking and loading spaces shall be marked by durable painted lines or curbs extending the length of the space. Signs or pavement marking shall be utilized, as necessary, to ensure safe traffic operation and to identify designated handicapped parking spaces and off-street loading spaces. H. Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking and loading areas shall be arranged, installed and maintained in order to deflect, shade and focus lights away from adjacent public or private properties. Modifications to installed lighting may be required by the Zoning Administrator upon determination that the lighting constitutes a hazard or a nuisance. I. Setbacks, Screening and Landscaping. All parking and loading areas shall comply with the setback, screening and landscaping requirements of Article 12. J. Emergency and Public Vehicle Access. Parking and loading areas shall be designed so that emergency, public service and refuse collection vehicles can serve the development without the necessity of backing unreasonable distances or making other dangerous or hazardous turning movements. K. Front Yard Parking Areas No front yard paved surface used for parking shall exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the size of the front yard of the lot. This provision shall not apply to (1) any lot improved with a single-family attached dwelling; or (2) any lot with an existing lot width offorty-five (45) feet or less; or (3) any lot in the H-l Overlay. Old and Historic Overlay District. 24. Section 12.8.5 Modification of Screening and Buffer-Yard Requirements A. Properties in the H-I Overlay. Old and Historic District. Buffer-yards may be reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the Land Development Official for site plans or subdivisions in the H-l Overlay. Old and Historic District. An opaque screen accomplished through the construction of architectural features, walls or the planting of vegetative materials may be required as a substitute for all or a portion of the required buffer-yard. The Board of Architectural Review must approve these screens. Any such modification issued by the Land Development Official shall be in writing and shall set forth the reasons for granting the modification. B. Usable Lot Area. Where the strict provisions of this article would reduce the usable area of a lot due to lot configuration or to a point which would preclude a reasonable use of the lot, screening and buffer yard requirements may be waived or modified by the Land Development Official where the side of a building, a barrier and/or the land between the building and the property line -13- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE has been specifically designed to minimize the adverse impact through a combination of architectural and landscaping techniques. C. Special Design. Screening and buffer yard requirements may be waived or modified by the Land Development Official where the side of a building, a barrier and/or the land between that building and the property line has been specifically designed to minimize the adverse impact through a combination of architectural and landscaping techniques. D. Construction of Walls. Screening and buffer-yard requirements may be reduced by up to one-third (1/3) where the developer constructs a six (6) foot high brick or stone wall if the Land Development Official finds the intent of the screening and buffer-yard regulations is better served by inclusion of the wall. The Land Development Official shall set forth in writing the reasons for such determination. E. Combined Site Plan. The Land Development Official may modify or reduce the requirements for screening and buffer-yards when the adjoining land uses are developed under a combined site plan. F. Special Exceptions. All uses allowed by special exception in a given district shall be required to provide buffer yards using the Section 12.8.3. Screening and Buffer Yard Matrix and Section 12.8.5.B. Useable Lot Area; C. Special Design; D. Construction of Walls; and applicable sections of the Town Plan as guides. The Town Council, as part of the special exception approval, may modify the screening and buffer yard accept for properties located within the H-I0verlay. Old and Historic O'/erlay District. Any such modification shall insure that adequate screening and buffering are provided to mitigate potential adverse impacts on adjacent properties associated with the special exception use. 25. Section 15.11.1 Historic District Zoning Permit Certificate of Appropriateness Required New signs or changes in text, color or composition to an existing permanent sign within the H-I Historic District require the approval of a Historie Distriet ZOBiflg Permit Certificate of Appropriateness by either the Board of Architectural Review in accordance with Sec. 7.5.5. Historie Distriet Permits Certificate of Appropriateness, or the Preservation Planner in accordance with Sec. 7.5.6 Administrative Approval ofHisterie Distriet Permits Certificate of Appropriateness and the issuance of a sign permit by the Zoning Administrator. I 26. Section 17.2.2 Civil Violations and Penalties A. The violation of any of the following ordinance provisions shall constitute a civil violation: I.Zoning Permit (Sec. 3.7); 2. Fences and Walls (Sec. 10A.5.C.6); 3.Application for Occupancy Permit (Sec. 3.9); 4.Historie Distriet Permit Certificate of Appropriateness (Sec. 7.5.5); -14- ORDINANCE: AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE LEESBURG ZONING ORDINANCE 5.Certificate of Approval (Sec. 7.6.4); 6.Sign Permit (Sec. 15.2); 7. Historie Distriet Certificate of Appropriateness Sign Permit: (Sec. 15.11.1) SECTION II. All prior ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION III. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision of this ordinance invalid, the decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any remaining provisions of the zoning ordinance. PASSED this 14th day of July 2009. ~ Qj:;~ . . Ums ttd, Mayor ( Town of Leesburg ATTEST: BAR 20 consistency Ordinance