HomeMy Public PortalAbout2009_08_11_O-12 - Setting Utility Rates:., I }te `i~oti?rt ra•f Y ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ PRI,SENTED: Aust 1 }.2(}4}9 C}RDINANGE NO: 24709-0-{7I2 ADOP"I'EI7: August 1 } 2049 AN CJRDINANCE; `I'O AMEND (IN Pt1RT} AND REt?ItDAIN GIIAP"1'LR ~4, ARTICLE I {I2ESE~~iF,D}, t112TlehF II (V1aATER SYSTEM}, AND ARTICLE III:. (SEWERS AND SEIATAGE DISPOSAL), FORMERLY CHAPTER I9 (WATER] AND CIIAPTF,R 15 {SEt~jERS ,<~N1C7 SEWi~G}s DISP43SAL} AND "fIIE FEES; RATES, AND CILARCiES AS REFi1RENCEI) 1N CHr1P`FEI2 3rl C?F TIIE CODE OF `I'HEi TOWN OF LEESBt1RG GVIIEREAS, floe Town Council of the "1`ativn of Leesburgstates the fallowing as its: Rifcita}s ant} find}ngs; Rl: the Circuit Court of LQUdoun Count} enured a Finial Order iir the case styles! ~iardano v Town of l.eesburty (the "Ui~t•i~aaaa Action") drat held that the rate: provisions aF the Tai~~h Counei~ts 2005 Rate Orditiatrce were utu~easohab}e and invalid. R2. The Town Council was'not a part} to the Grr~rdarao tlefiorz. R3. `Elie Totivn has appealed tare decision of the Circuit Court to the Supreme Court of Virginia hr the Gzoa•dann Actiaaa, The Circuit Caurt'lenied then "T'own's xirotian tct suspend the judgment pending the appca}. R~. Torn Council adopts this Ordinance to 'camp}y with the renttiretneuts of the Circtut: Ccaitt~'s Finai Order iti the Giozr7craao Actt~n applicable to t}xe Totivn and subject to the: Towix's Appe11. T'he Ctxunail is adapting tlxe rates.: "under protest" as I'ailttrc to do so could resu}t iti the `I`owia beiaxg found in contempt of the Latzdoun Cotiuty Circuit Cotart Order. R5. The'Girauit Oourt's Final Order does not ~xreclttde the Tawn'fiotu establishing differing rates that are: objectively reasonable, }ax~~fuL and consistent. with the findings of thee: Circuit Cottrt. R6_ Tho Court used the "C7tility Rite Metliad" as propounded b}~ tlxe conxplainants in dete;i?nining what the ~out2 believed to beta "fah• and reasonable" rate.. R'1. 'I'he'potivn retahxcd engineering a9nsuhantDraper-Aden to candnct wa#er and wastewater cost iaf service analysis ['or the period aF FY 2010. RS. Tlxe'current user rate set Forth in'the 2t705 Rate Ordinance t~erc not calculated taased on the lJtilit}~ Rate Method ordered Uy the Cucuii Court of Lottdoun County. R9, Draper-Aden. 3ras advised ilae 'TovG~n that the Utility Rate Method is riot an appropriate metluxd to use in ftxialg the Tov~~it's water arrd wastevvater~ users rates. Draper-Aden has. 965~lat282')597ui :. -2- AN ORDINANCE: TO AMEND (IN PART) AND REORDAIN CHAPTER 34, ARTICLE I (RESERVED), ARTICLE II (WATER SYSTEM), AND ARTICLE III (SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL), FORMERLY CHAPTER 19 (WATER) AND CHAPTER IS (SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL) AND THE FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES AS REFERENCED IN CHAPTER 34 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF LEESBURG advised the Town Council that the "Cash Needs Me[hod" is the best and most appropriate method for calculating water and wastewater user rates. R10. Draper-Aden has advised the Town Council that using the Utility Rate Method as ordered by the Circuit Court will cause. significant rate disruption in future years. Rl 1. Based on a1Lof the information available to the Town Council, the Town Council has concluded that the Town cannot use the Utility Rate Method as ordered by the Loudoun County Circuit Court over a period of years to fix reasonable water and wastewater rates. RI2. The Town Council has concluded thatthe Cash Needs Method or an alternative Utility Rate Method will result in a more reasonable and fair rate and rate .structure for all customers of the Town's utility systems. R13. The Town Council has concluded that a user surcharge for out of town customers is valid and reasonable and reflects the "owner's risk" of the Town with respect to the cost of financing, constructing, operating and maintaining the Town's utility systems, higher service costs and other factors. R14. The Town Council believes that the Circuit Court has ordered the Town to adopt a rate sturucture based on the inappropriate Utility Rate Method. R15. The Town .Council thinks that the Code of Virginia .grants .the. Town .Council the legislative discretion infixing water and wastewater rates, for fixing suchxates based on a reasonable calculation method :including the Cash Needs Method, and to fix a user surcharge for out of town customers as may be determined reasonable in the legislative discretion of the Town Council. " R16. The Town Council anticipates reconsidering and revising the rate structure based on the decision and ruling of the.Supreme .Court of Virginia in the Giordano Action including the reinstatement of a reasonable rate structure based on the Cash Needs Method and including an out of town user surcharge to be determined by the Town Council. R17. The Town of Leesburg is committed to fair. and equitable user rates for water and sewer services. R18. The amendment of the Town's Cross-Connection and Backflow Prevention Control Program, Chapter 34, Division 3 of the Town Code, is required to achieve compliance with the Virginia Department of Health Regulations. P:\Ordinances\2009\0811 Utilities.doc 8/122009 -3- AN ORDINANCE: TO AMEND (IN PART) AND REORDAIN CHAPTER 34, ARTICLE I (RESERVED), ARTICLE II (WATER SYSTEM), AND ARTICLE III (SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL), FORMERLY CHAPTER 19 (WATER) AND CHAPTER IS (SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL) AND THE FEES, RATES, AND CHARGES AS REFERENCED IN CHAPTER 34 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF LEESBURG R19. The amended Cross-Connection and Backflow Prevention Control Program shall be incorporated by reference and made apart of the ordinance below, as if fully set out in the Code. R20.. The amended Sewer Use Regulations ace renamed from the previously known Sewer Use Ordinance. R21. The Drought Response Plan is renamed and shall be incorporated by reference and made apart of the ordinance below, as if fully set out in the Code. R22. The Town Council conducted public work sessions and hearings on July 13, July 14, July 28, August 10, and August 11,2009 with respect to the proposed amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Leesburg as follows: 1. Amendments to Chapter 34. Chapter 34 of the Town of Leesburg Code ("Utilities"), as amended, is hereby amended to read as shown in Attachment "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. Rate Schedule. (a) The Town Council adopts the rate schedule set. forth. in Attachment "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein. (b) The Town Council adopts this rate schedule to comply with the requirements of the Circuit Court's Final Order in the Giordano Action. (c) The Town Council anticipates reconsidering and revising the rate structure based on the decision and .ruling of he Supreme Court of Virginia in the Giordano Action, including the reinstatement of a reasonablerate shuctw•e based on the Cash Needs Method and including an out-of--town user surcharge. to be determined. by the Town Council 3. Repeal. Chapter 34, Articles III Sec. 34-89 tluough 34-97 are hereby repealed. 4. Cross-Connection and Backflow. The Town Council hereby adopts the cross- connection and backflow prevention control program as set forth in Attachment "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein. PaOrdinances\2009\0811 Utilities.doc 8/12/2009 ~1- AN t}RIJINtINCE: Tt? AMF,I~TD (IN PART} 11~D REC}RDA1lla ~ITAPTI3I3, ~4, ARTICLE I (12ESE12VEI7}, ARTICLE II (MATER S1rSTEM}, AIvD ARTICLE III {SEWERS AND SIwAGE DISPQSAL}, FL?RMt3RLY CHANTER 19 {'4~jATER} ANI~ cx~PTER is tsEti~~ERS Ar~D sEwAGE DISP~sAI,} r1ND T1IE FF,E;S; RATES,. AI~kD CHARGES AS REEEI2ENCED IN CHAPTER 34 {}F'THE CODE (JF TIME Tt?wN GF LEESI3[IRG 5; Sewer L7se Re~ulatians; The Tt~ivn Cauticil hecehy adopts the sower use regulations as set Earth ri Attachment "D":attached het•eto and incorporated herein. 6. i~ronglit Re~c!rse Plan. The `l'awn Cciuncil haieby adtijats the drought response plan: as set forth in attaclinent "E":attached and irrcocporated herein. 7. Incorpaiatian of Rentals by Reference. Tlie Town Crauncil hereby incorporates the Recitals set forth abt}ve as par~Yof #his t~dinance. 8. Severability, h is the inteattian of the Tolvn Council that the sections, paragraphs; sei~tenoes, elatises and phrases of this Otdinance are scverabte; and if atay phrase; clause, sentence, paragraph or section o€ this {~rdiuanca shalt be declared itticanstitutional oi• invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a eanrt of competent. jurisdictiati, such uncoils€ittrtiorialit}' ar invalidity shall na# affect any of the i~emainiu~ phrases; clauses; sentences, para#;raphs aiitl secticrtas of this (}rdirtance. 9. E"ffectt~e Date. This C7rdiirtnce shalt hecatue effective upon the date anti at the tituc taf its final adoption and shall retrain in affect itiltil repeaied. 'I'IiiS C}rdinanee shall be in effect for• billings tiller Sep#etnbar 1, 2x01; Artieie Ill, Section 3~t-155, as atnendedx shah be effective January 1, 261.0 and 3~1-155 slat#II remain ~s ordained until Jatiaary 1, 20l' 0, 10: Reconsideration of 2005. Rates. A successfaal result for the Tovun of Leesburg ire the Snprente Catu•t may. reinstate ttie 2005 Late ordinance. In the want tlto Suprernic Court reveises andloi• vacates the decision afthe Circuit Court of Loudoun County, the Council anticipates cansictering Elie rate issues as presarsted at that time: as a t•csttlt of the Supreri3e Court's waling:. PASSED this h,Ijt' day afAu zust;20(79. ~.~ tI~rrstet C. U tsfattd, Ma}rar ~' Clerk afC~t>ueil P':1C}rdina~ices120D9i08rt UtilitieSS(oC S112t36D4 Attachment A ARTICLE II. WATER SYSTEM* *State law references: Authority of town to acquire, establish, maintain and operate waterworks, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-2109. DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Charaes mean other costs as established by town council. unit. Rate means amounts established by town council for consumption and use of public water supply system. Sec 34-19 Adequate supply required for buildings. su I . Sec.34-18. Definition. (1) By connection to a public water supply system; or (c) Connection to the town water supply is required in the following instances: Editor's note• Water connections for mobile offices, S 18-8. Sec. 34-20. Rules and regulations. (a) Rules and regulations as are necessary and reasonable for the proper operation of the water system may be promulgated by the town manager. (b) The provisions of this article and any rules and regulations adopted as provided herein shall be a part of the contract with every consumer supplied with water by the water system and every such consumer shall be considered to have expressed his consent to such rules and regulations. (Code 1976, § 19-2; Ord. No. 77-0-8, § 1, 6-8-1977) Sec. 34-21. Unauthorized sale of water. No person shall sell water from the waier system to another person unless authorized by town manager or his designee for any purpose, but this section shall not be construed to prohibit the payment of water charges by one person for the benefit of another. (Code 1976, § 19-3; Ord. No. 77-0-8, § 1, 6-8-1977) Sec. 34-22. Damage or obstruction; cross connections; unauthorized connections. tam No person shall obstruct the water system. No person shall make any connection to tap or draw water from the water system without first having received the permits to do so required in this article. (Code 1976, § 19-4; Ord. No. 77-0-8, § 1, 6-8-1977) Sec. 34-23. Water supply, prohibited use, etc. (a) No consumer shall draw water from the water system in amounts in excess of what can be provided by the water system without limitation of or restriction of other consumers: use. (b) Because variable conditions may arise in the operation and maintenance of the water system, the supply of water to consumers is without guarantee of a fixed quantity, quality, purity or temperature. (c) Water supply through the town's water mains may be shut off without notice to consumers due to i# breaks in mains, pumping equipment breakdown, reservoir, failure, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, cleaning, extending or tapping of mains requires, and no claims for damages of any nature whatsoever arising from such action will be paid. (d) The drought assessment and water supply response plan, as may be amended from time to time, is hereby incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this article. (Code 1976, § 19-5; Ord. No. 77-0-8, § 1, 6-8-1977; Ord. No. 2008-0-08, §§ I--III, 4-8-2008) Sec. 34-24. Compliance with specifications and regulations for construction of mains and appurtenances. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail, neglect or refuse to comply with those specifications and requirements for the construction of public water mains and appurtenances on file in the office of the town manager. (Code 1963, § 25-11; Code 1976, § 19-17) Sec. 34-25. Approval of extensions. (a) No extension of the town waterworks shall be made for the purpose of serving users located within or without the town, except upon the approval of such extension by the town council. Any person desiring such an extension shall make application to the town council for the approval thereof. Such application for approval shall be filed with the town manager and shall be accompanied by plans and specifications which meet the standards of the town. (b) The approval of an extension of the town waterworks shall be conditioned as follows: (1) The waterworks shall be installed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the town council, and in accordance with the officially adopted sewer and water extension and connection charge policy. (2) The applicant has secured such easements or fee simple title, free of defects, as are necessary, prior to construction, and upon completion, will convey, by appropriate instrument, the completed system, easements and fee simple title to the town free of costs. (3) Water service connections to lots served by the extension shall be available only when not restricted by the state health department. (4) The extension shall be completed in accordance with town subdivision and land (Code 1963, §§ 25-12--25-15; Code 1976, § 19-18; Ord. No. 78-0-3, § 1, 1-25-1978) Sec. 34-26. Permit to uncover lines, make connections, etc. No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with, use, alter or disturb any public waterline or meter crock taex and appurtenances or use, alter, disturb or molest any meter crock assembly, valve;-sestF pipe or other property of the town waterworks without first obtaining a written permit from the town manager. (Code 1963, § 25-3; Code 1976, § 19-19) Sec. 34-27. Form of application for extension permit. The application for a permit to extend the town water works shall be in a form approved by the town council by resolution. (Code 1963, §§ 25-16, 25-16.7; Code 1976, § 19-20; Ord. No. 82-0-35, § 1, 10-13-1982) Sec. 34-28. Connection fee. Before any person connects with or withdraws water from the town system, a fee for fhe connection permit issued under sections 34-26 and 34-27 shall be paid in amounts established by the town council. Connection permit fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of a zoning permit. (Code 1963, §§ 25-4, 25-5; Code 1976, § 19-21; Ord. No. 78-0-20, § 1, 7-26-1978; Ord. No. 91- 0-46, § 2, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 2, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 2001-07-7, § I, 5-8-2001; Ord. No. 2001-0-11, § II, 7-24-2001) Sec. 34-29. Availability charges for water service. (a) Before any person connects wish or withdraws water from the town water system or extends water use on any premises to any additional dwelling, nonresidential, commercial or industrial use, a water service availability fee shall be paid in amounts provided below in addition to fees prescribed in sections 34-28. and-34-1-25: (b) The water connection and water service availability fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of a zoning permit or, where no zoning permit is required, before extension of water service to any new or additional use on the premises, provided however that in the event the availability fee per connection is in excess of $10,000.00, the amount owed exceeding $10,000.00 may be paid in installments pursuant to a contract that has been approved by the town manager. Such contract shall provide for not more than 24 monthly installments and shall provide for interest to be paid on the unpaid balance at the legal judgment rate or six percent per annum, whichever is greater. Surety to the satisfaction of the town manager shall be required. The unpaid principal may be paid in full without penalty at any time. If any installment is not paid when due, the entire remaining balance shall be immediately due and payable. The town manager shall discontinue water service to premises for which the fees required in this article remain unpaid for ten days from the date of notice of the amount of such fees to the owner. Should the water service (c) The abandonment or discontinuance of a water system or the reduction of water system use does not entitle any person to refund of fees paid. (d) The fees provided in this section shall not apply to single-family dwellings existing within the town on June 10, 1970, and which are continued in single-family residential use after connection to the water system. (e) Water system availability rates fees shall be as established by the town council. Fees shall be calculated upon the rates set by the town council. (f) When applicable, public facility fees and charges shall be determined by the town manager based on accepted engineering standards for water supply. The town council shall hear and decide appeals from determinaiions of fees by the town manager. (g) If any person enlarges a structure or extends the use of the town water system to any new or additional use on a premises, an nenresideatia~availability fee shall be paid for the additional use, whether or not a new or enlarged connection is required. This subsection shall not apply to the adaptive reuse of an existing structure within the town's H-1 historic district which is served by an adequate water service connection. (Code 1963, §§ 25-7.1, 25-16.1; Code 1976, § 19-23; Ord. of 9-24-1975; Ord. No. 79-0-5, § 1, 3-14-1979; Ord. No. 81-0-6, § 1, 3-25-1981; Ord. No. 84-0-39, § 1, 8-22-1984; Ord. No. 88-0- 22, § II, 6-22-1988; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 2, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 92-0-17, § 1, 6-23-1993; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 2, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 95-0-14, § 2, 5-23-1995; Ord. No. 97-0-16, 5-27-1997; Ord. No. 2001-0-7, § II, 5-8-2001; Ord. No. 2003-0-03, 2-25-2003; Ord. No. 2006-0-66, § II, 10- 11-2006) Sec. 34-30. Fees for water conveyance facilities. (a} When the town council from time to time finds and declares by resolution that all or part of the actual cost incurred by the town including interest for constructing specific water conveyance facilities shall be paid on a pro rata basis under the terms of this section, a benefited property owner or developer shall pay the fees established herein at such lime as connections are made directly or indirectly to the facilities. The resolution shall apportion the total cost of the facility on a pro rata basis between the town, in the event the facility is partly of general benefit to water system users, and future users based on established engineering estimates of water flows in gallons per day. The resolution shall further establish the amount of interest to be added to the total cost of the facilities from time of the installation to the iime the charge is paid by the property owner or developer. (b) The town manager shall maintain for public inspection a record in map or other form of facilities subject to the fees provided herein. (c) The fees prescribed herein shall be paid to the town at the time of prier-te~he issuance of a public facility permit. (Code 1963, §§ 25-7.2, 25-16.1; Code 1976, § 19-24; Ord. No. 83-0-26, § 1, 7-27-1983) Sec. 34-31. Standard connection to be made by town. Standard water connections to its waterworks shall be made by the town or its designee at the expense of the applicant and shall include tapping the main trunk waterline, extending a standard three-quaver one-inch service line across a public way to the property of the applicant abutting on such public way and furnishing, installing and connecting a standard three-quaker five eighths-inch water meter. (Code 1963, § 25-8; Code 1976, § 19-25) Sec. 34-32. Connections larger than standard made at expense of applicant. Water connections requiring service lines and appurtenances larger than the standard connection and appurtenances shall be made at the expense of the applicant. Laraer than standard connections shall be determined by the tvpe of use and applicable engineering standards. (Code 1963, § 25-9; Code 1976, § 19-26) Sec. 34-33. Connection of internal fire protection systems. The owner or installer of approved internal fire protection system; such as sprinkler systems, shall have the right, at his own expense and subject to the supervision and prior approval of the plans and specifications of the installation by the sown, to connect to the town water mains wherever such mains are situated, witheu~payment of a any connection fees to to the town water system or for use of the town's water, when required for the testing or operation of such fire protection system. (Code 1963, § 25-10; Code 1976, § 19-27) Sec. 34-34. Separate meters required; exceptions. A separate water meter shall be required for each connection to serve each dwelling, building, business unit, structure, mobile home and swimming pool; provided that permission may be given to a property owner, in writing, by the town manager to connect to one meter a building containing apartment units; or condominiums. (Code 1963, § 25-9.1; Code 1976, § 19-28) Sec. 34-35. Ownership, inspection, etc., of meters. Water meters are the property of the town and at alt times subject to its control and inspection. Where any meter is located on any private property, building or premises, the agents of the town may enter into or upon such private property, building or premises, at ail reasonable hours, for the purpose of inspection, repairing, replacing or removing such meter or of taking meter reading. (Code 1963, § 25-29; Code 1976, § 19-29) Sec. 34-36. Renewal or repair of meter at expense of property owner or occupant. Any water meter damaged injured-from any cause directly or indirectly attributable to the negligence-ef~he owner or occupant of the premises shall be renewed or repaired by the town at the expense of the owner or occupant in question. (Code 1963, § 25-30; Code 1976, § 19-30) Sec. 34-37. Refund of water availability fees. (a) All paid water and-sewer availability fees which have been paid for open the issuance of the public facility permit (receipt) shall attach to and run with the parcel. Paid fees cannot be transferred to another parcel/lot. (b) In circumstances where the fee simple owner of such parcel/lot as set forth in the land records of the county decides determines not to develop the parcel/lot, a refund of the water and--sewer availability fees may be issued if the following conditions are met: (1) Refunds will only be issued to the fee simple owner of the parcelllot as set forth in the land records of the county at the time of the payment of availability fees. re#aad-request: (2) Refund requests are to be made in writing to the town manager by such fee simple owner of the parcelllot. The original public facility permit (receipt) must accompany the request or documentation satisfactory to the town manager that the water and sewer availability fees for the parcel/lot have been paid must be submitted. (3) Any valid zoning permits issued for the parcel/lot shall become null and void at the time of issuance of a refund of the availability fees for the parcelllot. Fees associated with the review and issuance of the zoning permit are nonrefundable. (4) For the purpose of administering this chapter, when a parcelllot is duly transferred in the land records of the county, any fee paid on the public facilities permit (receipt) for that lot shall continue to be assigned to the parcelllot. (5) No interest shall be accrued on any refunds. (Code 1976, § 19-31; Ord. No. 95-0-7, § 1, 3-28-1995) Sec 34-38 Duty of owner of building to bear cost of installation and indemnify town. (a) (b) The property owner is responsible for the supply line. (c) The Town will maintain the service line. Secs.34-3840--34-56. Reserved. DIVISION 2. USER AND SERVICE CHARGES* *State law references: Authority to charge and collect compensation for water furnished, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-2111. Sec 34-39 Cross connection and backflow prevention control program Sec.34-57. Generally. Rates and fees for the use of the public waterworks of the town shall be as provided in this division. (Code 1963, § 25-17; Code 1976, § 19-42) Sec. 34-58. Deposit for new accounts. (a) The finance director shall require of all new water accounts that serve residences, nonresidential, and heavy-commercial users, a cash deposit in the amount established by the town council. (b) The deposit will be refunded, without interest after 12 consecutive billing periods during which no more than one past due notice has been issued or when service has been discontinued, after deducting any charges due on final settlement of the customer's account. (Code 1963, § 25-25.1; Code 1976, § 19-43; Ord. of 3-26-1975; Ord. No. 86-0-25, 6-11-1986; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 2, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 2, 5-9-1995) Sec. 34-59. Service charge for new accounts. A service charge in the amount established by the town council shall be paid for all new water accounts. (Code 1963, § 25-25.2; Code 1976, § 19-44; Ord. No. 84-0-33, § 3, 7-25-1984) Sec. 34-50. Rates established. (a) The charge for use of water from the town water system shall be based on quarterly meter readings taken to the nearest 1,000 gallons at the rates established by the town council. (b) If metered water consumption during any quarter other than the designated winter quarter shall exceed, winter quarter water consumption by 35 percent, then the rate shall be increased by 45 36 percent for the affected quarter. (Code 1976, § 19-45; Ord. No. 78-0-16, § 1, 6-28-1978; Ord. No. 82-0-31, § 1, 8-25-1982; Ord. No. 83-0-35, § 1, 11-9-1983; Ord. No. 86-0-25, 6-11-1986; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 2, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 92-0-17, § 1, 6-23-1992; Ord. No. 93-0-14, § 1, 4-27-1993; Ord. No. 94-0-11, § 1, 4- 28-1994; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 2, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 98-0-1, §§ III, IV, 1-27-1998; Ord. No. 2005- 0-17, § V, 12-13-2005) Sec. 34-61. Fixed charge per quarter. When a connection has been made to the town water system, the fixed charge per quarter for use of the water system shall be based upon the size of the water meter used to serve the customer and said fixed charge per quarter shall be as established by the town council. (Code 1976, § 19-46; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 2, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 2005-0-17, § VI, 12-13-2005) Sec. 34-52. Rate for water drawn at public meter. The charge for each purchase of water drawn at the public meter at the water treaimeni plant shall be as established by the town council. (Code 1963, § 25-25; Code 1976, § 19-47; Ord. No. 78-0-16, § 1, 6-28-1978; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 2, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 92-0-17, § 1, 6-23-1992; Ord. No. 93-0-14, § 1, 4-27-1993; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 2, 5-9-1995) Sec. 34-63. Lower charge for certain elderly or totally and permanently disabled homeowners. The charge for use of the water system to elderly or totally and permanently disabled residents at their principal dwelling who annually qualify for full exemption of county and town real estate taxes under section 20-23 (Tax Relief for the Elderly and Totally and Permanently Disabled) shall be 75 percent of the established rate for premises inside and outside the town. (Code 1976, § 19-47; Ord. No. 78-0-17, § 2, 6-28-1978; Ord. No. 2001-0-12, § Il, 7-24-2001) Sec. 34-64. Rates apply to each meter; each meter to be separate account. The water rates prescribed in this division shall apply to each separate water meter and each meter shall be considered as a separate water account. (Code 1963, § 25-18; Code 1976, § 19-48) Sec. 34-65. Estimates of water consumption when meter fails. if at any time a water meter shall be found to have been tampered with or, for any reason, a meter shall fail to register or shall be found defective in registering since the last previous reading, the water consumption for such period may be estimated from other similar meters and the average of such readings through the same period or taken from past readings or from similar connections. (Code 1963, § 25-31; Code 1976, § 19-49) Sec. 34-66. Meters read and bills rendered quarterly. Each water meter shall be read quarterly and bills for the water used shall be rendered quarterly. (Code 1963, §§ 25-19, 25-32; Code 1976, § 19-50) Sec. 34-67. Bills to be a charge against user; exception. All bills for the use of water shall be a charge against the user; provided chat, where water is supplied to more than one owner, family, occupant or user through asingle-service pipeline on which there is only one meter, the owner of the property through which such service pipeline first passes shall be charged for all water passing through such meter. (Code 1963, § 25-20; Code 1976, § 19-51) Sec. 34-68. Adjustment of bill for underground leaks. When a leak develops in an underground water pipe between a water meter and a premises and the property owner or tenant cannot, by the use of ordinary diligence, discover such leak, the town finance director may adjust the water bill of the user at such location. The policy reaardina adjustment of accounts shall be . No credit shall be allowed after ten days from the date the property owner or tenant user has knowledge of such leak. (Code 1963, § 25-28; Code 1976, § 19-52) Sec. 34.69. When due and payable; notice, late payment penalty and second billing to delinquent accounts; discontinuance of service to delinquent accounts. Water bills are due and payable within 30 days from the date of billing. Any billing that remains unpaid after 30 days is subject to a ten percent late payment penalty and six percent interest which amounts will be added to the total amount due and payable. A fiinal-notice shall be mailed, together with a second billing, which will include the late payment penalty and interest at the end of 30 days from the date of billing, and water service will be discontinued if not paid in full within ten days from the date of such notice. When service is so discontinued, a fee for the resumption of service in the amount established by the town council shall be charged. (Code 1963, §§ 25-26, 25-27; Code 1976, § 19-53; Ord. of 3-12-1975; Ord. No. 91-0-48, § 2, 10-9-1991) Sec. 34-70. Delinquent charges as lien. (a) There shall be a lien upon the real estate for the amount of any rates, fees and ocher charges for water services rendered by the town to such real estate, from and after the time the bill therefore becomes delinquent. A delinquent bill, under this section, shall be defined as any bill that has not been paid within ten days from the finat-notice given pursuant to section 34-69. (b) The finance director shall certify to the clerk of the appropriate sirsuit--court for the county the amount of delinquent water charges, penalties and interest together with the fee to be paid for each entry on the judgment records by the clerk. (Code 1963, § 25-27.1; Code 1976, § 19-54) State law references: Lien for unpaid charges, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-2605. Secs. 34-71--34-88. Reserved. DIVISION 3. RESERVED G8N-TRAI= Secs. 34-89--34-116. Reserved , thy-~8F30f~9(i26: P,r~y-seast+mer--tea+~ ~ ~evisi ARTICLE III. SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL* *State law references: Authority of town to establish, maintain and operate a sewage disposal system, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-2122; septic tanks and sewage disposal when sewers not available, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-2157. DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 34-117. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Building drain means that part of a drainage system which receives #he-discharge from sei~ waste and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer, wall: Building sewer means the extension from the building drain to the public right of way or public utility easement. Garbage means solid wastes from the domestic and commercial preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage and sale of produce. Industrial wastes means the liquid wastes from industrial manufacturing processes, trade or business, as distinct from sanitary sewage. Natural outlet means any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface water or groundwater. AteFef-seR+tien- Properly shredded garbage means the wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food that have been shredded to such degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particle greater than one-half inch in any dimension. Public sewer means a sewer in which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights and which is controlled by public authority. Sanitary sewer means a sewer which carries sewage and to which stormwaters, surface waters and groundwaters are not intentionally admitted. Sewage means water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments. Sewage treatment plant means any arrangement of devices and structures used for treating sewage. Sewage works means all facilities for collecting, pumping, treating and disposing of sewage. Sewer means a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage. ~- Storm sewer or storm drain means a sewer which carries stormwaters and surface waters and drainage, but excludes sewage and polluted industrial wastes. Town manager means the town manager, or his authorized deputy, agent or representative. Watercourse means a channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. (Code 1963, § 19-1; Code 1976, § 15-1) Sec. 34-118. Unlawful deposit of human excrement, waste water or other polluting waste. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner on public or private property within the town, or in any area under the jurisdiction of the town, any human excrement or other polluting waste. (b) No person shall throw or empty, or permit or cause to be thrown or emptied any waste water from a bathtub, sink, commode or other fixture or any filthy water from any other source on private property upon any street, sidewalk or gutter, or place such waste or filthy water in any place from which it will flow into or upon a street, sidewalk or gutter. Each act of permitting or causing water to be placed upon or into a street, sidewalk or gutter or in a place from which it will Flow into a street, sidewalk, gutter or other public place in violation of this subsection shall constitute a separate offense. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit water from a bathtub, sink, commode or other fixture or any filthy wafer from any other source to be emptied upon his own property or property belonging to another person in such a manner as to allow such waste or filthy water to accumulate and become stagnant or afford or create a breeding place for mosquitoes or other insects or create an offensive odor. (Code 1963, §§ 12-5, 12-6, 19-2; Code 1976, § 15-2) Sec. 34-119. Approved method of disposal of human excrement and other polluting waste--Required. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any house or other building where human beings congregate or are employed to use or lease such house or building for human occupancy, unless and until the premises shall have been provided with an approved method of disposal of human excrement and other polluting waste. (Code 1963, § 19-3; Code 1976, § 15-3) Sec. 34-120. Same--What constitutes; generally. (a) For the purposes of this chapter, an approved method of disposal of human excrement or ocher polluting waste shall be by means of approved plumbing fixtures connected to an adequate water supply, as provided in article II of this chapter, and discharging into: (1) The town sanitary sewer system; or (2) A private septic tank system installed in accordance with the county sanitation ordinance when the parcel of property on which the building so served is located does not abut a street or easement containing a sanitary sewer system owned by the sown. (b) Connection to the town sanitary sewer system is required in the following instances: (1) Any time an existing private septic tank system fails health department requirements and the town sanitary sewer system abuts the parcel of property; (2) Any new building constructed on an existing lot of record, unless it would require a private sewer lateral of 200 feet or greater; and (3) Any new residences constructed within subdivisions created after February 1, 1987, with lot sizes of less than 5 acres. (Code 1963, § 19-4; Code 1976, § 15-4; Ord. No. 83-0-12, § 1, 3-9-1983; Ord. No. 87-0-1, § 1, 1-28-1987) Sec. 34-121. Duty of owner of building to install water closets, make sewer connections and discontinue use of privies. (a) The owner of each lot or parcel of land which abuts upon a street or other public way containing a sanitary sewer at any point where such lot or parcel of land abuts on such streets or other public way, which is a part of, or which is served or may be served by the sewer system operated by the town, and upon which lot or parcel a building shall have been constructed for residential, commercial, industrial or recreational use, shall install, within such building, suitable sanitary water closets and make the necessary sewer connection to such sanitary sewer, provided such connection will not require a sewer line over 200 feet in length. (b) An owner installing sanitary water closets and making a sewer connection, as required in subsection (a) of this section, shall also discontinue the use of any dry closet or pit privy on the lot or parcel of land in question from the date of receiving notice to this effect from the town council or its duly designated agent. (c) Any owner whose property is now served by, or which at the time a sanitary sewer may be available, is served by a septic tank system or a privately owned sewage treatment plant will not be required io make the installation and connections referred to in subsection (a) of this section, as long as such septic tank system and private sewerage system conforms to and is maintained in strict accordance with all applicable ordinances, statutes, rules and regulations. In the event that such septic tank system or privately owned sewage treatment plant is not so maintained or is altered, enlarged or repaired, then such owner shall comply with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, upon due notice thereof by the town council or its designated agent. Sec. 34-122. Compliance with requirements for construction of sewer mains, etc. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail, neglect or refuse to comply with those specifications and requirements for the construction of sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances and pumping stations on file in the office of the town manager. (Code 1963, § 19-17; Code 1976, § 15-8) Sec. 34-123. Town council approval for extension of sewerage works. (a) No extension of the town sewerage works shall be made for the purpose of serving users located within or without the town, except upon the approval of such extension by the town council. Application for such approval shall be made to the town council and filed with the town manager. Such application shall be accompanied by plans and specifications which meet the standards of the town. (b) The approval of an extension of the town sewage works shall be conditioned as follows: (1) The town sewage works shall be extended in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the town council, and in accordance with the officially adopted sewer and water extension and connection charge policy. (2) The applicant shall secure such easements or fee simple title, free of defects, as are necessary, prior to construction and, upon completion, will convey, by appropriate instrument, the completed system, easements and fee simple title to the town, free of costs. (3) Sewer service connections to lots served by the extension shall be available only when not restricted by the state department of environmental quality. (4) The extension shall be completed in accordance with town subdivision and land development regulations or within five years, whichever is greater. (Code 1963, §§ 19-18--19-21; Code 1976, § 15-9; Ord. No. 78-0-3, § 1, 1-25-1978) Sec. 34-124. Permit required to uncover, connect with, etc., public sewer. No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the town manager. (Code 1963, § 19-9; Code 1976, § 15-10) Sec. 34-125. Form of application for extension permit. The application for a permit to extend the town sewer works shall be in a form approved by the town council by resolution. (Code 1963, §§ 19-22, 19-22.1; Code 1976, § 15-11; Ord. No. 82-9-35, § 1, 10-13-1982) (Code 1963, §§ 19-6--19-8; Code 1976, § 15-8) Sec. 34-126. Fee for sewer connection. Before any person connects with or discharges sewage into the town sewer system, a fee for the connection permit issued under sections 34-124 or 34-125 in amounts established by the town council shall be paid. Connection permit fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of a zoning permit. (Code 1963, §§ 19-11, 19-12; Code 1976, § 15-12; Ord. No. 78-0-20, § 1, 7-26-1978; Ord. No. 84-0-32, § 1, 7-25-1984; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 1, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 1, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 2001-0-6, § I, 5-8-2001; Ord. No. 2001-0-11, § I, 7-24-2001) Sec. 34-127. Availability charge for sewer service. (a) Before any person connects with or discharges sewage into the town sewer system or extends sewer use on any premises to any additional dwelling, nonresidential, commercial or industrial use, a sewer service availability fee shall be paid in amounts provided in subsection (b) of this section in addition to fees prescribed in section 34-126. (b) The sewer connection and sewer service availability fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of a zoning permit or, where no zoning permit is required, before extension of sewer service to any new or additional use on the premises, provided however that in the event the availability fee per connection is in excess of $15,000.00, the amount owed exceeding $15,000.00 may be paid in installments pursuant to a contract chat has been approved by the town manager. Such contract shall provide for not more than 24 monthly installments and shall provide for interest to be paid on the unpaid balance at the legal judgment rate or six percent per annum, whichever is greater. Surety to the satisfaction of the town manager shall be required. The unpaid principal may be paid in full without penalty at any time. If any installment is not paid when due, the entire remaining balance shall be immediately due and payable. The town manager shall discontinue sewer service to premises for which the fees required in this article remain unpaid for ten days from the date of notice of the amount of such fees to the owner. Should payment not be made on said contract ten percent of the monies paid to the town for water and sewer service shall be applied to the availability fee contract until such contract is paid in full. Should the sewer (d) The fees provided in this section shall not apply to single-family dwellings existing within the town on June 10, 1970, and which are continued in single-family residential use after connection to the sewer system. (e) Sewer service availability rates fees shall be as established by the town council. Fees shall be calculated upon the rates set by the town council. (f) When applicable, public facility fees and charges shall be determined by the town manager based on accepted engineering standards for sewage discharge. The town council shall hear and decide appeals from determinations of fees by the town manager. (g) If any person enlarges a structure or extends the use of the town sewer system to any new or additional use on a premises, an availability fee as determined in subsection (f) of this section shall be paid for the additional use, whether or not a new or enlarged connection is required. (c) The abandonment or discontinuance of a sewer system or the reduction of sewer system use does not entitle any person to a refund of fees paid. This subsection shall not apply to the adaptive reuse of an existing structure within the town's H- 1historic district which is served by an adequate sewer service connection. (Code 1963, §§ 19-14.1, 19-22.1; Code 1976, § 15-14; Ord. of 9-24-1975; Ord. No. 79-0-5, § 1, 3-14-1979; Ord. No. 81-0-6, § 1, 3-25-1981; Ord. No. 84-0-38, § 1, 8-22-1984; Ord. No. 88-0- 22, § I, 6-22-1988; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 1, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 92-0-17, § 1, 6-23-1992; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 1, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 95-0-14, § 1, 5-23-1995; Ord. No. 96-0-29, § i, 10-8-1996; Ord. No. 97-0-16, § I, 5-27-1997; Ord. No. 2001-0-6, § II, 5-8-2001; Ord. No. 2006-0-66, § II, 10-11- 2006) Sec. 34-128. Fees for sewer conveyance facilities. (a) When the town council, from time to time, finds and declares by resolution that all or part of the actual cost incurred by the town, including interest for constructing specific sewer conveyance facilities, shall be paid on a pro rata basis under the terms of this section, a benefited property owner or developer shall pay the fees established herein at such time as connections are made directly or indirectly to the facilities. The resolution shall apportion the total cost of the facility on a pro rata basis between the town, in the event the facility is partly of general benefit to sewer system users, and future users based on established engineering estimates of sewage flows in gallons per day. The resolution shall further establish the amount of interest to be added to the total cost of the facilities from the time of the installation to the time the charge is paid by the property owner or developer. (b) The town manager shall maintain for public inspection a record in map or other form of facilities subject to the fees provided herein. (c) The fees prescribed herein shall be paid to the town at the time of prieF-te-the issuance of a public facility permit. (Code 1963, §§ 19-14.2, 19-22.1; Code 1976, § 15-15; Ord. No. 83-0-26, § 1, 7-27-1983) Sec. 34-129. Permit for installation of building sewer. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to install or construct a building sewer within the town's service area without first obtaining a permit from the town manager. There shall be two classes of building sewer permits: (1) For residential and commercial service; and (2) For service to establishments producing industrial wastes. (b) In either case in subsection (a) of this section, the owner or his agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the sown. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the town manager. (Code 1963, § 19-10; Code 1976, § 15-16) Sec. 34-130. Owner to bear cost of installation of building sewer and indemnify town. All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer shall be borne by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the town from any Toss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer. (Code 1963, § 19-15; Code 1976, § 15-17) Sec. 34-131. Specifications for building sewers. (a) The size, slope, alignment and materials of construction of a building sewer and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, jointing, testing and backfllling the trench, shall conform to the requirements of the building and plumbing codes or other applicable rules and regulations of the county and the state international plumbing code. (b) Ali new building sewers; connecting to the town sewerage works; shall include the installation of a sewer cleanout, located at the building property line or to the boundary of the town's easement closest to the premises and constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the town manager. (Code 1963, § 19-16; Code 1976, § 15-18; Ord. No. 86-0-42, § 1, 9-10-1986) Sec. 34-132. Damaging, defacing, etc., sewage works property. No person shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the town sewerage works. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under a charge of disorderly conduct. (Code 1963, § 19-39; Code 1976, § 15-19) Sec. 34-133. Violators of article liable for expenses, damage, etc., occasioned town. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall become liable to the town for any expense, loss or damage occasioned the town by reason of such violation. (Code 1963, § 19-43; Code 1976, § 15-20) Sec. 34-134. Refund of sewer availability fees. (a) All paid wate~and sewer availability fees which have been paid for open the issuance of the public facility permit (receipt) shall attach to and run with the parcel. Paid fees cannot be transferred to another parcel/lot. (b) In circumstances where the fee simple owner of such parcelllot as set forth in the land records of the county decides d`ter-;,,;,;es not to develop the parcelllot, a refund of the water and sewer availability fees may be issued if the following conditions are met: (1) Refunds will only be issued io the fee simple owner of the parcel/lot as set forth in the land records of the county at the time of the payment of availability fees. re#und~equest: (2) Refund requests are to be made in writing to the town manager by such fee simple owner of the parcelllot. The original public facility permit (receipt) must accompany the request or documentation satisfactory to the town manager that fhe wateF-and sewer availability fees for the parcel/lot have been paid must be submitted. (3) Any valid zoning permits issued for the parcel/lot shall become null and void at the time of issuance of a refund of the availability fees for the parcelllot. Fees associated with the review and issuance of the zoning permit are nonrefundable. (4) For the purpose of administering this chapter, when aparcel/lot is duly transferred in the land records of the county, any fee paid on the public facilities permit (receipt) for that lot shall continue to be assigned to the parcel/lot. (5) No interest shall be accrued on any refunds. (Code 1976, § 15-21; Ord. No. 95-0-7, § I, 3-28-1995) Sec. 34-134. Prohibition against discharge into sewer. (1) (2) Sec. 34-136. Sewer use regulations. Secs.34-1357--134-153. Reserved. DIVISION 2. SEWER USE CHARGES* *State law references: Authority to establish and collect rents and ocher charges for the use of sewage disposal system, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-2122. Sec. 34-154. Generally. Charges for the use of the public sewage works of the town shall be as provided in this article. (Code 1963, § 19-33; Code 1976, § 15-56) Sec. 34-155. Charge where connection made to both water and sewer system. (a) Where connection has been made to both the town water and sewer system, the charge for use of the sewer system shall be based on fi+Ne-armquarterly water meter readings taken to the nearest 1,000 gallons Pissed--upe at the rates established by the town council. (b) Until a winter quarter metered water consumption is established, sewer charges shall be based on a consumption of 200 ~ gallons per day for all residential single-family detached dwellings. (Code 1963, § 19-34; Code 1976, § 15-57; Ord. No. 78-0-16, § 1, 6-28-1978; Ord. No. 86-0-25, 6-11-1986; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 1, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 92-0-17, § 1, 6-23-1992; Ord. No. 93-0- 14, § 1, 4-27-1993; Ord. No. 94-0-11, § 1, 4-26-1994; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 1, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 98-0-1, § I, 1-27-1998; Ord. No. 2003-0-03, 2-25-2003; Ord. No. 2005-0-17, § II, 12-13-2005) Sec. 34-158. Fixed charge per quarter. When a connection has been made to both the town water and sewer system, the fixed charge per quarter for use of the sewer system shall be based upon the size of the water meter used to serve the customer and said fixed charge per quarter shall be as established by the town council. (Code 1976, § 15-57; Ord. No. 95-0-12, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 2005-0-17, § II, 12-13-2005) Sec. 34-157. Charge where connection made to sewer system only--Generally. Where residential connection has been made to the town sewer system only, the charge for use of the sewer system shall be as established by the town council. (Code 1963, §§ 19-36, 19-37; Code 1976, § 15-58; Ord. No. 78-0-16, § 1, 6-28-1978; Ord. No. 86-0-25, 6-11-1986; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 1, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 92-0-2, § 1, 1-14-1992; Ord. No. 92-0-17, § 1, 6-23-1992; Ord. No. 93-0-14, § 1, 4-27-1993; Ord. No. 94-0-11, § 1, 4-26- 1994; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 1, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 98-0-1, § II, 1-27-1998; Ord. No. 2005-0-17, § III, 12-13-2005) Sec. 34-158. Lower charge for certain elderly homeowners or totally and permanently disabled homeowners. The charge for use of the sewer system to elderly or totally and permanently disabled residents at their principal dwelling who annually qualify for full exemption of coun or town real estate taxes under section 20-23 (Tax Relief for the Elderly and Totally and Permanently Disabled) shall be 75 percent of the established rate for inside and outside the town. (Code 1976, § 15-58.1; Ord. No. 78-0-17, § 1, 6-28-1978; Ord. No. 2005-0-17, § III, 12-13-2005) Sec. 34-159. Same--When user has metered private water supply. Where a commercial user within or without the corporate um~ts or the town connects cennestien-ktas-been-made to the public sewerage works only, and where such user has a metered private water supply, the meter shall be made compatible with the town metering svstem at owner's expense and be read as if it were a public meter. The arx~the charge for the use of such public sewage works shall be an amount equal to the amount normally charged for the water metered, as if the connection were to the town water supply. (Code 1963, § 19-38; Code 1976, § 15-59) Sec. 34-160. Billing; due date; etc. Bills for the charges prescribed by this article shall be rendered quarterly. Where the customer is connected to the town water supply, such charges shall be included on his water bill and shall be subject to all provisions of section 34-69 applicable to water bills, including due date, notice and second billing to delinquent accounts and discontinuance of water service to delinquent accounts. Where the customer is not connected to the town water supply, the sewer service charges shall be billed separately on a quarterly basis and the provisions of sections 34- 69 relative to water bills shall apply to such sewer service bills. Sec. 34-161. Delinquent charges as lien. (a) There shall be a lien upon the real estate for the amount of any charges made by the town for sewer services rendered to such real estate, from and after the time the bill for such charges becomes delinquent. A delinquent bill, under this section, shall be defined as any bill that has not been paid within ten days from the final notice. (b) The finance director shall certify to the clerk of the appropriate circuit--court for the county for the amount of delinquent sewer charges, penalties and interest together with the fee to be paid for each entry on the judgment records by the clerk. (Code 1963, § 25-27.1; Code 1976, § 15-61) State law references: Lien for unpaid sewer charges, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-2605. Sec. 34-162. Deposit for new accounts. (a) The finance director shall require of all nonresidential, and amount established by the town council. new sewer accounts that serve residences, taeavy-commercial users a cash deposit in the (b) The deposit will be refunded, without interest, after 12 consecutive billing periods during which no more than one past due notice has been received or when service has been discontinued, after deducting any charges due on final settlement of the customer's account. (Code 1976, § 15-62; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 1, 10-9-1991; Ord. No. 95-0-13, § 1, 5-9-1995; Ord. No. 2001-0-19, § I, 9-25-2001) Sec. 34-163. Service charge for new accounts. A service charge in the amount established by the town council shall be made for all new sewer accounts. (Code 1976, § 15-63; Ord. No. 91-0-46, § 1, 10-9-1991) Attachment B Fee Schedule for Water and Sewer Water Current Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Rate 09/01!09 07/01/10 07!01/11 07/01/12 07/01/13 07/01/14 Inside-Town Fixed fee per EDU per uarter* $6.30 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 Consumption Charge per 1,000 allons $3.24 $3.40 $3.57 $3.75 $3.90 $4.02 $4.14 High Use Rate per 1,000 allons $4.41 $4.93 $5.18 $5.44 $5.66 $5.83 $6.00 Reduced Rate for Qualifying Elderly per 1,000 allons $2.43 $2.55 $2.68 $2.81 $2.93 $3.02 $3.11 Outside-Town Fixed fee per EDU per uarter* $6.30 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 Conswnption Charge per 1,000 allons $6.49 $4.80 $5.04 $5.29 $5.50 $5.67 $5.84 High Use Rate per 1,000 allons $8.83 $6.96 $7.31 $7.67 $7.98 $8.22 $8.47 Reduced Rate for Qualifying Elderly per 1,000 allons $6.49 $3.60 $3.78 $3.97 $4.13 $4.25 $4.38 * Based on a 5/8" meter. Proposed fixed fee for larger meters per quarter are as follow: Recommended fixed charee uer quarter for use of water system and effective date Water Meter Size Current Rate Effective 09/01/09 Effective 07/01/10 Effective 07/01/11 Effective 07/01/12 Effective 07/01/13 Effective 07/01/14 5/8" to'/<" $6.30 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 Full'/4" $16.54 $7.92 $7.92 $7.92 $7.92 $7.92 $7.92 1" $27.56 $10.08 $10.08 $10.08 $10.08 $10.08 $10.08 11/2" $55.13 $12.96 $12.96 $12.96 $12.96 $t2.96 $12.96 2" $88.20 $20.88 $20.88 $20.88 $20.88 $20.88 $20.88 3" $192.94 $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 4" $330.75 $100.80 $100.80 $100.80 $100.80 $100.80 $100.80 6" $689.85 $151.20 $151.20 $151.20 $151.20 $151.20 $151.20 8" $882.00 $208.80 $208.80 $208.80 $208.80 $208.80 $208.80 Sewer Current Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective Rate 09/01/09 07!01/10 07/01/11 07/01/12 07/01/13 07/01/14 Inside-Town Fixed fee per EDU per uarter* $6.30 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 Consumption Charge per 1,000 allons $4.33 $4.55 $4.77 $5.01 $5.21 $5.37 $5.53 Reduced Rate for Qualifying Elderly per 1,000 allons $3.25 $3.41 $3.58 $3.76 $3.91 $4.03 $4.15 Sewer Only (Fixed fee per uarter $113.00 $90.60 $95.60 $100.02 $104.66 $108.56 $111.60 Outside-Town Fixed fee per EDU per uarter* $6.30 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 Consumption Charge per 1,000 allons $8.66 $6.91 $7.26 $7.62 $7.92 $8.16 $8.41 Reduced Rate for Qualifying Elderly per 1,000 allons $8.66 $5.18 $5.45 $5.72 $5.94 $6.12 $6.31 Sewer Only (Fixed fee per uarter $225.00 $134.80 $142.46 $149.22 $156.32 $162.28 $166.94 * Based on a 5/8" meter. Proposed fixed fee for larger meters per quarter are as follow: Recmnmended fixed charee ner quarter for use of sewer system and effective date Water Meter Size Current Rate Effective 09/01/09 Effective 07/01/10 Effective 07/01/11 Effective 07/01/12 Effective 07/01/13 Effective 07/01!14 5/8" to'/a" $6.30 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 $7.20 Full'/" $16.54 $7.92 $7.92 $7.92 $7.92 $7.92 $7.92 1" $27.56 $10.08 $10.08 $10.08 $10.08 $10.08 $10.08 11/2" $55.13 $12.96 $12.96 $12.96 $12.96 $12.96 $12.96 2" $88.20 $20.88 $20.88 $20.88 $20.88 $20.88 $20.88 3" $192.94 $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 $79.20 4" $330.75 $100.80 $100.80 $100.80 $100.80 $100.80 $100.80 6" $689.85 $151.20 $151.20 $151.20 $151.20 $151.20 $151.20 8" $882.00 $208.80 $208.80 $208.80 $208.80 $208.80 $208.80 Attachment C TOWN OF LEESBURG CROSS CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION CONTROL PROGRAM July 2009 ORDINANCE NO: 2009-0-012 TOWN OF LEESBURG CROSS CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION CONTROL PROGRAM I. Purpose The purpose ofthis program adopted by ordinance is to abate or conh•ol actual or potential cross connections and protect the public health. This program provides for establishment and enforcement of a program for cross connection control and backflow prevention in accordance with the Commomvealth of Virginia, State Board of Health, Wntenvorks Reg~dations 1995, or as amended. THIS PROGRAM IS DIRECTED AT SERVICE LINE PROTECTION (CONTAINMENT). II. AnthoriTy for the Cross Connection Control Program Commomvealth of Virginia, Department of Health Waterworks ReguJntions (Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention in Wate~•works) III, Administration of the Cross Connectim~ Control Program L The Town of Leesburg Department of Utilities Director, herein called the Director, shall administer and enforce the provisions of this program adopted by ordinance under the direction of the Town Manager. (Reference Town Code, Article II, Water System, Section 34-39) 2. It shall be the duty of the Director to cause assessment to be made of properties served by the waterworks where cross connection with the waterworks is deemed possible. The method of determining potential cross connection with the waterworks and the administrative procedures shall be established by the Director in a Cross Connection Control Program (Program) approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Health, Division of Water Supply Engineering. 3. The person in responsible charge of the Program is the Director or his/her designee. IV. Enforcement of the Program 1. Upon request, the owner or occupants of property served shall fin•nish to the Director or his/her designee pertinent information regarding the consumer's water supply or systems on such property for the purpose of assessing the consumer's water supply system for cross connection hazards and determining the degree of hazard, if any. The refusal of such information, Gvhen requested, shall be deemed evidence of the presence of a high degree of hazard cross connection. 2. Notice ofViolation -Any owner found to be in violation of any provision ofthis program shall be served a written notice of violation sent certified mail to the owner's last known address, stating the nature of the violation, corrective action required and providing a reasonable time limit, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of the notice of violation, to bring the consumer's water supply system into compliance with this program or have water service terninated. 3. Penalties -Any owner of properties served by a connection to the waterworks found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this program, or any written order of the Town Manager in pursuance thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $2,500 and one year of jail for each violation. Each day upon which a violation of the provisions ofthis act shall occur shall be deemed a separate and additional violation for the purpose ofthis program. V. Responsibilities of the Department of Utilities (Town), and Director Effective cross connection control and backflow prevention requires the cooperation of the Town, Director orhis/her designee, the owner(s) of the property served, the Local Building Official and the backflow prevention device tester. I . The Program shall be carried out in accordance with the Commonwealth of Virginia, State Board of Health, Waterworks Regulations and shall as a minimum provide containment of potential contaminants at the consumer's service connection. 2. The Town has full responsibility for water quality and for the construction, maintenance and operation of the waterworks beginning at the water source and ending at the service connection. 3. The owner of the property served has responsibility for water quality and for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the consumer's water supply system from the water meter crock assembly to all free flowing outlets. 4. The Director shall, to the extent of theirjurisdiction, provide continuing identification and evaluation of all cross connection hazards. This shall include an assessment of each consumer's water supply system for cross connection to be followed by the requirement, if necessary, of installation of a backflow prevention device or separation. Assessments shall be performed at least annually. 5. In the event of the backflow of pollution or contamination into the waterworks, the Director shall promptly take or cause corrective action to confine and eliminate the pollution or contamination. The Director shall report to the appropriate Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Health, Office of Water Programs Field Office in the most expeditious manner (usually by telephone) when backflow occurs and shall submit a written report by the l Om day of the month following the month dm•ing which backflow occurred addressing the incident, its causes, effects, and preventative or control measures required or taken. 6. The Director shall take positive action to ensure that the waterworks is adequately protected from cross connections and backflow at all times. If a cross connection exists or backflow occurs into a consumer's water supply system or into the waterworks or if the consumer's water supply system causes the pressw•e in the waterworks to be lowered below 10 psi gauge, the Director may discontinue the water service to the consumer and water service shall not be restored until the deficiencies have been corrected or eliminated to the satisfaction of the Director. 7. In order to protect the occupants of a premises, the Director orhis/her designee should inform the owner(s) of any cross connection beyond the service connection that should be abated or controlled by application of an appropriate backflow prevention device or separation. Appropriate backflow prevention device or separation should be applied at each point-of--use and/or applied to the consumer's water supply system, isolating an area which may be a health or pollutional hazard to the consumer's water supply system or to the waterworks. 8. Records of backflow prevention devices, separations, and consumer's water supply systems, including inspection records, records of backflow incidents, and records of device tests shall be maintained by the Director for ten years. 9. At a minimum, all new service connections shall be protected with an approved backflow device consisting of a double check valve or dual check valve. (ABBE #1024). 10. Any existing residences without a dual check (ABBE #1024) shall be fitted with a dual check when a service call is made to the property and found to not have the protection. VI. Responsibilities of the Consumer 1. The consumer, at their own expense, shall install, operate, test, and maintain required backflow prevention devices or backflow prevention by separation. A. The owner(s) shall provide copies of test results, maintenance records and overhaul records to the Director within 30 days of completion of testing or work. Such testing or work shall have been performed by a certified tester which has obtained a certificate of completion of a course recognized by the Town of Leesburg, American Water Works Association, the Virginia Department of Health or the Virginia Cross Connection Control Association for cross connection conh•ol and backflow prevention inspection, maintenance and testing or otherwise be certified by a Commomvealth of Virginia b•adesman certification program. 2. The conswner has the responsibility of preventing pollutants or contaminants from entering the water system in the residence or entering the waterworks. The consumer's responsibility starts at the point-of-delivery and includes all piping, plumbing and related appurtenances downsh•eam of the meter. 3. In the event of pollution or contamination of the waterworks or a residential water system due to backflow, the consumer shall promptly take steps to confine further spread of the pollution or contamination and shall promptly notify the Town of the condition. 4. No consumer shall install or maintain a water service connection to any premises where cross connections to the town's water system or a consumer's water system may exist, unless such cross connections are abated or conh•olled to the satisfaction of the town. 5. No consumer shall install or maintain any connection whereby water from an auxiliary water system may enter the town's or conswner's water system, unless the auxiliary water system and the method of connection and use of such system shall have been approved by the town. VII. Responsibilities of the Certified Tester 1. Certified testers must have obtained a certificate of completion of a course recognized by the Town of Leesburg, American Water Wa•ks Association, the Virginia Department of Health or the Virginia Cross Connection Conh•ol Association for cross connection conh•ol and backflow prevention inspection, maintenance and testing or otherwise be certified by a Commomvealth of Virginia tradesman certification program. A copy of the certificate for all testers must be provided to the Town. 2. Town maintains a list of certified testers that is sent to owners who have testable devices. In order for a company or tester to be placed and kept on the list, certifications for the employees must be provided to the Town as well as record of the testing kits being calibrated annually. 3. The tester has the responsibility of filling out the Town of Leesbw•g Backflow Prevention Device Testing, Maintenance and [nspection Report completely and returning to homeowner or Town. VIII. Location of Protection 1. Service Line Protection -Backflow prevention device or separation shall be installed at the service connection to a consumer's water supply system where, in the judgment of the Director a health or polhrtional hazard to the consumer's water supply system or to the waterworks exists or may exist unless such hazards are abated or conh•olled to the satisfaction of the Director. 2. Special Conditions for Service Line Containment -When, as a matter of practicality, the backflow prevention device or separation cannot be installed at the service connection, the device or separation may be located downstream of the service connection but prior to any unprotected connections. 3. Point-of--Use Isolation Protection -Where all actual or potential cross connections can be easily correctable at each point-of--use and where the consumer's water supply system is not intricate or complex, point-of--use isolation protection by application of an appropriate backflow prevention device or backflow prevention by separation may be used at each point-of--use in lieu of installing a containment device at the service connection. 4. A backflow prevention device or backflow prevention by separation shall be installed at each service connection to a consumer's water supply system serving premises where the following conditions exist: A. Premises on which any substance is handled in such a manner as to create an actual or potential hazard to a waterworks (this shall include premises having auxiliary water systems or having sources or systems containing process fluids or waters originating from a waterworks which are no longer under the control of the waterworks owner). B. Premises having internal cross connection that, in the judgment of the Director may not be easily correctable or intricate plumbing arrangements which make it impracticable to determine whether or not cross connections exist. C. Premises where, because of security requirements or other prohibitions or restrictions, it is impossible or impractical to make an evaluation of all cross connection hazards. D. Premises having a repeated history of cross connections being established or reestablished. E. Other premises specified by the Director where cause can be shown that a potential cross connection hazard not enumerated above exists. IX. Preventive and Control Measures I. Premises having booster pumps or fire pumps connected to the waterworks shall have the pumps equipped with a pressure sensing device to shut off or regulate the flow from the booster pump when the pressure in the waterworks drops to a minimum of 10 psi gauge at the service connection. 2. The following facilities shall install a reduced pressure zone (RPZ) device as an approved backflow prevention device at the service connection: I-Iospitals, mortuaries; clinics, veterinary establishments, nursing homes, dental offices and medical buildings; Laboratories; Piers, docks, waterfront facilities; Sewage treatment plants, sewage pumping stations, or storm water pumping stations; ^ Food and beverage processing plants; ^ Chemical plants, dyeing plants and pharmaceutical plants; Metal plating industries; Petroleum or natural gas processing or storage plants; Radioactive materials processing plants or nuclear reactors; Car washes and laundries; Lawn sprinkler systems, irrigation systems; " Fire service systems; " Slaughter houses and poultry processing plants; " Parms where the water is used for other than household purposes; " Commercial greenhouses and nurseries; " Health clubs with swimming pools, therapeutic baths, hot tubs or saunas; " Paper and paper products plants and printing plants; " Pesticide or exterminating companies and their vehicles with storage or mixing tanks; " Schools or colleges with laboratory facilities; " High-rise buildings (4 or more stories); " Multi use commercial, office, or warehouse facilities; ^ Others specified by the Director when reasonable cause can be shown for a potential backflow or cross connection hazard. 3. Where lawn sprinkler systems, irrigation systems or fire service systems are connected directly to the waterworks with a separate service connection, a backflow prevention device or backflow prevention by separation shall be installed at the service connection or installed under Special Conditions. 4. Residences or businesses may maintain an auxiliary water source (groundwater well or spring for example) on the property for heating or cooling, irrigation, watering etc. if a physical separation from the residential water system and the waterworks is provide and maintained at all times. 5. Others specified by the Town where reasonable cause can be shown for a potential backflow or cross connection hazard. X. Type of Protection Required The type of protection required shall depend on the degree of hazard which exists or may exist. The degree of hazard, either high or low, is based on the nature of the contaminant; the potential health hazard; the probability of the backflow occurrence; the method of backflow either by a backpressw" e or by backsiphonage; and the potential effect on waterworks struchu" es, equipment, and appurtenances used in the storage, collection, purification, treatment, and distribution of pure water. Table 1 shaft be used as a guide to determine the degree of hazard for any situation. 1. An air gap or physical disconnection gives the highest degree of protection and shall be used whenever practical to do so in high hazard situations subject to backpressure. 2. An air gap, physical disconnection and a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device will protect against backpressure when operating properly. 3. Pressure vacuum breakers will not protect against backpressure, but will protect against backsiphonage when operating properly. Pressure vacuum breakers may be used in low, moderate or high hazard sihiations subject to backsiphonage only. 4. A double gate -double check valve assembly shall not be used in high hazard situations. 5. Barometric loops are not acceptable. 6. Interchangeable connections orchange-over devices are not acceptable. XI. Baelcflow Prevention Devices and Baelcflow Prevention by Separation for Containment 1. Backflow prevention devices for containment include the Reduced Pressure Principle backflow prevention assembly (RPZ), the Double Gate -Double Check valve assembly DGDC, and the pressure vacuum breaker assembly (PVB). 2. Backflow prevention by separation shall be an air gap or physical disconnection. The minimum air gap shall be 6 inches or hvo times the pipe diameter. 3. Backflow prevention devices shall be of the approved type and shall comply with the most recent American Water Works Association Standards and shall be approved for contaimnent by the University of Southern California, Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. 4. Backflow prevention devices shall be installed in a manner approved by the Director and in accordance with the University of Southern California, Foundation for Cross- Connection Control and Hydraulic Research recommendations and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Vertical or horizontal positioning shall be as approved by the University of Southern California, Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. 5. For the purpose of application to Special Conditions, point-of--use isolation devices or separations shall be as specified by the Director where reasonable assurance can be shown that the device or separation will protect the waterworks. As a minimum, point-of- use devices should bear an appropriate American Society of Sanitary Engineering Standard Number. See the Cross Connection Control Program, Appendix A, for Isolation Device Application. 6. Backflow prevention devices with openings, outlets, or vents that are designed to operate or open during backflow prevention shall not be installed in pits or areas subject to flooding. XII. Maintenance and Inspection Requirements A. It shall be the responsibility of the consumer to maintain all backflow prevention devices or separations installed in good working order and to make no piping or other arrangements for the purpose of bypassing or defeating backflow prevention devices or separations. B. Operational testing and inspection schedules shall be established by the Director as outlined in the Cross Connection Control Program for all backflow prevention devices and separations which are installed at the sewice connection. The inteiroal behveen testing and inspection of each device shall be established in accordance with the age and condition of the device and the device manufacturer's recommendations. Backflow prevention device and separation inspection and testing intervals shall not exceed 1 year. C. Backflow prevention device overhaul procedures and replacement parts shall be in accordance with the manufachirer's recommendations. D. Backflow prevention device testing procedures shall be in accordance with the University of Southern California, Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, Backflow Prevention Assembly Field Test Procedure and the manufacturer's instructions. XIII. Recm•ds I . An up-to-date database of all cross connection control devices (including pressure sensing devices) or separations (including separations from auxiliary or nonpotable water systems and air gaps) installed shall be maintained by the Town. The database at a minimum will contain: A. Location of backflow prevention device (address) B. Manufacturer of device C. Device model number D. Device serial number E. Device size F. ASSE number G. Device testing frequency N. Last date tested I. Pressure sensing device pressure set point (if applicable) Test results will be maintained by the waterworks owner for ten years. XIV. Procedures 1. Each residence or business will be accessed at least annually for cross connection hazards. Assessment may be performed by voluntary inspections, interviews, or by responding to mailed letter and testing report. Interviews may be conducted on-site or by telephone. 2. Each customer will be notified in writing as to any testing requirements 30 days prior to their annual due date. The form letter in Appendix C will be used to notify residents of testing due. The deadline for completing the installation will be 30 days. The form letter in Appendix C will be used to notify residents as stated above. 3. Customers requesting a new service connection or reconnection to the waterworks must be assessed by on-site interview and inspection for cross connection hazards and the appropriate separation installed, inspected, and operational prior to making the service connection. 4. The town manager and duly authorized employees of the town bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, sampling and testing. 5. Any consumer found to be violating or in violation of any provision of this division shall be served a written notice and order sent certified mail to the consumer's last-known post office address, stating the nature of the violation, corrective action required and providing a reasonable time limit, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of notice and order, to bring the devices into compliance with this division. 6. Water service to a consumer shall be denied or discontinued upon continuation of any violation beyond the time limit provided in the notice given. When service is so discontinued, a fee for this resumption of service, after correction of said violation, in the amount established by the town council shall be charged. 7. Prior to issuance of Town of Leesburg Occupancy Permit, building must be inspected for compliance with cross connection and backflow prevention requirements. Owner is responsible for having all testable devices tested by a certified tester and documentation provided to the Department of Utilities prior to sign off XIV. Definitions Ab• Gad -means the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest point of the potable water outlet and the rim of the receiving vessel. Auxiliary Water System -means any water system on or available to the premises other than the waterworks. These auxiliaryy waters may include water from a source such as wells. lakes, or streams; or process fluids; or used water. They may be polluted or contaminated or objectionable, or constitute an unapproved water source or system over which the water purveyor does not have control Backflorv -means the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures, or substances into a waterworks from any source or sources other than its intended source. BnckJlow Prevention by Separation ("Separation ) -means preventing backflow by either an air gap or by physical disconnection of a waterworks by the removal or absence of pipes, fittings, or fixtures that connect a waterworks directly or indirectly to a nonpotable system or one of questionable quality. Back/low Prevention Device ("Device') -means any approved device intended to prevent backflow into a waterworks. 6ackpress:a•e BackJlorn -means backflow caused by pressw•e in the downstream piping which is superior to the supply pressure at the point of consideration. Backsiphonage BackJloir -means backflow caused by a reduction in pressure which causes a partial vacuum creating a siphon effect. Consaurer -means person who drinks water from a waterworks. Consmner's Water Supply System ("Consraner's System ) -means the water service pipe, water distributing pipes, and necessary connecting pipes, fittings, control valves, and all appurtenances in or adjacent to the building or premises. Containment -means the prevention of backflow into a waterworks from a consumer's water supply system by a backflow prevention device or by backflow prevention by separation in the service connection. Conknninant -means any objectionable or hazardous physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water. Cross Connection -means any connection or structural arrangement, direct or indirect, to the waterworks whereby backflow can occur. Degree of Flazcu•d -means either a high, moderate or low hazard based on the nature of the contaminant; the potential health hazard; the probability of the backflow occurrence; the method of backflow either by backpressure or by backsiphonage; and the potential effect on waterworks structures, equipment, and appurtenances used in the storage, collection, purification, treatment, and distribution of pure water. Dh•ector-means the Director of the Town of Leesburg Department of Utilities. Distribution Main - means a water main whose primacy purpose is to provide treated water to service connections. Diriston -means the Commomvealth of Virginia, Virginia Department of Health, Office of Water programs, Division of Water Supply Engineering. Domestic Use or Usage -means normal family or household use, including drinking, laundering, bathing, cooking, heating, cleaning and flushing toilets. Doub/e Gate-Doable Check Valve Assembly -means an approved assembly designed to prevent backsiphonage or backpressure backflow and used for moderate or low hazard situations, composed of two independently operating, spring-loaded check valves, tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and fitted with properly located test cocks. Lntry Poinl -means the place where water from the source is delivered to the distribution system. Heatth Hazard -means any condition, device, or practice in a waterworks or its operation that creates, or may create, a danger to the health and well being of the water consumer. Isolation -means the prevention of backflow into a waterworks from a consumer's water supply system by a backflow prevention device or by backflow prevention by separation at the sources of potential contamination in the conswner's water supply system. This is also called point-of--use isolation. Isolation of an area or zone within a consumer's water supply system confines the potential sow•ce of contamination to a specific area or zone. This is called area or zone isolation. Haxinnon Contaminant Level -means the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water which is delivered to the fi•ee flowing outlet of the ultimate user of a waterworks, except in the cases of turbidity and VOC's, where the maximum permissible level is measured at each entry point to the dishribution system. Contaminants added to the water under circumstances controlled by the user, except those resulting from corrosion of piping and plumbing caused by water quality, are excluded fi•om this definition. Maximmn contaminant levels may be either "primary" (PMCL) meaning based on health considerations or "secondary" (SMCL) meaning based on aesthetic considerations. Phunbing Firnrre - means a receptacle a• device which is either permanently or temporarily connected to the water distribution system of the premises, and demands a supply of water there from; or discharges used water, waste materials, or sewage either directly or indirectly to the drainage system of the premises; or requires both a water supply connection and a discharge to the drainage system of the premises. Pollution -means the presence of any foreign substance (chemical, physical, radiological, or biological) in water that tends to degrade its quality so as to constitute an umiecessary risk or impair the usefulness of the water. Polhrtion Hazard - means a condition through which an aesthetically objectionable or degrading material may enter the waterworks or a consumer's water system. Prendses - means a piece of real estate; house or building and its land Pressure Vacuum Breaker - means an approved assembly designed to prevent backsiphonage backflow and used for high, moderate, or low hazard situations, composed of one or rivo independently operating, spring-loaded check valves; an independently operating, spring-loaded air-inlet valve; tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly; and fitted with properly located tests cocks. Process Fquids• -means any kind of fluid or solution which may be chemically, biologically, or otherwise contaminated or polluted which would constitute a health, pollutional, or system hazard if introduced into the waterworks. This includes, but is not limited to: 1. Polluted or contaminated water, 2. Process waters, 3. Used water, originating from the waterworks which may have deteriorated in sanitary quality, 4. Cooling waters, 5. Contaminated natural waters taken from wells, lakes, streams, or irrigation systems, 6. Chemicals in solution or suspension, and 7. Oils, gases, acids, alkalis, and other liquids and gaseous fluid used in industrial or other processes, or for fire fighting purposes. Prrr•e Water or PotcrGle Water -means water fit for human consumption and domestic use which is sanitary and normally free of minerals, organic substances, and toxic agents in excess of reasonable amounts for domestic usage in the area served and normally adequate in quantity and quality for the minimum health requirements of the persons served. Reduced Pressure Principle Backflorr Prevention Device (RPZ) device) -means an approved assembly designed to prevent backsiphonage or backpressure backflow used for high, moderate, or low hazard situations, composed of a minimum of two independently operating, spring-loaded check valves together with an independent, hydraulically operating pressure differential relief valve located between the rivo check valves. During normal flow and at the cessation of normal flow, the pressure befi~een these two checks shall be less than the supply pressure. The unit must include tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and be fitted with properly located test cocks. Service Connection -means the point of delivery of water to a customer's building service line as follows: 1. If a meter is installed, the service connection is the downstream side of the meter; 2. If a meter is not installed, the service connection is the point of connection to the waterworks; 3. When the water purveyor is also the building owner, the service connection is the enhy point to the building. System Hazard - means a condition posing a threat of or actually causing damage to the physical properties of the waterworks or a consumer's water supply system. Torun-means the Town of Leesburg Department of Utilities. Used tVcrter-means water supplied from the waterworks to a consumer's water supply system after it has passed through the service connection. YVater Supply -means the water that shall have been taken into a waterworks from all wells, sh•eams, springs, lakes, and other bodies of surface water (natural or impounded), and the tributaries thereto, and all impounded groundwater, but the term "water supply" shall not include any waters above the point of intake of such waterworks. Wcrlenworks- means a system that serves piped water for drinking or domestic use to (1) the public, (2) at least 15 connections, or (3) an average of 25 individuals for at least 60 days out of the year. The term "waterworks" shall include all structures, equipment, and appwrtenances used in the storage, collection, purification, treaUnent, and distribution of pure water except the piping and fixtures inside the building where such water is delivered (see Title 32.1, Article 2, Code of Vhginicr, 1950, as amended). Waterworks Owner- means an individual, group of individuals, pairtnership, firm, association, institution, corporation, government entity, or the Federal Government which supplies or proposed to supply water to any person within this State from or by means of any watervorks (see Title 32. I, Article 2, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended). TABLE I -DETERMINATION OF DEGREE OF HAZARD Premises with the following conditions shall be rated at the corresponding degree of hazard. Hazard T e Conditions Exam les High -The In the event of backflow of the Sewage, used water, contaminant is contaminant, a health hazard would nonpotable water, auxiliai}~ toxic, poisonous, exist. water systems and toxic or noxious or A high probability exists of a hazardous chemicals. unhealthy. backflow occurrence either by backpressure or by backsiphonage. ^ The contaminant would disrupt the seiroice of piped water for drinking or domestic use. Low -The In the event of backflow of the Food stuff, nontoxic contaminant contaminant, a health hazard would chemicals and nonhazardous would only not exist. chemicals. degrade the A low probability exists of the quality of the occurrence of backflow, water Backflow would not occur by aesthetically. backsiphonage. The contaminant would not disrupt service of piped water. Appendix Appendix A -Guide to Assessment of Hazard and Selection of Backflow Devices Appendix B -Details Drawing 1 Irrigation System Protection with Internal Backflow Device Drawing 2 Irrigation System Protection with Exterior Backflow Device Drawing 3 Film Developing Tank Drawing 4 Commercial Dishwasher Drawing 5 Commercial Washer Drawing 6 Typical Meter Setter with Dual Check Valve (1"and Smaller) Drawing 6a Typical Meter Setter with Dual Check Valve (1.5" and 2") Drawing 7 Typical Double Check Double Gate Valve for Service Line Larger than 2" Drawing 8 Water Hauling Truck Drawing 9 Commercial Fire Line Protection Drawing 10 Carbonated Beverage Dispenser Drawing l l Typical RPZ Device for Service Line Larger than 2" Appendix C -Sample Cross Comiection Survey Ponn, Backflow Test Report and Cross Connection Letters Appendix D - Thermal Expansion Appendix A This Appendix Section was prepared to establish guidelines to assist plumbers, suppliers, cross connection control inspectors, plumbing officials, regulatory agencies, etc., in the selection of backflow prevention devices for typical potable water fixtwes throughout the indusby. This section should be utilized as a guide for selection of backflow devices. The use of manufacturer's trade names in this manual is for reference as to type, quality, materials and workmanship and shall not be considered as product endorsement by preparer's of this manual. GUIDE TO THE ASSESSMENT OF HAZARD AND SELECTION OF BACKFLOW DEVICES Internal Fixtures Requiring Approved Devices Applicable Backflow Protection Section s L Coffee Urns Dual check backflow reventer 9 2. Commercial dishwasher Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 and 10 3. Commercial arba a dis oral Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 and 10 4. Hose bibs - Vacuum breaker that permits manual 8 • Outside draining for freeze protection ^ Inside - Vacuum breaker 8 Note: All set screws must be secured and broken off S. Sterilizers Dual check backflow reventer 9 6. Water closet tank Anti-siphon ball cock (1" above water level 7. Vacuum pumps Backflow preventer with intermediate S abnos heric vent 8. Residential lawn sprinkler Reduced pressure principle backflow 2 reventer 9. Commercial lawn sprinkler Reduced pressw~e principle backflow 2 & ] 0 preventer. Locate devices 4 feet above floor and readil accessible 10. Commercial laundry Backflow preventer with intermediate S ahnos heric vent 11. Laundry trays or janita•'s sink Atmospheric vacuum breaker or hose 6 & 8 connection vacuum breaker 12, Tank vats or other vessels containing Reduced pressure principle backflow 2 toxic substances reventer 13, lce makers Air gap, atmospheric vacuum breaker or Sand 6 backflow preventer with intermediate atmos heric vent 14. Shatn oo sink Dual check backflow reventer 9 1S. Soda fountain Dual check backflow reventer 9 16. Film developing tank Atmospheric vacuum breaker and 6 and 10 tem erin valve 17. Film processor Reduced pressure principle backflow 2 reventer 18. Swimmin ools Air a 19. Yard hydrants Dual check valve assembly. Also install non otable water si ns metal 4 20. Autoclave Dual check valve assembl 9 21. Boiler feed lines • Toxic chemicals Reduced pressure principle backflow reventer 2 ^ Nontoxic chemicals Backflow preventer with atmospheric vent 5 22. Air conditionin chill water • Toxic chemicals Reduced pressure principle backflow reventer 2 • Nontoxic chemicals Backflow preventer with atmospheric vent 5 23. Air conditionin condenser water ^ Toxic chemicals Reduced pressure principle backflow reventer 2 • Nontoxic chemicals Backflow preventer with atmospheric vent S 24. Air conditionin coolin towers Air a with no attached threads • Chemical addition Reduced pressure principle backflow reventer 2 25. Dental cus idor Air a 26. Flush valves Vacuum breaker 10 and Il 27. Ornamental fountains Dual check valve assembl 4 28. Soa dis enser Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 29. Domestic flexible shower heads Dual check valve assembl 9 30. Commercials ra head Dual check valve assembl 4 and 9 31. Serrated faucet Dual check valve assembl 9 32. Ba tismal fountain Air a , or dual check valve assembl 4 33. Bed an washer Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 34. As irator Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 35. S ecimen tanks Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 36. Autos & mortuai a ui ment • Service line Reduced pressure principle backflow reventer 2 • All equipment to be individual) rotected 37. Bidet Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 38. Bottle washer Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 39. H dro-theca baths Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 40. Pi ette washer Atmos heric vacuum breaker 6 41. Pump prime lines Backflow preventer with intermediate atmos heric vent 5 42. Car washes • Main feed line Reduced pressure principle backflow reventer 2 • Internal equipment to be rotected on individual basis 43. Fires rinkler s stems with chemical Contact Town addition 44. Fires rinkler s stems nontoxic Contact Town 45. Degreasing equipment Backflow preventer with intermediate 5 atmos heric vent 46. Heat exchanger used for domestic hot water • Double wall heat exchan er • Toxic chemicals Reduced pressure principle Backflow 2 reventer 47. Sewer flushing equipment Air gap or reduced pressw'e principle 2 Backflow reventer 48. Kitchen equipment Equipment to be protected on individual basis 49. Commercial water softeners Reduced pressure principle Backflow 2 reventer 50. Livestock water systems Internal connections to be protected on individual basis 51 Dairy equipment Internal connections to be protected on individual basis 52. Booster um s Low ressure cutoff switch 53. Laboratory sinks - Double check valve with intermediate 9 vacuum breaker 54. Vending machines Double check valve with intermediate 9 vacuum breaker 55. Dr cleanin a ui ment Reduced ressure Backflow reventer 2 56. Laboratories All water outlets to be individually rotected 57. Water haulm trucks Air a or double check valve assembl 3 58. Bathtub with water fill below water Atmospheric vacuum breaker located 6 level between faucet and discharge, 6 inches above flood level and accessible Section 2 Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer ASSE. Standard No. 1013 Sizes'/a"- 10" Examples of Approved Devices t. Zurn/Wilkens -Model S75 2. Watts - 909 3. Febco - 825, 825Y 4, Conbraco - XL RP S. Ames - RP 6. Mueller- H-9506 7. Hersey - 6 CM, Model FRP 8. CLA - VAL - RP I, RP2 9. Rain-Bird - RPA *All devices which meet ASSE. Standard No. 1013 are acceptable. *Locate devices 4 feet above floor and readily accessible. *Devices are to be tested annually or on a more frequent basis depending on the degree of hazard as determined by the governing authority. *All backflow prevention devices shall meet the following ASSE. applicable standards. Device ASSE. Standard • Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer ASSE. No. 1013 o Sizes 3/4"' - 10" • Double check valve assembly ASSE. No. 101 S o Sizes ''/z" - 10" • Dual check valve assembly ASSE. -No. 1024 o Sizes %" - I" • Backflow preventer with intermediate atmospheric vent ASSE. No. 1012 o Sizes %z" -'/a" • Atmospheric vacuum breakers ASSE. No. 1001 o Sizes'/<"-4" • Anti-siphon pressure type vacuum breakers ASSE. No. 1020 o Sizes %z"-2" • Hose connection vacuum breakers ASSE. No. 1011 o Sizes'/n" • ANSI/ASSE 1019 • Laboratory faucet double check valve with intermediate vacuum breaker ASSE. No. 1035 o Sizes''/n" - 3/8" Section 3 Double Check Valve Assembly ASSE. No. 1015 Sizes %z" - 10" Examples of Approved Devices I. Febco SOSY, 805 2. Watts 709 3. Zurn/Wilkens 550, SSOM 4. Hersey FDC 5. CLA - VAL D2, D 6. Rain-Bird DC-075 through DC 1000 7. Mueller H-9505 8. Ames DC 9. Conbraco XL DC *All devices which meet ASSE. Standard No. 1015 are acceptable. *Locate devices 4 feet above floor and readily accessible. Section 4 Dual Check Valve Assembly ASSE. Standard No. 1024 Sizes %z"- 1" Examples of Approved Devices I. Watts No. 7 2. Febco 810 3. Zurn/Wilkens No. 700 4, Hersey Model BSG 5. Ford HHC *All devices which meet ASSE. Standard No. 1024 are acceptable. Section 5 Backflow Preventer with Intermediate Atmospheric Vent ASSE. Standard No. 1012 Sizes %:" -'/a" Examples of Approved Devices I. Hersey Model BCP 2. Watts 9-D *All devices which meet ASSE. Standard No. 1012 are acceptable. Section 6 Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers ASSE. Standard No. 1001 Sizes'/"-4" Examples of Approved Devices 1. Febco 710/715 2. Zurn/Wilkens 300, 315, 320 3. Watts 288A *All devices which meet ASSE. Standard No. 1001 are acceptable. *Device shall not be installed under exhaust hoods or similar locations which will contain toxic fwnes or vapors. Section 7 Anti-Siphon Pressure Type Vacuum Breakers ASSE. Standard No. 1020 Sizes %" - 2" Examples of Approved Devices I. Watts No. 800 2. Zun>/Wilkens 720A 3. Febco 765 4. CLA - VAL 27 *All devices which meet ASSE. Standard No. 1020 are acceptable. Section 8 Hose Connection Vacuum Breakers ASSE. Standard No. I OI 1 Size''/4" Examples of Approved Devices I. Watts No. 8B No, 8A No. NF-8, permits manual draining for freezing conditions 2. Febco 730 3. Zurn/Wilkens BFP-8 *All devices which meet ASSE. Standard No. 101 I are acceptable. Section 9 Labm•atm•y Faucet Double Check Valve with Intermediate Vacuum Breaker ASSE. No. 1035 Sizes'/<" - 3/8" Examples of Approved Devices I. Watts No. NLF9 (Laboratory faucets) noncontinuous pressure application. Watts N9 (continuous pressure applications) *All devices which meet ASSE. Standard No. 1035 are acceptable, Appendix B -Details Appendix C -Sample Cross Connection Survey Form Appendix D -Sample Backflow Test Report Appendix E -Sample Cross Connection Letters Appendix F -Thermal Expansion Appendix B -Details Appendix C -Sample Cross Connection Survey Form Appendix D -Sample Backflow Test Report Appendix E -Sample Cross Connection Letters Appendix F -Thermal Expansion Section 10 Dual Check /Beverage Dispensers Only ASSE, No. 1032 Sizes %<"- 1/2" Examples of Approved Devices I .Carman CI-4004 2. Chudnow S47D 3. Lancer l7-0341 *AIl devices which meet ASSE. Standard No. 1032 are acceptable. Appendix B The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW nncr T/Y 1T A~Tr /v /~1T(v IT1TlT T/'~R~il~l.T C'~R~A/.TTIAPP The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW Leesburg in Virginia DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD Fiberglass or Metal Box Enclosure Unions for Seasonal Removal of RPZ- Approved RPZ Device 1'-0" Min. 4'-0" Max. 1 a a 4 0 . a a Q a ° a . a 4 -~JConcrete Pad or J Pipe Sleeve ~ t ~„ -y Gravel Bedding ~ Irrigation Supply Line Drain To Irrigation lines NOTES: A. All pipe through concrete to be sleeved. B. RPZ device shall be readily accessible for inspection and testing. C. No connection will be permitted on supply line between meter and RPZ device. D. Shut off valves shall be installed before and after the RPZ device. E. RPZ shall be an approved ASSE 1013 device. F. For a concrete pad, positive drainage shall be provided with a drain pipe. ItL'V1J1V1VJ DRAWING No-- DATE; _- IRRIGATION SYSTEM 2 1 PROTECTION WITH EXTERIOR BACKFLOW DEVICE PAGE 2 The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW r. r...r..,r ~ irr~ ivnrrn mr~rrnmrn it nm ~ iiri ~ nn The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW r.nnrn it ~irr~ nn~rmm~rrnmr~~r cvm~~rn inn The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW Leesburg in Virginia DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD NOTES: A. The backflow prevention device shall be readily accessible for inspection. DRAWING 5 COMMERICAL WASHER PAGE 5 The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW Leesburg in Virginia DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD Lid to be placed: 2" above finished grade prior to sodding. Easement or Top of ground or 1" above finished grade prior to seeding. Property Line finished street surface Flush with final surface when located in sidewalk ~ or trail. Dual check I 20"-24" 30" min. 4' min. Meter crock -- Angle between 30 and 45 1"type "K" seamless copper tubing degrees ~f.;,: ~. Service Line ` ' ' ,. ~ : , 6" Compacted gravel ' VDOT No. 68 or 78 ~ I: • , ` Corporation stop: Extend supply line to the Inlet: AWWA taper property line or edge of easement. thread Outlet: Compression 1"type "K" seamless copper tubing ~ Water Main pack Joint NOTES: A. Refer to water details WD-10 and WD-11 of Article 2 for sizing combinations of the service line and meter. B. This detail is for %s', %" or 1" Water Meter. C. See WD-21, 22 and 23 for meter crock, meter setter and frame and cover specifications. D. See GN-2 for additional requirements. E. The meter setter and cross bar shall be centered in the crock and equidistant from the inside edge of the crock. F. Well draining select material or gravel to be placed under meter crock. G. Top of water meter crock lid shall not be higher than the final grade of surrounding surfaces including brick or concrete sidewalk, curb, asphalt trail or seeded/sodded area. TYPICAL METER SETTER WITH DUAL CHECK VALVE (1"AND SMALLER) DRAWING s PAGE s The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW Leesburg in Vir~inra DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD lid to be placed: Top of ground or 2" above finished grade prior to sodding. finished street surface 1" above finished grade prior to seeding. Flush with final surface when located in or trail. 18"x18"x6" concrete collar with #3 rebar cage 4' min. Water Concrete thrust block Valve box Gale I Type K seamless „~„p, I /copper tubing MJ plug tapped with brass fittings Anchoring coupling 12" long (min.) Meter Crock-~) Dual check Service Line Easement or Property Line ti 20"~24"I 6" Compacted gravel VDOT No. 68 or 78 Extend supply line to the property line or edge of easement. Type "K" seamless copper tubing- NOTES: A. Refer to water details WD-10 and WD-11 of Article 2 for sizing combinations of the service line and meter. e. This deiail is for 1Yz" or 2" Water Meter. C. See WD-21, 22 and 23 for meter crock, meter setter and frame and cover specifications. D. See GN-2 for additional requirements. E. The meter setter and cross bar shall be centered in the crock and equidistant from the inside edge of the crock. F. Brass adapters are required for the installation. G. Well draining select material or gravel to be placed under meter crock. H. Top of water meter crock lid shall not be higher than the final grade of surrounding surfaces including brick or concrete sidewalk, curb, asphalt trail or seeded/sodded area. Not To Scale REVISIONS TYPICAL METER SETTER DRAi9ING N0. DA_TE: 6A 1 WITH DUAL CHECK VALVE (1.5" AND 2"~ PAGE 6A The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW l,eeSi~llYQ in vlYQlnla DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD MECHANICAL ROOM Approved Double Gate Supply Line ~ Double Check Device from Meter 1'-0" Min. 4'-0" Max. Q d Q ° a s d d. a.' a Q 4 a . o' 4 ~ d 4 NOTES: A. All pipe through concrete to be sleeved. B. The double check, double gate device shall be readily accessible for inspection and testing. C. No connection will be permitted on supply line between meter and double check, double gate device. D. Shut off valves shall be installed before and after the double check, double gate device. E. The double check, double gate device shall be an approved ASSE 1015. F. A floor drain must be installed. tCC., V1.71VlVJ DRAWING No. _ DATE: - TYPICAL DOUBLE CHECK 7 1 DOUBLE GATE VALVE FOR SERVICE LINE LARGER THAN 2" P 7GE The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW Leesburg in Virginia DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD Fill Pipe Min. 6" or 2 X Pipe Diameter 6" Minimum Air Gap or 2 X Pipe Diameter Fill Piped ~~~ (Which ever is greater) Leased Town of ~~ Leesburg Construction ° Hydrant Meter __ _~Hose ~ O NOTES: A. Anyone found in violation will be prohibited from futher use of the connection and subject to a fine. B. No direct connections between the fill pipe and the tank will be permitted. (6" Minimum Air Gap) C. The hydrant will be fully open and the flow regulated by the hand valve. D. Trucks will be inspected prior to the issuing of a construction hydrant meter and contract. Additional inspections will be required if violations are noted. DRAWING 8 WATER HAULING TRUCK PAGE 8 The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW nnnrn>.r ~~m nn~imm~rinmrnar CmAlii~AT]Tl The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW Leesburg in Virginia DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD Approved ASSE 1012 Approved ASSE 1022 Backflow Preventer rBackflow Preventer Potable Water Supply Carbonated Beverage Dispenser Pump Carbonator C02 gas NOTES: A. The approved ASSE 1012 device and piping downstream shall not be affected by CO gas. t<>; yIJ1U1VJ DRAWING N°. DATE` CARBONATED BEVERAGE 10 1 DISPENSER PAGE 10 The Town of CROSS-CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW r'~r'in Tn it •TrrT nnlrnmTlT rnmTn lT 1Ym 11TTlAnT1 Appendix C CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION INSPECTION DATE: BiISINESS(FACILITY NAME: SERVICE ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: CONTACT PRONE #: MAILING ADDRESS: Location Protects T e Make/Model Size Serial # INSPECTED BY: DATE: GREASE TRAP? YES NO INTERIOR EXTERIOR SIZE: (How many gallons?) Backflow Prevention Device Testing, Maintenance & Inspection Report Cross Connection Control Certificate To be Completed by a Cer•tifred Baekflow Tesler Address of Device: Owner !Manager: Telephone; Mailing Address: Contact Person: Make & Model #: Size: Serial #: Location of Device: Device connected te: Irrigation Fire System Main Service (Circle One) Other (please list): Type of BackfYow Device (Circle One) ~ RPZ DGDCV CHECK VALVE 1. CHECK VALVE 2. GATE VALVE 3. CLOSED TIGHT ~ CLOSED TTGHT 8 CLOSEDT IGHT e RECORD DIFF PSI RKCORU DIFF RECORD DIFF PSI RELIEF OYERATTONAL TEST AFTER REPAIR CHECK VALVE I. CHECK VALVE 2, GATE VALVE 3. LEAKED LEAKED LEAKED CLOSED TIGHT 8 CLOSED TIGHT e CLOSED TIGHT RECORD llIFF PSI RECORD D1FF RECORD DIFF PSI RT;LIEF PST VALVE OPEN AT Tested By: Certificate #: Company: Business Tel #: Signature: Date: Environmental Compliance Officer Date RANDOLPH W. SHOEMAKER Director Departtnen! of Utilities s<Orp~,Itepott L'ogo_i$ TOWN OF LEESBURG DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES 25 West Market Street • P.O. Box 88.20178. 703.771-2762 • Metro 703-478.1851 • FAX 703-737.7185 • tvww,ieesburgva.gov <sLetterS~~t~Sal"~ ~ontfl?ag, Yea Drlbtl€}t~ap; Yearrk i<MBrltIIg_1~rc>`ifess ». RE: CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL, BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE ANNUAL TESTING ATs<Servicegijl($treetAl~I;ess» Dear This letter is notification that it is time for your backflow prevention device's annual operational test. Backflow prevention devices aze required to be connected to irrigation systems in the lawn and fire sprinkler systems in the home and/or business. Your propetTy has at least one of these systems and devices requiring this annual test. Chapter34 of the Leesburg'I'own Code establishes requirements for annual backflow prevention device testing, to assw•e continued cross connection control compliance with the Virginia Department of Health Waterworks Reeulations, Within 30 Days of the date of this letter, please promptly return the enclosed test report certificates} completed by an individual certified in cross-connection control device testing to the following address: Totivn of Leesburg Departtnent of Utilities ATTN: Lisa Smith PO Box 88 Leesburg, VA. 20178 Also enclosed is a list of certified testers who have provided proof of certification to test devices as well as proof of test kit calibration to the Town. if you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (703) 771-2762. Thank you for your immediate attention and cooperation in this tnatter. Sincerely, Lisa J. Smith Utilities Generalist Enclosures RANDOLPH W. SHOEMAKER DJrecfor Department of Utilities TOWN OF LEESBURG DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES 25 West Market Street • P.O. IIox 88 20178 • 703-771-2762 • Metro 703-d78-1821 PAX 703-737-7185 ~nvw.leesburgva.gov «Letter~entDafe M`ontfipay, IeaY;Ivton~IrIIa~, Year3 «Ixat_turg`Add[~s~3z RE: 2Nll NOTICE -CROSS CONNECTION_CONTROL, BACICFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE ANNUAL TESTING AT ~iS~i•vr~~2Ylltf'PSS> Dear To date, the town has received no response from yon regarding written notice for backflow prevention device testing ofyour irrigation system or fire sprinkler system. Chapter 34 of the Leesburg Town Code establishes requirements for annual backflow prevention device testing, to assure continued cross connection control compliance with the Virginia Department of Health Waterworks Regulations. This letter is your Second Notitication regarding the requirement for annual testing ofyour testable backflow prevention device(s). If the enclosed certification(s) for your backflow device(s) is not completed indicating it is operating properly by a certified tester within 14 days of receipt of this letter, water service termination procedures will be instituted by the Town of Leesburg. Please send completed test form to the following address: Town of Leesburg Department of Utilities ATTN: Lisa Smith P.O. Box 88 Leesburg, VA. 20178 If you have any questions concerning this mattel•, please contact me at (703) 771-2762. Thank you for your immediate attention and cooperation in this matter. Sinceroly Lisa J. Smith Utilities Generalist RAIJDOLPH W. SHOEMAKER Director Deparhnent of Utilities «Org~ ffepo~ Iogoc TOWN OF LEESBURG DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES 25 West Market Street • P.O. Box 88.20178.703-771-2762 • Metro 703.478-1851 • FAX 703-737-7185 • www.leesburgva.gov S<Ielter~entDate Mdn'(l bay, Y'ea' Ivfontlr I)aq, Year}>_ CERTIFIED MAIL «Ivfdr}mg ~ikddi•ess ii RE: FINAL NOTICE -CROSS CONNECTION AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE ANNUAL TESTING AT z~a~~mcchsldrea93s Dear To the Town has not received test results from you regarding our written notice for passing backflow prevention device testing. __ This leaves us no alternative but to terminate your water service, effective sfKespons;~ueDlfti:~~~a. However, you may avoid termination of service and a reconnection fee by submitting to us written certification stating thatyour backflow prevention device(s) has been tested and passed the required test at your premises. The necessary form was,provided to you in your first two notices, If we do not hear fiom you by i~gspvn~~DueDaYg.»', the 'town will institute termination procedures. We regret Having to take such drastic action, however, protection of the Town's water utility system is pat~amount in providing for the health, safety and welfare of all our citizens. Should you have any questions, please contact me at the Town's Utilities Department at 703-771- 2762. Thank you for your immediate attention to this request. Sincerely, Lisa J. Smith Utilities Generalist cc: Randolph W. Shoemaker, Director of Utilities Terry Frye, General Services Manager RANDOLYH W. SHOEMATCER pirector Deparhnent of Utilities St~e~RppQk~r v8g0i5; 'TOWN OF LEESBURG DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES 25 West Market Street • P.O. Box 88.20178.703.771-2762 • Metro 703-478.1851 • FAX 703-737-7185 • www.leesburgva.gov f~gtYerSerit77' ate ~Montlt Day, Yea~It~onth 17ag, Ire~t` <zIvPalYing~d~r~s~ 3z RE: CROSS CONNEC'PION CONTROI„ BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE INSPECTION at c~eLv~ceTtatt~~re~`}<Addres~=3F Dear With the cooperation of your staff the Town's )environmental Compliance Officer recently inspected your premises to determine the integrity and safety of the water supply service. During that inspection it was determined that there were certain deficiencies that need to be corrected to protect the potable water supply. A list of the items that require attention is attached. Approved backflow prevention assemblies must be installed to comply with the enabling water safety legislation and the regulations of the Leesburg Town Code and Virginia Deparhnent of Health Waterworks Regulations. The installed backflow prevention assemblies must be tested upon installation and regularly thereafter by a licensed tester. For your convenience, we have attached a list of tasters licensed to install, service and test backflow prevention assemblies within the Town. On completion of the installation and test an inspection report must be completed and rehlmed to this office. The installation and testing of the backflow prevention assemblies should be completed within 30 days of the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please contact me at 703-771-2762. Sincerely, Lisa J. Smith Utilities Generalist RANDOLPH W. SHOEMAKER Direclar Department of Utilities «OrgTI€~ptrrf Istigon TOWN OF LEESBURG DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES 25 Walt Market Strcct • P.O. Box 88.20178.703.771.2762 • Meho 703.478.1851 • PAX 703.737.7185 • www.leesburgva.gov Date itTTl~Iaa~tttt~ Addtess> -, - - _. RE: Lawn Irrigation System at «Ser_t~r~te~u11SU'iv~~dr@ss~a Dent «Ma~>~eeettti~ Recently you had spoken to us regarding operation of your irrigation system. Should you choose not to use this system, you must have it physically disconnected from your domestic water service. The Town must then conduct an inspection to ensure this work has been adequately and property completed. Please call me at 703-771-2762 within 10 days of the date of this letter to schedule a time fot• ottr Environmental Compliance Officer, Alex Barrett to conduct this inspection. Thank you for your immediate attention to this request. Sincerely, Lisa 7. Smith Utilities Generalist cc: Alex Barrett, Environmental Compliance Officer RANDOLPH W. SHOEMAKER Director Deparmtent oJUtttilies «Org_I~egort ~~4) TOWN OF LEESBURG DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES 25 West Marke! Sheet • P.O. Bux 88.20178.103.771-2762 • Metro 703.478-1851 • FAX 703.737.7185 • www.leesburgva.gov «Tett~rSet<rtat~~onth Day, Year IvlonthDay; ~''e~rS «.~%Iatl~ng Alc~re~~s Dear <zTvl`ail ~E~iree`~ng if, It has come ~to our attention that a lawn irrigation system has been installed at your address located at strvtce~dxess'3~. hrigation systems located within the Town of Leesburg's water service area require backflow prevention devices which are required to be tested on a regular basis. Chapter 34 of the Leesburg Town Code establishes requirements for annual backflow prevention device testing, to assure continued cross connection control compliance with the Virginia Department of Health Waterworks Regulations. This is notification that you a~•e required to have your irrigation system's device tested by an individual certified in cross connection and backflow testing, and a completed test report returned to our office within 30 days from the date of this letter. Please find enclosed the necessary backflow test form to be completed after testing the device. While the'I'own does not endorse testers, as a courtesy, enclosed is a list of certified testers who have provided proof of certification to test devices as well as proof of test kit calibration to the Town. You are not required to use a tester on this list, it is merely offered for your information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 703-771-2762. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter. Sincerely, Lisa J. Smith Utilities Generalist Enclosures RANDOLPH W. SHOEMAKER Director Departnreni of Utilities «t3r`~I2eperf i;ogo £_s TOWN OT LEESBURG DEPARTMENT Or UTILITIES 25 tVest Market Street • P.O. Box RR • 20178.703-771-2762 • Metro 703.478.1851 • FAX 703.737-7185 • vnvw.leesburgva.gov z<I~tterSeli~Date ,IVTorfDay, Year Month Day, Yeai<rr uTtz~azling ~Adirass> Re: Second Notice New Installation of Backflow Prevention Assembl Dear zz]'vFar`~ "Gree4r~t~, To date, the town has received no response from you regarding written notice for backflow prevention device testing of your lawn irrigation system. Chapter 34 of the Leesburc Town Code establishes requirements for annual backflow prevention device testing, to assure continued cross connection control compliance with the Virginia Department of Health Waterworks Regulations. In order to comply, the backflow device connected to your lawn irrigation system must be tested annually by a certified and licensed tester and results submitted to our office. This letter is a second notification that the requested test must be completed and the enclosed backflow device test form returned to this office within 15 days of the date of this letter or the water service to your property maybe discontinued without further notice. If you have any questions, please contact me at 703-771-2762. "Thank you for your immediate attention to this requirement. Sincerely, Lisa J. Smith Utilities Generalist enclosure Appendix D RANDOLPH W. SHOEMAKER Director Department of UttllNes pr C: ~~ b~ O ~ ' ; `e TOWN OF LEESBURG llEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES 25 West Market Sheet P.O. box 88 20178 703-771.2750 Meho 703-478-1821 FAX 703-737-7185 vr,nv.leasburgva.gov CF,RTIFIED MAIL Customer Name Customer Address R>;: Service Connection at Service Address Dear Mr/Ms.: The Town's Utilities Department recently installed a new water meter assembly serving your property. As required by the Virginia Water Regulations, this assembly includes a backflow prevention device commonly referred to as a double check valve assembly which will prevent, under certain conditions, the backflow of water from your residence to the town's water system. We bring this matter to your attention to ensure there will be no problems experienced with your new water service after completion of this work, As a courtesy, we have temporarily disabled the backflow device to allow you sufficient time to review and revise your household plumbing, as necessary. The town's utility technician will return within fhe nexi 30 clays to activate your check valve installation. In some instances, residential hot water systems are improperly designed or installed such that they allow pressure to build up (due to the expansion of the water when it is heated) and be released through the public water system. If your phimbing system is unprotected against thermal expansion, the device we have installed will not allow the pressure to be released through the public water system, causing the pressure relief valve on your hot water heater tank to open briefly. The hest protection for your water system can be provided by the use of one of the plumbing devices described in the attached bulletin. It contains technical information and descriptions of four different methods used to control thermal expansion. If you should encounter a problem in obtaining one of these devices, or have any questions, please contact meat 703-7? 1-2762. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter Sincerely, Lisa J. Smith Utilities Generalist Attachment ec: Property File PLUMBING INSTALLATION BULLETIN The Town of Leesburg has installed a backflow prevention device on your water service which will protect the Town's water supply from reverse flow of water from your premises. Virginia's Plumbing Codc requires that wherever a water service is equipped with a backflow prevention device, the supply system within the premises shall have a device installed to control build-up of orator pressure, caused by water heating equipment. The increased water pressure is caused by the volume of water increasing as it is heated: Thet'mal Expansion. Uncontrolled Thermal Expansion in a closed svstem can result in: o Discharge of temperature and pressure relief valve on hot water heater due to excessive pressure buildup in the water system. a Reduced effectiveness or failure of temperature and pressure relief valves. o Premature failure of water heater tanks due to the high pressures caused by thermal expansion. o Loss of water heating equipment manufacturer's warranty coverage if no thermal expansion control is provided. DEVICES WHICH CONTROL THERMAL EXPANSION: CODE REQUIRES TO BE PERMANENT -SELECT ONE 1 ' n Expansio cola ,l Tank Water }Iot supply ® I I Water OrO Bn[lcock & Belief Yrelve: fill tube with pressure relief port. (Makes a running water noise when discharging.) _~ Heater 0 Tube Typical Water Closet Attachment D ~~~ ~,~ ~ ~~~z:l TOWN OF LEESBURG SEWER USE REGULATIONS July 2009 ORDINANCE NO: TOWN OF LEESBURG IN VIRGINIA SEWER USE REGULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 Purpose and Poiicy............ 1.2 Administration .................. 1.3 Abbreviations .................... 1.4 Definitions ......................... SECTION 2 GENERAL SEWER USE REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Prohibited Discharge Standards ........................ 2.2 National Categorical PretreaGnent Standards... 2.3 State Pretreatment Standards ............................ 2.4 Local Limits ...................................................... 2.5 Town's Right of Revision ................................. 2.6 Dilution ............................................................. SECT[ON 3 PRETREATMENT OF WASTEWATER 3.1 Pretreatment Facilities ................................................................ 3.2 Additional Pretreatment Measures .............................................. 3.3 Accidental Discharge/Slug Control Plans ................................... 3.4 Flauled Waste~vater ..................................................................... SECTION 4 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION 4.1 Wastewater Analysis ...................................................................... 4.2 Wastewater Discharge Permit Requirement .................................. 4.3 Wastewater Discharge Permitting: Existing Connections............ 4.4 Wastewater Discharge Permitting: New Connections .................. 4.5 Wastewater Discharge Permit Application Contents ..................... ............1 ............ I ............2 ............2 ..7 ..9 ..9 10 10 10 I1 II II 12 ..12 ..........13 ..........13 ..........13 ..........13 4.6 Application Signatories and Certification ....................... ...............................14 4.7 Wastewater Discharge Permit Decisions ........................ ...............................14 SECTION 5 WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT ISSUANCE PROCESS 5.1 Wastewater Discharge Permit Duration .......................... ...............................15 5.2 Wastewater Discharge Permit Contents .......................... ...............................15 5.3 Wastewater Discharge Permit Appeals ........................... ...............................15 5.4 Wastewater Discharge Permit Modification ................... ...............................I S 5.5 Wastewater Discharge Permit'il~ansfer .......................... ...............................16 5.6 Wastewater Discharge Permit Revocation ..................... ................................16 5.7 Wastewater Discharge Permit Reissuance ..................... ................................17 SECTION 6 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Baseline Monitoring Reports ......................................... ................................18 6.2 Compliance Schedule Progress Reports ........................ ................................19 6.3 Reports on Compliance with Categorical Pretreatment Standard Deadline..20 6.4 Periodic Compliance Reports ........................................ ................................20 6.5 Reports of Changed Conditions ..................................... ................................20 6.6 Reports of Potential Problems ....................................... ................................21 6.7 Reports fi•om Un-permitted Users .................................. ................................21 6.8 Notice ofViolation/Repeat Sampling and Reporting .... ................................21 6.9 Analytical Requirements ................................................ ................................22 6.10 Sampling Collection ....................................................... ................................22 6.11 Timing ............................................................................ ................................22 6.12 Record Keeping ............................................................. ................................22 SECTION 7 COMPLIANCE MONITORING 7.1 Right of Entry: Inspection and Sampling ...................... ................................23 7.2 Search Warrants ............................................................. ................................23 SECTION 8 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ............................. ................................23 SECTION 9 PUBLICATION OF USERS IN SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE ......24 SECTION 10 ADM[NISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES 10.1 Notification of Violation .................................... ............................................25 10.2 Consent Orders ................................................... ............................................25 10.3 Show Cause Nearing .......................................... ............................................25 10.4 Compliance Orders ............................................ ............................................25 10.5 Cease and Desist Orders .................................... ............................................26 10.6 Administrative Fines ......................................... ............................................26 10.7 Emergency Suspensions ..................................... ............................................27 10.8 Termination of Discharge .................................. ............................................27 SECTION I 1 JUDICIAL ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES 11.1 Injunctive Relie£ ............................................................................................28 11.2 Civil Penalties ................................................................................................28 11.3 Criminal Prosecution .....................................................................................29 11.4 Remedies Nonexclusive .................................................................................29 SECTION 12 SUPPLEMENTAL ENFORCEMENT ACTION 12.1 Performance Bonds ........................................................................... .............29 12.2 Liability Insurance ............................................................................ .............29 12.3 Water Supply Severance ................................................................... .............29 12.4 Public Nuisances ............................................................................... .............29 12.5 Contractor Listing ............................................................................. .............30 SECTION 13 AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS 13.1 Upset ................................................................................................. .............30 13.2 Prohibited Discharge Standards ........................................................ .............31 13.3 Bypass ............................................................................................... .............31 SECTION 14 WASTEWATER TREATMENT RATES ........................................ .............33 SECTION 15 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS I5.1 Pretreatment Charges and Fees ......................................................................33 15.2 Severability ....................................................................................................34 SECTION 16 GREASE, OIL AND SAND INTERCEPTORS ...........................................34 SECTION 17 CONTROL MANHOLE FOR OBSERVATION, SAMPLING, ETC. OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE .................................................................................34 SECTION 18 METHOD AND PLACE OF MEASURING, TESTING, ETC. WASTES..34 SECTION 19 SPEC[AL ARRANGEMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES ........................................................................................................35 SECTION 20 RIGHT OF ENTRY TO ENFORCE ARTICLE ...........................................35 SECT[ON 21 EFFECTIVE DATE .......................................................................................35 iv SEWER USE REGULATIONS SECTION 1 -GENERAL PROVISIONS I.I Purpose and Policy These regulations adopted by ordinance set forth uniform requirements for users of the Publicly Owned Treatment Works for the Town of Leesburg and enables the Town of Leesburg to comply with all applicable State and Federal laws, including the Clean Water Act (33 United States Code § 1251 et seq.) and the General Pretreatment Regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 403). The objectives of these regulations are: A. To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the Publicly Owned Treatment Works that will interfere with its operation; B. To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the Publicly Owned Treatment Works that will pass through the system, inadequately treated, into receiving waters, or otherwise be incompatible with the Publicly Owned Treatment Works; C. To protect Publicly Owned Treatment Works personnel who may be affected by wastewater and sludge in the course of their employment and the general public; D. To promote reuse and recycling of industrial wastewater and sludge from the Publicly Owned Treatment Works; E. To provide for fees for the equitable distribution of the cost of operation, maintenance, and improvement of the Publicly Owned Treatment Works; and F. To enable the Town to comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit conditions, sludge use and disposal requirements, and any other Federal or State laws to which the Publicly Owned Treatment Works is subject. These regulations shall apply to all users of the Publicly Owned Treatment Works. The regulations authorize the issuance of wastewater discharge permits; provides for monitoring, compliance, and enforcement activities; establishes administrative review procedures; requires user reporting; and provides for the setting of fees for the equitable distribution of costs resulting from the program established herein. 1.2 AdminisU•ation Except as otherwise provided herein, the Town Manager shall administer, implement, and enforce the provisions of these regulations. Any powers granted to or duties imposed upon the Town Manager may be delegated by the Town Manager to other Town personnel (Reference Town Code, Sewers and Sewer Disposal, Chapter 34, A~•ticle IIT, Sec 34-136) SEWER USE REGULATIONS 1.3 Abbreviations The following abbreviations, when used in these regulations, shall have the designated meanings: BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand CFR Code of Federal Regulations COD Chemical Oxygen Demand EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gpd gallons per day mg/I milligrams per liter NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System POTW Publicly Owned Treatment Works RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act SIC Standard Industrial Classification TSS Total Suspended Solids U.S.C. United States Code L4 Definitions Unless a provision explicitly states otherwise, the following terms and phrases, as used in these regulations, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated. A. Biochemical Oxygen Demand or BOD. The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedures for five (5) days at 20o centigrade, usually expressed as a concentration (e.g., mg/I). B. Authorized Representative of the User (1) If the user is a corporation: (a) The president, secretairy, treasurer, or a vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the corporation; or (b) The manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operation facilities employing more than hvo hundred fifty (250) 2 SEWER USE REGULATIONS persons or having gross amiual sales or expenditures exceeding t`venty five (25) million dollars (in second quarter 1980 dollars), if (c) Authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedw•es. (2) If the user is a partnership or sole proprietorship: ageneral partner of proprietor respectively. (3) If the user is a Federal, State, or local govermnental facility: a director or highest official appointed or designated to oversee the operation and performance of the activities of the government facility, or their designee. (4) The individuals described in paragraphs 1 through 3, above, may designate another authorized representative if the authorization is in writing, the authorization specifies the individual or position responsible for the overall operation of the facility fom which the discharge originates or having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company, and the written authorization is submitted to the Town. C. Categorical Pretreatment Standard or Categorical Standard. Any regulation containing pollutant discharge limits promulgated by EPA in accordance with Sections 307(b) and (c) of the Act (33 U.S.C. § 1317) which apply to a specific category of users and which appear in 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N, Parts 405-471. D. Town. The Town of Leesburg. E. Existing Source. Any source of discharge, the construction or operation of which commenced prior to the publication by EPA of proposed categorical pretreatment standards, which will be applicable to such source if the standard is thereafter promulgated in accordance with Section 307 of the Act. Grab Sample. A sample, which is taken from a wastestream without regard to the flow in the wastestream and over a period of time not to exceed fifteen (I S) minutes. G. Indirect Discharge or Discharge. The introduction of pollutants into the POTW from any nondomestic source regulated under Section 307(b), (c), or (d) of the Act. H. Instantaneous Maximum Allowable Discharge Limit. The maximum concentration of a pollutant allowed to be discharged at any time, determined from the analysis of any discrete or composite sample collected, independent of the industrial flow rate and the duration of the sampling event. Interference. A discharge, which alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources, inhibits or disrupts the POTW, its d•eatment SEWER USE REGULATIONS processes or operations or its sludge processes, use or disposal; and therefore, is a cause of a violation of the Town's NPDES permit or of the prevention of sewage sludge use or disposal in compliance with any of the following statutorylregulato~y provisions or permits issued thereunder, or any more stringent State or local regulations: Section 405 of the Act; the Solid Waste Disposal Act, including Title II commonly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); any State regulations contained in any State sludge management plan prepared pursuant to Subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act; the Clean Air Act; the Toxic Substances Control Act; and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act. J. Medical Waste. Isolation wastes, infectious agents, human blood and blood products, pathological wastes, sharps, body parts, contaminated bedding, surgical wastes, potentially contaminated laboratory wastes, and dialysis wastes. K. Town Manager: The town manager of the Town of Leesburg, or his authorized deputy, agent or representative. L. New Source. (1) Any building, structure, facility, or installation from which there is (or may be) a discharge of pollutants, the construction of which commenced after the publication of proposed pretreaGnent standards under Section 307(c) of the Act which will be applicable to such source if such standards are thereafter promulgated in accordance with that section, provided that: (a) The building, structure, facility, or installation is constructed at a site at which no other source is located; or (b) The building, structure, facility, or installation totally replaces the process or production equipment that causes the discharge of pollutants at an existing source; or (c) The production or wastewater generating processes of the building, structure, facility, or installation are substantially independent of an existing source at the same site. In determining whether these are substantially independent, factors such as the extent to which the new facility is integrated with the existing plant, and the extent to which the new facility is engaged in the same general type of activity as the existing source, should be considered. (2) Construction on a site at which an existing source is located results in a modification rather than a new source if the construction does not create a new building, struchu•e, facility, or installation meeting the criteria of Section (1)(b) or (c) above but otherwise alters, replaces, or adds to existing processor production equipment. 4 SEWER USE REGULATIONS (3) Construction of a new source as defined under this paragraph has commenced if the owner or operator has: (a) Begun, or caused to begin, as part of a continuous onsite construction program (i) any placement, assembly, or installation of facilities or equipment; or (ii) significant site preparation work including clearing, excavation, or removal of existing buildings, sh•uctures, or facilities which is necessary for the placement, assembly, or installation of new source facilities or equipment; or (b) Entered into a binding contractual obligation for the purchase of facilities or equipment, which are intended to be used in its operation within a reasonable time. Options to purchase or contracts which can be terminated or modified without substantial loss, and contracts for feasibility, engineering, and design studies do not constitute a contractual obligation under this paragraph. M. Pass Through. A discharge which exits the POTW into waters of the United States in quantities or concentrations which, alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources, is a cause of a violation of any requirement of the Town's NPDES permit, including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation. N. Person. Any individual, pa~lnership, co partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, governmental entity, or any other legal entity; or their legal representatives, agents, or assigns. This definition inchides all Federal, State, and local governmental entities. O. pH. A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, expressed in standard units. P. Pollutant. Dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, medical wastes, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, municipal, agricultural and industrial wastes, and certain characteristics of wastewater (e.g., pH, temperature, TSS, turbidity, color, BOD, COD, toxicity, or odor). Q. Pretreatment. The reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater prior to, or in lieu of, introducing such pollutants into the POTW. This reduction or alteration can be obtained by physical, chemical, or biological processes; by process changes; or by other means, except by diluting the concentration of the pollutants unless allowed by an applicable preh•eatment standard. SEWER USE REGULATIONS R. Pretreahnent Requirements. Any substantive or procedural requirement related to pretreatment imposed on a user, other than a pretreahnent standard. Pretreatment Standards or Standards. Pretreatment standards shall mean prohibited discharge standards, categorical preh•eatment standards, and local limits. T. Prohibited Discharge Standards a' Prohibited Discharges. Absohrte prohibitions against the discharge of ce~lain substances; these prohibitions appear in Section 2.1 of these regulations. U. Publicly Owned Treatment Works or POTW. A treahnent works, as defined by Section 212 of the Act (33 U.S.C. § 1292), which is owned by the Town of Leesburg. This definition includes any devices or systems used in the collection, storage, treatment, recycling, and reclamation of sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid natw•e and any conveyances, which convey wastewater to a treatment plant. V. Significant Indush•ial User. (1) A user subject to categorical pretreatment standards; or (2) A user that: (a) Discharges an average of hventy-five thousand (25,000) gpd or more of process wastewater to the POTW (excluding sanitary, noncontact cooling, and boiler blowdown wastewater); (b) Contributes a process wastestream which makes up five (5) percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the POTW treatment plant; or (c) [s designated as such by the Town the basis that it has a reasonable potential for adversely affecting the POTW's operation or for violating any pretreatment standard or requirement. (3) Upon a finding that a user meeting the criteria in Subsection (2) has no reasonable potential for adversely affecting the POTW's operation or for violating any pretreatment standard or requirement, the Town may at any time, on its own initiative or in response to a petition received from a user, and in accordance with procedures in 40 CFR § 403.8(f)(6), determine that such user should not be considered a significant industrial user. W. Slug Load or Slug. Any discharge at a flow rate or concentration, which could cause a violation of the prohibited discharge standards in Section 2.1 of these regulations. SEWER USE RF,GULATIONS X. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code. A Classification pursuant to the Standard Industrial Classification Manual issued by the United States Office of Management and Budget. Y. Storm Water. Any flow occurring during or following any form of precipitation, and resulting from such precipitation, including snowmelt. Z. Suspended Solids. The total suspended matter that floats on the surface of, or is suspended in water, wastewater, or other liquid, and which is removable by laboratory filtering. AA. User or Industrial User. A source of indirect discharge. BB. Wastewater. Liquid and water carried indush•ial wastes and sewage from residential dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial and manufacturing facilities, and institutions, whether treated or untreated, which are contributed to the POTW. CC. Wastewater Treatment Plant or'I'reatment Plant. That portion of the POTW which is designed to provide treatment of municipal sewage and industrial waste. SECTION 2 -GENERAL SEWER USE REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Prohibited Discharge Standards A. General Prohibitions. No user shall introduce or cause to be introduced into the POTW any pollutant or wastewater which causes pass through or interference. These general prohibitions apply to all users of the POTW whether or not they are subject to categorical pretreatment standards or any other National, State, or local pretreahnent standards or requirements. B. Specific Prohibitions. No user shall introduce or cause to be introduced into the POTW the following polhrtants, substances, or wastewater: (I) Pollutants which create a fire or explosive hazard in the POTW, including, but not limited to, wastestreams with aclosed-cup flashpoint of less than 140°F (60°C) using the test methods specified in 40 CFR § 261.21; (2) Wastewater having a pH less than 5.0 or more than 9.0, or otherwise causing corrosive structural damage to the POTW or equipment; (3) Solid or viscous substances in amounts which will cause obstruction of the flow in the POTW, including substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperahires behveen 32°F (0°C) and I50°P (65.5°C) and a pH between 5.0 and I1.0, but in no case solids greater than one-half inch in any dimension. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to, grease, animal guts or tissues, paunch manure, bones, hair, hides or fleshing, entrails, whole blood, feathers, ashes, cinders, sand, cement, SEWER USE REGULATIONS spent lime, stone or marble dust, metal, glass, straw, shavings, grass clippings, rags, spent grains, spend hops, wastepaper, wood, plastics, tar, asphalt residues, residues from refining or processing of fuel or lubricating oil, mud, or glass grinding or polishing wastes. (4) Pollutants, including oxygen-demanding pollutants (BOD, etc.), released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration which, either singly or by interaction with other pollutants, will cause interference with the POTW; (5) Wastewater having a temperature greater than 150°F, or which will inhibit biological activity in the treatment plant resulting in interference, but in no case wastewater which causes the temperahn•e at the introduction into the treatment plant to exceed 104°F (40°C); (6) Petrolemn oil, non-biodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin, in amounts that will cause interference or pass through; (7) Pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the POTW in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems; (8) Trucked or hauled pollutants, except at discharge points designated by the Town Manager in accordance with Section 3.4 of these regulations; (9) Noxious or malodorous liquids, gases, solids, or other wastewater which, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, are sufficient to create a public nuisance or a hazard to life, or to prevent entry into the sewers for maintenance or repair; (10) Wastewater which imparts color which cannot be removed by the treatment process, such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions, which consequently imparts color to the treatment plant's effluent, thereby violating the Town's NPDES permit; (11) Wastewater containing any radioactive wastes or isotopes except in compliance with applicable State or Federal regulations; (12) Storm water, surface water, ground water, artesian well water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, swimming pool drainage, condensate, deionized water, noncontact cooling water, and unpolluted wastewater, unless specifically authorized by the Town Manager; (13) Sludge, screenings, or other residues from the pretreatment of industrial wastes; (14) Medical wastes, except as specifically authorized by the Town Manager in a wastewater discharge permit; SEWER USE REGULATIONS (15) Wastewater causing, alone or in conjunction with other sources, the treatment plant's effluent to fail toxicity test; (16) Detergents, surface-active agents, or other substances which may cause excessive foaming in the POTW; (17) Fats, oils, or greases of animal or vegetable origin in concentrations greater than 100 mg(I; Pollutants, substances, or wastewater prohibited by this section shall not be processed or stored in such a manner that they could be discharged to the POTW. 2.2 National Categorical Pretreatment Standards The categorical pretreatment standards found ai 40 CFR Chapter [, Subchapter N, Parts 405-471 are hereby incorporated. A. Upon the promulgation of the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards for an industrial subcategory, the Federal Standard, if more stringent than the limitations imposed by the Town and/or by the State for such subcategory, shall immediately supersede the Town and/or State limitations. B. When a Categorical Pre0•eahnent Standard is expressed only in terms of either the mass or the concentration of a pollutant in wastewater, the Town Manager may impose equivalent concentration or mass limits in accordance with 40 CFR § 403.6(c). C. When wastewater subject to a Categorical PreU•eaUnent Standard is mixed, prior to the sampling location, with wastewater not regulated by the same standard, the own Manager shall, as appropriate, impose an alternate limit using the combined wastestream formula in 40 CFR § 403.6(e). Standards apply at the end of the regulated process unless the standard indicates otherwise. D. An Industrial User may obtain a variance from a Categorical Pretreatment Standard if it can prove, pursuant to the procedural and substantive provisions of 40 CFR § 403.13, that factors relating to its discharge are fundamentally different from the factors considered by EPA when developing the Categorical Pretreatment Standard. E. An Industrial User may obtain a net/gross adjustment to a Categorical Pretreatment Standard in accordance with 40 CFR § 403.15 (39-93-67.1) 2.3 State Pretreatment Standards A. Users are required to comply with applicable State pretreatment standards and requirements as set out in VR 680-14-01, which is incorporated herein by reference. 9 SEWER USE REGULATIONS B. Upon the promulgation by the State of requirements and limitations on discharges that are more stringent than the equivalent Federal and Town limitations, the State limitation shall apply. 2.4 Local Limits The following pollutant limits are established to protect against pass through and interference. No person shall discharge wastewater containing in excess of the following (instantaneous maximum allowable discharge limits): 0.1 mg/I Arsenic 2.0 mg/I Cyanide 0.1 mg/I Benzene 0.1 mg/I Lead I.0 mg/I Beryllium 0.1 mg/I Mercury 1000 mg/I BODS 1.0 mg/I Nickel 0.1 mg/I Cadmium 100 mg/I Oil and grease 0.1 mg/I Chromium 1.0 mg/I Selenium 1.0 mg/I Copper 1.0 mg/I Silver 1.0 mg/I Silver 10 mg/I Zinc 0.1 mg/I Total phenols 1.0 mg/I Boron 1000 mg/1 Total suspended solids The above limits apply at the point where the wastewater is discharged to the POTW. All concentrations for metallic substances are for total metal unless indicated otherwise. The Town Manager may impose mass limitations in addition to, or in place of, the concentration- based limitations above. 2.5 Town's Right of Revision The Town of Leesburg reserves the right to establish, by ordinance or in wastewater discharge permits, more stringent standards or requirements on discharges to the POTW. 2.6 Dilution No user shall ever increase the use of process water, or in any way attempt to dilute a discharge, as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with a discharge limitation unless expressly authorized by an applicable pretreatment standard or requirement. The Town Manager may impose mass limitations on users who are using dilution to meet applicable pretreatment standards or requirements, or in other cases when the imposition of mass limitations is appropriate. 10 SEWER USE REGULATIONS SECTION 3 -PRETREATMENT OP WASTEWATER 3.1 Pretreatment Facilities Users shall provide wastewater treatment as necessary to comply with these regulations and shall achieve compliance with all categorical pretreatment standards, local limits, and the prohibitions set out in Section 2.1 of these regulations within the time limitations specified by EPA, the State, or the Town Manager, whichever is more sh~ingent. Any facilities necessary for compliance shall be provided, operated, and maintained at the user's expense. Detailed plans describing such facilities and operating procedures shall be submitted to the Town Manager for review, and shall be acceptable to the Town Manager before such facilities are constructed. The review of such plans and operating procedures shall in no way relieve the user from the responsibility of modifying such facilities as necessary to produce a discharge acceptable to the Town of Leesburg under the provisions of these regulations. 3.2 Additional Pretreahnent Measures A. Whenever deemed necessary, the Town Manager may require users to restrict their discharge during peak flow periods, designate that certain wastewater be discharged only into specific sewers, relocate and/or consolidate points of discharge, separate sewage wastestreams from industrial wastestreams, and such other conditions as may be necessary to protect the POTW and determine the user's compliance with the requirements of these regulations. B. The Town Manager may require any person discharging into the POTW to install and maintain, on their property and at their expense, a suitable storage and flow- control facility to ensure equalization of flow. A wastewater discharge permit may be issued solely for flow equalization. C. Grease, oil, and sand interceptors shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Town Manager, they are necessary for the proper handling of wastewater containing excessive amounts of grease and oil, or sand; except that such interceptors shall not be required for residential users. All interception units shall be of type and capacity approved by the Town Manager and shall be so located to be easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Such interceptors shall be inspected, cleaned, and repaired regularly, as needed, by the user at their expense. D. Users with the potential to discharge flammable substances may be required to install and maintain an approved combustible gas detection meter. 3.3 Accidental DischargelSlug Control Plans At least once every two (2) years, the Town Manager shall evaluate whether each significant indush~ial user needs an accidental discharge/slug control plan. The Town Manager may require any user to develop, submit for approval, and implement such a plan. Alternatively, the Town Manager may develop such a plan for any user. An accidental discharge/slug control plan shall address, at a minimum, the following: SEWER USE REGULATIONS A. Description of discharge practices, including nonroutine batch discharges; B. Description of stored chemicals; C. Procedures for immediately notifying the Town Manager of any accidental or slug discharge, as required by Section 6.6 of these regulations; and D. Procedures to prevent adverse impact from any accidental or shag discharge. Such procedures include, but are not limited to, inspection and maintenance of storage areas, handling and transfer of materials, loading and unloading operations, control of plant site runoff, worker training, building of containment structures or equipment, measures for containing toxic organic pollutants, including solvents, and/or measures and equipment for emergency response. 3.4 hauled Wastewater A. Septic tank waste may be introduced into the POTW only at locations designated by the Town Manager, and at such times as are established by the Town Manager. Such waste shall not violate Section 2 of these regulations or any other requirements established by the Town of Leesburg. The Town Manager may require septic tank waste haulers to obtain wastewater discharge permits. B. The Town Manager shall require haulers of industrial waste to obtain wastewater discharge permits. The Town Manager may require generators of hauled industrial waste to obtain wastewater discharge permits. The Town Manager also may prohibit the disposal of hauled industrial waste. The discharge of hauled indush~ial waste is subject to all other requirements of these regulations. C. Industrial waste haulers may discharge loads only at locations designated by the Town Manager. No toad may be discharged without prior consent of the Town Manager. The 'Down Manager may collect samples of each hauled load to ensure compliance with applicable standards. The Town Manager may require the industrial waste hauler to provide a waste analysis of any load prior to discharge. D. Industrial waste haulers must provide awaste-tracking form for eveiry load. This form shall include, at a minimum, the name and address of the industrial waste hauler, permit number, truck identification, names and addresses of sources of waste, and volume and characteristics of waste. The form shall identify the type of industry, known or suspected waste constituents, and whether any wastes are RCRA hazardous wastes. SECTION 4 -WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION 4.1 Wastewater Analysis When requested by the Town Manager, a user must submit information on the nature and characteristics of its wastewater within ten (10) days of the request. The Town Manager l2 SEWER USE REGULATIONS is authorized to prepare a form for this pw•pose and may periodically require users to update this information. 4.2 Wastewater Discharge Permit Requirement A. No significant industrial user shall discharge wastewater into the POTW without first obtaining a wastewater discharge permit from the Town Manager, except that a significant indusU•ial user that has filed a timely application pursuant to Section 4.3 of these regulations may continue to discharge for the time period specified therein. B. The Town Manager may require other users to obtain wastewater discharge permits as necessary to carry out the purposes of these regulations. C. Any violation of the terms and conditions of a wastewater discharge permit shall be deemed a violation of these regulations and subjects the wastewater discharge permittee to the sanctions set out in Sections ] 0 through 12 of these regulations. Obtaining a wastewater discharge permit does not relieve a permittee of its obligation to comply with all Federal and State pretreatment standards or requirements or with any other requirements of Federal, State, and local law. 4.3 Wastewater Discharge Permitting: Existing Connections Any user required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit who was discharging wastewater into the POTW prior to the effective date of these regulations and who wishes to continue such discharges in the futw•e, shall, within thirty (30) days after said date, apply to the Town of Leesburg for a wastewater discharge permit in accordance with Section 4.5 of these regulations, and shall not cause or allow discharges to the POTW to continue after thirty (30) days of the effective date of these regulations except in accordance with a wastewater discharge permit issued by the Town Manager. 4.4 Wastewater Discharge Permitting: New Connections Any user required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit that proposes to begin or recommence discharging into the POTW must obtain such permit prior to the beginning or recommencing of such discharge. An application for this wastewater discharge permit, in accordance with Section 4.5 of these regulations, must be filed at least thirty (30) days prior to the date upon which any discharge will begin or recommence. 4.5 Wastewater Discharge Permit Application Contents All users required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit must submit a permit application. The Town Manager may require all users to submit as part of an application the following information: 13 SEWER USE REGULATIONS A. All information required by Section 6.1(B) of these regulations; B. Description of activities, facilities, and plant processes on the premises, including a list of all raw materials and chemicals used or stored at the facility which are, or could accidentally or intentionally be, discharged to the POTW; C. Hours of operation, and proposed howl of operation; D. Each product produced by type, amount, process or processes, and rate of production; E. Type and amount of raw materials processed (average and maximum per day); F. Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans, and details to show all sewers, floor drains, and appurtenances by size, location, and elevation, and all points of discharge; G. Time and dw•ation of discharges; and H. Any other information as may be deemed necessary by the Town Manager to evaluate the wastewater discharge permit application. Incomplete or inaccurate applications will not be processed and will be returned to the user for revision. 4.6 Application Signatories and Certification All wastewater discharge permit applications and user reports must be signed by an authorized representative of the user and contain the following certification statement: "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, h•ue, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. " 4.7 Wastewater Discharge Permit Decisions The Town Manager will evaluate the data furnished by the user and may require additional information. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a complete wastewater discharge permit application; the Town Manager will determine whether or not to issue a wastewater discharge permit. The Town Manager may deny any application for a wastewater discharge permit. 14 SEWER USE REGULATIONS SECTION 5 -WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT ISSUANCE PROCESS 5.1 Wastewater Discharge Permit Duration A wastewater discharge permit shall be issued for a specified time period, not to exceed five (5) years from the effective date of the permit. A wastewater discharge permit may be issued for a period less than five (5) years, at the discretion of the Town Manager. Each wastewater discharge permit will indicate a specific date upon which it will expire. 5.2 Wastewater Discharge Permit Contents A wastewater discharge permit shall include such conditions as are deemed reasonably necessary by the Town Manager to prevent pass through or interference, protect the quality of the water body receiving the treatment plant's effluent, protect worker health and safety, facilitate sludge management and disposal, and protect against damage to the POTW. 5.3 Wastewater Discharge Permit Appeals The Town Manager shall provide public notice of the issuance of a wastewater discharge permit. Any person, including the user, may petition the Town Manager to reconsider the tervns of a wastewater discharge permit within thirty (30) days of notice of its issuance. A. Failure to submit a timely petition for review shall be deemed to be a waiver of the administrative appeal. B. In its petition, the appealing party must indicate the wastewater discharge permit provisions objected to, the reasons for this objection, and the alternative condition, if any, it seeks to place in the wastewater discharge permit. C. The effectiveness of the wastewater discharge permit shall not be stayed pending the appeal. D. If the Town Manager fails to act within sixty (60) days, a request for reconsideration shall be deemed to be denied. Decisions not to reconsider a wastewater discharge permit, not to issue a wastewater discharge permit, or not to modify a wastewater discharge permit shall be considered final administrative actions for purposes ofjudicial review. E. Aggrieved parties seeking judicial review of the final administrative wastewater discharge permit decision must do so by filing a complaint with the Circuit Court for Loudoun County within thirty (30) days of the final administrative action or, if no action is taken within ninety (90) days from the date the appeal is filed. 5.4 Wastewater Discharge Permit Modification The Town Manager may modify a wastewater discharge permit for good cause, including, but not limited to, the following reasons: 15 SEWER USE REGULATIONS A. To incorporate any new or revised Federal, State, or local pretreatment standards or requirements; B. To address significant alterations or additions to the user's operation, processes, or wastewater volume or character since the time of wastewater discharge permit issuance; C. A change in the POTW that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge; D. Information indicating that the permitted discharge poses a threat to the Town's POTW, Town personnel, or the receiving waters; E. Violation of any terms or conditions of the wastewater discharge permit; F. Misrepresentations or failure to fully disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater discharge permit application or in any required reporting; G. Revision of or a grant of variance fi•om categorical pretreatment standards pursuant to 40 CFR § 403.13; H. To correct typographical or other errors in the wastewater discharge permit; or I. To reflect a transfer of the facility ownership or operation to a new owner or operator. 5.5 Wastewater Discharge Permit Transfer Wastewater discharge permits may be transferred to a new owner or operator only if the permittee gives at least 30 days advance notice to the Town Manager and the Town Manager approves the wastewater discharge permit transfer. The notice to the Town Manager must include a written certification by the new owner or operator which: A. States that the new owner and/or operator has no immediate intent to change the facility's operations and processes; B. Identifies the specific date on which the transfer is to occm•; and C. Acknowledges frill responsibility for complying with the existing wastewater discharge permit. Faihire to provide advance notice of a transfer renders the wastewater discharge permit void as of the date of facility transfer. 5.6 Wastewater Discharge Permit Revocation The Town Manager may revoke a wastewater discharge permit for good cause, including, but not limited to, the following reasons: i6 SEWER USE REGULATIONS A. Failure to notify the Town Manager of significant changes to the wastewater prior to the changed discharge; B. Failure to provide prior notification to the Town Manager of changed conditions pursuant to Section 6.5 of this these regulations; C. Misrepresentation or failure to fiilly disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater discharge permit application; D. Falsifying self-monitoring reports; E. Tampering with monitoring equipment; F. Refi~sing to allow the Town Manager timely access to the facility premises and records; G. Failure to meet effluent limitations; H. Faihire to pay fines; Failure to pay sewer charges; J. Faihn•e to meet compliance schedules; K. Failure to complete a wastewater survey or the wastewater discharge permit application; L. Failure to provide advance notice of the transfer of business ownership of a permitted facility; or M. Violation of any preh•eatment standard or requirement, or any terms of the wastewater discharge permit or these regulations. Wastewater discharge permits shall be voidable upon cessation of operations or transfer of business ownership. All wastewater discharge permits issued to a particular user are void upon the issuance of a new wastewater discharge permit to that user. 5.7 Wastewater Discharge Permit Reissuance A user with an expiring wastewater discharge permit shall apply for wastewater discharge permit reissuance by submitting a complete permit application, in accordance with Section 4.5 of these regulations, a minimum often (10) days prior to the expiration of the user's existing wastewater discharge permit. 17 SEWER USE REGULATIONS SECTION 6 -REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Baseline Monitoring Reports A. Within either one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date of a categorical pretreaGnent standard, or the final administrative decision on a category determination under 40 CFR § 403.6(a)(4), whichever is later, existing categorical users currently discharging to or scheduled to discharge to the POTW shall submit to the Town Manager a report which contains the information listed in paragraph B, below. At least ninety (90) days prior to commencement of their discharge, new sources, and sources that become categorical users subsequent to the promulgation of an applicable categorical standard, shall submit to the Town Manager a report which contains the information listed in paragraph B, below. A new source shall report the method of pretreatment it intends to use to meet applicable categorical standards. Anew source also shall give estimates of its anticipated flow and quantity of pollutants to be discharged. B. Users described above shall submit the information set forth below (I) Identifying Information. The name and address of the facility, including the name of the operator and owner. (2) Environmental Permits. A list of any enviromnental conh•ol permits held by or for the facility. (3) Description of Operations. A brief description of the nature, average rate of production, and standard industrial classifications of the operation(s) carried out by such user. This description should include a schematic process diagram, which indicates points of discharge to the POTW from the regulated processes. (4) Flow Measurement Information showing the measw•ed average daily and maximum daily flow, in gallons per day, to the POTW from regulated process streams and other streams, as necessary, to allow use of the combined wastestream formula set out in 40 CFR § 403.6(e). (5) Measurement of Pollutants. (a) The categorical pretreatment standards applicable to each regulated process. (b) The results of sampling and analysis identifying the nature and concentration, and/or mass, where required by the standard or by the Town Manager, of regulated pollutants in the discharge from each regulated process. Instantaneous, daily maximum, and long- tern average concentrations, or mass, where required, shall be reported. The sample shall be representative of daily operations 18 SEWER USC REGULAT[ONS and shall be analyzed in accordance with procedures set out in Section 6.10 ofthese regulations. (c) Sampling must be performed in accordance with procedures set out in Section 6.9 ofthese regulations. (6) Certification. A statement, reviewed by the user's authorized representative and certified by a qualified professional, indicating whether pretreatment standards are being met on a consistent basis, and, if not, whether additional operation and maintenance (O&M) and/or additional pretreatment is required to meet the pretreatment standards and requirements. (7) Compliance Schedule. If additional pretreatment and/or O&M will be required to meet the pretreatment standards, the shortest schedule by which the user will provide such additional pretreatment and/or O&M. The completion date in this schedule shall not be later than the compliance date established for the applicable pretreatment standard. A compliance schedule pursuant to this section must meet the requirements set out in Section 6.2 ofthese regulations. (8) Signature and Certification. All baseline monitoring reports must be signed and certified in accordance with Section 4.6 ofthese regulations. 6.2 Compliance Schedule Progress Reports The following conditions shall apply to the compliance schedule required by Section 6.1(B)(7) ofthese regulations: A. The schedule shall contain progress increments in the form of dates for the commencement and completion of major events leading to the construction and operation of additional pretreatment required for the user to meet the applicable pretreatment standards (such events include, but are not limited to, hiring an engineer, completing preliminary and final plans, executing contracts for major components, commencing and completing construction, and beginning and conducting routine operation); B. No increment referred to above shall exceed nine (9) months; C. The user shall submit a progress report to the Town Manager no later than fourteen (14) days following each date in the schedule and the final date of compliance including, as a minimwn, whether or not it complied with the increment of progress, the reason for any delay, and, if appropriate, the steps being taken by the user to rehu•n to the established schedule; and D. In no event shall more than nine (9) months elapse between such progress reports to the Town Manager. 19 SEWER USE REGULATIONS 6.3 Reports on Compliance with Categorical Pretreatment Standard Deadline Within ninety (90) days following the date for final compliance with applicable categorical pretreaUnent standards, or in the case of a new source following commencement of the introduction of wastewater into the POTW, any user subject to such pretreatment standards and requirements shall submit to the Town Manager a report containing the information described in Section 6.1(B)(4-6) of these regulations. For users subject to equivalent mass or concentration limits established in accordance with the procedures in 40 CFR § 403.6(c), this report shall contain a reasonable measure of the user's long-term production rate. For all other users subject to categorical pretreatment standards expressed in terms of allowable pollutant discharge per unit of production (or other measure of operation), this report shall include the user's actual production during the appropriate sampling period. All compliance reports must be signed and certified in accordance with Section 4.6 of these regulations. 6.4 Periodic Compliance Reports A. All significant industrial users shall, at a frequency determined by the Town Manager but in no case less than twice per year (in June and December), submit a repo~•t indicating the nature and concentration of pollutants in the discharge which are limited by pretreatment standards and the measured or estimated average and maximum daily flows for the reporting period. All periodic compliance reports must be signed and certified in accordance with Section 4.6 of these regulations. B. All wastewater samples must be representative of the user's discharge. Wastewater monitoring and flow measurement facilities shall be properly operated, kept clean, and maintained in good working order at all times. The failure of a user to keep its monitoring facility in good working order shall not be grounds for the user to claim that sample results are unrepresentative of its discharge. C. If a user subject to the reporrting requirement in this section monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by the Town Manager, using the procedures prescribed in Section 6.9 of these regulations, the results of this monitoring shall be included in the report. 6.5 Reports of Changed Conditions Each user must notify the Town Manager of any planned significant changes to the user's operations or system, which might alter the nature, quality, or volwne of its wastewater at least fifteen (15) days before the change. A. The Town Manager may require the user to submit such information as may be deemed necessary to evaluate the changed condition, including the submission of a wastewater discharge permit application under Section 4.5 of these regulations. B. The Town Manager may issue a wastewater discharge permit under Section 4.7 of these regulations or modify an existing wastewater discharge permit under 20 SEWER USE REGULATIONS Section 5.4 of these regulations in response to changed conditions or anticipated changed conditions. C. For purposes of this requirement, significant changes include, but are not limited to, flow increases of hventy percent (20%) or greater, and the discharge of any previously unreported pollutants. 6.6 Reports of Potential Problems A. In the case of any discharge, including, but not limited to, accidental discharges, discharges of a nonroutine, episodic nahn•e, a noncustomary batch discharge, or a slug load, that may cause potential problems for. the POTW, the user shall immediately telephone and notify the Town Manager of the incident. This notification shall include the location of the discharge, type of waste, concentration and volume, if known, and corrective actions taken by the user. B. Within five (5) days following such discharge, the user shall, unless waived by the Town Manager, submit a detailed written report describing the cause(s) of the discharge and the measures to be taken by the user to prevent similar future oeemrences. Such notification shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage, or other liability, which may be incurred as a result of damage to the POTW, natw•al resources, or any other damage to person or property; nor shall such notification relieve the user of any fines, penalties, or other liability which may be imposed pursuant to these regulations. C. A notice shall be permanently posted on the user's bulletin board or other prominent place advising employees whom to call in the event of a discharge described in paragraph A, above. Employers shalt ensure that all employees, who may cause such a discharge to occur, are advised of the emergency notification procedure. 6.7 Reports from Un-permitted Users All users not required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit shall provide appropriate reports to the Town Manager as the Town Manager may require. 6.8 Notice of Violation/Repcat Sampling and Reporting If sampling performed by a user indicates a violation, the user must notify the Town Manager within hventy-four (24) hours of becoming aware of the violation. The user shall also repeat the sampling and analysis and submit the results of the repeat analysis to the Town Manager within thii4y (30) days after becoming aware of the violation. The user is not required to resample if the Town Manager monitors at the user's facility at least once a month, m• if the Town Manager samples behveen the users initial sampling and when the user receives the results of this sampling. 21 SEWER USE REGULATIONS 6.9 Analytical Requirements All pollutant analyses, including sampling techniques, to be submitted as part of a wastewater discharge permit application or report shall be performed in accordance with the techniques prescribed in 40 CFR Part 136, unless otherwise specified in an applicable categorical pretreatment standard. If 40 CFR Part 136 does not contain sampling or analytical techniques for the pollutant in question, sampling and analyses must be performed in accordance with procedures approved by EPA. 6.10 Sample Collection A. Except as indicated in Section B, below, the user must collect wastewater samples using flow proportional composite collection techniques. In the event flow proportional sampling is infeasible, the Town Manager may authorize the use of time proportional sampling or a minimum of four (4) grab samples where the user demonstrates that this will provide a representative sample of the effluent being discharged. [n addition, grab samples may be required to show compliance with instantaneous discharge limits. B. Samples for oil and grease, temperature, pH, cyanide, phenols, sulfides, and volatile organic compounds must be obtained using grab collection techniques. 6.11 Timing Written reports will be deemed to have been submitted on the date postmarked. For reports, which are not mailed, postage prepaid, into a mail facility serviced by the United States Postal Service, the date of receipt of the report shall govern. 6.12 Record Keeping Users subject to the reporting requirements of these regulations shall retain, and make available for inspection and copying, all records of information obtained pursuant to any monitoring activities required by these regulations and any additional records of information obtained pursuant to monitoring activities undertaken by the user independent of such requirements. Records shall include the date, exact place, method, and time of sampling, and the name of the person(s) taking the samples; the date's analyses were performed; who performed the analyses; the analytical techniques or methods used; and the results of such analyses. These records shall remain available for a period of at least three (3) years. This period shall be automatically extended for the duration of any litigation concerning the user or the Town of Leesburg, a• where the Town Manager has specifically notified the user of a longer retention period. 22 SEWER USE REGULATIONS SECTION 7 -COMPLIANCE MONITORING 7.1 Right of Entry: Inspection and Sampling The Town Manager shall have the right to enter the premises of any user to determine whether the user is complying with all requirements of these regulations and any wastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder. Users shall allow the Town Manager ready access to all pants of the premises for the purposes of inspection, sampling, records examination and copying, and the performance of any additional duties. A. Where a user has security measures in force, which require proper identification and clearance before entry into its premises, the user shall make necessary arrangements with its security guards so that, upon presentation of suitable identification, the Town Manager will be permitted to enter without delay for the purposes of performing specific responsibilities. B. The Town Manager shall have the right to set up on the user's prope~~ty, or require installation of, such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling and/or metering of the user's operations. C. The Town Manager may require the user to install monitoring equipment as necessary. The facility's sampling and monitoring equipment shall be maintained at all times in a safe and proper operating condition by the user at its own expense. All devices used to measure wastewater flow and quality shall be calibrated annually to ensure their accuracy. D. Any temporary or permanent obstruction to safe and easy access to the facility to be inspected and/or sampled shall be promptly removed by the user at the written or verbal request of Town Manager and shall not be replaced. The costs of clearing such access shall be born by the user. E. Um•easonable delays in allowing the Town Manager access to the user's premises shall be a violation of these regulations. 7.2 Search Warrants If the Town Manager has been refused access to a building, structure or property, he or she may obtain a search warrant upon demand. SECTION 8 -CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Information and data on a user obtained from reports, surveys, wastewater discharge permit applications, wastewater discharge permits, and monitoring programs, and from the Town Manager inspection and sampling activities, shall be available to the public without restriction, unless the user specifically requests, and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Town Manager, that the release of such information would divulge information, processes, or methods of production entitled to protection as h•ade secrets under applicable State law. Any such request 23 SEWER USE REGULATIONS must be asserted at the time of submission of the information or data. When requested and demonstrated by the user fia•nishing a report that such information should be held confidential, the portions of a report which might disclose trade secrets or secret processes shall not be made available for inspection by the public, but shall be made available immediately upon request to governmental agencies for uses related to the NPDES program or preG•eatment program, and in enforcement proceedings involving the person furnishing the report. Wastewater constituents and characteristics and other effluent data as defined by 40 CFR § 2302 will not be recognized as confidential information and will be available to the public without restriction. SECTION 9 -PUBLICATION OF USERS IN SIGNIFICANT NONCOMPLIANCE The Town Manager shall publish annually, in the largest daily newspaper published in the Town of Leesburg where the POTW is located, a list of the users, which, during the previous twelve (12) months, were in significant noncompliance with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements. The term significant noncompliance shall mean: A. Chronic violations of wastewater discharge limits, defined here as those in which sixty-six percent (66%) or more of wastewater measurements taken during asix- (6-)month period exceed the daily maximum limit or average limit for the same pollutant parameter by any amount; B. Technical Review Criteria (TRC) violations, defined here as those in which thirty- three percent (33%) or more of wastewater measurements taken for each pollutant parameter during asix- (6-) month period equals or exceeds the product of the daily maximum limit or the average limit multiplied by the applicable criteria (1.4 for BOD, TSS, fats, oils and grease, and 1.2 for all other pollutants except pH); C. Any other discharge violation that the Town Manager believes has caused, alone or in combination with other discharges, interference or pass through, including endangering the health of POTW personnel or the general public; D. Any discharge of pollutants that has caused imminent endangerment to the public or to the environment, or has resulted in the Town Manager's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such a discharge; E. Failure to meet, within ninety (90) days of the scheduled date, a compliance schedule milestone contained in a wastewater discharge permit or enforcement order for stai4ing construction, completing construction, or attaining final compliance; F. Failure to provide within thirty (30) days after the due date, any required reports, including baseline monitoring reports, reports on compliance with categorical pretreatment standard deadlines, periodic self-monitoring reports, and reports on compliance with compliance schedules; G. Failure to accurately report noncompliance; or 24 SEWER USE REGULATIONS H. Any other violation(s), which the Town Manager determines, will adversely affect the operation or implementation of the local pretreatment program. SECTION 10 -ADMINISTRATIVE ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES 10.1 Notification of Violation When the Town Manager finds that a user has violated, or continues to violate, any provision of these regulations, a wastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement, the Town Manager may serve upon that user a written Notice of Violation. Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this notice, an explanation of the violation and a plan for the satisfactory correction and prevention thereof, to include specific required actions, shall be submitted by the user to Town Manager. Submission of this plan in no way relieves the user of liability for any violations occurring before or after receipt of the Notice of Violation. Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the Town Manager to take any action, including emergency actions or any other enforcement action, without first issuing a Notice of Violation. 10.2 Consent Orders The Town Manager may enter into Consent Orders, assurances of voluntary compliance, or other similar documents establishing an agreement with any user responsible for noncompliance. Such documents will include specific action to be taken by the user to correct the noncompliance within a time period specified by the document. Such documents shall have the same force and effect as the administrative orders issued pursuant to Sections 10.4 and 10.5 of these regulations and shall be judicially enforceable. 10.3 Show Cause Hearing The Town Manager may order a user which has violated, or continues to violate, any provision of these regulations, a wastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder, or any other preVeatment standard or requirement, to appear before the Town Manager and show cause why the proposed enforcement action should not be taken. Notice shall be served on the user specifying the time and place for the meeting, the proposed enforcement action, the reasons for such action, and a request that the user show cause why the proposed enforcement action should not be taken. The notice of the meeting shall be served personally or by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. Such notice may be served on any authorized representative of the user. A show cause hearing shall not be a bar against, or prerequisite for, taking any other action against the user. 10.4 Compliance Orders When the Town Manager finds that a user has violated, or continues to violate, any provision of these regulations, a wastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement, Town Manager may issue an order to 25 SEWER USE REGULATIONS the user responsible for the discharge directing that the user come into compliance within a specified time. If the user does not come into compliance within the time provided, sewer service may be discontinued unless adequate treatment facilities, devices, or other related appurtenances are installed and properly operated. Compliance orders also may contain other requirements to address the noncompliance, including additional self- monitoring and management practices designed to minimize the amount of pollutants discharged to the sewer. A compliance order may not extend the deadline for compliance established for a pretreatment standard or requirement, nor does a compliance order relieve the user of liability for any violation, including any continuing violation. Issuance of a compliance order shall not be a bar against, or a prerequisite for, taking any other action against the user. 10.5 Cease and Desist Orders When the Town Manager finds that a user has violated, or continues to violate, any provision of these regulations, a Fastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreahment standard or requirement, or that the user's past violations are likely to recur, the Town Manager may issue an order to the user directing it to cease and desist all such violations and directing the user to: A. Immediately comply with all requirements; and B. Take such appropriate remedial or preventive action as may be needed to properly address a continuing or threatened violation, including halting operations and/or terminating the discharge. Issuance of a cease and desist order shall not be a bar against, or a prerequisite for, taking any other action against the user. 10.6 Administrative Fines A. When the Town Manager finds that a user has violated, or continues to violate, any provision of these regulations, a wastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement, Town Manager may fine such user in an amount not to exceed $1000 Such fines shall be assessed on a per violation, per day basis. In the case of monthly or other long-term average discharge limits, fines shall be assessed for each day during the period of violation. B. Unpaid charges, fines, and penalties shall, after one (I) calendar day, be assessed an additional penalty of ten percent (10%) of the unpaid balance. Alien against the user's property will be sought for unpaid charges, fines, and penalties. C. Users desiring to dispute such fines must file a written request for the Town Manager to reconsider the fine along with full payment of the fine amount within fifteen (IS) days of being notified of the fine. Where a request has merit, the Town Manager may convene a hearing on the matter. In the event the user's appeal is successfid, the payment, together with any interest accruing thereto, 26 SEWER USE REGULATIONS shall be returned to the user. The Town Manager may add the costs of preparing administrative enforcement actions, such as notices and orders, to the fine. D. Issuance of an administrative fine shall not be a bar against, or a prerequisite for, taking any other action against the user. 10.7 Emergency Suspensions The Town Manager may immediately suspend a user's discharge, after informal notice to the user, whenever such suspension is necessary to stop an actual or threatened discharge, which reasonably appears to present, or cause an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of persons. The Town Manager may also immediately suspend a users discharge, after notice and opportunity to respond, that threatens to interfere with the operation of the POTW, or which presents, or may present, an endangerment to the environment. A. Any user notified of a suspension of its discharge shall immediately stop or eliminate its contribution. [n the event of a user's failure to immediately comply voluntarily with the suspension order, Town Manager may take such steps as deemed necessary, including immediate severance of the sewer connection, to prevent or minimize damage to the POTW, its receiving stream, or endangerment to any individuals. The Town Manager may allow the user to recommence its discharge when the user has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Town Manager that the period of endangerment has passed, unless the termination proceedings in Section 10.8 of these regulations are initiated against the user. B. A user that is responsible, in whole or in part, for any discharge presenting imminent endangerment shall submit a detailed ~w•itten statement, describing the causes of the harmful contribution and the measures taken to prevent any fiihu•e occurrence, to the Town Manager prior to the date of any show cause or termination hearing under Sections 10.3 or 10.8 of these regulations. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as requiring a hearing prior to any emergency suspension under this section. 10.8 Termination of Discharge In addition to the provisions in Section 5.6 of these regulations, any user who violates the following conditions is subject to discharge termination: A. Violation of wastewater discharge permit conditions; B. Failure to accurately report the wastewater constituents and characteristics of its discharge; C. Failure to report significant changes in operations or wastewater volume, constituents, and characteristics prior to discharge; 27 SEWER USE REGULATIONS D. Refi~sal of reasonable access to the user's premises for the purpose of inspection, monitoring, or sampling; or E. Violation of the pretreatment standards in Section 2 of these regulations. Such user Will be notified of the proposed termination of its discharge and be offered an opportunity to shoal cause under Section 10.3 of these regulations why the proposed action should not be taken. Exercise of this option by Town Manager shall not be a bar to, or a prerequisite for, taking any other action against the user. SECTION 11 -JUDICIAL ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES 11.1 Injunctive Relief When the Town Manager finds that a user has violated, or continues to violate, any provision of these regulations, a wastewater discharge permit, or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement, the To+vn Manager may petition the Circuit Court through the To~mn of Leesburg's Attorney for the issuance of a temporary or permanent injunction, as appropriate, which restrains or compels the specific performance of the wastewater discharge permit, order, or other requirement imposed by these regulations on activities of the user. The Town Manager may also seek such other action as is appropriate for legal and/or equitable relief, including a requirement for the user to conduct environmental remediation. A petition for injunctive relief shall not be a bar against, or a prerequisite for, taking any other action against a user. 11.2 Civil Penalties A. A user who has violated, or continues to violate, any provision of these regulations, a wastewater discharge permit, or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatnent standard or requirement shall be liable to the Town for a civil penalty, not to exceed the maximum fine allowed for a Class 1 misdemeanor, for every such violation assessed at $1000 per occurrence. Each day on which a violation exists shall constitute a separate violation. B. The Town Manager may recover reasonable attorneys' fees, cow•t costs, and other expenses associated with enforcement activities, including sampling and monitoring expenses, and the cost of any actual damages incurred by the Town of Leesburg. C. In determining the amount of civil liability, the Court shall take into account all relevant circumstances, including, but not limited to, the extent of harm caused by the violation, the magnitude and duration of the violation, any economic benefit gained through the user's violation, corrective actions by the user, the compliance history of the user, and any other factor as justice requires. D. Filing a suit for civil penalties shall not be a bar against, or a prerequisite for, taking any other action against a user. 28 SEWER USE REGULATIONS 113 Criminal Prosecution Any Person who willfidly or negligently violates any provision of these regulations, any order or permit issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment requirement, shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor and punishable by the maximum fine or imprisonment, or both fine and imprisomnent, as provided by law. Each day for which a violation is proven shall constitute a separate violation. 11.4 Remedies Nonexclusive The remedies provided for in these regulations are not exclusive. The Town Manager may take any, all, or any combination of these actions against a noncompliant user. Enforcement of preh•eahnent violations will generally be in accordance with the Town's enforcement response plan. However, the Town Manager may take other action against any user when the circumstances warrant. Further, the Town Manager is empowered to take more than one enforcement action against any noncompliant user. SECTION 12 -SUPPLEMENTAL ENFORCEMENT ACTION 12.1 Performance Bonds The Town Manager may decline to issue or reissue a wastewater discharge permit to any user who has failed to comply with any provision of these regulations, a previous wastewater discharge permit, or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement, unless such user first files a satisfactory bond, payable to the Town of Leesbw•g, in a sum not to exceed a value determined by the Town Manager to be necessary to achieve consistent compliance. 12.2 Liability Insurance The Town Manager may decline to issue or reissue a wastewater discharge permit to any user who has failed to comply with any provision of these regulations, a previous wastewater discharge permit, or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement, unless the user first submits proof that it has obtained financial assurances sufficient to restore or repair damage to the POTW caused by its discharge. 12.3 Water Supply Severance Whenever a user has violated or continues to violate any provision of these regulations, a wastewater discharge permit, or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement, water service to the user may be severed. Service will only recommence, at the user's expense, after it has satisfactorily demonstrated its ability to comply. 12.4 Public Nuisances A violation of any provision of these regulations, a wastewater discharge permit, or order issued hereunder, or any other pretreatment standard or requirement is hereby declared a 29 SEWER USE REGULATIONS public nuisance and shall be corrected or abated as directed by the Town Manager. Any person(s) creating a public nuisance shall be subject to the provisions of the Town Code Section 15-33 and Section IS-34 governing such nuisances, including reimbursing the Town of Leesburg for any costs incurred in removing, abating, or remedying said nuisance. 12.5 Contractor Listing Users, which have not achieved compliance with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements, are not eligible to receive a contractual award for the sale of goods or services to the Town of Leesburg. Cxisting contracts for the sale of goods or services to the Town of Leesburg held by a user found to be in significant noncompliance with pretreatment standards or requirements may be terminated at the discretion of the Town Manager. SECTION I3 -AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES TO DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS 13.1 Upset A. For the purposes of this section, upset means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with categorical pretreatment standards because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the user. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treadnent facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. B. An upset shall constitute an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with categorical pretreatment standards if the requirements of paragraph (c), below, are met. C. A user who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset shall demonsh•ate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: (1) An upset ocem•red and the user can identify the cause(s) of the upset; (2) The facility was at the time being operated in a prudent and workman-like manner and in compliance with applicable operation and maintenance procedures; and (3) The user has submitted the following information to the Town Manager within riventy-four (24) hours of becoming aware of the upset. If this information is provided orally, a written submission must be provided within five (5) days.: (a) A description of the indirect discharge and cause of noncompliance; 30 SEWER USG REGULATIONS (b) The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times or, if not corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to continue; and (c) Steps being taken and/or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. D. In any enforcement proceeding, the user seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset shalt have the burden of proof. E. Users will have the opportunity for a judicial determination on any claim of upset only in an enforcement action brought for noncompliance with categorical pretreatment standards. Users shall control production of all discharges to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with categorical pretreatment standards upon reduction, loss, or failure of its treahnent facility until the facility is restored or an alternative method of h•eatment is provided. This requirement applies in the situation where, among other things, the primary source of power of the treatment facility is reduced, lost, or fails. 13.2 Prohibited Discharge Standards A user shall have an affirmative defense to an enforcement action brought against it for noncompliance with the general prohibitions in Section 2.1(A) of these regulations or the specific prohibitions in Sections 2.1(B) of these regulations (except as noted) if it can prove that it did not know, or have reason to know, that its discharge, alone or in conjunction with discharges from other sources, would cause pass through or interference and that either: A. A local limit exists for each pollutant discharged and the user was in compliance with each limit directly prior to, and during, the pass through or interference; or B. No local limit exists, but the discharge did not change substantially in nahu•e or constituents from the user's prior discharge when the Town of Leesburg was regularly in compliance with its NPDES permit, and in the case of interference, was in compliance with applicable sludge use or disposal requirements. 133 Bypass A. For the purposes of this section, (I) Bypass means the intentional diversion of wastestreams from any portion of a user's treatment facility. (2) Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which causes them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resom•ces which 31 SEWER USE REGULATIONS can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production. B. A user may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause pretreatment standards or requirements to be violated, but only if it also is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provision of paragraphs (C) and (D) of this section. C. (1) If a user knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice to the Town Manager, at least ten (10) days before the date of the bypass, if possible. (2) A user shall submit oral notice to the Town Manager of an unanticipated bypass that exceeds applicable pretreatment standards within hventy-fom• (24) hours from the time it becomes aware of the bypass. A written submission shall also be provided within five (5) days of the time the user becomes aware of the bypass. The written submission shall contain a description of the bypass and its cause; the duration of the bypass, including exact dates and times, and, if the bypass has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the bypass. The Town Manager may waive the written report on a case-by-case basis if the oral report has been received within hventy-four (24) hours. D. (1) Bypass is prohibited, and the Town Manager may take an enforcement action against a user for a bypass, unless (a) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage; (b) There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance; and (c) The user submitted notices as required under paragraph (c) of this section. (2) The Town Manager may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects, if the Town Manager determines that it will meet the three conditions listed in paragraph (D)(I) of this section. 32 SEWER USE REGULATIONS SECTION I4 -WASTEWATER TREATMENT RATES Hauler Source Annual Volume Charge (Gallons) Town of Leesbur Sealer Line Cleanin 50,000 N / A Private Cam ers Holdin Tanks 600 N / A Private Pumpers Septage from Within 20,000 $20 / 1,000 gallons Town of Leesbur Private Pumpers Septage from Outside N / A $50 / 1,000 gallons the Town of Leesburg (on emergency basis onl Private Pumpers Pump Station 10,000 N / A Maintenance (from within Town of Leesbur• Private Pumpers Private Pump & I-laul 5,000 $5 / 1,000 gallons Facilities LCSA Sewer Line Cleaning, 20,000 $120 /Load Sludge form Small W WTP's Not Acce table Grease Tra Waste N / A N / A Not Acce table Grit Tra Waste N / A N / A Not Acce table Oil/Water Se arators N / A N / A Imported Waste Activated Sludge (WAS) $30 / 1,000 gallons Heavy equipment rental (with operator) $50 /ton SECTION 15 -MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 15.1 PretreaUnent Charges and Fees The Town of Leesburg may adopt reasonable fees for reimbursement of costs of setting up and operating the Town's PreU•eaUnent Program, which may include: A. Fees for wastewater discharge permit applications including the cost of processing such applications; B. Fees for monitoring, inspection, and surveillance procedures including the cost of collection and analyzing a user's discharge, and reviewing monitoring reports submitted by users; C. Fees for reviewing and responding to accidental discharge procedures and construction; 33 SEWER USE REGULATIONS D. Fees for filing appeals; and E. Other fees as the Town of Leesburg may deem necessary to carry out the requirements contained herein. These fees relate solely to the matters covered by these regulations and are separate from all other fees, fines, and penalties chargeable by the Town of Leesburg. 15.2 Severability [f any court of competent jurisdiction invalidates any provision of these regulations, the remaining provisions shall not be effected and shall continue in full force and effect. SECTION 16 -GREASE, OIL AND SAND INTERCEPTORS Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided when they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid Wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand or other harmful ingredients, except that such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the municipal manager, and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. SECTION 17- CONTROL MANHOLE FOR OBSERVATION, SAMPLING, ETC. OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE When required by the municipal manager, the owner of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole, together with such necessary meters and other appuirtenances, in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes. Such manhole, When required, shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the municipal manager. The manhole shall be installed by the owner, at his expense, and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times. SECTION 18 -METHOD AND PLACE OF MEASURING, TESTING, ETC. WASTES All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this article shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water, published by the American Public Flealth Association, and shall be determined at the conU•ol manhole provided in accord with section 15-37, or upon suitable samples taken at such manhole. In the event that no special manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer to the point at which the building sewer is connected. Sampling shall be carried out by customarily accepted methods to reflect the effect of constituents upon the sewage works and to determine the existence of hazards to life, limb and property. 34 SEWER USE REGULATIONS SECTION 19 - SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES No statement contained in this article shall be construed as preventing any special agreement or arrangement beriveen the town and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the town for treatment, subject to payment therefor, by the industrial concern. SECTION 20 -RIGHT OF ENTRY TO ENFORCE ARTICLE The town manager and duly authorized employees of the town bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing, in accordance with the provisions of this article. SECTION 21 -EFFECTIVE DATE These regulations shall be in full force and effect immediately following its passage, approval, and publication, as provided by law. 35 Attachment E u~ ~ i :..~ r TOWN OF LEESBURG DROUGHT ASSESSMENT AND WATER SUPPLY RESPONSE PLAN Adopted 4/8/08 by Ordinance # 2008-0-08 Table of Contents L Purpose lt. Introduction III. Application IV. Town of Leesburg Water System V. Metropolitan Washington Water Supply and Drought Awareness Response Plan: Potomac River System VI. Authorization VII. Public Education VQI. Water Supply and Drought Stages IX. Definitions X. Enforcement XL Variances XII. Termination XII[. Appendix Town of Leesburg Drought Assessment and Water Supply Response Plan I. Purpose The purpose of the Drought Assessment and Water Supply Response Plan (Plan) is to conserve and protect the available water supply for domestic water use, .sanitation, and fire protection, and to minimize the impact of a limited water supply during declared emergency situations. II. Introduction It is important that the Town initiate this plan to address drought conditions as well as manage available water resources and ensure sufficient water is available to maintain water pressure, firefighting supply, drinking, and sanitation requirements. The Plan establishes water use categories, voluntary and mandatory conservation standards, conditions that necessitate restrictions and enforcement measures. In order to conserve the available water supply and protect the integrity of our water system, with particular regard for domestic water use, sanitation, and fire protection, and to protect and preserve public health, welfare, and safety and minimize the adverse impacts of water supply shortage or other water supply emergency conditions, the Town of Leesburg (Town) hereby adopts the following plan and restrictions on the delivery and conswnption of water. III. Application The provisions of this Plan shall apply to all persons, customers, and property utilizing 4vater provided by the Town of Leesburg within the Town's service area. IV. Town of Leesburg Water System The Town owns and operates a water treatment, h•ansmission, storage and dish•ibution system and is responsible for providing water service to residents of the Town and to customers in other approved service areas within Loudoun County. The Town of Leesbwg owns and operates the Kenneth B. Rollins Memorial Water Filtration Plant (WFP). The WFP is a Class I facility that employs a conventional water filtration treaUnent process and is rated at a capacity of IS million gallons a day. The source water for the facility is the Potomac River. Treated water is pwnped from the WFP suction well into a transmission main where it is conveyed to Leesburg's storage tanks, pump stations and customers. The town maintains four pressure zones, three storage tanks and hvo proposed tanks with a combined capacity of eight million gallons. [n addition to the water filtration plant, Leesburg operates one well with a capacity of 425 gpm that pumps into the Main Zone. The well is operated at times of low demand and periodically as a supplement to water filtration plant production. 3 In 2003 the Town of Leesburg and Loudoun County Sanitation Authority (LCSA) jointly constructed a waterline interconnection across Goose Creek. This interconnection was incorporated into the Riverside Parkway bridge deck, spanning Goose G•eek. The purpose of the Interconnection Facility is to provide an emergency water supply capability between the rivo water systems. 'The following conditions have been defined as emergency: 1) Source Water Contamination, 2) Major Transmission Failure, 3) Major Power Failure, 4) Major Pump Failure and 5) Unexpected Service Interruption or scheduled maintenance. V. Metropolitan Washingtmr Water Supply and Drought Awareness Response Plan: Potomac River System The Town has elected to follow the criteria as set forth in the Metropolitan Washington Water Supply and Drought Awareness Response Plan. In June 2000, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government's (COG) Board approved their plan, which is comprised of four distinct stages of water supply and drought awareness. The COG Drought Coordination Committee developed the plan primarily for those utilities that use the Potomac River for their water supply. The stages are from least severe to most severe and include: Normal, Watch, Warning and Emergency. (See Appendix: Water Supply and Drought Awareness Response Plan.) The stages are further explained in Section VIII. The Town of Leesburg is an affiliated water utility with the COG Task Force on Water Supply Issues. In 1982, the Water Supply Coordination Agreement was developed among the Fairfax County Water Authority (FCWA), Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), and the Washington Aqueduct Division (WAD) of the Corps of Engineers, and the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB). The ICPRB Section for Cooperative Water Supply Operations on the Potomac (CO-OP) was designated by the Water Supply Coordination Agreement to be responsible for coordination of water resources dw•ing times of low flow. Both the ICPRB and COG publish monthly water supply outlook documents during peak demand periods (typically April through October) for the Potomac River. The Director of Utilities will stay informed with the status of the Potomac River by reviewing the monthly reports. The Town's web page also has a link for citizens to obtain the information. VL Authorization The Town Manager upon consultation tivith the Director of Utilities and with the advice and consent of Council is hereby authorized and directed to implement the applicable provisions of the Plan upon his/her determination that such implementation is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens. The decision of the Town Manager to implement the applicable provisions of the Plan shall be ratified by the Town Council within three (days) of that action. The Director of Utilities, or designated representative, shall keep the Town Manager informed of the conditions of water supply and system usage. When the Metropolitan Washington Council of Govermnents initiate a change in the drought stage, the Town of Leesburg may implement the appropriate "actions" as described in Section VIII of the Plan. VII. Public Education The Town will provide the public with information about the Plan, including information about the conditions under which each stage of the Plan is initiated, the measures to be implemented, and the conditions necessary for termination. The information will be provided through press release, Town's cable television channel, signs posted in public places and/or the Town's website. VIII. Water Supply and Drought Stages Table 1 below explains the conditions or triggers that would require the Town to implement a particular stage. Table 1 Sta a Conditions for Im Iementatimr 1. Normal . Not Applicable -water supply adequate to meet all demands. Wise Water Use • NOAA drought index neutral to D0, abnormally diy -see year round water conservation ro ram. 2. Watch . Current demand at or above 90% of system safe yield. Voluntary Water • NOAA drought index Dl, moderate drought. Conservation 3. Warning . Tank out of service for maintenance. Voluntary Water . Current demand at or near 100% of system safe yield. Restrictions . NOAA drou ht index D2, severe drou ht. 4. Emergency . Loss of water storage. Mandatory . Major waterline break. Water . Loss oftreatment in Town's system. Restrictions . Contamination of a portion of the supply requiring shut down. • Current demand at or above 100% of system safe yield for 5 or more consecutive days. • NOAA drou ht index D3, extreme drou ht, or neater. It is important that Leesburg customers understand that most of their water is supplied by the Potomac River, therefore, the Town generally adheres to the recommendations from the Meb•opolitan Washington Water Supply and Drought Awareness Response Plan for the Potomac River System. If the Town finds that the Potomac River level is becoming dangerously low or a water system emergency exists, the Town may move into a more severe stage sooner than neighboringjurisdietions or utilities. Table 2 below explains the Town and customer actions required for a particular stage. Table 2 Cate o Customer and Town Actions and/or Restrictions 1. Normal • Customers (Residents and businesses) asked to use water wisely. Wise Water Use Town's webpage includes water consewation information. • Town to continue year round efforts to inform the public on water conservation strategies. • Town reminds customers to focus on insides uses: water use habits, and repairing plumbing problems/leaks. • Waterin of lawns on rain da s is diseoura ed. 2, Watch Stage Two (Watch) may be declared when a surface water shortage is Voluntary Water predicted. At this stage, the Town is capable of meeting demand but Conservation voluntary water conservation is requested. The following measures may be implemented in response to a stage two event. • Customers asked to review their water usage, be aware of, and limit high water use practices that needlessly waste water. (i.e.: over watering lawns, washing sidewalks, and driveways.) • Town announces voluntary water conservation and signs are placed at enh•y points to Town and at the entrances of major subdivisions informing the public of the drought stage. • Town continues to emphasize water conservation inside and outside the home and office. • Town's webpage includes water conservation information and distribution of water conservation information as broad) as ossible. 3. Warning Stage Three (Warning) may implement voluntary water restrictions to reduce Voluntary Water the impact on the available water supply. In addition to the measures Restrictions implemented during stage one and hvo events, one or more of the following measures may be requested of all water customers: • Customers asked to take specific measures to conserve water on a voluntary basis. There are no penalties or sanctions for failure to follow such measures, however, the customers will be informed that should conditions worsen, one or more of these measures could become mandatory and enforceable. • Town announces voluntary water restrictions and post signs with notification of appropriate restrictions. • Town publishes a detailed list of voluntary water restrictions issued to include: 1. Developers and/or residents are encouraged to not install sod during the "Warning" level as it is possible that "Emergency" level could be implemented. As an alternative, developers and/or residents can provide a drought bond in an amount designated by the Town Zoning Administrator. If an "Emergency" level is implemented, lawn watering will not be permitted and the person(s) who chose to install sod or seed will be solely responsible for repair or replacement of the sod or seed once the level has returned to "Normal". 2. Ban use of fire hydrants except for health and public safety use. 3. Residents are encouraged to not water lawns or wash cars during Voluntary Water Restrictions. 4. High water users, those customers that consistently use more than 2,000 gal/day, shall prepare curtailment plans demonstrating how they shall respond to emergency sanctions by reducing their consumption. Curtailment plans must address the means by which they will meet reductions as determined by Town. Curtailment plans shall be submitted and approved by the Director of Utilities. 5. Restaurants/cafeterias/other food establishments are requested to provide water only by the pah•on's request. 6. Town to suspend the use of potable water for Town operations including: vehicle washing, street cleaning, and park irrigation. 7. Commercial users with irrigation systems are requested to curtail use. 8. Filling of swimming and/or wading pools, from an empty or less than three-quarters full condition is discouraged. 4. Emergency Mandatory customer water use restrictions are implemented in Stage Four Mandatory (Emergency) to ensure that basic water needs for Town of Leesburg residents Water and businesses will be met. In addition to the measures implemented during Restrictions watch and warning, one or more of the following water restrictions may be instituted for all water customers: • Customers will be required to implement water restrictions and specific measures to conserve and maintain water supplies. Penalties and fees are identified for these measures and are enforceable pursuant to Town Ordinance. (See Section X. Enforcement). • Town announces mandatory water restrictions and post signs in public locations with notification of "Mandatory Water Restrictions in Effect". • Town publishes a detailed list of mandatory water restrictions which may include: 1. Establishment of a new lawn by using sod shall be prohibited until Town Manager has returned the Town to "Normal" level. For new developments in which new lawnslstabilization is required prior to occupancy, the Town may require a cash bond or other form of security subject to the approval of the Town fi•om the developer in an amount specified by Town Zoning Administrator and in accordance with "Zoning Ordinance" and the "Subdivision and Land Development Regulations". The bond will be placed in a special account. 2. High water users, those customers that consistently use more than 2,000 gal/day, shall implement their curtailment plan, previously submitted and approved by the Director of Utilities during the "Warning" stage. 3. Washing automobiles, trucks, trailers or other mobile equipment is prohibited unless using a container of three gallons or less. Commercial carwashes wilt be required to operate under their curtaihnent plan, previously submitted and approved by the Director of Utilities during the "Warning" stage. 4. Washing streets, driveways, parking lots, service station aprons, the exterior of commercial or residential building or any other outdoor surfaces is prohibited unless using a container of three gallons or less. Such washing is permitted if it is required to eliminate a hazard. 5. Prohibit use of irrigation systems and lawn watering. 6. Limit watering to vegetable gardens and plant washing by way of a container of three gallons or less. (No garden hose watering). 7. Filling of swimming and/or wading pools, from an empty or less than three-quarters full condition, except for home wading pools requiring not more than five gallons of water. 8. Prohibit use of all outside fountains, or decorative water sh•uctures. 9. Prohibit serving drinking water in restaurants, cafeterias and other 4. Emergency food establishments unless requested by the patron. Mandatory 10. Prohibit use of fire hydrants except for health and public safety Water uses. Fire department U•aining and flushing of utility lines for ResU•ictions development purposes are prohibited. (Continued) 1 I.Other mandatory, non-essential, water use restrictions as outlined in the Virginia. Drought Assessment and Response Plan. IX. Definitions Conservation -those practices and techniques that reduce the conswnption of water through increased efficiency, reduced losses, or reuse which results in conservation of the water supply for future use. Customer -any person, company, organization or entity that uses water supplied by the Town within the Town's service area. CO-OP -special section of the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin that provides joint management of available water resources during low flow conditions and long-range demand-supply analysis and overall water supply coordination among the major Metropolitan Washington water supply utilities. Drought - "Drought is a condition of moisture deficit sufficient to have an adverse effect on vegetation, wildlife, and people over a sizeable area." (Adapted from the U.S. Geological Survey) NOAA -National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Dl First Stage Drought - the second of 5 stages of a mathematical index reflecting long- term (Palmer Drought Severity [ndex) and short-term (Crop Moisture Index) soil moisture. Water Supply Coordination Agreement -agreement signed by the major utilities and Co-op that requires major suppliers to coordinate operations. Specifically, it brought the Occoquan (FCWA) and the Pahixent (WSSC) supplies into a coordinated system. The agreement also provides fora 20 year projected supply-demand analysis every five years and specifies a cost share formula. X. Enforcement 1. No person shall knowingly or intentionally allow the use of water from the Town for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, govermnental, or any other purpose in a manner contrary to any provision of this Plan. 2. Any person who uses water, or allows or causes the use of water, in violation of Stage Four (Emergency) of this Plan shall be subject to the following penalties: a. For the first offense, violators shall receive a written warning delivered in person or posted on the premises by a representative of the To~im of Leesburg Department of Utilities. b. For the second offense, violators shal I be assessed a fee not to exceed $100.00, consistent with the severity of the infraction. The fee shall be imposed on the violator's quarterly water bill. a For the third and each subsequent offense, violators shall be assessed a fee not to exceed $250.00 for each offense, imposed on the violator's quarterly water bill. d. Each violation by a person shall be counted as a separate violation by that person, irrespective of the location at which the violation occurs. e. High water users, as previously defined, who fail to comply with their approved curtaihnent plan shall be assessed a fee not to exceed $500 per violation. Each day of noncompliance will constitute a separate violation. The fee shall be imposed on the violator's quarterly water bill. 3, Any Town Police Officer, or other To~jm of Leesburg employee designated by the Town Manager, may enforce this section of the Plan by issuance of notice of written violation to any person reasonably believed to be in violation of this Plan. 4. Persons who have been assessed a penalty shall have the right to challenge the assessment by providing a written complaint to the Director of Utilities within 10 days of the notice of penalty assessment. The Director shall determine whether the penalq~ was properly assessed and notify the complainant, in writing, of the determination. Should the Director determine that the penalty was properly assessed, the complainant may appeal that determination by providing written notice to the Town Manager within 10 days of receiving the notice of determination. The Town Manager or a designee shall determine whether the penalty was properly assessed and notify the complainant, in writing, of the determination. 5. The Director of Utilities may waive the penalty if it is determined that the violation occurred due to no fault of the complainant. 10 XI. Variances A customer may file a request for variance from this Plan to the Department of Utilities for the property receiving water service. A request form and instruction are included in the Appendix of the Plan. The Director of Utilities may grant a variance from the Plan upon the determination that special circumstances exist that upon strict enforcement of the Plan may adversely affect the health, sanitation, or safety for the public or the applicant. Variances granted under this section may expire upon escalation of the Plan to the next higher phase ortennination of the Plan. XII. Termination The Town Manager, upon consultation with the Director of Utilities and with the advice and consent of Town Council, is hereby authorized and directed to terminate the applicable provisions of the Plan upon his/her determination that the applicable provisions are no longer necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the Town's citizens. XIII. Appendix 1. Notice ofViolation -Warning Letter 2. Notice of Penalty Assessment Letter 3. Request for Variance 4. Metropolitan Washington Water Supply and Drought Awareness Response Plan: Potomac River System. 5. Sample Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) Water Supply Outlook, June 2007. 6. Sample Washington Metropolitan Council of Government (COG) Potomac River System Drought and Water Supply Outlook, June 2007. 7. Virginia Drought Assessment and Response Plan.