HomeMy Public PortalAbout2009_10_14_O018 - Parking Code Amendment°Aq ~ , ~ t OI2DLNi~.h~C1; N{3, 2t}69-C}-C}18 ~rzrsrl~r`l"lD: c~etabe,- l~l zQO4 t~I~C}F'"I'F;D: ()ctol~er ld, 2~t19 tyN C)13I?IItitANCF,: t\Rr11;NI7'NC; AIt`fICLE V (S`fOPPINCx, S"I"ANL7ING AND PtaP.ICI:tif"s} (?F CH31'TFl2 32 C)F 1'HL I,EESI3LIl~G TC)~UN CC}llL' {TR.tIFFie ~~:Nl~ VI:HIC LF:S)'1'C7 t11)L~ t1N .~lL)DITIC3NtyL SEGTIC}N IZEGt~12DIlvG CTFlLAti?+-'FI~I, Pt`d12KIItiG t)F G'L HIGI,L,~ NC}T F't~WF,ItL?I3 I3Y 11~"I"I;Iti\~AI, CC3Iti~fL3C:STl~V I~NCiLNF3S "I'hrr'I'otiers Council of I>eesburg, Vu•ginia, i?rdais}s: S)GTI{I~; h `Llrai the toilavvih~ sectiart be added lo':4rtiMe ~ (Stopping, Standirr~ and Pai•€cin~} to ~ltapter 3~ ("irafLie and vehicles} ofthe Towri~cide of tlse Towzst~fl,eesEiurg, Virginia, 2Q(l9, irs arsencleel; be atxi the same is hei•tb}~ amended to read as follau=s; See. 32-15L Pae~ of vehicle not~~ovvet~ed by ititerntsl eanil~astion en~isse. {a) Na peisoir shall park an~ti~ehicle nat (tottered ~ ~ aI, n intes_nat_eanil~ustionan~ine on tlsa shctitsar highiuavs of"thetbwn hybs_id and elesit•ic po~~es•ed vehicles at~ewexi;e~tecl. ~h) When~~=es any ti=ehicle nat pavvctedb~an intca•nal canaEtirstiou ent?iue is Left imattendedotr a public liiixhwtry or other' j~iitzlie pi"operiy and is left far more tl~art ten da s ort publac property as~ehvehiole naY 1~e'renaoved forsafekee~iisg Uv os° under the direction of a palica alfic~r to a storagc_~araae'as• area. Each remou~l shall :be s•eportedas pros57pYl)~ as passible icz the poitCe departanent anal #o the a~v~ner oftlse i~ehicle r~oT powered by interiirsl contl>uslitin enguse. 7`he owiiet` of such irc11ic1e nut powered hY an internal cor~bustian eisgine, betps`e ohtaisiiu~passcssian thereof, shall uay to the Lawn all reasanable eosts iucidentaE to the resno~=ai. staraae ind locating the awnar of such vekucla. Shouldsuch owues• fasl or refusa to pa}~ t3ie cost ar slioisld the'identit~os• whereabouts afsuch owner be usiknovs=n or P~,i©nimarces\2D69UCI4 PaiRi~ig.e3oc 1QlI G~09 _ ~_ r1N O[tDIItif1NCl: ANII.NDING ARTICLE 1j (ST()PPINU, STANDINCr AND PAPKINGj C}F CHAP"I'Elt 32 C}I TIIE J,EL SI3L~liG 1~04VN CDDF, {TRA[~F'IC ANI} VEIlIC1;FS) `1 D AL7D AN r~DDI`I'I{9itiitlL SEA"1'It~N RFGAI~D1NCs Ui*(I.AWFIIL 1'AItKINC OI' VEIIICI~ES NC7'IPC7WERED BY 7N'IERNAL C(31v1I3G'S"I'IC)N ENGINES uuascei~ainable after a diluent seais;h has bccn_ntade. sand after notice to hint at tus last- kno~t>n address arnl to the h~tlder of any lien of ieeorcl in the office'of the departmeESt of motor vehicles ctf fhc con~rtiituwealtii against the vetucle not po4trered by an internal 'cambizstion endue, thevehicle xna ~ b} ~ treated as an abantloneti nwtot_vehieEe inae~ordan~r? with Cade oL t'ir~inia, "Title ~G.2, e}t. 12 (Code iaf Vir€~itia, ~ A6:2-.1200 et sz cam. (c) TLus section shall not aiv to vehioles not powered b~ti intern~ikeombustian enRine'w~hieh a~~ctperatad by the Tawn fffr pnblie safet}' }turttoses at•iv7iich are aizthorizeti 1}t~ the `Fa~~nfor al7praved co~tst~uctio^ prciEects. SEt~TIt~N 1, lneluding the changes rel'eienced above, Ariiiile V caf Chatter 32 ofthe Leesbur~'I'otwn Coda'is reordained a7td amended. SECTI{}11' III. All prior ordinatrces in conflicthereGt~ith are hereby repealed. SIaC'TI{)N IV. Severabiiity. Ifii court of cdrnpeteittjurisdictiort declares any pioirislan of this ordinance invalid, the decision sliai[ not affect the validity of the ordinance as a ~y~holc or any reattaisiig provisions of the Leesbuig'I'o~~rn ~o~lc. SI:GTI{)t;I V, "this ordinance shall he in effect ~ipiin its passage. PASSED this i4ih da}~ dFOetvlier, 20(}9 ~~ ~ ~ Kuste~r C, tJmstattd, IVSayor Tota:~it of Leesburg ATTE`,STi "_ r,i.: Clerk afCc?tutcl, P:AOrdin~intes\2bP91F614Y1rkiitgatoe~ (PA6109