HomeMy Public PortalAbout2009_10_14_O020 - Traditional Design Option.5, E.'t pia ) ~.~ . ~3 x j } rl ~..~ ~.,~ -," t >z~f}IhAI~c~; N~}. 2~I~~-o-ago I?I~~.~41-;f~ETf'.f} 5~251be1' ~z.. ~'L ~IQ~ ~f}oI~TEI} c}~cQtl~t ~~+, ~~o A~ t}Rnr~Afvcf; Anf~fiC}vllvcs zc}~vl;~~ oRf}IrEAitiiLf, TIvX°f ~Mr;vI~M~;~i"f"'rtsc}n- 20(}9-t}t7Q4 I;S'I'Af3LISIIING Iiti ARTtCLL 101~LNS"1'Z`III~TFNSI':I'Y & L}IMENSIt}?~Af~ S'1'AI17ARI}S SECTION i0.3 "IIfE '`I-RAf}i"I'IC}~tAL I7ESICit?I C7f'"1'IQ;~ f(V TI IF, It-1 SI1sTCFL;L'-I'A~II,Y ItESII}LN'1IAL E5`['A'I'IiI,(}NI\tG f}ISTRf(:T file Ttxtivn CaitttciE of L;eusbuig, ~trginia ortitxiaas: St%CTIO~E I. That tls~ fglEovvulgsections ~eestalalislleti itl theLot~ingOidinalice ofthe Toivtt of l,eeslntrg, Virginia, 2003, as amended, titid be the sixine to tend as f©llovrs -- ---- 1, Seetiau IO 3~3.Traditi~rrtal l~es~i;er Optioati P,. Is ctlsrtpact, foster ang ivfilktxbilitt; ~CEjttcc'at neigliborhootls its ~tiell a~ ton-residetrtial acti4~ity cente~_s ~ iiilrer includes as~art of the develo~ient, a~ is in 'c3ase~ro~itnity to; mimed t'etaiLjoCfic~ cenlcrs visual cltax~acter of the eornmanity Chcorpoiates siknificant c~murtu~if ~ f} ocnt f~oittts into the deli*n ~ Cs ~nrrs~stent ~ idr the Leesbrr€g Town P(~r5 C3, G. t'\t]rdmmvice.l2ilG9ktQla"tra(litiDnal Desig~i f>p~ioii.doc 10115F0~7 -2- A RESOLUTION: APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TLOA- 2009-0004 ESTABLISHING IN ARTICLE 10 DENSITY/INTENSITY & DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS SECTION 10.3 THE TRADITIONAL DESIGN OPTION IN THE R-1 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONING DISTRICT elevations re~c uired by Section 10 3 3 J 4 shall be submitted as part of the Zoning Permit application. D. Density The base density shall be commensurate with R-1 zoning A densiTy bonus allowing up to 16 unit~er pros acre maybe attained as specified in Section 10.3.3.M. E. Access Requirements Traditional Design Option development must have multiple access points to roads adjacent to the development. F. Street Design. 1. Streets shall be arranged primarily in agrid-like pattern Cul-de-sacs are discouraged and if included in the demon should be kept to a minimum. 2. All streets shall consist of rivo lanes. 3. All streets shall include sidewalks on both sides. 4. Sidewalks shall have a minimum unobstructed width of five feet. 5. A minimum of 20~ercent of all house lots shall have rear fronts eg on a private alley. 8. On-street parking shall be provided. 7. Crosswalks shall be provided at all controlled intersections to alert motorists to the presence of pedestrians and to allow pedestrians safe crossingpoints 8. Crosswalks shall be clearly marked and shalt incorporate traffic calming devices such as contrasting surface color and/or texture or bump-outs. 9. Applicants shall provide apical street section with the application 10. Street cross-sections shall indicate the location of proposed street trees. G. Open Sgace. 1. The Omen Space regulations of this section require the establishment and maintenance of improved open space to m•ovide adequate light air and space to residents or occupants of all developments These regulations require the establishment of a prope~~ty owner association to be responsible for the maintenance of common im~ovements as detailed in Section 8 3.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. At least 25 percent of the gross acreage of the Traditional Neighborhood Development must be open space. a. Open space ma~nclude undevelodrable areas such as steep slopes and wetlands, and storm water management (SWM) facilities. Allowances for Stormwater Management Facilities shall be as follows: i. Only those storm water detention basins that are designed as wetlands or wet bottom basins with vegetation along side slopes may be counted toward meeting the minimum open space requirement. li. A maximum of 50 percent of the acreage of storm water management facilities P:\Ordinances~2009\1014 Traditional Design Option.doc 10/16/09 -3- A RESOLUTION: APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TLOA- 2009-0004 ESTABLISHING IN ARTICLE 10 DENSITY/INTENSITY & DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS SECTION 10.3 THE TRADITIONAL DESIGN OPTION IN THE R-1 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONING DISTRICT iv. 100% of (wet or dry) ponds that incorporate significant Best Management Practice components may be counted as open space. v. 100% of (wet or dry) ponds that have been or are to be consh'ucted entirely for or in part for a Town capital improvement project may be counted as open space. b. At least 30_percent of the open space provided must be for active and/or passive recreation. c. d. H. Development Standards. 1. Lot Size a. Lots shall be a minimum of 5,000 square feet in area. b. No lot shall exceed one acre in area. C. Lots 10 000 square feet or more in area shall comprise no more than 50 percent of the total number of lots. 2. Building Location a. Garages shall be recessed a minimum of six feet from the front facade of the principal sh•uchu~e b. Lots with rear frontave on a alley shall have rear-loaded garages and shall have no off- street parkin¢ to the front C. Air conditioning eauipment heat pumps and similar mechanical equipment may not project more than three feet into any required side or rear yard. d. Porches and bay windows ma~proiect up to three feet into a required vard e. Accessory sh'uctures shall meet all requirements contained in Section 10.4.S.C.I of the Zoning Ordinance. f. On lots of 6 000 square feet or less no house shall exceed 3 500 square feet in area, including basements This maximum shall not include ga<'ages In no case shall the area of a garaee exceed 25% of the floor area of the primary shlrchrre. g. Additional development standards are ~'esented in the table below: Criterion Lot!Size/Stan dard 5,000 -10,000 sf in area 10,000+ sf in area 1) Front setback 25' maximum 20' minimum 2 Front ara e setback 31' minimum N/A 3) Side setback 6' minimum 10' minimum 4) Rear setback 25' minimum 30' minimum 5 Rear ara e setback 4' minimum N/A p:\Ordinances~2009U 014 Traditional Design Oprion.doc 10/16!09 unorganized field sports. -4- A RESOLUTION: APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TLOA- 2009-0004 ESTABLISHING IN ARTICLE 10 DENSITY/INTENSITY & DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS SECTION 10.3 THE TRADITIONAL DESIGN OPTION IN THE R-1 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONING DISTRICT 6) Minimum width interior lots 45 70 71 Minimum width (corner lots 70 70 1. Landscaping and Buffering. 1. A 50 foot landscape buffer shall be implemented on the perimeter of the development where adjacent to major al4erial sU•eets. 2. A 35 foot landscape buffer steal) be implemented on the perimeter of the development where adjacent to streets of a classification other than major arterial. 3. An S 2 type buffer shall be provided between perimeter streets and dwelline units when fi•ont facades face the perimeter sheet. 4. An S 3 type buffer shall be provided beriveen kerimeter streets and dwelline units when rear facades face the perimeter street. J. Architectural Design The following are key elements of traditional nei~borhoods and shall be incorporated into the desi n: 1. A minimum of 75_percent of all residential lots less than 8 000 square feet in area shall include porches porticoes or other covered entry features. 2. Housing units on corner lots shall include a porch portico or other covered entry feature on each sheet facade Such features may be separate or conti>;uous. 3. Buildin>; height shall not exceed 35 feet. 4. No adjacent units shall have identical elevations• adjacent units shall vary with re>;ard to color and/or materials and/or feueshation. 5. Applicant shall provide detailed exterior architectural desi¢ns h~dividual buildin>; elevations shall include at least rivo of the following elements: a, dormer s b. front ~•ch(es) pol4ico(es) or other covered entry feature(s) c. bay window(s) d. balcony(ies) e. brick or stone facade(s) f. detailed molding around all front facade doors and windows 6. All dwellin units shall have brick or stone foundation faces• exposed concrete foundations are prohibited K. Recreational Facilities A Traditional Design Option development shall include a minimum of three of the followin>; recreational amenities: P:\Ordinances~2009\1014'rradilionnl Design Option.doc 10/16/09 -5- A RESOLUTION: APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TLOA- 2009-0004 ESTABLISHING IN ARTICLE 10 DENSITY/INTENSITY & DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS SECTION 10.3 THE TRADITIONAL DESIGN OPTION IN THE R-1 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONING DISTRICT 1. Linear Park• Passive open space im~ved only with ~edesU•ian or bicycle passa ewa~ Linear packs should link the sub•ect ne~hborhood to other subdivisions and to activity centers or define the edge of the neiuhborhood or community Linear ~ ks should average at least 50 feet in width. 2. Seating Area• An improve~assive~en space at least 1 000 square feet in area Each seating area shall include benches or other landscape material suitable to facilitate seating. Landsc~ing shall include trees and other aestheticallxpleasing landscaping materials 3. Green• An im~oved passive open space surrounded by streets. Greens shall incorporate open lawns and landsc~in~ with trees and not contain any structw•es Greens shall be a minimum of 2 500 square feet in area. 4. 5. provide shaded areas. 6. Park• Open mace area improved for active and passive recreation at least 10 000 sauare feet in size No more than 50 percent of a park boundar•Y should be adjacent to streets. 7. Nahiral Area: Area left undisturbed with maintenance limited to removal of hazards nuisances or unhealthy conditions. L. Utilities All new utilities shall be located render rg ound. M. Density Bonus 1. A density bonus for Affordable Dwelling Units (as defined in Section 3 17) is not available, nor shall Affordable Dwelling Units be required with the Traditional Design Option. 2. Right of way dedication for all planned roads within the imposed development (as identified in the Town Plan) must be made in order to attain any density bonus. 3. Applicants ma~attain a denser bonus of 0 1 units per gross acre up to a maximum density of l 6 units~er gross acre for each criterion below: P:\Ordinnnces~2009\1014 Trndi~ional Design Option.doc 10/16/09 Squares should have a eeometric shams where the length shall not exceed three times the width. _~_ t1 it I?SOI,IJTI{)i~T: APYR®Vi11CiL.{?NTtiIG G12I71NAIVGF,1'IiXT r1MENI?MEN"t' TLOA- 2Fa09-(}t}04 ES'I'AI3LISIIt1titl N AILTIGLIi 1fi DL.NS1TYtINTEivSITY I}IlviIvNSIGNr1L STAlv€aAFZUS SF.CI'C{}fir Fp.~'I'FIF `1'R~IaITIQiVAL DI~SIG~i (~P"T'I{)~I III TI',Y I~-1 SlNGZ;i;'-f~AMII,Y RISI1?IINTIAT.ISTATE 7.,t)NIl`~ICi I7ISTItIG`I' a: b. c. d. e. t. ~~ SIi~TI{>N 11. All prior ordinances in c4nflicl Irere~stiti~ are herby repeated. SECTIGN IIt. Sevel~ability. If tl court Qf co2npete27t jurisdiciitin declares any prt~visio~t df this t~rdinance invalid, the decisio~~ shall trot {•rffect talc vali~lt} of tl~G oldiuance as a lrhoie or ~rtty retnaiaring prc?visio~rs of the zonlltg ordirtaiice. t~A5S1;I7 this I~'~' da}> of October; 2DQ9, s `Kttst r C. ntstattd, Mayor C~ Town of L.eesbur nl"I''l IsS'i':: r: i } ~ ~ ~ Cierk of ~otni'cil PaOx~munces\2flC~4U01 d '(?adiFimiat t}csiai5 4pkioitiioc I df tfi~Y14