HomeMy Public PortalAbout2009_10_27_O021 - I-1 Text amendment~~ t Y ~ i..r::3 ,..z. ~ {~ i.. C}RI3INA7ti~CE YO, 2{}:09-0-{l21 I'REsSLN"TE;I}: Octabei 29 2{IQ9 AI~OP'1-EI3: Oc}ciber 29, 2009 AN (7RI71NANCE: AIVIENIOINC BONING QI~INANCE SF_CTIC}N 6.7 I-l, INI7USTItIAL, RF,SF,r1RCHIPAT2 L~IS`I-I2IC'I' TO PPIZIT CI~R'I'ATN NEW' TRr~NSITICJNAL I,ANL? tISIS IN '1'IIIs I-I L}ISTRICT RY' RICiI~T f1I2 ZII' SPECIAL F,XCI:P`1"I()N t1NI) `LC7NING ORL}INTA.'.VCE SFCII()N 18.1 1'ERIvIS DEFINEL? T{} AI)17 .A DI;I~INITIC?N EL}I~ ARTS CPNTER. The Tziivtt Caunci 1 of Lecsb#ii~g, G~ irgiriia, ba'dallts; SECTION 1. That dte fo}lotiving sactiQ~ts oC the Zanirtg €?t€Iinattce of t17e To3vn of Leesbu#•g; Vir~inie, 2b03, asainended, he and ttic sane are hereby arueitdecl to readas follatrs, SECTION b:7 I-1, IN1)Lt$T)?I.~L I2ESEAIiCgItPAF2K 111IS`I'I2ICT x.7.2 tJ~ egwiation~ Uses ai•e aliawed in the I-1 District in aceardunce xiith Fhc following table. A "F:: izl the sacrsnd calutnlr of the t;Ibic indlaates that the itsa'is permitted by-rich#, subject fd compliance wiih all applic~bla standai'cls of this 7onifig C)rdindtiae. An "S'° in the second colitnin of the table indic8tcs that the use tiiay be all€itiued ifrevietived and' appra~~ed iii aecor<IaTSee wifh tlae Special Eseeptipn procedures o2 See. 3.~L For a summary of uses parmitied in all districts, seethe Ilse Table iu~ec.~;2. - - IPI Urea Use Use Standards ~afinifinn Agrituitrural Uses _ _ _-- Farming P Sec. } $:1.59 '', i Nursery P Sec: l $:1 :1 12 ', - _. Stgble P Sec 1$.l .1 b7 _ _ commercial Usss Arts center, in existing buildiigor~ly P Sec. 18:1:10.A -.... j Child aaracanteraiiiexis#ing bullding ont.: S _5ec.9.3.A .See. 1$.}.2$ # .._ i citlid Cqr______, eCenPeY. QitCWlit#~ t4n8W Of triCBbU[it}int~0_nIx P J~L'C: Q.~;d ~JCC~ } $:}~2~. - College or onivars~ P': Sac_w___18. T;32 Ganfarence center S _ Sac 18:1,36 - _. [~lganastic laboratory in ex}sfina building anlX - - 5 ---- Sec, 18..1..41. - -- Eating estgbNsltmant without drive-iai facili4p S Sec. 4.3.7 Sec 18.1.52 _ _. Electric ^ndlor plumbing supply S Sec. 9.3.8 Elet#ran}t Dgta Storage Center P i .Sec. 1$.1,55 Heliport S "! Sec, :1$..1.73 .Hate) f motel S Sec. 18.:1.79 Kannal S Sec. 1$.1.83 Lumber and jar building moterinl sates without outdoor storage P '~, 'Sec, 18,.T:95 Lumbar tWndfar building material sales vrith outdoor storage S Sac. 18.1.95 -z- AN ORDINANCE: TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH NEW TRANSITIONAL LAND USES IN THE I-1 DISTRICT Use Use Standards Definition Commercial Uses Museum, in existina buildinq only P Sec. 18.1.104 Office P Sec. 18.1.128 Outdoor storage S Sec. 18.1.120 Outdoor storage, Vehicles S Parking structure, private S Sec. 18.1.128 Printing and~or publication fn existina buildina only P Sec. 18.1.140 Recreation facility comprising fifty percent or less of existina P Sec. 9.3.18 Sec. 18.1.148 building GFA comprising more than fifT~percent of Recreation facility S Sec. 9.3.18 Sec. 18.1.148 , existin 'bull in GFA School General Education in existing buildina only ~ Sec. 18.1.154 School~ecial Instruction in existina building only S Sec. 9.3.20 Sec. T8.1.156 i-1 Uses Commercial Uses Use Standards Definition Telecommunications Facility: Antenna P Sec. 9.3.23.A Sec. 18.1.7 Telecommunications Facility: Mono ole S Sec. Sec. 18.1.101 Telecommunications FaciliT :Transmission Tower S Sec. 9.3.23.C Sec. 18.1.181 Temporary Mobile land-Based Telecommunications Testing Facility P Sec. 9.3.23.D Veterinar Hospital S Sec. 9.3.26 Sec.18.i.187 Iadusirial, ManuFacfaring and Warehousing Uses Distribution Facility S Sec. 18.1.42 Manufacturing and assembly P Sec. 18.1.97 Research and development P Sec, 9.3.19 Sec. 18.1.149 Warehouse S Sec.18.i.188 Institutional and ComttSvnify Service Uses Fire and/or rescue facility P Sec. 18.1.60 Park, public P Place of worship S Sec, 18.1.134 School, technical S Sec. 18.1.157 U.S. Postal Service S Sec. 18.1.136.A Unlit Uses Public unlit , ma'or S Sec. 9.3.27 Sec. 18.1.145 Public utility, minor P Sec. 9.3.27 Sec, 18.1.146 SECTION 18.1 TERMS DEFINED making scu-pture textiles and @iass-making. Such facilities may include leasable studio mace on the premises as well as areas for the exhibition and sale of art work. P:\Ordinnnces~2009\I027 I-1 ZO'I'ext Amendmem.docs 10/28!09 -3- AN ORDINANCE: TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH NEW TRANSITIONAL LAND USES IN THE I-1 DISTRICT SECTION II. All prior ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION III. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision of this ordinance invalid, the decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any remaining provisions of the zoning ordinance. PASSED this 27th day of October 2009. =• __. •isYe C. U stattd, Mayor Town of Leesburg A((T~~TEST: yy ~ Clerk of Cou ~1 N:\Ordinance512009\1027 I-1 ZO Text Miendmentdocx 10/28/09