HomeMy Public PortalAbout2009_11_10_O022 - Amending Article 12 ZO~~ Fal} i t)ai? C}~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~'~ rl ~ I'ItESr1vT'ED: Noueaiibc>r l H, 2(Z{l9 ()Z2I)ItvA\CE ~t[7. 2004-t?-Q22 AI){)PT'El~: Novembc,• ifl 20Q9 Aht {)RDIIv?AN{;Ei: ANZI`s1tiL7II~G i`ZZE ZOt`~TNfrORL)Tt~tANCE F{3R AR"P1CZ;t; 12 LANI35t>APING ~CI2LENTNG. OPLN ~PACI;:AItiI) LZtiiITING':1ND ARTIC'I,F, i 8 t)I';Z'7NI`Z'Z{)tTS __ _ Tlic'l'(7vl'Il Council of Leesbui:p, Vir~inh, ardaiias: SF CTI{?N 1. "fltiat the folltaFVing sectat3s of the Zoning {~rttinaitce of Ehe Ttiu~.=ii of Laesburg, ~?irginia, 2Q03, as atu~tx3ed, be :and tl7e same are [iereby amended #a read as follows; AI2'TICLI!1 12 -'I' : T,1'RE~L:RVATIf)N, LANI)SCAI'I:'V(Z, S{~I{Tt1~PtINt~, I)I'EN SI'A~E AI~`I) I)U£I'I)t)I)R 1,I(:TI`I'IN - - __.: 1. ~ecYian 12.1 ~e~iet~~] 12.1.1 Paa~pnse:t7ttllnfnatt 1'he txirlictse ancE intent of t(us ai2icla is to prouide ftir tree preservation, landsca~Euopeti~~_ outdoor ti htir3g Erie; te~aEe-tfte-plaa3lit~a .. ..e r^ a ^p~„° prerxeEe t(~e genera] health, safely and 1ve3£are of our'citizens, to enCtaneethe caniinxiiiity by Hied;reaticin of an attraotve enuia-oa3ment; to prcitect properlu va3uesanH to fintlaer tlae an"ban dasigti aiad ecotaoinic deuelopriient objectives of ttie Toaa~rt Pftria; To tfieseends, these regulations are intended to pr©nic~ie (o~rcal resau{:ees tlii~-pkrit~at~d-Z>reservt~f}gin e#=kt+}dsettpe-+xaterials ~vl7icli: A. €~, 1'i~ouide for}ireservatianand planting.anti-re~atofta"ees iritlie develcilinient process to create a specified tree canopx~ or Dover iii twenty }ears pursareuif to the authority ga•anted iii Secti©n ls.z-9blofH~e Codeof Virgi€ii~, t95C~rasamentlec3 and as more paa"ticularly set forth'hereii~. B. Frovide for laatking lot landscapiugforedarcetha iiarmfril effects efiieaf, raise and glare associated with motor uelucie use. ~. ~ Praviile for tine ereadoh of safe, aHt~aetivel}~ Zandscaped at'cas adjacsiit to pubZi~ stre~fs b}° using landscape mater*ials ti~~h ich sepaa ate c~ela icu lar and. pedestrian aa-eas. t3. A Piavide for screening antJbufferirig betv,~een ineouapatibie lauduses, ~. ~ ftovide for siiaHe and'erahauce tlae=alipeaiartceof urban areas. ('. ~ Prousde for the iiroteeti©ii of gratnid rater', iriiliroue air quality and stoemwater rnanagerne~at throat~h the m i tigating effects of trees, ~: ~;I'rovitle for useful andattraefrveopeir space areas. -2- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS H. Provide for required outdoor lighting, 2. Section 12.1.2 General Applicability 12.1.2 General Applicability The provisions of this article shall apply to all land development applications submitted after January 1, 2010 except that site plan waivers, minor site plans and minor subdivisions site-pl.~ez~nd submitted after November l o, 2009, r'-^~~, including . shall be exempt firom the applicability of these provisions. This article does apply to the enlargement of any parking lot, but does not apply to the resurfacing of any existing parking lot. This article shall apply to the construction of any parking lot with greater than five (5) spaces and the consG'uction, extension or widening of any street. 3. Section 12.2 Administration 12.2 ADMINSTRATION 12.2.1 Landscape Plan Required A landscape plan meeting the requirements of this article is required for all subdivision plat and site plan applications as described in Sections 13-62 and 13-71 of the Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 4. Section 12.2.2 Review Procedures 12.2.2 Review Procedures The Land Development Official, or designee, shall be responsible for the review of all landscape plans and tree preservation plans. 5. Section 12.2.3 Contents of Landscape Plan 12.2.3 Contents of Landscape Plan A landscape architect, landscape designer or landscape contractor shall prepare every landscape plan required by this article. All landscape plans shall contain the following information: A. Scale. Plans shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 30 feet to the inch on sheets not exceeding 24 by 36 inches. 8. Contents. All plans shall illush•ate with sufficient detail the location of all proposed construction including driveways, parking areas, curbs, sidewalks, utility lines, utility easements, structures and landscape areas. Landscape areas should indicate dimensions, and all proposed trees shall be illustrated at their full canopy spread as listed iu Sec. 12.9.6. Landscape material proposed must comply with the Design and Construction Standards Manual planting practices within easements. C. Schedule. All plans shall be accompanied by a schedule of plants proposed, including the number proposed, their height, caliper or gallon size, common and botanical name, -3- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS the amount of U~ee canopy area credit and percent diversit~(See Section 12.9.4). The plan shall identify each plant species +natetials with in a letter unique symbol Ivey. The Plant Schedule Table can be fouud at www.leesbur vg a.gov D. Open Space. All plans shall include a table calculating the amount of open space and number of plants and trees required by the Zoning Ordinance and the amount of open space and number of plants and trees provided. e0n.l:N........F Q..". L`....,...~ D".F"..."....... .. ..t F...... _-- .L > Vt1- [ti 5~i9£Fl~.l~3e-II}HStKat2d: 6. Section 12.2.4 Contents of a Tree Preservation Plan 12.2.4 Contents of a Tree Preservation Plan preservation. The plan should be prepared by or in consultation with an arborist certified by the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture. Methods of protecting the vegetation shall be illustrated or explained on the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. All tree preservation plans shall contain the following information: A. Scale. Plans shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 30 feet to the inch on sheets not exceeding 24 by 36 inches oran alternate scale agreed to by the Town. B. Contents. All plans shall delineate the edges of predevelopmenf tree canopy proposed limits of disturbance and the location of the tree protection limits. C. Worksheet. All plans shall include 20 year tree canopy calculations in accordance with Section 12.3.1 on a worksheet provided by the Town of Leesburg at www.leesburgva.gov D. Tree Management Report. All plans shall include a Tree Management Report (TMR that will document the health and stivctural condition of the existing trees to be preserved. A Tree Management Report shall follow the Tree Inventory and Condition Analysis Guide and the Tree Management Report Table found on the website at www.leesburgva.gov 7. Section 12.2.5 Monitoring and Enforcement 12.2.5 Monitoring and Enforcement A. Responsibility. "the enforcement of the provisions of this article shall be the responsibility of the Zoning Adminish•ator. Any violation of this article is a e+i}n+nal civil misdemeanor as described in Sec. 173.1. -4- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS 8. Section 12.3 Twenty-Year Tree Canopy Requirements 12.3.1 Requirements All submittals of a final subdivision plats or site plans under Article 13 of the Subdivision and Land Development Regulations shall include a plan for the preservation, planting andlor replacement of trees on the site to the extent that, at maturity of hventy years, minimum tree canopies or covers will be provided in the areas designated in the Town of Leesburg Zoning Ordinance as follows: A. Ten percent (10%) tree canopy for a site zoned business, commercial or industrial. B. Ten percent (10%) tree canopy for a residential site zoned hventy (20) or more units per acre. C. Fifteen percent (15%) tree canopy for a residential site zoned more than ten (10) but less than hventy (20) mrits per acre. D. Twenty percent (20%) tree canopy For a residential site zoned ten (10) units or less per acre. E. Every platted lot shall have minimum tree canopy coverage of 2 I/2 percent or 3,000 sq. ft, whichever is less. F. If the full canopy requirement cannot be achieved on-site, ."° ^°^^~^°^•°^« •°°° "° •°^` "~• . the remainine reauirement of canopy strait be calculated with the cost amount listed in Section I below and a fee for the total shall be collected and deposited in the Town of Leesburg: tree fund. G. The cost to establish a new tree with a twenty (20Zyear canopy area starting with a two L2) -inch caliper nursery stock shall be $990.00. H. Fr, For the purpose of this section, "site" shall include all of the area within a property boundary, either as proposed on the final subdivision plat or site plan or the existing property (property line to property line). In instances where a small portion of land is not being subdivided out of a larger h~act of land and is the subject of a site plan application, the Land Development Official may accept the smaller site area for canopy calculation purposes. For multi-phased or sectioned subdivisions, canopy may be calculated for the overall subdivision. 9. Section 12.3.2 Calculations and Exceptions 12.3.2 Calculations and Exceptions A. -5- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS 1 [ 1, f II .1', F M A I' [ ... ...........I.. F... ~ ~n f...,r .Il~,,..,r~. , ~. A. Trees. Existing trees preserved on-site may be used in the tree canopy calculation as a sq. ft. coverage, including parking lot landscaping and street plantings required by this article. Any existing trees used to meet the minimum canopy requirements of the ordinance must be identified by type and beat least twelve inch (12") feur-inc~{4") ^diameter, in healthy and structurally sound condition and be protected from construction activity. Healthy and structurally sound conditions are defined as any tree rated at 40 percent or Preater when the roots. trunk, scaffold branches, small branches and twixs, folfase and buds are evaluated and documented throush field observations us(ne the latest edition of the Guide for Plant Appraisal condition rating guide. Such protection procedures shall be illustrated on the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and the Tree Preservation Plan. Z C.. n{in of Tr T.., ..F ., ,.r'.. ~I . .. r., hl~r.. ,I. . ~ ~ ., B. Tree planting credit. Street trees shall be counted toward required tree canopy cover. ~'~~r~-'~-trams t.",Rt All trees planted on site as well as street trees planted in public right of way shall may qualify for the minimum tree canopy calculation provided that: 1. The minimum size planted tree that will qualify for tree cover credit shall meet the minimum height and caliper requirements of Sec. 12.9.2. 2: The minimum tree canopy calculations for the planted trees shall be based on the projected twenty-year tree cover area for each tree as shown in Sec. 12.9.6 (Tree Selection and Cover Guide). rL.nr+. . rL...r ~ ..1 ~..r...l .... rl,.. ~'rn nrl.n. r. n.J i~ r r. . Ho .. r. C. Exclusions from minimum tree canopy calculations. An exclusion from the -6- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS minimum tree canopy requirement is permitted for areas comprised of the following features which shall be identified and shown on the subdivision plat or site plan: 1. Lakes and retention ponds, based on the normal water surface elevation, and swimming pools. Embankment, dam, or other control devices and easements in conjunction with the facility. 2. Lands under active commercial production or management of agricultural, horticultural or forest crops; landfills and quarries. 3. Major utility distribution easements of twenty-five (25) feet or more in width. 4. Floodplains and preserved wetlands. 5. Farmland or areas devoid of woody material. 6. Dedicated school sites. 7. Playing fields and other non-wooded recreation areas. 8. Dedicated right-of-way. 9. Law Enforcement Aeencies 10. Section 12.3.3 Tree Preservation and Tree Canopy Fund 12.3.3 Tree Preservation and Tree Canopy Fund A. Fee Basis. Fees collected for these purposes shall be based on the cost to establish 20-year canopy cover using two-inch caliper nursery stock tree. B. Pro-rata Tree Canopy Cost. The cost to establish a new tree with a twenty (20) year canopy area startine with a two (2) -inch caliper nursery stock shall be $990.00. This price covers the cost typically associated with purchasine plant material, cost of installation. and cost associated with proper tree care to ensure the development and survival of a healthy tree. that benefit the community at large. -~- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS C. contributor or legal successor. 11. Section 12.3.4 Credits for Tree Canopy 12.3.4 Credits for Tree Canopv grading of the property and calculation of the minimum tree canopv requirement. Such calculation shall be measured in square feet. Existing tree canopv credit shall be granted if the following steps are taken: 1. Trees are listed on a Tree Management Report with a condition rating of 40% or greater. 2. Trees are shown on the Tree Preservation Plan with their Critical Root Zone entirely within the delineated tree protection area. 3. 4. diameter save area. 12.Section 12.3.5 Qualifying Canopy Credit 12.3.5 Qualifyinct Canopv Credit All trees planted to aualifv for canopv credits must meet the specifications of the American Association of Nurserymen standard 260.1 or latest revision. 13. Section 12.3.6 Damage to Preserved Trees 12.3.6 Damage to Preserved Trees In the event that existing tree canopv proposed to be preserved for tree canopv credits dies or must be removed because it represents a hazard, the canopy will be replaced by the planting of nursery stock trees. The number of replacement trees will be calculated following the Town's Tree Replacement Formula. The formula can be found on the Town Website at www.leesburgva.gov. -8- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS 14. Section 12.4.2 Species (Street Trees) 12.4.2 Species Tree species shall conform to those identified as street trees on the Tree Selection and Cover Guide of Sec. 12.9.6. Substitutions may be n3ade requested in writingprior• to installation of the trees to ~°~`"'"° •°~ ~"°~ ~°~~~~°°~~~ °Fthe Land Development Official, oi• designee. In reviewing plans for• sheet tree plantings the Land Development Official shall consider: A. The size, type and condition of existing street trees; B, The majority of street trees planted shall be medium or large scale canopy trees to provide shade and visual relief except where overhead utility tines prohibit such trees; C. Only trees having a mature height of less than 20 feet shall be located under overhead utility lines. D. Flowering u-Understoiy trees should be planted in groups. E. Only single stem trees shall be planted as stteet trees. 15. Section 12.4.3 Number (Street Trees) One (1) medium or large canopy tree shall be provided for every forty (40) feet of street frontage. In the case of overhead utility lines, only understorv trees shall be utilized and one understorv tree shall be provided for everv fifteerr (I51 feet of street frontage. In the case of capital improvement projects for public streets, one (I) tree should be provided for every forty (40) feet of street frontage; however, in no case shall there be a net loss in the number of trees in the area improved. In cases where street trees are planted under or near overhead utility lines and understory trees are required per Sec. 12.4.2.C, one (1) tree should be provided for every thirty (30) feet of street frontage. 16. Section 12.4.5 Planting Standards for Trees in Rights-of--Way 12.4.5 Planting Standards for Trees in Rights-of--Way The Urban Forester must approve the types of trees to be planted in the public rights-of-way. In addition, trees planted in the public rights-of-way must comply with clear zone requirements -9- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS pursuant to Appendix B(1) of VDOT's Subdivision Street Design Guide and the Town's typical street tree detail. a. Modification/Waiver Provision. Street tree plantings may be reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the Land Development Official in accordance with the provisions below and provided canopy coverage calculations are submitted with every modification request. Payment to the Tree Canopy Fund is reauired when the minimum standards found in Section 12.3.1 have not been met. Any such modification issued by the Land Development Official shall be in writing and shall set forth the reasons for granting the modification. 17. Section 12.6.3 Standards A. Minimum Parking Lot Landscape Area. At least five percent (5%) of the gross area of the parking lot shall be comprised of landscape area. The gross area of the parking lot shall include all paved areas within the lot including areas for ingress/egress. Paved storage areas maybe subtracted from this figure for land uses such as lumber yards and warehouses. 8. Minimum Landscape Area. No landscape area shall be less than 145 square feet with a minimum width of nine (9) feet. C. Number of Trees. One (1) tree for every sixteen (16) parking spaces. D. Number of Shrubs. Three (3) shrubs for every sixteen (16) parking spaces. E. Light Poles.. Light poles should not be placed in landscape islands. If a light pole is located within 20 feet of a required tree, the tree cannot be counted toward the minimum canopy coverage requirement. 1. Species, Each landscape area with an area of 300 square feet or more shall be planted -10- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS with one (1) large Canopy or two (2) Medium Canopy trees. Each 145-square foot landscape area shall be planted with one (1) Medium Canopy tree. (See Sec. 12.9.6). 18.Section 12.7 Modified Parking Lot Landscaping Standards Sec. 12.7 Modified Parking Lot Landscaping Standards ii Parkine Lot Landscapine Standards maybe reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the Land Development Official In accordance with the provisions below and provided canopy coveraee calculations are submitted with every modification reauest. Payment to the Tree Canopy Fund is reauired when the minimum standards found in Section 12.3.1 have not been met. Anv such modification issued by the Land Development Official shall be in writing and shall set forth the reasons for erantina the modification. 19.Section 12.8.2.G Buffer-Yards Adjacent to Certain Public Streets G. Buffer-Yards Adjacent to Certain Public Streets. The purpose of these requirements is to ensure that the rear and/or side of a residential, commercial or industrial use and the lowest story of the rear and/or side exterior wall of that use is screened from the view of all collector and higher classification streets (in its ultimate design), as indicated in the Transportation Section of the Town Plan. The intent of these requirements is to provide a safer and more livable environment for residential uses and provide an attractive view of various residential, commercial and industrial uses from major streets. 1. When the rear and/or side of a residential, commercial, institutional (including playgrounds) or industrial structure abuts a street classified as a collector or a higher classification street (in its ultimate design), as indicated in the Transportation Section of the Town Plan, buffer yards and screening shall be provided between the residential, commercial or industrial use and the public right-of-way. The buffer yard and screening shall be provided either on individual Tots in a perimeter landscape area or as part of a common open space owned and maintained by a homeowners' association. If a perimeter landscape buffer area is used on individual Tots, the area within the perimeter landscape area shall not be included in the calculation of lot size. 2. The width of the buffer yard and the screening materials required to be planted within the buffer yard shall be as follows: ~. a. Collector. A minimum of 35 feet wide with the following plant material per 100 linear feet of right-of way: -11- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING T'HE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS Table 12.8.2.A ( Canopy Trees ~~_ 4 _. ---- [ Evergreen Trees 15 [Shrubs 30 ~. b. Arterial. A minimum of 50 feet wide with the following plant material per 100 linear feet of right-of -way: Table _ CCanopY Trees Ever teen Trees--~r 18 Shrubs ~ 40 3, c. Limited Access Highway. A minimum of 75 feet wide with the following plant material per 1001inear feet of right-of-way: Table 12.8.2.C Canop T~ tees ~~ 8 [Evergreen Trees 20 [ Shrubs ~ 48 3. Fences, walls, berms and/or very dense vegetative treatments may also be employed within the required buffer yard to interrupt the view of the rear or side yards. Use of decorative, opaque fence or wall with a minimum height of six (6j feet or berms with a minimum height of four (4) feet with hedges and/or shrubs within the buffer yard can reduce some or most of the requirements for buffer yards and planting materials as determined by the Land Development Official. The design of fences or walls shall avoid long stretches to the point of visual monotony and shall be varied by using changes in height, different material combinations, offset angles, or other types of articulation. An architectural elevation detail of the buffer yard treatment type shall be submitted for review when a fence or wall is utilized and shall demonstrate that attractive visual continuity has been achieved. 4. The Land Development Official may modify any of the aforementioned buffer yard and screening rear and side yards adjacent to public streets as deemed appropriate with the purpose and intent of this article. Any request for modification shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for granting such request. 20.Section 12.8.3 Screening and Buffer-Yard Matrix -12- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS The screening and buffer-yard matrix describes the requirements for screening and buffer- yardsbetween adjoining land uses. (S =required screen type (1, 2 or 3); number above screen type =minimum width of buffer-yard in feet.) Table 12.8.3.A E xisting Land Use Proposed Land Use R esidenti al Institu tional 'C ommerc ial Indu strial Ra ~ Rb ~ Rc ~ Ia 0 is ~ Ca Cb ' Cc Ina ~...~.~ Inb Ra ~ i J 10 50 25 25 25 35 _ 50 75 75 ~ ~ L_ ^ J S1 S3 S2 S3 S3 ~S3 S3 ~ S3 S3 i i l Rb 10 t i 25 25 25 25 35 50 75 75 Res dent a S1 ~LLJ S3 S2 S3 ~ S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 Rc 50 25 25 25 25 25 35 50 75 75 S3 S3 S1 S2 53 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 I tit i l la 25 S2 25 S2 25 S2 U L~^ -J 25 S2 L~.~_~._1 l'` J 10 S2 50 S2 75 S2 75 S3 ns ona ut Ic 25 S3 ~ 25~ S3 25 S3 25 S2 ~~ ~_-n °I 10 S2 10 S2 25 S2 50 S2 50 S3 Ca 25 25 25 10 25 ~~ 10 10 25 25 S3 S3 S3 S2 l .- S~ l. ^~ S2 S2 S1 S2 C i l Cb 35 35 35 25 _ _ 10 10 10 10 25 25 ommerc a S3 S3 S3 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S1 S2 Cc 50 50 50~ 50 25 10 10 10 25 25 S3 ~~ S3 S2~ S2 S2 S2 _ S2 S1 S2 Ina 75 S3 75 S3 75 S3 75 S2 50 S2 25 S2 25 S2 25 S2 10 S1 25 S1 Industrial Inb 75 S3 ~~ S3 C75 S3 75 S3 50 S3 25 S2 25 S2 25 S2 25 S1 25 S1 21.Section 12.8.5 Modification of Screening and Buffer-Yard Requirements Buffer-vards may be reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the Land Development Official in accordance with the provisions below and provided canopv coverage calculations are submitted with every modification reauest. Pavment to the Tree Canopv Fund is reauired when the minimum standards found in Section 12.3.1 have not been met. Any such modification issued by the Land Development Official shall be in writing and shall set forth the reasons far granting the modification. -13- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS 22.Section 12.8.8.D Alternative Screens and Modifications D. Alternative Screens and Modifications. Alternative planting programs that achieve the objectives of the required screens are permitted to allow flexibility in landscape design. The land Development Official may approve any of the alternative screens provided below or a combination of the alternatives if the applicant can demonstrate that the objective of the screen has been met. The land Development Official may reduce or eliminate the requirements for evergreen trees or shrubs if a landscape plan proposes the use of hedges, shrubs, walls, or berms that achieve the objective of the required screen. The Land Development Official shall set forth in writing the reasons for such determination. 1. Screen 1. An open screen between relatively similar land uses. Open screening shall provide an attractive separation between the land uses. Screen 1 shall consist of one of the three alternative planting programs described below or as otherwise approved as described in Sec. 12.8.6.D: Table 12.8.6.A Screen 1 _ (plant units per square foot of buffer yard} Type of Plant ~ ~~~~ ~© rLarge Can~~Trees 1/1000 1/1000 ~ 1(1000 Medium Canopy Trees 111000 1/1000 111000 Understo Trees 0 1/1000 0 Ever reen Trees ~~ 0 1/350,__, Shrubs ~ 1/100 11100 1/200 Note: All figures are per square foot of required buffer-yard. 2. Screen 2. Asemi-opaque screen between land uses which are dissimilar in character. Semi- opaque screening should partially block views from the adjoining land uses and create a separation between the adjoining land uses. Table Screen 2' (plant units per sir uare foot of buffer-yard) ~~ W _ T a of Plant ~ f A B ~ ~ Lar a Cano Trees 1!1000 _ __ _ ~ 1/750 111000 Medium Canopy Trees ~ 1/1000~ ~/1000 ~ 1/1000 ~Understo~ Trees _ 0 1/500 0 ~Everr~reen Trees 11500 11500 1(175 Shrubs ~ 1/100 1/100 1/200 Note: All figures are per square foot of required buffer-yard. 14- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS 3. Screen 3. An opaque screen between incompatible land uses. Opaque screening should block views between adjoining land uses and create a definite spatial separation. Table 12.8.6.C Screen 3 - lantunitspersquarefootofbutferyard) _ ~- ape of Plant __.._.__-_~C A~ __ [ B I C Larne Canopy Trees ~ 111000 111000 111000 Medium Canopy Trees ~~ 1!1000 1!1000 1/1000 Understory Trees ~ 1!500 1!250 1/500 Evergreen Trees ~ 1/500 1/500 1/175 cShmbs 1(100 ~ 11100 1/200 Note: All figures are per square foot of required buffer-yard. 23. Section 12.9 Plant Material Specifications 12.9.1 Condition A. New Plant Material All new plants required by this article shall be of specimen quality, exceptionally heavy, symmetrical and outstandingly superior in form, compactness and symmetry. They shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, well branched and densely foliated when in leaf; free of disease and insects, eggs or larvae; and shall have healthy, well-developed root systems. They shall be free from physical damage or other conditions that would prevent vigorous growth. Trees with a damaged or crooked leader, bark abrasions, sunscale, disfiguring knots, insect damage or cuts of limbs over'/< inch in diameter that are not completely closed will be rejected. B. Existing Trees and Plant Material A condition evaluation will be required on all submissions of a Tree Preservation Plau as required in on field observations using the methodologies as described in the latest edition of the Guide for Plant Appraisal. Any existing tree rated forty (40) percent or less on a scale of 0 to 100 percent, with 0 representing a dead tree will not receive credits toward meeting the canopy requirements. 24. Section 12.9.3 Measurement of Size 12.9.3 Measurement of Size Caliper is measured six (6) inches above the ground up to and including four (4) inch caliper size, and twelve (12) inches above the ground for larger sizes. Diameter will be neasured at the hei htg of 54 -15 AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS 25. Section 12.9.5 Planting Procedures 12.9.5 Planting Procedures All trees and shrubs planted shall meet the specifications of the American Association of Nurserymen. 26. Section 12.9.6 Tree Selection and Cover Guide 12.9.6 Tree Selection and Cover Guide Plant material in the following list may be used to satisfy the canopy tree requirements of this article. The list is divided into the following catega•ies: large canopy trees, medium canopy trees, evergreen bees, unde~story trees, sln•ubs, and groundcover. Selections must conform to the varieties and functions identified in this list unless alternative varieties are approved by the Urban Forester. stem trees -16- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE POR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS Betula nlgra river birch B, S, IN, PP, SB~ 50 x 50 -Duraheat ~~ Celtls occidentalls hackberry ~ B, S, IN, PP, SB 50 x 50 -Prairie Pride ~ 0 Fagus grandlfolla American beech ~ B, S, IN, PP, SB 60 x 30 Fagus syvatlca European beech B, S, IN, PP, SB 55 x 40 Ginkgo blloba ginkgo (male only) B, S, IN, PP, SB ~ 50 x 30 Gymnocladus dlolcus Kentucky coffeetree B, S, IN, PP, SB 60 x 45 Liquldamberstyracifiua American sweetgum-~ B, S, IN, PP, SB 60 x 40 -Moraine ~ ~ ~ -Rotundiloba ~~ ~ Liriodendron tullplfera tulip poplar ~ 8 ~ 80 x 40 Quercus alba white oak ~~ 60 x 50 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak B, S, IN, PP, SB 55 x 55 Quercus cocclnea scarlet oak B, S, IN, PP, SB 70 x 45 Quercus phellos willow oak B, S, IN, PP, SB 60 x 40 -Hightower ~-~ ~ Quercus rubra red oak B, S, IN, PP, SB 75 x 75 Quercus shumardll shumard oak B, S, IN, PP, SB 50 x 40 Styphnoloblum Japonlcaum Japanese pagodatree B, S, IN, PP, SB 60 x 40 Taxodlum dlstlchum baldcypress B, S, IN, PP, SB 60 x 40 Tllla tomentosa silver linden ~ B, S, IN, PP, SB 60 x 30 Ulmus amerlcana American elm B, S, IN, PP, SB 70 x 40 -Princeton 0 -Jefferson ~~ ~ -Valley Forge ~~ Ulmus Japonica x wllsoniana accolade elm B, S, IN, PP, SB 60 x 35 Ulmus parlfolla lacebark elm B, S, IN, PP, SB 50 x 50 Zelkova serrata Japanese zelkova B, S, IN, PP, SB 55 x 35 -Green Vase 0 -Village Green 0 -17- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS Acer rubrum red maple l B, S, PP, SB 50 x 15 -Armstrong ~ ~~ -BOwhall ~~ Acer truncatum purpleblow maple ~ B, S, IN, PP, SB 35 x 25 -Norwegian Sunset ~~ Carpinus betulus European hornbeam 8, S, PP, SB 35 x 15 -Franz Fontaine ~ ~-~ Cercldlphyllum Japonlcum katsuratree B, S, IN, PP, SB 45 x 30 Cladrastls kentukea yellowwood ~ B, S, IN, PP, SB 45 x 45 Corylus colurna ~ Turkish filbert B, S, PP, SB 45 X 25 Ginkgo blloba ginkgo ~ B, S, PP, SB 50 x 25 -Golden Colonnade ~~ ~-~ -Princeton Sentry , ~~ Gledltsla triacanthos Inermis~ honeylocust B, S, IN, PP, SB 45 x 40 -Skyline -Shademaster Halesla tetraptera Carolina silverbell ~ B, S, IN, PP, SB 35 x 25 Llquidamber styraclflua American sweetgum~ B, S, PP, SB 30 x 12 -Emerald Sentine~ ~~ Nyssa sylvatica~ black gum B, S, IN, PP, SB ~ 45 x 25 Ostrya vlrginlana American hophornbeam B, S, IN, PP, SB 40 x 25 Parrotla perslca~ Persian Ironwood B, S, IN, PP, SB 30 x 25 Phellodendron amurense cork tree (male only) e, S, IN, PP, SB 40 x 35 Pistacia chlnesls Ch(nese pistache B, S, tN, PP, SB 35 x 30 Zelkova serrata Japanese zelkova B, S, PP, SB , 45 x 15 -Musashino -18- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING TIIE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS -Cole's Select -Trazam ~ ~~ Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam ~~ B, SB 25 x 25 Cercis canadensis redbud B, SB, U ~ 25 x 25 vlrglnlcushus Fringetree ~ B SB, U 15 x 15 Cornus kousa ~ Korean dogwood B, SB (25 x 25 Cornus mas corneliancherry dogwood B, SB, U 20 x 15 Cotlnus coggygrla smoketree B, Se, U 15 x 15 Hamamelis vlrglniana witchhazel B, SB 25 x 20 Koelreuterla panlculata goldenraintree B, SB 30 x 30 Lagerstroemla spp. crape myrtle B, SB, U 20 x 12 Magnolla virginlana sweetbay magnolia B, SB, U ~ 20 x 20 Magnolla spp. -~ magnolia B, SB, U 12 x 10 -Little Girl ~~ Malus spp. crabapple ~B ~ 25 x 20 Oxydendron arboretum sourwoad e, SB 30 x 20 Zelkova serrata Japanese zelkova B, SB, U ~ 20 x 30 -Schmidtiow ~~ -City Sprite -19- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS Magnolia grandiflora Southern magnolia ~~~ 50 x 25 -Bracken's Brown Beauty - D. D. Blanchard ~-~ Plcea abies Norway spruce l B, SB ~ 60 x 30 Picea omorika Serbian spruce B, SB ~ 55 x 25 Pinus bungeana lacebark pine ~ B, SB ~ 40 x 30 Pinus echlnata shortieaf pine ~--~ 70 x 50 Pinus parvlflora -~ Japanese white pine B, SB 40 x 40 Pinus strobus ~ Eastern white pine B 70 x 35 Pinus taeda l loblolly pine ~ B 60 x 30 Pinus thunbergii ~ Japanese black pine B, SB 30 x 30 ThuJa plicata -~ arborvitae -~ B, SB 60 X 25 -Green Giantl ~-~ ~~ .. Chamaecyparls obtuse hinoki falsecypress ~_ B, S8~ 25 x 10 Ilex xattenuate Foster's holly B, SB ~ 25 x 10 Ilex spp. ~ holly ~ B, SB, U ~ 15 x S -Red Hybrid Holly ~-~ ~-~ Ilex x Nellie Stevens Nellie Stevens holly B, SB, U ~ 20 x 10 Juniperus chlnensls Chinese Juniper e, Se, U l 20 x <10 -Hetzil Columnaris ~~ ~--~ -Keteleeri ~ ~-~ -Sparten , ~, -Spearmint ~ ~ ~-~ Juniperus scopularum~ rocky mountain Juniper B, SB, U ~ 20 x <10 -Gray Gleam ~ ~ ~~ -Moonglow~ ~--~ r-1 -Whichlta blue ~-~ ~-~ Juniperus virglnlana Eastern redcedar ~ B, SB, U 20 x <10 -Burkii ~-~ ~-~ -Hillspire ~~ -Idyllwild ~ ~~ _20_ AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS Thuja occldentalls arborvitae ~ B, SB, U 20 x 5 -dark arborvitae ~-~ -Techny ~-~~~ -21- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING. OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS corktree (female) 0 0 Plnus nlgra Austrianpine ~ None _ Plnus strobus whitepine ~ ~ Full Canopy Credit Plnus dglnlana Full Canopy Credit if preserved Virginia pine ~ ~ away from buildings and Infrastructure Populus spp. Full Canopy Credit if preserved Poplars X X away from buildings and infrastructure (cottonwood only) Pyrus calleryana ornamental pear ~ None Robinla pseudoacacia Futl Canopy Credit if preserved black locust X X away from buildings and Infrastructure Sallx spp. Full Canopy Credit If preserved ~ willow ~ X ~ X away from buildings and infrastructure Tsuga spp. ~ hemlock ~ None Due to hemlock wooly adelgid Ulmus umlla p Full Cano Credit If preserved pY Siberian elm X X away from buildings and infrastructure 27. Section 12.9.9 Steep Slopes 28. Article 18 Definitions Dedicated Root Zone (CRZ) Portion of the root system that is the minimum necessary to maintain vitality or stability of the tree. It will be calculated as 1 inc of truck diameter will quail 1 foot of CRZ radius. Dedicated School Site 12.9.9 Steep Slopes _22_ AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE POR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS Property which has been conveyed to a public or private entity for the purpose of a school use. Diameter Breast Height (DBH) Diameter will be measured at the height of 54 inches from the base of the trunk or as otherwise allowed in the Guide of Plant Appraisal. Healthy and Structurally Sound Conditions (40% rule) Known as "condition" shall be determined as any tree rated at 40 percent or greater when the condition rath~g guide. Landscape Plan The plan depicting all proposed landscape material to be installed on site. It shall contain all information required under section 12.2.3 Nursery Tree Stock Anv tree commercially rn'own for transplanting Seedling A tree crown from seed that has not vet reached a fieiaht of 3 feet or exceeded 2 inches in diameter. feet. cannot provide full canopy requirements on-site. Tree Management Reports The Tree Management Report (TMR shall provide the results of an inventory of existing trees to be retained in table form which includes the following a key for tree location, common name, botanical name, trunk diameter, critical root zone, condition, suitability for preservation, and comments. -23- AN ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ARTICLE 12 LANDSCAPING SCREENING OPEN SPACE AND LIGHTING AND ARTICLE 18 DEFINITIONS Tree Preservation The plan depicting a(I existing bees to be retained on site as part of the development process. It shall contain all information required under section 12.2.4. SECTION II. No funds shall be dispersed until the Management Guidelines are in place. SECTION III. All prior ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IV. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision of this ordinance invalid, the decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any remaining provisions of the zoning ordinance. PASSED this 10th day of November 2009. t~i•iste C. mstattd, Mayor Town of Leesburg N:\Ordinances12009\I 110 Amending Art. 12 and I S of the ZO.doc