HomeMy Public PortalAbout1951-05-21 Meetingyw MAY 21, 1951 The Council of Bal Harbour Village met at the Administration Building, Monday, May 21, 1951 at 5 :00 o'clock P. M. There were present: Messrs. Beatty, Brown, Simons, Stokely and Br. Leonard. Also present were Mr. W. H. Webb, Village Manager; and Mary Wetterer, Village Clerk. The minutes of the previous meeting of April 23, 1951 were read and after correction on..motion of Mr. Simons, seconded by Dr'. Leonard# the minutes were approved. Minutes of the special meeting of May 2, 1951 were read; and Won motion of Dr. Leonard, seconded by Mr. Simons, the minutes were approved, Minutes of the'Induction meeting held May 14, 3951 were.sabmitted to the Council and on motion of Mr. Simons, seconded by Dr.'Leonard, the minutes were unanimously approved'and adopted. Mr. Stokely then told the council that various appointmente were to be made and said the first item was the appointment of the V.tllage.' Manager. It was moved by Dr, Leonard, seconded by Mr. Simons, that the present Village Manager wota4 be retained, and unanimously voted. The Mayor said the neat appointment Was, for a Village Clerk. It was moved by Mr. Simons., seconded by Mr. Brown „that Mary Wetterer be roappointed'Village Clerk. The Village Manager was then asked for his recommendations for the office of Police and Fire C�. Mr. Webb said that he would like to recommend the present chief, old I. Hale. It was moved by Dr. Leonard,, seconded by Mr. Simons�`*hat Mr. Webb's reoammendation be approved. The council then considered the appointment of a Village Attorney. It was moved by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Beatty, that Mr. Fred B.. Baiaden be retained as Village Attorney. Mr. Webb then recommended Mr. Baisden for the position of Village Judge. On motion of Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Beatty, Mr. Baisden was reappointed Village Judge. Mr. Webb was asked for his opinion on the appointment of an engineer for the Village. Mr. Webb suggested that the firm of Zurwelle- Whittaker, Inc. be appointed to serve as the Village Engineers. On motion of Dr. h, Leonard, seconded by Mr. Beatty, Zurwelle- Whittaker, Inc. was named as engineering firm for the village. , Mr. Stokely then asked for discussion on the appointment of a Board _MAy.: Y951 . of Appeals. Mr. Webb and Mz-. Stokely awlai-se& to the, now, council members the functions -of the. Board of Appeals, and lifter discussion it was decided to ask Mr. Fred Zurwallet Mr. Dean Parmelee., and Harry Tolton to serve as the Board of:Aipeals for Bal Harbour. ; 0i notion of Mr* Brown..$ seconded by Mr.,Beatty# Mr. Zurwene Mr. Talton and Mr. Parmene were appointed to serve, as a.Board of App"U* The question of a planning board was again brought, I before the members. After Several piano were disouised.it I was moved,by,Xr. Beatty, seconded by Dr. Leonard; tbat the council would act as I'. the, village planning board sitting as a committee of a whole and not as a council and that three' signatures would be required to pass a,plan and,won vote was unanimously passed. Mr. Webb read to the council -a letter Prom Mr Charleq•,?. Henry asking that the.village grant' a permit'for his Gi gn�to toad 91166% Air4o n dit lou_ td" to be placed on tho aide of a a, l s o t' t tho attention f the 00 had metalled four signs st his "a ion tta er � cua8ion w eeom�ed by r- t yv ualy carr a t be I%, refe=e to Mr � Baiadan take ion to signs t d � t ted with ou t the approva 1 of the village council. the Village Manager said that the norift,Power;an4,401t Company had requested a 30 year franchise for tbe'ejaktr - is system and read to the council 0, form ordinance preaented by the Power �Caqpany j,, W.«: Webb. explained that under this franchise the villag4.vouldredaivs 6% of the company's pose for each 12 months operation,, less any taxes.: asseated by the VilUP,. Nr.,Webb was asked if the street light syatpm was, included, in the Sale from Xj=1 Beach Reights and he Samheir compow never bought street light systems. Mr. Simons thm'saked owns , the :voter system? Mr. Webb explained that 3nasmuah,pne thestreets udsewer mains were in them they beloagg�,to the resi�lents,of; 3r.1a if there wasn't some way that the village could be prctecteei gainat the poster.eomPa�C9 patting in overha►d of they wanted to, Hr , , Webb said that he'thonght Sectiott gavarod this ass it for the approval oY the. g bFtdy before any of that eystmvan; be re located. After discussion on motiop of Mr. S4mQ ,1, soconded;by.Dr. Leonard.,the Florida Power and Light Company ordinance ontitleds "AN ORDINANCE 9RWING:TO FIDRM, POWER AND LIOT COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSOES AND ASSIGNSI,A$ ELICTRIC- FMNOUSZo AND IMPOSING PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS RUTATING THE=." was unanimously adppted.as Ordinance No. 25 of Bal Harbour Village, Mr. Webb than explained that when Florida Power and Light Company. bought the underground "Stem from Miami Beach Heights, Inoo there,was one: vault in the village that -was not part of this systems, but housed J the transformer for the street lights. He said the compaay. had asked Mn Baisden to prepare a resolution.giving them.authority to lack this.trans- me j forr due to the voltage danger. Mr. Webb read the resolution Mr: J( Buis den. had prepared and on motion of Mr. Brown$ seconded by Mr. Beatty.* the resolution was passed. A copy of a resolution passed by the Town of Miami Springs was called to the attention of the council by a letter from the Mayor of Miami Springs asking that if Bat Harbour thought the legislative bill to.have all privately and municipially owned water systems put under control of the county commissioners would affect the town to pass a ... similar resolution. The council decided that this particular section of the house bill did not affect Bel Harbour, but that the Village Manager was to get a copy of House Joint Bill # 993 and notify all the council- men of what stand to take on this measure. The village Manager regorted -that authorization had been given to Mr. Stutz'of the Dade County AntirMosquito Control Distriet to permit low flying planes over Bal Harbour while spraying insecticides. Mr. Webb•explained that the Vista Shores Apartments. had requested Miami-Beach Heights, Inc. to allow them to erect *anvas garages inAhe back of the bu2ding. He said that,, it was'his understanding` that Miami Beach Heights was going to refuse this permission and asked the council' if "they would approve or disapprove of this decision. The couna3il.agreed that in view'of the fact that they would not meet,the requirements of our zoning ordinance it was moved by Mr. Simons, seconded by Dr.``Leonard and unanimously voted that there would be no canvas type garages allowed in Bal Harbour. Mr.-Simons asked what the village picture was with regard tosthe business zoning. Mr. Webb read to the council the section from out zoning ordinance covering, types of business allowed in thia'section; and the section covering the size of buildings and set backs. Discussion was held on t type of resolution or certificate::to be given retiring councilmen a °Mr. Simons was appointed to look into the 'matter. Mr. Brown brought up the subject of a letter written by Mr. Harold Barnes in which there were several references to the village. It was moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Simons, that a letter bedi .rected to all property owners in Bel Harbour over the.Mayor's signature giving the.:lot owners the correct data on these points. Mr. Webb told Mr. Canfield that he had a solution to the volunteer fireman's request for ladders over the seawalls. He said that someone had promised to give the volunteer firemen hooks similar to those used on telephone polies to be affixed to the inside piling of the docks to act as ladders. i Upon motion of lr. Beatty, seconded by Mr. Simons, the meeting adjourned. _J Att st Mayor: 'Cl MAY`21. 1951.