HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 04:093 MIDDLESEX COUNTY TEL (732) 5~1-3800 FAX (782) 5~1-8025 OFFICE OF ~THLEEN M. B~RNEY, RMC/CMC Gl COOKE AVENUE MUNICIPAL CLERK CARTERET, NEW JERSEY 0~008 MEMORANDUM TO: John Pieczyski Carteret Police Chief FROM: KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk DATE: MARCH 16, 2004 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION CREATING HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE FOR 65 ATLANTIC STREET. ENCLS: cERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION #04-93. KMB/cp cc: Lt. McFadden Ted Surick File No. 04-93 Date of Adoption March 11~ 2004 CREATING HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE FOR 65 ATLANTIC STREET WHEREAS, Jose Betanzos of 65 Atlantic Street has requested a Handicapped Parkin Space; and WHEREAS, this individual has met the requirements of thc Traffic Safety Bureau for said parking space; and WHEREAS, the Borough Engineer has inspected said location and has no objection to the approval of said Handicapped Parking Space; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret that the following Handicapped Parking Space shall be designated; 65 ATLANTIC STREET JOSE BETANZOS Adopted this 1 lth day of March, 2004 and certified as a true copy of the original on March 12, 201M.. Municipal Clerk - -- RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILMAN ]f~,S NO NV' A.B. COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A.B. KRUM x RIOS x NAPLES ~ SITAR~ x PARI$I ~ SOSNOI,/SKI x X - Indicat~ Vote AB - Abr,~nt NV · Not Vo~ing XOR · l~llc~e~ Vom to Overrule Veto CD Adopted at a meeting of the Municipal Counci] /, ,~ March 1! ~ 2004 APPLICATION FOR RESTRICTED PARKING HANDICAPPED PERSON LOCATION: / PRIVATE RESIDENCE SCItOOL __ --SHOPPING OR BUSINESS' DISTRICT PUBLIC BUILDING (Please include a diagram if the restricted parking is in a public lot) NAME: ,~)c-~¢_i ~4~j~/n~:~ N.J. DRIVER'S LICENSE# ~)7..~q ~HICLE LICENSE PLATE N~ER ~ C¢q ]O EXPIATION DATE: ~EELC~IR SYMBOL LICENSE P~T~ ~ STATE ISSUED PLACA~ ~3R NO) (~ES dR NO) (N.J.S.A. 39:4-197.6) NOTE: ~n&fions, t~iden~s ~upi~ by ban&rapped ~mens; any mu~cipality, ~y, by ordi~nce, establish r~ct~ p~king zones in flont of residences ~upi~ by ~udimpp~ ~rsous provide: a. such ~rsons ~e holdem of c~ent drivers licenses issu~ by ~is State; b. ~e motor vehicles to ~ p~k~ in such zones ~e ~uipp~ wi~ such sp~ial atmchmenm and devices as the Dir~tor of · e Division of Motor Vehicles may d~m n~essary to provide for ~e safe operation thereof by such ~rsons; and c. such p~king is not o~erwise prohibit~ and the permitting ther~f would not interfere with the normal flow of traffic. NJSA TiRe 39:4-204 "HANDICAPPED PERSON" defined: the term "handicapped person" as employed herein shall include any pe~on, who has lost the usc of one or rno~ limbs as a con.qequenee of paralysis, amputation, or other permanent disability or who is permanently disabled as to be unable to ambulate without the aid of an ~$i..qing device o~ whose mobility is otherwise limited as certified by a physician with a plenary license to practice medicine and surgery in this state or bordering state. NJSA TiRe 39:4-197.5 Restricted parking fog u~ by handicapped pe~ons; regulations, for use by IZa'son~ who havc been issued a special vehicle idenfificafiim ca~ds by the'Division of Motor Vehicle~ pursuant to the provisions of NJSA 39:4-205, when using a mot~ vehicle on wh/ch is displayed a certificate, for which a special idetlfificatloll card has becll issued, pur~ uan-t to NJSA 39:4-206. I IllgREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS AND MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS AND THAT I WILL COMPLY WITH THEM Signature Date 02/12/2004 10:19 FAX 752 541 8925 BORO OF CARTERET CLERK ~001 *** TX REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 1625 CONNECTION TEL 7326717565 CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 02/12 10:18 USAGE T 01'14 PGS. SENT 5 RESULT OK FROM: MIDDLESEX COUNTY TEL (732) 541-3800 FAX (732) 541-8925 OFFICE OF KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC 61 COOKE AVENUE MUNICIPAL CLERK CARTERET, NEW JERSEY 07008 IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS RECEIVING THIS DOCUMENT, PLEASE CALL 732-541-3800 THANK YOU. FEB-~O-b~O~ 0B:51 T M ~SSOCI~TE$ ?~26716~0~, ~ ~'~ Eleven T~da~ Road, Mid~o~n~ NJ 07748 FAX Tel: 732-671-~00 * F~. 132-67 ~- ~365 DATE: February 18, 2004 TO: Mayor Daniel J. Re, man FROM: Dale R. ~ubner ext. 1240 Borough of Carteret PROJECT: CART-G0404 PHO1NE: 732-541-3807 No, ['AGES: 4 (including dfis page) FAX: 732-541-4989 RE: 65 Atlantic Street -HC ParMng IL~lue~g Comments; Mayor, Draft copy for your r~vicw. Plcas~ advi~ if we can firlali~ and form~t[ly send. Thanks. Dale APPR0¥£D FE~-I~-~-~04 O@~S1 T M ASSOCIATES ?~?~400 P.O2x04 Mayor and Borough Co~eil Borough of Car'~e~ 61 Cook~ Avenue Caterer, NJ 07008 A'~: Ms. ~t~n M. B~ey, Bomu~ Cl~k Handicap P~r~g Re~ Jose Bet~os As rc~ueste~ we ~vc rev~e~ ~ apph~ant's request f~ t~c dcsi~afi~ p~ ~ace ~o ~e i~atefi on Atl~fic S~t along the ~o~ ~ge. ~e p~o~ provide for ~y off-s~et p~ng ~ on-s~t p~g is ~i~ at this ]oc~on, Fm~ore, as tequ~ed by NJSA Title 39:&197.5. ~e subj~z applkation (copy a~ch~) ~dicatcs a valid dibbled p~rs~ idemifi=a~on c~, ~cfow, since ~c are ~ physical or ~gulato~ ~s~c~s f~ desi~g a Mndica~d p~g space ~t the su~t pr~, we h~ve ~ objection ~ ~e ~ou$h ~u6n~ h~dicap~d par~g s~e ~ ~nt ~ ~e pm~ at 65 ~lmfic S~t. subj~t to the a~oval of the Bowugh's Traffic ~af~ Office. If you ~ve thy quesfiom conc~g this ma~er, pl~asv V~ ~y yo~, T~ ASS~IA~S DONALD J. NORBUT. P.E., C,M.E, CARTERET BOROUGH ENGINEER DJN:DRL Attachment cc: Mayor Daniel Reiman Tt~l Surick, DPW Sup~wisor Robert Bergen, Borough Attorney Dennis McF~d&n, TraFfic S~fety Officer Patrick DeBlasio, Chief Financial Officer FEB-I. 8-~04 08~52 T M ASSOCIATES ?326?16400 P.03/04 HANDICAPPED PERSON ~ ~0~ r, oc,~o~ f mw,~sm~c~ scaoo~ 'c~ ~saovvi~ o~ ~m~s mszmcr ~m~c (Fl~s~ include a diagram if the t~strict~ paring is in a public ~ICLE LICENSE PL.~ N~ER__~ ~q ~[3 ' E~TION,DATE: O ~R[.~ S~BOL LI~N$E P~ ~ ~ATE I~L~ P~CA~~j~ a. ~uch ~ons ~ hoid~ of c~cnt ~fiver~ lic~s~ i~s~ by ~i~ b. ~e motor ~hicI~ to be p~ ia such zon~ ~ ~uipp~ ~ such s~ial a~m~ and devices as ~c Di/~tor of · e Dimsion of Motor Vc~c[~ ~y dram u~ssary to provide for ~e safe opera,on th~eof t,y such 9e~ons; c. such ~ng ~ not o~e~i~ prohlbit~ and ~* p~miEing ~f ~d not ~t~ere ~Sth Ce eormE flo~ ~f ~a~c. I ~BY AC~O~DGE ~T I ~ ~ ~ ~O~ L~TEB CO~IONS MOTOR ~ LA~ ~ ~T I ~f.f, CO~LY ~1'~ ~M Si~e [I-o5-0~ ........ '- Da~ FEB-18--~O~ 08:52 T M ASSOCIATES 752671~00 P.0~/04 TOTAL P. 04