HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 04:085 MIDDLESEX COUNTY TEL (732) 541-3800 FAX (732) 541-8925 OFFICE OF KATItLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC 61 COOKE AVENUE MUNICIPAL CLERK CARTERET, NEW JERSEY 07008 DATE: March 15, 2004 TO: Division of Local Government Services 101 South Broad Street CN 803 Trenton, N.J. 08625 SUBJECT: Resolution #04-85; Resolution to Amend 2004 Budget. KMB/Ir cc: Treasurer Auditor File* :SOLUTION ~ · 04-85 March 11, 2004 BOROUGH OF CARTERET M~DDLESEX COUNTY. NEW JERSEY I~SOLUTION TO AMEND 2004 BUDGET WHEREAS, the Calendar Year 2004 Budget was approved on the 5th day of February, 2004, and WHEREAS, the public hearing on said budget has been held as advertised, and WHEREAS, it is desired to amend said approved budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the Borough of Carteret, County of Middlesex, that the following amendments to the approved Calendar Year 2004 Budget be made: Aves Nays Abstained ( KROM ( ( ( NAPLES ( ( ( PARISI ( ( Recorded Vote ( RIOS ( (Insert last nsmes) ( S ITARZ ( Absent ( SOSNOWSKI ( ( ( ( ( ( ~ORRENT FUND BUDGET Anticipated Revenues: General Revenues: 3. Miscellaneous Revenues - Section B: State Aid Without Offsetting Appropriations: Energy Receipts Tax $1,293,595.46 $1,355,619.00 Total Miscellaneous Revenues - Section B 3,356,303.46 _ 3,418,327:1~0 3. Miscellaneous Revenues - Section F: Special Items of General Revenue Anticipated with Prior Consent of Director of Local Government services - Public and Privhte Revenues Offset with Appropriations: Clean Communities Grant 0.00 15,136.88 State Green Acres - Watex-front Land Acquisition 0.00 800,000.00 State Green Acres - Waterfront Phase II 0.00 200,000.00 Municipal Alliance ' 0.00 21,549.00 Total Miscellaneous Revenues - Section F 419,457.68 1,456,143.56 Total Miscellaneous Revenues . 11 969 171.77 13,067,881.19 5. Subtotal General Revenues 14~269,171.77; 15,367,881.19 6. Amount to be Raised by Taxes: (a) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes Including Reserve for Uncollected Taxes 14,391,255.06 14,461,731.52 10. TOTAL GENERAL REVEN'LrES $28,660,426.83 $29,829,612.71 -2- From To Current Fund - Appropriations 8. General Appropriations (A) Operations Within "CAPS" Parks and Recreation Functions Maintenance of Parks Other Expenses $69,650.00 $79,650.00 Accumulated Sick & Vacation 400~000.00 450~000.00 Total Operations Within "CAPS" 15~9417400.25 16~001~400.25 Total Operations Within "CAPS" Including Contingent _ 15~9537400.25 16~013~400.25 Detail: Salaries and Wages 11,614,900.00 11,664,900.00 Other Expenses 4,338,500.25 4,348,500.25 (H-I) Total General Appropriations for Municipal Purposes Within "CAPS" 16~474~400.25 16~534~400.25 (A) Operations - Excluded from "CAPS" Public and Private Programs Offset by Revenues: Clean Communities Grant 0.00 15,136.88 State Green Acres - Waterfront Land Acquisition 0.00 800,000.00 State Green Acres - Waterfront Phase II 0.00 200,000.00 Municipal Alliance 0.00 21 ~549.00 212~956.68 1~249~642.56 Total Public and Private Program~ Offset by Revenues 459~009.66 2~745~338.10 Total Operations - Excluded from "CAPS" 77609~856.43 8~646~542.31 Detail: Other Expenses 7,276,357.43 8,313,043.31 (D) Municipal Debt Service - Excludued from "CAPS" Loan Principal - Demo Bond 0.00 22~500.00 Total Municipal Debt Service Excludued from "CAPS" 2~785~712.15 2~808~212.15 (H-2) Total General Appropriations for Municipal Purposes Excluded from "CAPS" I 1~186,026.58 12~245~212.46 (O) Total General Appropriations- Excluded from "CAPS" 11~1867026.58 12~245~212.46 (L) Subtotal General Appropriations {Items (H-I) and (O)} 27,660,426.83 28~779,612.71 (M) Reserve for Uncollected Taxes 1 ~000~000.00 1 ?050~000.00 9. TOTAL GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS $28~660~426.83 $29~829,612.71 -3- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that two (2) certified copies of this resolution be filed forthwith in the office of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services for certification of the Calendar Year 2004 budget so mended. BE IT FURTItER RESOLVED, that this complete amendment, in accordance with the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 40A: 4-9, be published in The Home News Tribune in the issue of April 1, 2004, and that said publication contain notice of public hearing on said amendment to be held at the Municipal Coral, Police Facility on April 22, 2004, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. It is hereby certified that this is a tree copy of a resolution amending the budget, adopted by the governing body on the 1 lth day of Mamh, 2004. Certified by me March 11, 2004 ~ ~Ka~le~~-/ athleen M. Barney Borough Clerk