HomeMy Public PortalAbout20161101 - Select Board - Minutes TOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes - November 1, 2016 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday,November 1,2016 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Board of Selectmen Members Present:Brian Herr,Chairman,John Coutinho,Vice Chairman,Todd Cestari, Claire Wright, Brendan Tedstone Officials Present:Town Manager Norman Khumalo,Director of Land Use and Town Operations Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER:​ Vice Chairman Coutinho called the public meeting to order at 6:00 PM in Room 211. The Chair entertained a motion to enter into executive session to approve executive session minutes, to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining updates by the Town Manager relative to Fire and Dispatch Unions, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board, to discuss strategy relative to the deployment of public safety personnel and equipment or with respect to strategies thereto in connection with a Town of Hopkinton Hazard Mitigation Plan, and to approve Executive Session Minutes. MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Ms. Wright. ​ROLL CALL​: Mr. Coutinho-Yes, Mr. Herr-Yes, Ms. Wright-Yes, Mr. Tedstone-Yes. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. Mr. Cestari joined the Board at 6:42 PM. REOPEN PUBLIC SESSION:​Mr.Coutinho reopened the Public Session in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:50 PM. PUBLIC FORUM:Residents were invited to share ideas,opinions or ask questions regarding town government. There were no comments from the public. STAFF RECOGNITION:Fire Chief Steve Slaman recognized Lt.Carl Harris and Fire Prevention Officer Thomas Poirier for an act of bravery during the summer of 2016. CONSENT AGENDA: MOVED by Mr.Coutinho and ​SECONDED by Mr.Tedstone to approve all Consent Agenda items as follows: i.Appoint the following Election Workers to terms expiring at the 2017 annual town election:Mary Jo LaFreniere,Richard Duggan,Linda DiBona,M.Katherine Yankee,and Ralph Given; ii.Sign deeds conveying the Legacy Farms “Municipal Parcel”on Wilson St.and “Recreational Parcel”on East Main St.to the Town,pursuant to a vote at the Annual Town Meeting in May, 2016 and as required in the Host Community Agreement; iii. Approve the Minutes of the Board of Selectmen meeting on October 25, 2016. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. LIVERY/LIMO LICENSE - EZ CAR BOSTON, LLC, 12 EDGEHILL ROAD: The Board reviewed the application with Martin McLaughlin,Applicant.​MOVED by Mr. Tedstone and ​SECONDED by Mr.Coutinho to approve a livery/limo license for EZ Car Boston, 12 Edgehill Rd. ​VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. CHANGE OF MANAGER, CORNELL’S IRISH PUB: It was noted that the Applicant had to attend to an emergency and,therefore,the matter is postponed to a future meeting. IRVINE-TODARO PROPERTIES ADVISORY GROUP STATUS UPDATE: Alton Chen,Chair,Irvine-Todaro Properties Advisory Group,reviewed the public outreach activities of the Group to date.He noted that the Group recommends delaying decisions on land uses until the new elementary school is near completion and there is a better sense of school needs.He noted that in the short term,the Group recommends that an area be set aside for school bus parking and trailhead parking,and that the property be used for trails with very limited investment.Mr.Tedstone suggested using the house at 147 Hayden Rowe for municipal purposes if possible.Ms.Wright noted that the Town is planning the future uses of several municipal parcels, and suggested keeping a running list of Town land use needs. MASTER PLAN: The Board reviewed the draft Master Plan which was distributed for comment by the Planning Board.Mr.Khumalo noted that more collaboration will help the Town move forward,and as such the Governance section could address those needs,meshing Charter and Master Plan.It was also suggested that responsible parties and funding sources should be identified in the Implementation Plan. 2017 BOSTON MARATHON INVITATIONAL ENTRY PROGRAM: The Board reviewed the draft Invitational Entry Process.​MOVED by Mr.Tedstone and SECONDED by Mr.Coutinho to approve the Invitational Entry Process,with the first priority being organizations undertaking public activities for the benefit of the Town of Hopkinton,and second priority being organizations undertaking public service activities within and for the benefit of the Town of Hopkinton. ​VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. CENTER SCHOOL DISPOSITION PROCESS: The Board discussed a process for determining the use of the Center School site in the future, after it is declared surplus by the School Committee.It was the consensus that a new committee should be formed to make recommendations.It was noted that the School Committee plans to vote to authorize that the process move forward.A charge for the new committee will be developed. LIAISON REPORTS: Board members reported on the activities of other boards and committees. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: ●Draft modifications to Alcohol Policy:The Board discussed possible modifications relative to BYOB licensing and security cameras at licensed locations.It was noted that Town Counsel will review the proposed modifications as well as any other provisions that might be appropriate and preemptive. ●Budget Calendar:Mr.Khumalo stated he will confirm with the Appropriations Committee and Charter Review Committee that no changes are needed to the budget calendar owing to the projected special town meeting schedule. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: ​Downtown parking. RECOGNITION: The Board acknowledged the recent passing of Doris Kumlin and Lynn Fournier,and recognized their many years of service to the Town.. MOVED ​by Mr.Coutinho and ​SECONDED by Mr.Cestari to adjourn the meeting.VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0​. Meeting adjourned 8:35 PM. Minutes Approved: November 22, 2016 Documents used at the meeting: ●Memo dated 10/27/16 to Maria Glynn,Executive Assistant,from Connor Degan,Town Clerk,re:Election Workers for November 8, 2016 Election ●Document entitled “Legacy Farms Deed”, Wilson Street, undated ●Document entitled “Legacy Farms Deed”, East Main Street, undated ●Draft Minutes of the October 25, 2016 Board of Selectmen meeting ●General License Application, Martin McLaughlin, 12 Edge Hill Road, dated 10/13/16 ●PowerPoint Presentation entitled “Irvine Todaro Property Advisory Group,Board of Selectmen Update, Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016 ●Draft Master Plan, dated October 14, 2016 ●Document entitled “2017 Invitational Entry Application Process” ●Document entitled “Policy Statement” relative to the Boston Marathon ●Memo dated 9/16/16 to Board of Selectmen from Norman Khumalo,Town Manager,re:Staff Report, Board of Selectmen Nov. 20, 2016 meeting