HomeMy Public PortalAbout20161214 - Charter Commission - Meeting Minutes HOPKINTON CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE December 14, 2016 Town Hall, Lower Level Minutes 1. Call to Order: Chair Pam Waxlax opened the meeting at 7:05 PM with the following members present: Pam Waxlax Michelle Murdock Jean Bertschmann Rick Flannery Beth Herlihy Curt Cooprider (at 7:25 PM) Absent: Todd Cestari Also Present: Ray Miyares, Town Counsel Eric Reustle, Associate Town Counsel 2. Community Input – Members of the community are invited to share ideas, state opinions or ask questions. No community input 3. Acceptance of Minutes The Committee reviewed the draft minutes from the public forum meeting of December 7, 2016. The Chair noted several typographical errors that she found. On a motion from Beth Herlihy, seconded by Michelle Murdock the amended minutes were approved. VOTE: Favor: 5 Against: 0 Absent: 2 4. Review and analyze input from the public forum on 12/7/16 The Chair started the discussion by recognizing the main issues or complaints raised at the public forum were that the committee took no input from the previous public forum in September. In actuality the only major issue that the committee chose to change in whole was recommending the position of Town Clerk change from an elected position to an appointed Charter Review Committee - Minutes 12-14-2016 Page 2 position. The committee recognized the importance of the Town Position and had its appointment and reporting structure be under the Board of Selectmen. The Chair noted that the committee considered having some elected boards become appointed but chose to keep them elected. The committee heard the input of streamlining the budget process and has recommended provisions to do that. The committee heard input on the Warrant process for Annual and Special Town Meetings and left it as is except for the timeline. The committee heard that the boards who currently have the authority to appoint directors or agents that serve them wanted to retain that authority. The committee chose to keep the boards as the appointing authority but recommended a reporting structure that would be consistent for these employees. The Chair and other members expressed concern over how many of the attendees of the Public Forum on 12-7-16 expressed that the committee had not taken any of its input, when in fact all of the issues raised at the Public Forum in September were discussed and many were included in the draft charter presented on 12-7-16. Jean Bertschmann suggested that we be prepared for Special Town Meeting with alternative motions to address the issues most likely to be raised. Town Counsel indicated it can be done but it is more complicated than it seems. He used the example of Town Clerk, should there be a motion to keep that elected it will need to be moved to a different part of the charter as it would go from Article 3 – Executive Branch to Article 4 – Other Elected Officers and Boards. Town Counsel also indicated that the Town Moderator would need to be consulted to discuss how the Special Town Meeting would be conducted. The committee discussed the input received at the Public Forum regarding the presentation of the budget at Town Meeting. The committee determined that wording should be included that the Board of Selectmen should adopt and submit the budget to both the Appropriation Committee and Town Meeting, but that wording that they should present it at Town Meeting should be removed. The current process of a joint presentation with the Board of Selectmen, the Appropriation Committee and the School Committee was preferred. The committee discussed the input received at the Public Forum regarding the proposed recommendations for reporting structure for employees to boards and commissions. The Chair noted she had received no feedback the Board of Health, Conservation Commission or Library Board of Trustees when she sent them the proposed changes in reporting structure for the charter. Charter Review Committee - Minutes 12-14-2016 Page 3 The committee discussed how its recommendations might be adjusted to address some of the concerns raised at the Public Forum. The committee decided that for the 5 positions under consideration, the board or committee should make the appointment based on Personnel Policies of the Town (purposely silent as to Town Manager involvement) and should set the goals with input from the Town Manager. Both of these comments would be reflected in the elected board or committee’s section. Additionally, supervision would occur by both the board/committee and the Town Manager and the Town Manager would facilitate evaluations to ensure all employees receive an evaluation annually. Finally, the committee decided that discipline should remain as proposed at the forum. The Chair suggested the committee put off further discussion regarding the Town Clerk position until member Todd Cestari could be present due the importance of the position and that he was the Board of Selectmen’s member on the committee. 5. Discuss additional changes to be made to the proposed charter The committee decided the Chair should speak with Parks & Rec, the Town Manager and the DPW Director prior to the next meeting to ensure the Charter reflects actual practice after incorporating the DPW Special Acts into it and present the information then. 6. Review working draft of report from committee for Town Meeting The committee did not address this agenda item; the Chair handed out the outline for the report and will forward a draft for review prior to the next meeting. 7. Other Business The Chair discussed the committee’s upcoming schedule of meetings and necessary changes due to the date of the Special Town Meeting. The amended schedule of meetings is listed at the end of these minutes. 8. Adjourn On a motion made by Jean Bertschmann seconded by Michelle Murdock the committee voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:46 PM. VOTE: Favor: 6 Against: 0 Absent: 1 Charter Review Committee - Minutes 12-14-2016 Page 4 Documents reviewed and attached herewith: CRC Report Outline for Town Meeting Next Meetings: December 21, 2016 7:00 PM January 4, 2017 7:00 PM January 11, 2017 7:00 PM January 25, 2017 7:00 PM January 30, 2017 7:00 PM (Special Town Meeting) January 31, 2017 7:00 PM (Special Town Meeting, if needed) February 1, 2017 7:00 PM (Special Town Meeting, if needed) CRC Report for Town Meeting 1) Introduction a) Background b) Charge c) Members 2) Process a) # of meetings and forums b) Department heads interviewed (list) c) Committee Chairs interviewed (list) d) Additional committees answering questionnaire 3) Housekeeping Items a) Organization of articles – rationale and summary b) Omitted sections – list with rationale c) Specifically identify elected boards and committees – list new ones added d) Admin orders and Special Acts incorporated into charter (Library Trustees, DPW) e) Periodic Charter Review clarification 4) Significant Changes a) Streamline budget schedule and warrant process b) Reporting Structure c) Appoint Town Clerk 5) Conclusion