HomeMy Public PortalAbout20161212 - Board of Health - Meeting Minutes BOH December 12, 2016 Minutes Approved January 9, 2017 Page 1 BOARD OF HEALTH Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts 18 Main Street, Lower Level Monday, December 12, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. MINUTES Members Present: Chairman Jennifer Belesi, Vice Chairman Philip Cohen and Ms. Jennifer Flanagan Also Present: Edward Wirtanen, Board of Health Director Absent: Late Arrival: Ms. Flanagan -5:39 p.m.; Chairman Belesi-6:05 p.m. Early Dismissal: The meeting was called to order at 6:06 p.m. by Ms. Flanagan. Request to Approve Board of Health Meeting Minutes Mr. Wirtanen requested that the Board approve the following meeting minutes:  November 28, 2016 Vice Chairman Cohen motioned to approve the meeting minutes of November 28, 2016. Chairman Belesi seconded. Chairman Belesi, Vice Chairman Cohen and Ms. Flanagan in favor. Board of Health Director’s Performance Review Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 and FY 2017 Summary & Objective Goals Worksheets Mr. Wirtanen presented his FY 2016 Performance Review (that was completed by Vice Chairman Cohen), FY 2016 Payroll Change Authorization (PCA) sheet and his FY 2017 Goals Worksheets for the Board’s approval. He stated that the Human Resources Department requested the Performance Review and Goals Worksheet to be submitted on July 15, 2016 and the PCA by November 8, 2016. Mr. Wirtanen indicated that Chairman Belesi may not have to speak to the Town Manager in regards to the “Clearly Outstanding” rating for him as stated in the Performance Review directions. A memorandum was sent to him with the Administrative Assistant’s and his performance review ratings (as a preemptive move) which were voted by the Board a few months ago, ahead of any directive from the Town Manager. Chairman Belesi motioned to approve Mr. Wirtanen’s FY 2016 Performance Review with a “Clearly Outstanding” rating, the PCA (with a 3% merit increase) and the FY 2017 Summary & Objective Worksheets. Ms. Flanagan seconded. Chairman Belesi, Vice Chairman Cohen and Ms. Flanagan in favor. Contractual Food Inspector-Advertisement Update Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that the second Food Inspector advertisement will end on Friday, December 16, 2016. The applicant, a Worcester State University student (Nursing Program), from the first advertisement is still interested in the Food Inspector position and in Public Health and will be taking her food certifications sometime in January 2017. Mr. Wirtanen notified the Board that if the second advertisement does not produce any qualifying candidates he will move forward to advertise the position on the Massachusetts Health Officers Association (MHOA), Massachusetts Environmental Health Association (MEHA) and the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards BOH December 12, 2016 Minutes Approved January 9, 2017 Page 2 (MAHB) with an opening until the position is filled. Funding for theses advertisements were approved at a previous Board meeting. Fiscal Year 2017 Food Permit Fee Waivers Mr. Wirtanen requested the Board’s approval of the 2016 Non-Profit Food Permit Fee Waivers as presented. Vice Chairman Cohen motioned to approve the 2016 Non-Profit Food Permit Fee Waivers as requested. Chairman Belesi seconded. Chairman Belesi, Vice Chairman Cohen and Ms. Flanagan in favor. Board of Health Director & Board of Health Administrative Assistant Job Descriptions Revised Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that the attached is the Board of Health Director and the Administrative Assistant’s revised job descriptions from the Job Description Project that the Town conducted earlier this year. The changes are highlighted in “bold”. He notified the Board that when Ms. LaRoche met for her interview with the Human Resources Contractor, Sandy Stapczynski from Human Resources Services (HRS), she clearly noted to Ms. LaRoche that, after reviewing the position’s job description, her title of Administrative Assistant is misclassified and told her that the title of Administrative Manager is what her title should be. Mr. Wirtanen also informed the Board that when he met with Ms. Stapczynski they also discussed the managerial duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Assistant and clarified that her title should be reclassified. The Board, Mr. Wirtanen and Ms. LaRoche discussed the history regarding the Administrative Assistant title that was approved by the Town Manager and former Human Resources Director along with the struggles and frustration that Mr. Wirtanen had for the position to be classified Administrative Assistant at a higher level. Vice Chairman Cohen noted that he was not a Board member when all of particulars were being created for the Administrative Assistant position and further noted that in light of this new information, he is directing Mr. Wirtanen, to start discussions with the Town Manager to move forward with the Board’s desire to have the appropriate title of Administrative Manager reclassified for duties and responsibilities that have been, are presently doing and continue to be done. Chairman Belesi and Ms. Flanagan voiced their agreement and full support with Vice Chairman’s directive. Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MADPH) Varicella (Chickenpox) Clusters Reporting Mr. Wirtanen notified the Board that the MADPH has informed all Massachusetts School Nurses and Local Boards of Health, via email, of the Varicella (Chickenpox) clusters in Massachusetts and has requested that communities throughout the state report any cases, to MADPH, that are in clusters of 3 or more in the same environment related to Varicella for them to collect additional information. Payroll Authorization Mr. Wirtanen requested Chairman Belesi’s signature for the following payroll authorization and one Personal Day: ≈ December 19-24, 2016 ≈ December 26-December 31, 2016 ≈ January 2-7, 2017 ≈ January 24, 2017 (Personal Day) Chairman Belesi signed Mr. Wirtanen’s payroll as requested. BOH December 12, 2016 Minutes Approved January 9, 2017 Page 3 Public Comment (Members of the community are invited to share ideas, state opinions or ask questions) None Director’s Report Budget Meeting with Finance Director and Town Manager Mr. Wirtanen said that he has been invited to meet with the Finance Director Chris Sandini and Town Manager Khumalo on December 15, 2016 to discuss the FY2018 Budget and will also start the discussion of reclassifying the Administrative Assistant’s title to Administrative Manager as discussed earlier and directed by the Board. He will update the Board at their next meeting of the outcome. The Future Is Now For the Board of Health (BOH)/Succession Planning  Mr. Wirtanen presented the Board the department’s succession plan for their review and information (attached). He said that the current BOH staffing is operating under Option 1 and consists of a full-time Director and Administrative Assistant, Contractual Public Health Nurse (when needed), Part-time Health Agent and Part-time Food Inspector. The Fiscal Year 2018 budget is now fully funded by the Town’s Appropriation Committee and all revenues from the BOH fees have been returned to the Town’s general fund.  He noted that two board members will be up for reelection come May 2017 and that the Board might have two new members. He also reminded the Board of the proposed Charter changes and indicated that actions regarding staffing and budget will need to be completed before Town Elections in 2017; otherwise, if the proposed Charter is approved the Town Manager will have control of the BOH staff, the determination of goals, evaluations, disciplinary actions and the department’s daily activities.  The Health Agent has agreed to continue his employment with the Board of Health and that his contract for FY 2018 should be approved shortly after the budget is approved at Town Meeting. Request Signatures on Notice & Betterment Agreement/16 West Main St/Mr. & Mrs. Daigle Mr. Wirtanen said that this item will not be acted on tonight since our office is still waiting for the original signed “as to form” from Town Counsel. This item will be brought before the Board at a later date. Fiscal Year 2017 BOH November Expenses Mr. Wirtanen noted that 27.9% of the department’s budget has been expended since July 1, 2016 (approximately 5 months). A total of $3,184.31 was expended for the month of November. Board & Committee Training Workshop Agenda Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that there will be a Board & Committee Members Training Workshop to be held at the Hopkinton Senior Center on Wednesday, January 4, 2016 starting at 6:00 p.m. The workshop will explore sections of the Open Meeting Law and encouraged the Board members to attend, if available (workshop agenda attached). Vice Chairman Cohen indicated that he would not be available to attend. Ethics Test, Conflict of Interest Law Summary and Sexual Harassment Policy Acknowledgment Mr. Wirtanen advised the Board that is time to re-take the on-line training for the ethics test if any member needs to renew. In addition, the Human Resources department is also asking that the conflict of interest law summary and the sexual harassment policy be read and the acknowledgment(s) be signed and returned to them. BOH December 12, 2016 Minutes Approved January 9, 2017 Page 4 Next Board Meeting(s)  January 9, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. o Vice Chairman Cohen announced that he will not be available to attend the January 9, 2017 meeting  January 30, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.  February 13, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.  February 27, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.  March 13, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.  March 27, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. ADJOURN: Vice Chairman Cohen motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Flanagan seconded. Chairman Belesi, Vice Chairman Cohen and Ms. Flanagan in favor. Respectfully Submitted, Nidia LaRoche Board of Health Administrative Assistant