HomeMy Public PortalAbout1951-10-22 MeetingMr. Webb presented to the connoil,an amendment to the Police Ord. inance cevering-verieus"types of orbit* After diacnsaion it aas: agreed by the members to table this until -the next meeting, aid the..,. . conncilMen asked to have copies mailed to them so'they'coul.d study it. Mr. Webb said that the village bad received a letter from the International Association of Chiefs of Police asking for a donation for their fall. oonvention. The letter was tabled. • Mr. Simons reported ,that resolutions for retiring Mayor's could be,obtained on parchment paper for $16.0,O and it was agreed that these would be ordered. There being uo farther business before the meeting on motion of Mr..Simona,-seconded by Mr. Brown, the meeting adjourned. CATOBER 22 .1951.. The Council. of Ba1:.Har-Village met at the Administration Building. at S:00 o'clock p. 3 ctober_22, 1951. There were,preeentt Messrs. Beatty, Brown, Stokely and Dr, Leonard. Absents Mr, Simons Also ,present vere Mr. W. H. Webb,. Village Manager and Mary Wetterer, Village' Clerk. The Minutes of the previous sleeting of September 17, 1951 were read and on motion of Mr. Brown, seeonded by Mr. Beatty, the minutes were approved as read. Mr. Webb read to the council a letter from Mr.'Charles Henry regarding his signs and the council instructed him to write Mr, Henry to inform the council when be arrived back in town and they would Bold a special meeting to settle his problem. Mr. Webb said that Mr. Baisden bad prepared copies of the Social OCTOBER 22 1951 Security Agreetent and Ordinance, and that: it was in order Ito accept them. It was moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Dr. Leonard, and hnan imously voted that the agreement k own se the..State-MunicirAi Agreekent be accepted andrerwarded to the proper state aria*. It was then moved by Mr. Beatty, seconded by Dr. Leonard, that the ordinance, relating to the Federal Old Age Suvivore Insurance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE DECLARING TEE POLICY AND PURPOSE OF BAL IAR80UR4VILLAGE, FLORIDA, .TO.EXTEND TO mg EMPLOYEES IKE OFFICIALS OF SAID BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE, FLORIDA, NOT EXCLUDED BY LAW, TEE BENEFITS OF THE SYSTEM OF FEDERAL OLD AGE AND SovlVOR'S INSURANCE, AS AUTHORIZED BY TEE.»Breast SOCIAL SECURITY ACT; AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, UPON TEE BASIS OF APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS OF REGULATIONS; AUTBORIZIIMG AND DIRECTING THE,MAYOR, I OTHER CHIEF EXECUTIVE Orr10ER, TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS AND AMENDMENTS THERETO WITH THE STATE AGENCY AUTHORIZED TO ENTER INTO. SUCH AGREEMENTS, FOR COVERAGE OF SAID FNIPLOYEES AND OFFICIALS: PROVIDING FOR WITBROLDING FROM SALARIES AND WAGES OF EMPLOYEES AND'OFFICIALR OF SAID BAL HAR- BOUR VILLAGE SO.COVENED,TO RE MADE AND PAID OVER AS PROVIDED BY APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL. LAWS OR REGULATIONS; PROVIDING THAT SAID BAL BARBOUR VILLAGE, SHALL APPROPRIATE AND OVER EMPLOYERIS CONTRIBUTIONS AS PROVIDED BY APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS REGULATIONS ; PROVIDING THAT SAID BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE SHALL KEEP RECORDS AND MAKE REPORTS AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE STATE OR KEMAL LAWS OR REGULATIONS," be adopted as Ordinance No. 27 of Bel.Harbour Ville, and unanimou Witted. On motion of Mr. Beatty, seconded by Dr. Leonard, $1,0©O.O0.was authorised to be appropriated surplus and placed in an`account for Social Security payments usly carried. Mr. Stokely said that all nemOers of the council had received. . Copies of the .amendment to the police ordinance and;asked if there Were any comments. After discussion it was decided:that this ordinance was a definite necessity and on motion of Dt. Leonard, seconded By Mr. Brown, Ordinance No. 28, entitled: "AN ORES OF BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 8 OF ORDINANCE NO. 2, ENTITLED: IAN ORDINANCE OF BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE , FLORIDA, . DEFINING OFFENSES, NIXING PUNISRMENTS.AND FINES, AND RELATING TO EVIDENCE, SEARCHES AND SEIZURES, TRAFFIC REGULATIONSI." ' was unanimously passed. Mr. Webb read to the. council a letter from Mr. Robert C..,Graham, .President of Miami Beach Heights, Inc.'regarding the street closings, It was decided to table this matter until Mr. Baisden's opinion could be had. , Mr. Webb presented to the:connoil an appliaetion for the transfer of the nnitworth Hotel Id4Or Lieense to thn:new stockholders in the corporation.. On'mction of Mr. Begins, seconded by Mr. Beatty, the transfer was unanimously approved. There being no further business before the meeting on motion of Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Beatty, the meeting was`adjourned, NOVEMBER 23,'.195,1 The Council of Bat Hatbour-Village met at the Adiinistration Building, Friday, November 23, 1951:at 8100 ololOCk P'.-M. \ y There were .presents Messrs. Beatty, Brown,,Simcns, Stekely and Dt. Leonard. Also present were Mr. it. H. Webb, Village Tdsasger, and:Fred )_ Baisden, Village Attorney.. Upon motion pf Mr. Simons,_ seconded: by Mx. Beath the{residing of the .minutes of the preVdous feting of October 22,'1951 was dispensed with until the, next rafting.` Mr. Brown:reported that at a meeting with Mr; Henry regardity the hotel signs'Mr. Henry had decided to plant a hedge.behind bis curb line and move the signs back in lime with.the Ledge. ,He said that Mx. Henry hdd agreed further that white globes would be placed on top of the signs to designate the driveway entrances and. that there would be no lights inside the pil7ary, Mr. Simons meted that if the hedge was not put in and the signs moved beck`witli the proper globes installed by December 15th, the Village Manager dieutheriaed: to remove same and also remove the electrical service from the village property. Upon second by Mr. Beatty the motion was dnaateously passed. Mr. Baisden said he had prepared a resolution commending Robert C. Oraham, Jr, for his service to the village and read the . resolution to the council, It was moved by Dr. Leonard, seconded by Mr. Simons, that the resolution be passed and unanimously Voted.