HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 04:154OFFICE OF KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC 61 COOKE AVENUE MUNICIPAL CLERK M E M O R A N D U M CARTERET, NEW JERSEY 07008 TO: T&M ASSOCIATES ELEVEN TINDALL ROAD MIDDLETOWN, NJ 07748-2792 FROM: KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk DATE: APRIL 23, 2004 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT- T&M ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING. ENCLS: CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION #04-154 KMB/cp cc: Treasurer Purchasing File No. 04-154 Date of Adoption April 22, 2004 AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT - T&M ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING WHEREAS, the Borough of Carteret is in need of specialized planning services with regard to the preparation of a Smart Growth Grant & Transit Village Application; WHEREAS, the engineering firm of T&M Associates, 11 Tindall Road, Middletown, New Jersey 07748, has submitted a proposal to provide said services; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have reviewed said proposal and desire to authorize T&M Associates to execute a Smart Growth Grant & Transit Village Application, under the scope of service outlined in the proposal fi'om T&M Associates in the amount of $29,000.00; and WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are or will be available for said purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey, as follows: 1. That the proposal, attached hereto and made a part hereof, fi'om T&M Associates, engineers and design professionals, to prepare and execute a Smart Growth Grant & Transit Village Application in the amount not to exceed $29,000.00 is hereby approved. 2. That this award is made as a professional services contract pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:1I-2(6) and shall be advertised as required by law. 3. That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Borough's Finance Department and to T&M Associates. Adopted this 22nd day ef April, 2004 and certi,fi~e~d ~ true copy of the original on- April004. -~ i _....,.--~. ' ~. KATHLEEN M. BA~NEY, P,2elC~C ~ Municipal Clerk '-~ TL RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE - COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A.B. COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A.B. KRLI~ X g TCI.q X NAPLES X .qTTARZ X PARISI X .c/lc;NYI,,I.~K T X X - Indicate Vote AB - Absent NV - Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote lo Overrule Veto Adopted at a meeting of the Municipal Council /~~pril 22, 2004 CLERK ~/ ~ PROPOSAL FOR PLANNING SERVICES FOR PREPARATiON OF A SMART FUTURE PLANNING PROGRAM: TRANSIT VILLAGE STUDY SUbmitted to: BOROUGH OF CARTERET MIDDLESEX COUNT~, NEW JERSEY 11 Tindall Road Middletown, New Jersey 07748 i (732) 671-6400 April 22, 2004 TMOH-G0405 APR-22-~_{]~]4 1'~6 T H ASSOCIATES ?326?16400 P.03/19 ProPOSal fo~ Planni[tg Se,~ice~ ,, ~ :~, ~. ~.~ TABLE OF CONTENTS LO INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 2..0 PROJECT OVI~R¥I£W .......................................... i ......................... 1 PL .r~OSE OF THE ~ROJECI ~SIT ~ ILLAOF APPLICA ION .. . ......... 6 3.0 SCOPE OFSERVICES .............................................................................................; ................................... 7 INI'I IAL DA'I A R~VI~W ~D ANALYSIS .................................................................. .................................... 7 PL~LIC VISION~O PRf~E$S AND CO. UNITY OUT~AC~ ......................... [ .................... 9 AC I'ION PLAN AND [~PdME),~T[ON AO~'~a ................................................... ~ .................................. l l 4.0 ~O~CT M~AGEMENLMgETINGSAND HEARINGS ............................. ~ .................................. 12 6.0 PRO. CT SCH~gULE ............................................................................................................................ APR-22-Z~04 14:~6 T H ~SBOCIATES 7526716400 P.O4×~D Borough o~ Ca¢~eret ~ Proposal for Planmng Services ,. ~s,:,,.:,= ,~. transit ~?flage P/an 1.0 INTRODUCTION T&M Associates (]&M) is pleased to submit this proposal to provide the Borough of Carteret with professional planning consultant services to assist the Borough in the preparatlon of a Smart Future Planning Program and Transit Village Study for the Borough. The purpose of be study is to create a comprehensbe transit village plan for the Borough thai meets NJ Transit's cdteiia for a transit village designation, in addition, T&M wilt analyse lhe feasibility of and the creation of a regi~al light rail system to serve the Borough and surrounding communities along the Arthur Kill waterfront. A~ part of the plan, T&M will 9valuate opportunities for transit-orierl~ed development and redevelopment in tl~e Borough, as well as ways to protect and enhance the pedeatrian-fnandly environment of the Borough. The study will address all the requirements and project tasks spec!fled in the Smart Future Grant award )rese~ted to the Borough by the New Jersey Depadment of Community Affairs (DCA) in Fobmary 2004, ~ 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW PURPOSE OF TIlE PROJECT The primary purpose of the project is lfle development of a plan that maximizes 'e Borough's ability to obtain a transit village designation from NJ Transit. Accordingly, the plan will addr~ ss the criteria used by NJ Transit to determine eligibility for transit village designation, These include: commitment to grow in jobs, housing and population. Existing and planned transit facilities. Examples of eligible facilities include aI light rail station, ferry terminal, a bus hub or bus transfer station, or some combir~ation of these facilitie~ · Opportunities for redevelopment within walking distance of transit. · An adopted land-use strategy for achieving compact, trans t-support va, m xed-use development w~thm walking distance of transit. This can be in the foam of a redevelopment plan, zorfing ordinance, master plan or oveday zone, A strong residentiaJ component. NJ Trans t part,cutarly ,avers a w ce variety o: housing chorces within walking distance of transit to support transit rJdership. . "Ready-to-go' projects, including at least one transit-oriented proiect thatcan b, completed within three years. · Pedestrian and bicycle friendliness, including clear and direct pathways fro~ lhe transit station to shops, offices, surrounding naighborhoods and other destinations. · A plan that establishes the transit facility as one of the key focal points of the cqmmunity. This includes public open spaces or plazas adjacent t? or integrated into the transit facility. NJ Transit emphasizes tho use of the station plaza as a galhenng place for community activities suc! as fes ivals, concerts, publl: ceremonies and farmers markets, A station area management plan that is Iocateri in a spec[a~ ~mprovement dlstn~t ~SID) or as part of a Main Street New Jersey designation or, in the case of the Borough, as part of itsI UEZ plan. A plan to minimize automobile use by maximizing ~e appeal of transit. One.example of th{s is the concierge service in the Metuchen train station. Commuters drop off errands i such as dry cleaning, packages for mailing, eec.) in the morning and pickup items or, the opposite si te of the tracks oil the way home. · Commuter parking for residents and non-residents. A Transit Village shouldI also strive to reduce parKir, g requirements near transit stations and implement shared parking solutions wherever possible. · Support for Ioca, arts and culture. This brings vibrancy and activity to a communi y. Designating ar ars anti,~ue or restaurant district helps make a Transit Village a destination. Supped for the historic and amhitectural integrity of the community by en$~ ring that new buildings blend in with ~e existing buildings. This can be done with architectural desigi~ guidelines that govern new building facades, window replacements, awnings, lighting and signs. As can be seen from the above list, Carteret either has or has planned for many oflthe above components of a transit-fdeedly mixed-use community favored by the Transit Village Program. The purpose of the plan is to organize and present these elements as part a comprehensive transit vil!ag~-planning program that fully meets NJ Transit's dasignalion cdteda. Criteria and plan elements not yet addressed by the Borough will be more fully developed end made pad of the plan. In addition, the project will include a related analysis of the feasibility of and the creation of a regional light rail system to serve the Borough and surrounding communities along the Arthur kill waterfront. Existing freight rail lines and right-of-ways will be reviewed to determine the feasibility and appropriateness of converting these to light-rail passenger service. This will be reviewed in the context Of t~ther redevelopment initiatives and planning efforts being undertaken in municipalities in the Arthur Kill region and by count/and regional agencies, including New Jersey Department of Transportation and New J.,ersey Transit Linkages between redevelopment planning efforts in Carteret and other municipalities will be ~xplorad. The project is intended to develop a coordinated transit-friendl)~ land use plannin! strategy for the areas surrounding the Borough's existing and planned transit facilities and creating lini ages to the Borough's other smad future planning strategies and redevelopment initiatives. The objective ~ the deve!opment of a plan that encourages a transit-friendly land use development arrangement in the B~rough, including a mix of residential and commemial uses consistent with smart growth principles. Given the demand for development and redevelopment that is accessible to mass trensit, the project will prov de an opportun ty to p!an for future development consistent with these smart growth principles. 3 APR-22-2f~04 14:48 T M ASSOCIATES 7526716400 P.O,- 19 D~nsit V~#age ~lon Accordingly, the Transit Village Plan wiil be designed to achieve the following State Plan goals' · Revitalize Cities and Towns -- The plan will encourage broad base~ development options, integrating economic, fiscal and environmental approaches to ensur~ orderly development. Development around the iraJn station will he designed to increase the mobility of residents of Caneret and the surrounding region, providing more access to jobs, heu~ing and open space in the region. · Conserve the State's Natural Resources and Systems - The plan will ~ncourage development that utilizes the existing infrastructure and taking advantage of the Carteret's location near major transportation networks and areas of employment. New growth will be designed to enhance and complement existing neighborhoods, · Promote Beneficial Economic Grov~h - Capitalizing on the existing resources and infrastructure of the Borough, the plan is intended to develop sustainable land uses. The developmenl of transit..odented development that permits additional c ~3portunities to reduce commuting by automobile is consistent with the goats of smart growth and he SDRP. · Protect ~fla Environment - The plan will promote redeveloprnent desigr ed to enhance existing neighborhoods and provide housing and s~ices for potential new resi lents in the Berough'$ redevelopment areas. Increasing commuter options to encourage more r~sidents to utilize mass transit, orderly and efficient development and redevelopment will be encouraged to take advantage of these resources. · Provide Adequate Public Facilities end Services at a Reasonable Co~t- Redevelopment will be encouraged to utilize existing infrastructure and follow sound smart growth principles regarding environmental impacts, · Ensure Sound and Integrated Planning and implementation Statewi~e - Encouraging new land uses and redevelopment of the study area parcels as well as transit-oriented development will assist all levels of govemmenl in promoting beneficial economic growth, m[nirnizing environmental impacts, and the continued revitalization and growth of the Bbrough and the region 4 SMART GROWTH PLANNING PRINCIPLES Smart growth is an approach to planning thai directs new growth to locations ~here infrastn~¢tura and services are available, I;mits sprawl developmenL ~rotecls the environment, and lenhances and rebuilds existing communities. The Office of Smart Growth defines smart growth as '~welLplanned, well-managed growth that adds new homes and creates new jobs, while preserving open!space, farmland, and environmental resources, Smart growth support~ livable neighborhoods with a v~,riety ol housing types, price ranges and multi-moda~ forms of transportation.' When applied as recomr~ended by OSG, smart growth is epitom!zed by ccmpact, transit accessible, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use deve apme,~t end la~d uses. Adopted on March I. 2001, the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopmen! Plan (SDRP) provides a comprehensive planning framework for the futura of New Jersey, including tt!e application of smart growth principles throughout the sfa~. The SDRP lis[s the following principles of smart growth: · Mixed land uses ,, Compact. clustered community design · Walkable neighborhoods · Distinctive, attractive communities offering a 'sense of place' · Open space, farmland, an¢ scenic resource preservation · Future development s~gthened and directed to existing commL~nifies using existing inlrrastructum · Transportation option variety · Community and stakeholder collaboration in development decision-making Pr~ictable. fair, and cost-effective development decisions · Range of housing choice and opportunity The 6omugh is committed to implement the smaA growth planning principles as reccmmended in the SDRP. Accordingly, the transit vi',lage plan will include a slrategy and land use pla ming approach that is designed to incorporate ~hese principles info the proposed developmer~t and rede',~elopment in the study area. ~rough of Carteret Trar~sit Village TRANSIT VILLAGE APPLICATtON As part of the activities to be funded with the Smart Future Grant, the Borough of ~arteret will prepare an application for a "transit village" designation. Criteda for transit viilages include th~ existence of a transit faci!ity, ready-to-go development projects, demonstrated pedestrian arid bicycle frie~dllness, and support of local arts ar, d culture. Once designated as a transit village, a municipality is eligible for technical assistance and priority consideration from lhe state agencies mat make up the Transit Viliage Task Force. If the Borough would be seeking fir~ancial and technical assistance troth NJ Transit, designated, NJDOT, NJDCA, NJDEP, and other agencies on transportation, infrastructure, housing and environmental issues. ', he transit district plan will be designed lo enhance the Borough s opportuni~ lo become designated as a transit village. T&M will prepare the necessary application for the Borough. 6 Propc,~t for' Plan,ting Service,,, ~. ~%,:,,..,-_~,~ Trar~$# V/#age Plan 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of sewices will include 'r. he following elements: ,, Initial Data Review and Analysis; · Public Visioning Process and Community Outreach; · Light Rail Analysis; and · Preparation of the Transit Village Plan. These elements are described in detail below, IfNITIAL DA TA REVIEW AND ANAL YSI$ T&M will review all relevant planning issues in the Borough that may impact Ihe stud, area. This review will consist of the following components: · Review of Curren', Planning ~cument$ - T&M will review the all relevant lOcal, county, and state planning documents to identify existing fend use problerns and issues in the iBerough related to the proposed transit village. A key focus will be to a~ess regional development itrends and issues that may impact the future development and redevelopment of the Borough. MaDoino and Graphics. A series of maps in both electronic and paper fo~ats will be prepared depicting baseline conditions. These will be used in subsequen[ plans and analyses related to the project. APR-22-2004 14:~9 T H ASSOCIATES 732£~?i6400 P. Borough of Carteret Proposal for' Planning Services · Ee~u ato~ and 8tatut~ Issues - T&M will rev~w all state and federal r~lato~ i~sues and r~uimments that may impact the ~r~ugh's tran~t village plan, Emphasis wil~ ~ placed on e review of ~levar~t DCA, NJDOT end NJ Transit plans and programs. To accomplis~ ~is comp~ent of the p~ct, T&M will rely on its interdisciplina~ st~ of engineem, plan~ers, and edvimnmental spe~alists, ~ic~ have substantial experien~ in working with sta~ and f~eral mgulato~t ~g~ncies, · ~eetinq with Eorou~h Ee~senta~ves - T&M will ~ndu~t an initial imping m~ ~ilh Borough representatives, as well as repre~ta[iws of 08G and NJ Transit, to disc~s the ~fi~al planning i~sues roland to the r~ev~opment of the area. The Borough, in co~sult~bn wi~ T&M, will responsible for ~i~ng the pa~icipants in ~is meeting. Possible pa~ipant~ ~uld include relevant subsommi~es of the Borough governing ~dy; the Chair~mons and s~ct~ mem~t~ of ~e Planning a~d Zoning Boards; r~r~entatives of key ~nsti~e~t grou~, organizations, and ~miffe~; and Borough profes~onals and staff. The meeting is. intended ,t~· ~ an inltial sc~ing s~sion to review al] relevant i~iuts. Tht put.se is to develop a b~ picture' ~ve~iew or ~te~ for the pr~t and d~ennine c~tical issues and con.ms th~ may ne~ to be a~dressed, ~ ~a~icul~r impoffance will be ~ id~ti~ areas of potential conflict or ~uppo~ with o~er ~lanning and ~onomic development effo~s of the Borough, It it anticiptt~d ~at add,tonal public pa~idpatb~ and would tak~ place ~ pa~ of ~e vision planning pro.ss di~ssed later, A summa~ rep~ will ~ p~'~a~ for the 8orough outlining the ~ults of the pr~limina~ analysis. The repo~ will summarize key planning i~s that have b~n identl~ed and pr~imi~a~ ~omme~at~ons ~utlining options for the futu~ devel~ment and r~evelopment of the area~ alo~ with potential implementatim strat~ies, oppo~unities, and ~ns~nts. APR-22-~04 14:5~3 T M ASSOCIATES ~76'?16400 P. 12/19 P; opc~a! for P!anning Serw'ces ,, ~ :~:...~ ~ PUBLIC VISIONING PROCESS AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH As identified in the Smart Future Grant award, a critical component of the project 'will be a public outreach and visioning program. Community involvement is a critical element of any sumessfui planning effort. Community participation and invofvement in the development of a vision for the *.r~nsit village plan should begin eady and continue throughout the duration of the planning process. Accordingly, the public visioning element of the pro~ect will occur simultaneously with the preparation of the p~imin~ry investigation reports and transit village plan described in the following sections of the scope of, work. As a first step, a sleering committee will be aslablished for the project. The ste~dng committee will be comprised of several key stakeholders with a~* interest in the long-term developmen! and redevelopment of the community at large. Members could include some or all of the participants in the initial scoping meeting described above. In addition, up to two general public presentation meetings will ~e held to solicit pubtic input throughout the course of the project and seek comments on lhe plan. The Borough has provided an opportunity for extensive public input as part of its ;urrent redevelopment program. As a result, efficiencies in the visioning process can be realized. Therefore, T&M proposes a maximum of two (2) meetings as part of the public vJsbning process. Meetings will ihclude up to two of the following: 1. Stakeholder Meetinq - The first vLsioning meeting will include a meeting wi h key stakeholders to review the summary report generated as part of phase 1 of the project. If deterr lined to be appropriate by the Borough, Ihe meeting also may include representatives from the Middliesex County P!anning Board, the Office of Smart Growth, New Jersey Transit and other relevant state ~genoies. ']'he purpose of this meeting to discuss the findings of the initial seeping sessions, asses~ the concerns of key constituents and stakeholders, and review ail local and rog cna opportun t es and constraints that may impact or assist in the implementation of the Borough's vision. This meeting woCld also be used es an opportunity for T&M ~o listen to key project sta~ehotders' recommendations for the area and those elements the stakeholders wish to be included within the Borough's vision, !This meeting may be combined with the initial scoping meeting described above, APF?-22-2~04 14:50 'f Fi ASSOCIATES 7~26'716400 P. l:,-,'z,. Boro~.¢gh df Carteret m~U Proposal for ~lanmng Services ., ;~,~::,~, ~ Trat~sft Village P/an Presentation ¢ PreliminarY Plan - The put.se of this meeting will be to preset I toe preliminary plan the Borough and to seek feedback and comment. In addition, T&M's findings regarding local ard constraints will be presented and discussed. The preliminary !is;on plan. wiii opportunities serve a~ outline and framework for the goals and objective.~ of the transit village plan. i Presentation of Final Plan - A public meeting will be held to present the final transit village plan ~nd vision to the community. This wi!l include a presentation of the implementation agenda described in the next section of the scope of work, The keys to an effective community visioning process are inclusion and efficiency: Inclusive: Commanity involvement is meant te be inclusive so that ~1 interested citizens, organizations, and stakeholders participate in the process and constructively interact with the project team and municipal representatives, Stakeholders that participatedI in the original meeting in the prior project task will be invited to partic:pate in public visioning sessions. In addition, property owners, bus ness owners, and residents o~ the Borough should b~ i ,vited to attend. The T&M team will work with the Borough to identify stakeholders and constituencies that are invited to each of these meetings. · Efficient: 7he process should ~e effic;ent in organizing and conduoling meetings and other community involvement activities so that all meetings are relevant, n'.'~t duplicative of other ,meetings. Public information developed for the meetings must be clear, cohcise and useful. T&M will work with the Borough to de~,elop appropriate handouts and presentatiot~ graphics to make the most constructive use of time at these meetings, T&M has extensive experience in public visioning and has been specifically cedi'ied by O~,G as a pre- qualified consul(ant in the sma of communiiy visioning. 10 TRANSIT VI~.LA@E ~LAN Based on the results of the preliminary review and vision planning prccess, T&r~ witl prepare a transit vitiage plan for the Borough. As described in detail above, the plan will be organized and presented in a manner consistent with smart-growth planning principles and wi;I be designed to enhance the Boreugh's ability to be designated as a transit village by NJ Transit, The plan will presermt a coordinated transit-friendly land use planning strategy for the areas surrounding Bomugh's existing and planned transit fadlities and creating linkages to the BoroL ;Ih'$ other smart future planning strategies and redevelopment initiatives. The objective is the develc ~mant of a plan that encourages a transit-friendly land use development arrangement in ~e Borou Ih, including a mix of residential and commercial uses consistent with smart growth principles, Glven the demand for development and redevelopment that ia accessible to mass transit, the project will provide an opportunity to plan for [,Jture development consistent with these smart growth principles, The transit village plan wiJl include plans, sketches, graphic renderings, and piC~res that illustrate community's vision of transit friendly development and redevelopment, The incorporation of graph'c 'mages into the plan will communicate the Borough's vision to state agencies and the general public These images also will constitute a "design palate' that will provide potential developers and redevelopers with a clear picture of the intent of the Borough with respect to the future development and its connection to the Borough's transit village goals, ACTION PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION AGENDA An Action Plan and Implementation Agenda will be prepared as pert of the transmit village plan that will include a summary of the key planning objectives for implementing the redevelopment plan, ~.s well as appropriate strategies and actions to meet ne objectives. The Action Ptan and Implementation Agenda will identify and prioritize critical actions for both the public and private sectors, identifyi,ng the full range of the appropriate implementation tools, including finding sources and local incentive iprograms. It also will include a phasing and prioritizaticn schedule of various components of the plan, including coordination of various public Md private actions necessary to implement the plan, The approach ¢ uflined will be strategic in nature, combining various approaches to meet the Borough's specific needs. 11 RPR-~2-;'~,04 14~52 T M ASSOC]fi~TE$ Proposal for Planning Services Transit Village Plan 4.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT, MEETINGS AND HEARINGS 1. The Borough will designate Stan ,Slachetka, AICP, P.P, as the project manager for the project. Mr. Slachetka wili supervise and coordinate the plan developmerlt with input from the appropriate Borough staff. I Mr. Slache~a chaired the committee that drafted the current Local Redevelopment and Housing Law. He also is co-author of 'q'he Redevebpment Handbook: ,A Guide for Rebuilding New Jersey's Communities," pubiished shortly by the New Jersey Del~art, men~ of Community Affairs and the New Jersey Chaplet of the American Planning Association. Mr. Slachetka also has worked on smart growth and transit village initiatk~es in a variety I.. oficornrr, un~es, including Carterel Borough, Union Township, Ocean Township, and Sussex ~ounty. He has go~d working relationships with staff of NJ Transit's t~ansit village program, !nd the Office of Smad Growth. In fact, Mr. Slachetka made a presentation on redevelopment iisues in transit villages at a recent 2004 Transit Village Initiative Partnership Meeting sponsoreci by NJ Transit. 2. T&M wili attend the following meelings as part of this project: a, One (1) meeting with Borough representatives as part of the preparation of lhe inilial planning anatysis described in Phase 1; b. Three (3) visior~ir~g meetings identified in Phase 2; and c A maximum of two (2) meetings with the Planning Board to pres, ent the drat~ and final ~ransit village plans. d. Two (2) meelings of the Borough's governing body. The first rneetin~ wi!l be to present the draft, transit village plan and the second will constitute the public piesentatio[~ of the final plan. 3, T&M Associates will provide periodic progcess reports to the Borough on ti ,e status of the project and development of the work products. 12 P.16 ~. F~F'R-22--~4 14:52 T M ASSOCIF~TES ?~267164~]~ .~cj Borough of Caneret ~U Proposal for Planning Se~l'~S ~ssc~: *~rs Trat;'sil' Wlfage Plan 4, Meetings and other administrative aspects of later phases of the proiect will be developed with the Bo, ough prior to mbat~on of those project tasks. ;the Borough will be responsible for organizing scheduling, preparing tortures, and compiling transcripts of any public hearings or meetings described above. 13 $,0 DELIVERABLES T&M will compi!e the drafts of the deliverables described in this proposal and iincorporate any agreed upon changes as directed by the Borough. Documents will be produced as! a bound wdtten report incorporating the work products from the lasks identified in this scope of services. The deliverables of this project will be the following: Initial Planning Analysis · initial Plannir~g Summary Report: Twenty-five (25) printed copies. Transit Village Plan · Preliminary Plan: Twenty43ve (25) pdnted copies · Final Plan: Twenty (25} printed copies - ptus, ~D .ROM Includes Ac[ion Plan and Presentation Boards and Graphics 14 AP,~ ~.~ ~_~]D~ 1~:53 T M ASSOCIATES 7326716~00 P. 18/19 Trat:s/t Village 6.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE The project schedule for the tasks and det;verables descdt~ed in the Scope of Wor~ is provided betow. The intent is to complete the pro,~ect in the t me frame spec fled ;n the Smart Growth Gran award. Work on each task wJJl commence in the r~onth shown and proceed over the indicated period to !:ompletion. The project schedule assumes that certain project tasks will occur simultaneously as notedlin the Scope of Work above. Initial Raview & A~al~tsis Initial Review & Analysis X X (Including mee~ngs with ~m~h} Pmpara~n ~ ~mma~ Planning X X Repo~ Pu~ic M~ting~,, X X Prepare a~ly~is X X Prepare Plan X X X Dellver~les~ Summ~ Planning Re~ & R~o~e~da~ons X Draft Plan X Final Plan X Key M~tings~ P~en~fl~ of Summa~ Planning X Repo~ & Fi~ Publ~ M~fing ~e~nd Publ~ ~eUn~ ..... X Pre~n~U~ ~ D~ Plan X PmSen~ of Rn~ Plan *From ~ex~ution Specie U~es for ~lmverab~ ~d m~t ngs ma1 va~ t~ ~rres~d t~ ~r~gh mee rang )cheou~s. I 7.0 FEE The propos~ scape of services will be provided on a time and materials basis in ~c~orda~ce with T&M's municipal services rate schedu!e. Total project cost is estimated to be $29,000. Typical expenses (e.g. phone calls, Fed Ex charges, ir~temal office rep~uctionS, correspondence and interim memos to the client, ere.) that am incurred to prepare the deliverables (i.el. draft and final reports and graphics) that are defined Jn ~he Scope of Work are incorporated into the cost estimates isted above. TOTAL P.19