HomeMy Public PortalAbout20161208 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesCommunity Preservation Committee Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts 18 Main Street Thursday, December 8, 2016 MINUTES Present: Henry Kunicki – Chairman, Ron Clark-Member at Large, Jim Ciriello-Conservation Commission Representative, Al Rogers-Member at Large, Dan Terry-Parks & Recreation Representative, Jeff Doherty-Open Space Preservation Committee, Ken Weismantel-Planning Board Representative, Shannon Soares, Land Use Guests: Peter LaGoy, Johnathan Spinale The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Mr. Kunicki Mr. Kunicki informed the board that Mr. Joseph would not be present at tonight’s meeting and would follow up with the committee. Mr. Kunicki addressed the audience and informed members of the audience that the meeting would not be an open discussion and that the board would not be taking a lot if any discussion from the audience. Project Modification – Mr. Kunicki informed the board that Mr. LaGoy had withdrawn his funding request for the Land Purchase between former Wycoff and Rte 85. Mr. LaGoy informed the committee that after meeting with residents of the affected neighborhood (from the Shared Trail funding request) the suggestion of the modification was presented and agreed upon by the Trails Committee. Mr. LaGoy presented a map and indicated roughly where the proposed trail would be located. He explained how the modifications came to be and explained why a bridge was needed to protect the wetlands. Mr. Kunicki inquired if residents would be more willing to accept proposal without the construction of a bridge, to which Mr. LaGoy responded residents would prefer no bridge. Mr. Weismantel questioned Mr. Terry and Mr. LaGoy asking them for a Parks and Recreation update for the dog park (which will be located in the front parcel of the property). There was a brief discussion on the future of the dog park, Mr. Terry explained that the department was applying for a Stanton grant which would aid in funding the park. “We questioned whether or not it made sense to wait a few years to see if we got the grant money, or if we should just spend the money on the park now” Mr. Terry explained. Mr. LaGoy added most dog parks there is often the need for two, one for the friendlier dogs and the second for the not so friendly dogs. The extra money provided from the grant money could create a really great park. Mr. Doherty added that he would like to see a sign at the end of the Hughes property to indicate no dogs allowed beyond this point (referencing the end of what would be the lollipop trail) Mr. Clark applauded Mr. LaGoy’s concern for the wetlands but believes that the impact of the trail won’t be as great as the neighbors fear. He believes the biggest concern is cutting through to Joseph Street; he indicated that he would potentially gain support with the committee if the funding request was modified to include no work to be done past the Hughes Property as well as no bridges. Mr. LaGoy agreed that the modification would be acceptable. Mr. Ciriello inquired what was being dumped in the wetlands, following up to a remark that Mr. LaGoy had made. Mr. LaGoy noted that logs were being dumped into the wetlands to use as a makeshift bridge. Mr. Terry indicated that no plan for the actual dog park was available at the moment but wanted to be assured that the trail wouldn’t interfere with the park. Mr. Kunicki remarked that holding off on the proposal was an option, however Mr. Doherty noted with Open Space being the landlord for the property cooperation between both parties would be required. Jonathan Spinale from 42 Alexander Road spoke on behalf of the concerned residents of the affected neighborhood. He addressed the board and asked that the board didn’t support the funding request; noting that many of the residents didn’t want to see trail touched at all. Motion to grant the funding request of a Shared Use Trail in the amount of $55,000 from Passive/Active Recreation was made by Mr. Clark. The motion was made with the provisions that no work be done past the Hughes Property, signage be installed for no dogs allowed beyond the end of the trail, without construction of a bridge(s) over the wetlands; and for an approved plan for the Dog Park be in place before construction of the trail. The motion was seconded by Mr. Doherty. The vote unanimously approved. Motion to grant the funding request for Town Records in the amount of $20,000 from Historical Preservation was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Doherty. The vote unanimously approved. Motion to grant the funding request for “Hopkinton Fair” 1944-1945 Film Reel Conversion in the amount of $200.00 from Historical Preservation was made by Mr. Ciriello, seconded by Mr. Clark. The vote unanimously approved. Motion to grant the funding request for Historic Headstone Restoration in the amount of $10,000 from Historic Preservation was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Doherty. The vote unanimously approved. Motion to grant the funding request for the Cheney Family Collection in the amount of 7,000 from Historical Preservation was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Weismantel. The vote unanimously approved Motion to grant the funding request for the Reconstruction of Three Bridges in the Town owned Cameron Wood Property in the amount of $4,000 from Open Space was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Weismantel. The vote unanimously approved. Motion to grant the funding request for the Architectural Historic Survey in the amount of $25,000 from Historical Preservation was made by Mr. Rogers. This motion was made with the contingency of receiving the HHC grant money and that $12,500 be reimbursed to the Community Preservation Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Weismantel. The vote unanimously approved. Motion to grant the funding request for the Archaeological Historic Survey in the amount of $25,000 from Historical Preservation was made by Mr. Doherty. This motion was made with the contingency of receiving the HHC grant money and that $12,500 be reimbursed to the Community Preservation Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Weismantel. The vote 0- 7 the motion fails. Motion to grant the funding request for Center Trail Benches in the amount of $5,500 from Passive/Active Recreation was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Terry. The vote unanimously approved. A discussion took place over the four Parks and Recreation funding requests. With Mr. Terry detailing the list of priority for the projects. He requested that the board vote for funding in order of priority. Motion to grant the funding request for Fruit Street Building (Bathroom, concession and storage facility) in the amount of $400,000 from Passive/Active Recreation. Said sum to be borrowed in accordance with Chapter 44B, section 11 of the Massachusetts General laws, requiring a two- thirds majority vote. The motion was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Ciriello. The vote 6- 1; with Mr. Weismantel voting no. the motion passes. Motion to grant the funding request for EMC Park Lighting in the amount of $250,000 from Passive/Active Recreation was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Ciriello. The vote unanimously approved. Mr. Weismantel requested that Mr. Terry follow up with the Planning Board in regards to their decision on lighting for the field/parking lot. Mr. Terry withdraws his funding request for Carrigan Fields stating abutter problems could potentially delay the start of the project. After a discussion on Reed Park the board decides to table this decision until the January meeting to allow Mr. Terry time to discuss a potential modification for funding for this project. Mr. Weismantel questioned the funding request for the Cemetery Fence Restoration, stating he didn’t believe CPC funds for Historical Preservation could be used to build new things or for maintenance. Motion to grant the funding request for Cemetery Fence Restoration in the amount of $5000 from Historical Preservation was made by Mr. Weismantel, seconded by Mr. Clark. The vote unanimously approved. Motion to accept the November 17, 2016 Meeting Minutes as presented was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Weismantel. The vote unanimously approved. The next meeting will be Wednesday January 18, 2017 at 7:30PM Minutes amended March 2, 2017