HomeMy Public PortalAboutBoydstun, W. B." Or 4 " Iv ' ataal1718.0 dr . 141. .fat " -" . .?4,49t . , ,,,.. ...... ." , , . '1 I - . ' . . 1 * 4.5- 1.0... ' 47. . * ' IA'l . 7 .., " f ' IC,.. " j A : . 111 -SZ` . . - x ...7..., .,f.4 . ;...r. , - - , " " , . 1 , . " " " UV " '... " ," :.,* ?.. , ..f.. - ...1., ... Ir. . " " " " . ' - -3'... . " ', -... ,,.e. 4 ..., 1.11.0 ' I le il. " 5. 414.V 7 : . t . " ''.;;., ,. ... " I'"" �%" ".. r ." .111. r INSIDE THE BOYDSTUN STORE L13NA.WILSON, MERTIL SHAW, 7F: �� LEFT TO RIGHT: SAI s BILL LAND, WILLAA0 R. " a. :917 r   .. % " a. X 1, .fe APc4 " ,c.�% K " ��/r�% rr " "' TOM POWELL, IVY SHAW, ..4714juse " .0 �P 4.0 440 e 4" 415iftalti141147 14415- 1,:tbyas7l-z‘,1 f/ 1 Ccpi t4 - .s7/9/91 tig Ualley '' dvocate. Published at the Beautiful Payette Lakes, the Grandest Summer resort in Idaho LARDO, BOISE COUNTY, IDAI-IO, THURSDAY, DEC.E• i:,BER 29, 1904. NUMBER 10. OF THE VALLEY y Our Alert Correspondents. aristma's :he Bap- 3ve, un-. .n Wyck le affair. of sing - rendered id great teacher, .nner in e school. presents orgotten. remem- Coonrod creek on took out mtractor. :11T n weir loads n quite a mas tree. f a small best girl Bows hall 23rd, was iccmed to at the hall 30th, and program. .he coldest crmometer zero. amily are ith friends aches deep. .D. now --Long ugh. aeob rev- ROSEBERRY. Funeral of H. T. Boydstun--Xmas Entertainment Postponed. H. T. Boynstun, merchant and postmaster of this place, died Dec. 21st after an illness of a week's durat5on. The funeral was held in the M. E. church by Rev. Long, and was attended by a large num- ber of friends and relatives. Geo. Wulf will butcher 28 hogs this week. The hogs will range in weight from 40 to 400 pounds, price $8 per hundred pounds. Mr. Wulf is going out of the hog busi- ness on account of the high price of grain. Mrs. Jessie Richardson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McFall, who has been quite ill for some time, is improving. Dr. 'Tuttle attending. Christmas passed quic-.l vicinity. The entertainment was postponed until New Years eve on account of death of H. T. Boydstun. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. D. Prettyman is, not much im- proved. Dr. Tuttle was called to see it again on the 21st inst. Ira Blankinship has been in- stalled postmaster and general manager of H.'T. Boydstun's store. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wallace of Meadows are visiting with friends and relatives in this vicinity. Roy Blankinship attended the Lardo Xmas tree entertainment and raports a. splendid time. Miss May Blankinship has re- turned from Ola, where she -has spent the past two months. • Weather has been rough for a few days, snow is about sixteen inches deep. Mrs. Driggs of Lardo is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. Prettyma.n. OBITUARY: H. T. BOY.DSTUN. Howell Terry Boy.dun, born in Knox county, IilaoAp9, June 14, 1834; died at Roseberry, Idaho, December 21, 1904. Deceased was to c= ill about a week previous to his math with a cold which developea ,pne.u.;wnir., from which he died. Ile was con- scious until a short time before the end, but could not tat distinctly. His son, W. B., and daughter; Amy, were with him when tie end came. H. T. Boydstun lived in his birthplace until abooft.t�he time he arrived at manhood's estate, when he left for Texas. H ..was in the Lone Star state dariofg the Civil War, and was employed at that time by the Federal 'Government as conductor of teagisters. Soon after the:elose of the w r, lie was employed . as a sco,uit. against the Indians, who were =ming much trouble at that time .ift Texas• and on the borders of that state. From Texas he moved to Missouri, where he : contracted for . and }wilt the first 61i,.t8v8 t t _ .. Joplin. From Missoar-i he went to Illinois, where he FA -Rained for a year or two at Galesbugg. He then moved to Crawford couoty, Kansas, where he engaged ha }4a,rming, re- maining in Kansas athout twelve years. In 1891 lac earae to Idaho, arriving in Boise Fa;ry of that year and reinainilda 'there until August when he moved to Long valley, settling r .Roseberry. In the . summer co 1893 he, to- gether with J. W. Barger, start- ed a mercantile busiof,Ness at Rose - berry. Mr. Potteogex .retired from the business after a year of the partnership, sitkce, which time Mr. Boydstun has eonducted the only store at Ro,se,berry. He was appointed postmaster at Roseberry elev..rh iiir3 ib , ^nrl r,..ta,in.Fel that, position until his death. On the 22nd day of June, 141, his faithful a son, W. B. Boydstun, of Lardo, born August I2, 1870; and a daughter, Amy; married to William Barker and living at Roseberry. Funeral services were held Fri- day, December 26rd, Rev. F. J. Long officiating. One son, W. B., and one daughter, Amy, were Ares- ' eni,, the oL heis being to reach Roseberry in time A large number of people, to whom Mr. Boydstun had endeared him- self by his kindly disposition, paid their last respects to his remains. . It can be truly said of H. T. Boydstun that he was one of Nature's noblemen. He was of a - very kindly disposition, hospitable almost to a fault; courteous at all times, but with a.:courage that would brook no wrong. He was enterprising and public spirited/ ever ready to help in a good cause. Upright, noble and fearless, he was a man whom one was proud to call friend, a man whose loss will be felt in the community where he was looked up to alhnost as a father. He had lived the alloted span of n, .n'.- 1,• •: one to receive his reward and a well earned rest. FERN. New Dwellings Nearly Finished, - Newly Wedded. Gideon Spoors has come to the valley with a new wife. They are. staying at his father's now. Mrs. W. A. Bacon has had . very bad attack of asthma, but is better at the present time. W. H. Bowman is putting doors and windows in Join Cantrall's new house. Mrs: Elmus Bennett left on the 20th inst. for Bismark, N. Dakota. The mail inspector passed here on the stage a few days ago. Mrs. Lathrop's new dwelling is nearly finished. CENTER.