HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:245 D;,~¢ of Ad"prim~AUGUST 19, 1997 N.._ 97-245 IH~SOLU'I'ION TO (;0 INTO CI,OSED SESSION WIIEREAS, Seclio. 8oflheOpeaPublicMeeli"gsA¢l'Chapler231 ILL. 1975. permits Ihe exclusioa of the public 1i om a meeli.g ia ce~ lain ci~cumstaaces~ ami WlIEREAS, this public bodyisoftheopitfim~thalsuchci~cumsla"cesptese"lly exists; NOW, TllEllEFOitI¢, liE IT IU¢SOI~VEI) by tim Mayor a.d Cou.cil of the Bo~oughofCmlerel. Counlyof Middlesex, Slate of New Jersey, as Ibllows: I. The public shall be excluded flora atlending, discussi.g or panicipating i. the hereinafter specified subject mntte~s. 2. The general .ature ofll~e subjecl matter to be discussed is as ~ ~egot~ar~ms concem~ng the ~rch~e o~ Properties. _ 3. It is aalicipated at II,is lime thai Ihe above slated subject mailer will be macle public: Upon conclus±on of the mart:ers. 4. This ~esolution shall take effect immedialely. IH[C()I[I) }lrCOUNUII'V()TE GUT~SKI - ~ ..... X - [.dlcalc Vole All - Abscm NV N.I Voli.g XOR - ltalic;des Vole I. Ove.ule Velo Adopted u[ a mecd.g o[ Ihe Mu.it:ipul Cmmcil . AU~ST 19, 1997