HomeMy Public PortalAbout19810211 - Minutes - Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting 81-4 r MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT 375 DISTEL CIRCLE,SUITE D-1,LOS ALTOS,CALIFORNIA 94022 (415) 965-4717 Regular Meeting Board of Directors M I N U T E_ S February 11, 1981 I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by President Richard Bishop at 7 : 35 P.M. Members Present: Katherine Duffy, Daniel Wendin, Edward Shelley, Nonette Hanko, Harry Turner, and Richard Bishop. Member Absent: Barbara Green. Personnel Present: Herbert Grench, Craig Britton, Steve Sessions, Jean Fiddes, Eric Mart, Susan Bayerd, and Joan Combs. II. ADOPTION OF AGENDA The Board adopted the agenda by consensus. III . SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY Resolution of Appreciation Motion: N. Hanko moved that the Board adopt Resolution 81-15 , Commending Assemblyman Dominic Cortese for His Assistance to the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District and to the Environment of Santa Clara County. K. Duffy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. H. Grench said he would deliver the resolution when in Sacramento. IV. NEW BUSINESS WITH ACTION REQUESTED Filling of Position - Secretary to the General Manager H. Grench introduced report R-81-7 , dated February 4 , 1981, noting that the vacancy allowed for the consideration of some organizational changes. Motion: K. Duffy moved that the Board approve the job specification and the filling of the position of Secretary to the General Manager, with a salary range of 137-167 . E. Shelley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. V. OLD BUSINESS WITH ACTION REQUESTED A. Formula for Allocating Proposition 1 Park Funds in San Mateo County H. Grench introduced report R-81-9 , dated February 6 , 1981. He noted that the formula allocates only 30 of San Mateo County funds to the District, the same percentage the District received in 1976 , and which he felt was not in keeping with the intent of the legis- lation. He said that the District had been talking with San Mateo County officials to find a solution to the problem, and the County has suggested seeking a joint project with the District, possibly Herbert A.Grench,General Manager Board of Directors:Katherine Duffy,Barbara Green,Nonette G.Hanko,Richard S.Bishop,Edward G.Shelley,Harry A.Turner,Daniel G.Wendin Meeting 81-4 Page Two helping to fund Hassler. Motion: D. Wendin moved that the Board authorize the General Manager to pursue obtaining a commitment from San Mateo County on a joint project, and failing that, to make a strong protest when the matter comes before the Board of Supervisors. E. Shelley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. Correction of Clerical Errors in Resolution 81-4 C. Britton reviewed memorandum M-81-18 , dated February 5, 1981, concerning the correction of clerical errors in two sections of Resolution 81-4. Motion: N. Hanko moved that the Board adopt Resolution 81-16 , a Resolution Correcting Clerical Errors and Ratifying and Confirming Corrected Resolution 81-4 . H. Turner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The discussion of Item 5 was deferred until the arrival of Hidden Villa, Inc. representatives. C. Proposed Addition to Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve - (Co2lon Property) C. Britton introduced report R-81-8 , dated February 5 , 1981. He said that 4 settlement had been made with the Coplons and the purchase agreement called for a total purchase price of $1,000 ,000 , $600 ,000 in cash and $400 ,000 of that sum to be received by the sellers as an 8% , 5-year secured District note. He stated that there was also an existing note in the amount of $400 ,000 that might be renegotiated if authorized by thd Board. He said that if the note could not be re- negotiated, the purchase would require a budget over-run of $600 ,000. S. Sessions reviewed the interim use and management plans for the property. Motion : R. Bishop moved that the Board adopt Resolution 81-17 , a Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Agreement to Purchase Real Property, Authorizing officer to Execute Certificate of Acceptance of Grant to District, and Authorizing General Manager to Execute Any and All Other Documents Necessary or Appropriate to Closing of the Transaction (Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve - Coplon Property) , that the land be dedicated as open space and that Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve be adopted as the official name of the site. D. Wendin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. H. Turner requested that the record show his comment that he would ordinarily have abstained on this vote, but because a Board member was absent, he chose to vote in order to get the proper number of votes and not frustrate the rest of the Board. Motion: R. Bishop moved the adoption of the interim use and manage- ment plan and approval of the budget over-run. D. Wendin seconded the motion. The motion passed on the following vote: Ayes: K. Duffy, D. Wendin, E. Shelley, R. Bishop, N. Hanko Abstain: H. Turner Meeting 81-4 Page Three `^ ^ INFORMATIONAL `-- ---- Meeting 81-4 Page Four Karen Nilssen, co-director of Hidden Villa, Inc. , stated that 60-70% of all children in Hidden Villa's recreational and educational program are from within the District. The remainder are low income children from other areas who come on scholarships. S. Sessions said the District has a responsibility as landowner, and if the District allows an overnight program, it must provide a safe environment. Part of this responsibility would be emergency access. N. Hanko said she felt that overnights at Windmill Pasture were part of the agreement when the District accepted the gift, and felt the District had a responsibility to provide safe access. She added that there was a question of whether the agreement had in- dicated camping at Windmill Pasture would continue, or be phased out with the implementation of the Black Mountain facilities. J. Black said it was his understanding that overnights were only intended for Windmill Pasture, since Black Mountain is not usable for Hidden Villa overnights. D. Wendin stated that the documents which were signed by the Duvenecks when making the gift in no way made a reservation which would allow Hidden Villa, Inc. to continue its camping program for more than a year. He added that the District accepted the gift with no strings whatsoever, and to rely on an informal agreement is inappropriate. In view of staff' s reservations, he recommended the Board adopt a positive statement of intent to accommodate Hidden Villa, and suggested a committee be appointed to work with the Hidden Villa Board so that District staff is not obligated to set policy. N. Hanko said that guidelines are needed if the Board is to adopt an amendment to the original agreement, and added she would like the committee to be given an early deadline to return with some guidelines. K. Duffy said that the Hidden Villa program is the kind the District should be encouraging, and said she felt the safety problem was a separate issue. Motion: N. Hanko moved that the Board affirm Hidden Villa' s over- night use of the Windmill Pasture area and that the Board authorize the appointment of a committee to develop guide- lines for the use of Windmill Pasture by Hidden Villa, Inc. , instructing the committee to make its recommendations to the Board by the first meeting in March. Discussion: D. Wendin questioned the meaning of "affirm" and said he preferred "declare in principal that they accept the proposal of Hidden Villa" . R. Bishop suggested that the motion be worded to indicate a willingness to work with Hidden Villa to provide a program under which Hidden Villa would have sleepouts at Windmill Pasture. N. Hanko said the language used in R. Bishop' s suggestion was acceptable, with the addition of the committee appointment. Meeting 81-4 Page Five R. Bishop restated the motion as follows: that the Board indicate a willingness to work with Hidden Villa in order to provide a program under which Hidden Villa would have sleepouts at Windmill Pasture, and that a committee be appointed to meet with Hidden Villa representatives and work out the details. D. Wendin seconded the motion. Discussion: D. Wendin said he did not feel it was necessary to work out a permanent agreement for this year, and added that he was concerned about adopting a program that will accommodate the public as a whole, a point which the Board needs to address. The motion passed unanimously. R. Bishop appointed D. Wendin, H. Turner, and N. Hanko as members of the Windmill Pasture Committee and set the first meeting in March for the committee ' s report. Black Mountain Area Discussion centered on whether camp stoves should be allowed at the Black Mountain backpack camp. Motion: D. Wendin moved that staff be authorized to implement the backpack camp at Black Mountain as contained in the plan previously submitted to Palo Alto as quickly as possible consistent with the use of grant funds, and requesting staff to return at an early date with their recommendation on the use of camp stoves. N. Hanko seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Board recessed for a break at 10 : 00 P.M. The Board reconvened at 10 : 05 P.M. E. Thornewood Follow-up Reports H. Turner reported that he and D. Wendin had met with Steve Stevick, Executive Director of the Sierra Club Foundation, and that a letter was coming to the Board reaffirming that the gift of the Thornewood property came with no restrictions as to its use. Motion: R. Bishop moved that the tabled motion of the meeting of January 14 , 1981 be removed from the table. At the request of the Board, J. Combs read the tabled motion: "D. Wendin moved that the Board A) direct staff to negotiate with Mr. and Mrs. Gano a proposal which meets the following three points 1) meets the criteria adopted by the Board for all proposals subject to whatever ground- rules the Thornewood Proposals Review Committee adopts concerning exceptions, 2) the exchange is for fair market value, and 3) that the exchange maximizes the possibility of obtaining a trail link to Portola Valley as part of any ultimate acceptance of such a proposal; B) direct staff to bring appropriate legal action to determine whether or not the property may be exchanged under the will; and C) direct the Thornewood Proposals Review Committee to continue the process of reviewing lease Meeting 81-4 Page Six proposals to return with a ranking of those proposals together with the criteria used for ranking so the Board can make its own ultimate selection. " H. Turner seconded R. Bishop' s motion, which passed on the following vote : Ayes : K. Duffy, H. Turner, R. Bishop, E. Shelley, D. Wendin No: N. Hanko The motion was carried. N. Hanko, referring to the minutes of September 13, 1978 , said the Board adopted by unanimous vote that the gift of the Thornewood property be received and proposals solicited for the long term use of the house. She added that she did not wish to consider an exchange proposal . Motion to Amend: D. Wendin moved that the motion on the table be amended by deleting portions A and B. N. Hanko seconded the motion. The motion to amend passed unanimously, and the Board then voted on the amended motion. The amended motion passed unanimously. motion: R. Bishop moved that the Board permit Mr. Gano to amend his exchange proposal to a lease proposal. N. Hanko seconded the motion. Discussion: D. Wendin said he would like his comment in the record that he did not think this motion was required, as Mr. Gano had already presented a proposal before the Thornewood Proposal Review Committee. The motion passed unanimously. VIII. CLAIMS Motion: D. Wendin moved that the Board adopt the revised claims C-81-3 , dated February 11, 1981. K. Duffy seconded. The motion passed unanimously. IX. CLOSED SESSION The Board recessed to Closed Session at 10 :45 P.M. X. ADJOURNMENT The Board reconvened to adjourn at 11:55 P.M. Joan Combs Secretary