HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:267 Dam of Adl,plion AUGUST 28 .19__97 No. 97-267 IIESOLUTION TO GO INTO CLOSEI) SI_i, SSION WIIEIIEAS. Section 8 of the Ope. Public IVleeli.gs Ac, (J lie 231 P.L. 1975, pe~ mils the exclusion of the Imblic Ii om a meeling in cerlain circumstances; and WliEIIEAS, this public body is of tile ol)inion thai such citcumsta.ces l)lesently exists; NOW, 'I'llEllEIrOItlg' lie IT ItESOI,VEi) by file Mayol and Council of Ihe Borough of Cmteret, County of lvliddlesex, Slate ()[New Jersey, as [bllows: I. The public shall be excluded fi'om attending, discussing or I)arficipath~g in the hereinafter specified subjecl, matters. 2. The general nalure of lhe subject, malter to be discussed is as follows: Personnel matters; confidential matters; ~ssible litigation and liti~ion. 3. It is amicipaled at this lime thai Ihe above staled subject matter will be made public: __~pon conclus±on of the matters. 4. This msolulion shall lake elTect immediately, RirAiOIII) ()lr CC I, VO'I'I~ C¢)UNCII,M^N COUNCIl.MAN BIALOWARCZUK X - Imlicalc Vole All - Abscm HV - N.I Voting XOR - Imlicams Vote lo Overrule V¢lo sj Adopted ;it a mecti.g of tile Municilml Cou.cil AUGUST 28, 1997