HomeMy Public PortalAbout2020_tcmin0623 COUNCIL MEETING June 23, 2020 Council Chambers, 25 West Market Street, 7:00 p.m. Mayor Burk presiding. Council Members Present: Ron Campbell, Thomas Dunn, Suzanne Fox, Vice Mayor Marty Martinez, Neil Steinberg, and Mayor Kelly Burk. Council Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Town Manager Kaj Dentler, Interim Town Attorney Martin Crim, Deputy Town Manager Keith Markel, Deputy Director of Information Technology John Callahan, Public Information Officer Betsy Arnett(via WebEx), Clerk of Council Eileen Boeing and Executive Associate Corina Alvarez. AGENDA ITEMS 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION was given by Vice Mayor Martinez. 3. SALUTE TO THE FLAG was led by Council Member Fox. 4. ROLL CALL a. Electronic Participation Council Member Dunn and Council Member Fox requested to electronically participate in the June 23, 2020, Council Meeting due to the health and safety concerns associated with the Coronavirus. Mayor Burk, Vice Mayor Martinez, Council Member Campbell, and Council Member Steinberg were physically present at the meeting. MOTION2020-144 On a motion by Vice Mayor Martinez, seconded by Council Member Steinberg, the following was proposed: To allow Council Member Dunn and Council Member Fox to electronically participate in the June 23, 2020, Council Meeting The motion was approved by the following vote: Aye: Campbell, Steinberg, Vice Mayor Martinez and Mayor Burk Nay: None Vote: 4-0-2(Dunn, Fox absent) 5. MINUTES a. Work Session Minutes of June 8, 2020 MOTION2020-145 On a motion by Vice Mayor Martinez, seconded by Council Member Steinberg, the minutes of the Work Session of June 8, 2020, were moved for approval. • • 1 I Page COUNCIL MEETING June 23, 2020 The motion was approved by the following vote: Aye: Campbell, Dunn, Fox, Vice Mayor Martinez, Steinberg, and Mayor Burk Nay: None Vote: 6-0 b. Regular Session Minutes of June 9, 2020 MOTION2020-146 On a motion by Council Member Steinberg, seconded by Vice Mayor Martinez, the minutes of the Regular Session Minutes of June 9, 2020, were moved for approval The motion was approved by the following vote: Aye: Campbell, Dunn, Fox, Vice Mayor Martinez, Steinberg, and Mayor Burk Nay: None Vote: 6-0 6. ADOPTING THE MEETING AGENDA On a motion by Council Member Steinberg, seconded by Vice Mayor Martinez, the meeting agenda was moved for approval. The motion was approved by the following vote: Aye: Campbell, Dunn, Fox, Vice Mayor Martinez, Steinberg and Mayor Burk Nay: None Vote: 6-0 7. CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION a. None. 8. PROCLAMATIONS a. LGBTQ Month. Mayor Burk proclaimed the LGBTQ Month proclamation and noted that it would be mailed to Mr. Rusty Foster. 9. PRESENTATIONS a. None. 10. REGIONAL COMMISSION REPORTS Council Member Fox reported on the PCAC Meeting held on June 17 where NVTA gave an update on the funding request the Town asked for on the Route 15 bypass and Edwards Ferry Road project. Due to the low ranking of the project and the fact that the Town has not yet used any of the previously awarded$5.4M funds, the recommendation was not to approve additional funding for the project. The next opportunity for the Town to apply for additional funding is expected to be in 2021. Mayor Burk reported on her Northern Virginia Regional Commission meeting and stated that the Governor announced that the State will enter Phase 3 on July 1. Mayor Burk noted some of the changes associated with entering Phase 3. 2 I Page COUNCIL MEETING June 23, 2020 11. PETITIONERS The Petitioners section was opened at 7:08 p.m. John Cook, 12171 Mary Lane, Lovettsville. Spoke to Council on behalf of Dr. and Mrs. John Cook about his family's desire to bottle natural spring water at the family's Rock Spring Farm located at 329 W. Loudoun Street in Leesburg. Mr. Cook asked Council to consider their request for an amendment to include natural spring water within the definition of an agricultural product. Mr. Cook shared the history of this property as a Leesburg water source and his family's plans for the property. Melanie Miles, 205 N. King Street. Spoke to Council regarding the proposed text amendment and thanked Council for their support. Ms. Miles shared some additional details regarding their proposed project. Grandmaster Choi. Presented the Town with a donation of 1,000 personal protective masks from Korea. Mayor Burk thanked Grandmaster Choi and Mr. Augustine Kim and presented them each with a letter of appreciation and a Town of Leesburg commemorative coin. Dan Williams (via WebEx), 1119 Bradfield.Drive. Thanked Council and staff for their leadership during the pandemic. Mr. Williams also spoke to Council about the Westpark property and the Confederate statue on the Loudoun County Courthouse grounds. Mr. Williams said he supports the creative thinking of exploring partnerships regarding a potential Westpark purchase. Mr. Williams noted he supports the idea of relocating the statue, not necessarily eliminating it, as long as it can be used for teaching purposes. The Petitioners section was closed at 7:24 p.m. 12. APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Campbell and Council Member Dunn requested item 12.a. — Town Council 2020 Meeting Calendar—Amending Resolution 2019-178 be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. MOTION2020-147 On a motion by Council Member Fox, seconded by Council Member Steinberg, the following consent agenda was proposed with 12.a. — Town Council 2020 Meeting Calendar—Amending Resolution 2019-178 removed: b. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Related to Bed and Breakfast Use RESOLUTION2020-072 Initiating Amendments to the Leesburg Zoning Ordinance to Amend the Definition and Use Standards for Bed and Breakfast within the R-HD Zoning District 3 I Page COUNCIL MEETING June 23, 2020 The Consent Agenda was approved by the following vote: Aye: Campbell, Dunn, Fox, Vice Mayor Martinez, Steinberg and Mayor Burk Nay: None Vote: 6-0 a. Town Council 2020 Meeting Calendar—Amending Resolution 2019-178 MOTION2020-148 On a motion by Council Member Steinberg, seconded by Council Member Campbell, the following was proposed: RESOLUTION2019-178(AMENDED) Setting the Calendar Year 2020 Town Council Meeting Schedule and Fixing the Day or Days to which a Regular Meeting shall be continued in the event of Inclement Weather Council discussed why this was not a special meeting versus not an additional regular meeting. Staff advised that this was an additional meeting that was being added to their already approved 2020 Council Meeting schedule. Council asked if it was a regular meeting why the topic was specific to only discussing the Town Attorney candidates. Council also asked if additional items could be added to this meeting agenda. Mr. Crim advised that with a suspension of the rules, additional items could be added to this meeting agenda. The motion was approved by the following vote: Aye: Campbell, Fox, Vice Mayor Martinez, Steinberg and Mayor Burk Nay: Dunn Vote: 5-1 13. RESOLUTIONS /ORDINANCES /MOTIONS a. Motion to Approve Proclamation of Respect for Nelson "Mutt" Lassiter (Sponsor: Council Member Steinberg) MOTION2020-149 On a motion by Council Member Steinberg, seconded by Vice Mayor Martinez, the following was proposed: I move to approve the Respect for Nelson "Mutt"Lassiter Proclamation to be proclaimed at the July 14, 2020, Town Council Meeting. The motion was approved by the following vote: Aye: Campbell, Fox, Vice Mayor Martinez, Steinberg and Mayor Burk Nay: None Vote: 5-0-1(Dunn abstain) 4 I Page COUNCIL MEETING June 23, 2020 14. PUBLIC HEARING a. None. 15. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. None. 16. NEW BUSINESS a. None. 17. COUNCIL DISCLOSURES AND COMMENTS / ADDITIONS TO FUTURE MEETINGS Council Member Fox requested a future Work Session discussion on the Rock Spring Farm proposal. It was the consensus of Council to add this to a future Work Session(Campbell, Dunn, Fox, Vice Mayor Martinez, Steinberg and Mayor Burk). Council Member_Fox requested recognition of Mr. Peter Burnett and the Ampersand Project. It was the consensus of Council to recognize the Ampersand Project at a future meeting (Campbell, Fox, Vice Mayor Martinez, Steinberg and Mayor Burk). Council Member Steinberg thanked Grandmaster Choi and Mr. Kim for their incredible generosity in donating masks to the Town of Leesburg. Mr. Steinberg said Grandmaster Choi was part of a similar ceremony that morning at the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, where he and Mr. Kim joined representatives from the Taiwanese government at the meeting. Council Member Campbell requested to add to a future meeting, particularly June 30th, the confirmation of the temporary appointment selection process for the Council Vacancy. Mr. Campbell noted that Council did not formally approve the selection process at the Work Session but rather Council indicated a process to move forward with. Mr. Campbell requested that the process be formalized at a future meeting. There was no consensus to move forward with this at a future meeting. Mr. Campbell commented on the social innuendo and falsehoods that were being shared on social media surrounding Westpark. Council Member Dunn noted that Council approved a regular meeting for June 30 and that items can be added to this meeting. Mr. Dunn also commented on the Westpark discussion and said that the general public will always be in support of something if someone offers to buy it. He noted that it is not this simple and that there is much work to be done in consideration of this project rather than using the public to do its bidding for 5 I Page COUNCIL MEETING June 23, 2020 Council Members. Mr. Dunn also commented on Council Members wanting to be activists instead of legislators. Mr. Dunn encouraged residents to celebrate the Fourth of July regardless of whether or not the Town was participating. He wished everyone a Happy Fourth of July. Vice Mayor Martinez commented on other members complaining about freedom of speech. Mr. Martinez said he has observed behaviors of others on social media that he did not agree with but understood that others have the same freedom of speech. Mr. Martinez said he was not happy about the Westpark decision but will move forward regardless. He expressed a desire for Council to work together. 18. MAYOR DISCLOSURES AND COMMENTS / ADDITIONS TO FUTURE MEETINGS Mayor Burk asked Mr. Dentler his understanding of the Council Appointment process. Mr. Dentler noted that as he understood it that it was the consensus of Council at its Work Session through the affirmation of four head nods to hold a closed session discussion on the candidates that have submitted their. names to be the temporary Council Member and that each member would submit their up to five top choices to the Clerk and whichever candidates received at least four votes would be discussed at a closed session on July 14. Vice Mayor Martinez said that he voted to submit five names and that Council go into closed session to make its decision and come out of closed session at the July 14th meeting to vote for somebody. Mr. Martinez said that if that was not the process as outlined at the Work Session then he rescinded his affirmative head nod. Mr. Dunn noted that during a Work Session that Council does not take votes and that the process has not been formally voted on and is what Council Member Campbell was trying to add to the newly added June 30 Regular Council Meeting. MOTION On a motion by Mayor Burk, seconded by Council Member Steinberg, the following was proposed: To formally add a Closed Session discussion to the July 14 Council Meeting to discuss the candidates for the Council vacancy Council Member Dunn made a motion to appeal the decision of the Chair to call for a vote on this item. MOTION On a motion by Council Member Dunn, seconded by Council Member Campbell, the following was proposed: To appeal the decision of the chair to allow a vote on this item. After some discussion, the Mayor withdrew her original motion. 6 I Page COUNCIL MEETING June 23, 2020 Mayor Burk said she toured the renovation of the Trinity House and attended the ribbon-cutting for Sycolin Road. She noted that the process was started in 1998 and it took all this time to complete but there are now four divided lanes, a bike trail and a sidewalk. Mayor Burk congratulated the graduates and thanked the School Board members for all of their dedicated work in regard to what's happening for the next school year. Mayor Burk thanked Grandmaster Choi and Mr. Kim for coming to the meeting and for donating the masks. Mayor Burk also noted that she visited the Ampersand project and was very impressed with what they're doing and the kindness and that the love that they're showing on a regular basis is very impressive. 19. TOWN MANAGER COMMENTS a. None. 20. CLOSED SESSION a. None. 21. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Vice Mayor Martinez, seconded by Council Member Steinberg, the meeting was adjourned at 7:•57 p.m. Kelly ur ayor Town of Leesburg ATTEST: ' 7G%!%� r662—eld) Clerk of Council. 2020 tcmin0623 7 I Page June 23,2020—Town Council Meeting (Note: This is a transcript prepared by a Town contractor based on the video of the meeting. It may not be entirely accurate.For greater accuracy,we encourage you to review the video of the meeting that is on the Town's Web site—www.leesburovamov or refer to the approved Council meeting minutes. Council meeting videos are retained for three calendar years after a meeting per Library of Virginia Records Retention guidelines.) Mayor Kelly Burk: -who needs hearing assistance, please see the Clerk. Council Member Martinez will be giving the invocation and Council Member Fox will be--Excuse me, not Council Member, Vice Mayor Martinez will be giving the invocation and Council Member Fox will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.Vice Mayor? Vice Mayor Marty Martinez: I would just like to offer a moment of silence and a lot of that has to deal with the protest that we're experiencing. Hopefully,we can continue to make more progress in the Black Lives Matter Movement and for the people to be treated equally and fairly regardless of who they are,what they are,who they believe in, and what color of their skin. Thank you. [silence] Thank you. Mayor Burk: Let us stand for the Pledge. Ms. Fox? Council Member Suzanne Fox: Thank you. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible,with liberty and justice for all. Mayor Burk: Thank you, Ms. Fox. Members of the public can now participate in the Council meetings electronically.Any member of the public that wishes to participate in the public portion of the meeting should log into the WebEx or call into the phone number listed at the top of the published agenda.We have a electronic participation [laughs]motion to allow Council Member Dunn and Council Member Fox- Vice Mayor Martinez: So moved. Mayor Burk: -to electronically participate in the June 23rd,2020 Town Council meeting. Moved by Vice Mayor Martinez. Council Member Neil Steinberg: Second. Mayor Burk: Seconded by Council Member Steinberg.All in favor? Council Members: Aye. Mayor Burk: Opposed? Mr. Dunn? Oh, he can't vote in this.That is four,zero,two. Council Member Thomas Dunn:Yes. Mayor Burk:All right. I have a motion for Work Session minutes, June 8th,2020. Vice Mayor Martinez: So moved. Mayor Burk: So moved by Vice Mayor Martinez. Second? Council Member Steinberg: Second. Mayor Burk: Council Member Steinberg.All in favor? Page 11 June 23, 2020 Council Members:Aye. Mayor Burk: Opposed?All right.That passes. Council Member Dunn: Aye. Mayor Burk: Six, zero, one. Regular session minutes of June 9th, 2020 motion. Vice Mayor Martinez: So moved. Council Member Steinberg: So moved. Mayor Burk: Moved by Council Member Steinberg, seconded by Vice Mayor Martinez.All in favor? Council Members: Aye. Mayor Burk: Opposed? Council Member Dunn:Aye. Mayor Burk: That gives us six, zero, one.Adopting the meeting agenda. Do I have a motion? Council Member Steinberg: So moved. Mayor Burk: So moved by Council Member Steinberg. Vice Mayor Martinez:Yes. Mayor Burk: Seconded by Vice Mayor Martinez.All in favor? Council Members:Aye. Mayor Burk: Opposed? Council Member Fox:Aye. Mayor Burk: I'm going assume Mr. Dunn was an aye, unless he would've said no. All right.We have no certificates of recognition, but we do have a Proclamation for LGBTO month. Do I have that here? Well, it's in the proclamation.All right. This proclamation is for LGBTQ Pride Month, June 2020. Whereas the Town of Leesburg is welcoming and a diverse community, and whereas the Town of Leesburg recognizes the importance of equality and freedom for all residents, and whereas our nation was founded upon and is guided by a set of principles, including the principle that every person has been created equal, that each has the right to their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and that each shall be accorded the full recognition and protection of the law, and whereas the Town of Leesburg's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community is a vital part of the community as a whole, and whereas the Town of Leesburg is dedicated to fostering acceptance of all of its residents and preventing discrimination and bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity, whereas the Town of Leesburg is strengthened by and thrives on the rich diversity of ethnic, cultural, racial, gender, and sexual identities of its residents, all of whom contribute to the vibrant character of our Town, and whereas the Center for Disease Control recognizes that LGBTQ youth are at higher risk to be the victims of violence and have increased suicide rates, and whereas it's imperative that the people of the community, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, feel valued, safe, empowered, and supported by their peers, educators, and community leaders,therefore resolve that the Mayor and the Council of the Town of Leesburg in Virginia hereby proclaim and recognize June 2020 as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Pride Month in the Town of Leesburg. Page 21 June 23, 2020 As such,we recognize Rusty Foster for his efforts as an LGBTQ activist in our community. We urge our citizens to recognize the contributions made by the members of the LGBT community and to actively promote the principles of the equity and liberty proclaimed the 23rd day of June 2020. This proclamation is being mailed to Rusty Foster,who just this month was notified that he is one of the top eight businesses in the LGBTQ community that is being recognized here in the State of Virginia. That's quite an accomplishment for Mr. Foster and we're very excited that he is being recognized in that way.We will mail this on to him as soon as possible. Does anybody have any regional commission reports? Council Member Fox: I have a little bit of a report. Last Wednesday,the 17th,there was a PCAC meeting. It's an update on the NVTA funding request that the Town has asked for the Route 15 Bypass and Edwards Ferry Road project. NVTA staff recommendation was to not fund that project. We had a little bit of back and forth on that, but their reasoning was this project was ranked 35th out of 41 on the CRRC ratio scale,which is congestion reduction relative to cost, and then 41 out of 41 on a transaction rating scale,which is dead last as well. Also, to make a long story short, that we had some funding of$5.4 million that we have not yet begun to draw on. That's one of their criteria. They take a look to see if we've drawn down any of the money they previously awarded. That funding is probably going to be held for another year, the next time we have a chance to apply for that. The next call for the project is anticipated to be July 2021. I just wanted to get Council an update on where we are with that project. Mayor Burk: Thank you. That's very important too.We really appreciate that. The only report I have is from the Northern Virginia Regional Commission. The Governor today announced that phase three will begin July 1st here in all of the State. There are certain conditions on it, but restaurants can open. There's no limit on their capacity except that the tables have to be six feet apart. Pools can open to 75%. There's other conditions on it, but we're progressing onward, and hopefully, we'll all be safe and virus-free before too long. The next session is Petitioners. One of the first orders of business is to hear from the public.All members of the public are welcome to address the Council on any item, matter, or issue. Please identify yourself, and if comfortable, give your address for the taped record.Any public speaker will be requested to state your name and spell it for the purpose of closed captioning. In the interest of fairness,we also ask that you observe the five-minute time limit. For those who participate in person or on WebEx, the green light on the timer will turn yellow at the end of four minutes, indicating that you have one minute remaining.At that time we would appreciate your summing up and yielding the floor when the bell indicates your time has expired. For those participating on the phone, you will hear a bell when your time's up. Under the Rules of Order adopted by the Council, the five-minute time limit applies to all. The Council is now able to hear from members of the public remotely. Once we have heard from anybody that is present in the room,we will hear from the members of the public that are on the phone or WebEx. The first name on our list is John Cook. John will be followed by Melanie Miles. John Cook: Good evening, Council, Mayor, good to see you. My name is John Cook, my address is 12171 Mary Lane in Lovettsville, Virginia, but I'm here today to speak to you on the behalf of Dr. and Mrs. John Cook who live in 329 West Loudoun Street. I sent you all a letter. I hope got it, but I'm going to do this quickly because I know you're busy. My family has owned and lived at Rock Spring Farm,which is the land that Dry Mill Road Loudoun Street since the 1890s. My mother was born in that house, my grandmother was born in that house. Up until the late '70s when my grandmother passed, it was a working dairy farm and it was able to support itself. The land pretty much has gone. There's 13 acres left,which is the front pasture and then two parcels, the manor house and the barn area. We would like the Town Council to entertain or actually we'd like you all to change the definition in the Town Code to include natural spring water within the definition of an agricultural product. The reason Page 31 June 23,2020 we'd like you to do this is for the following. Rock Spring Farm is the site of the original water supply for Leesburg. There are two springs on the property,which the first resolution of the Town Council in Leesburg in 1813 was to pass a bond to raise money. Part of that money was used to lay a wooden pipeline from the Rock Spring down Market Street. Rock Spring Farm,we have nearly 500,000 gallons a day of spring water that is incredibly good. I've been lucky enough to be able to meet with you all and share some of it with you, but COVID prevented me from getting to the rest of you. My family's plan is to farm the water.We're not asking to develop Rock Spring.We're actually asking for something quite different.We're asking to undevelop it.We want to go backwards.We want the farm to stay as it is. Actually we want it to be better, and to do that, it's going to need to fund itself, if we can pass generation to generation to do that. Our plan is to market,to bottle a small amount of spring water on the farm. If we can sell that to expand it with a larger facility, somewhere off the farm. To do this, there's two things in the Code that are going to be necessary. One is the amendment to include natural spring water as an agricultural product and then we anticipate filing a zoning change and ask the land to go from RA and R4 to RE, residential estate. With the spring water,the goal of the family is to maintain it, preserve it, create a foundation that can maintain it and preserve it for generations;We would like to convert and this gets a little-not difficult, just more stuff in the way,the front pasture,which is the sledding hill for Leesburg forever, that is-we placed it in the conservation easement. It is a perpetual conservation easement and we did that because we never wanted it developed, but it is owned by all of the descendants of my grandmother. So I need to get their permission, but the current plan and we have quite a bit of enthusiasm, is to convert the front pasture into a walking park that is open to the public for the citizens of Leesburg. The plan for the rest of the property, our vision is to build or not build, but maintain and rebuild a area that is maintained to the level that Williamsburg is.We think that it could be the foundation, the purpose of the foundation would be for education and preservation of the agricultural history of Leesburg. As I believe the last working dairy farm in Leesburg,we believe that Rock Spring is the unique place. My time is out almost so I'm going to yield balance of my time. I thank you for your attention. If you all have any questions, I sent you a letter, you can contact me. If anybody would like to tour the property, your staffs, you are more than welcome. If anybody would like me to bring you some water--There's a reason 200 years ago, they walked past a lot of springs to get that water. The reason is, it's really good. Thank you. Mr. Dentler, good to see you sir. Mayor Burk: Thank you, Mr. Cook. Our second speaker is Melanie Miles,who will be followed by Grandmaster Choi. Miss Miles? Melanie Miles: Good evening Madam Mayor, Town Council, Melanie, M-E-L-A-N-I-E, Miles, M-I-L-E- S. I live at 205 North King Street and I own 206 Wirt Street Northwest in Leesburg. I attended the meeting last night and really appreciated the time and interest that you gave to the text amendment that my husband and I had prepared several weeks ago to have you review and hopefully give us some consideration on. I don't have anything specific to add to-most of your questions,there are few I can answer. We do have 12 bathrooms. Over the course of the property, there are six in Glenfiddich and six total in the back, so we've got 12. Okay. I know parking is a major consideration and concern for you.That is why we anticipated expanding the amount of parking on the Glenfiddich property at 205. In the back part of the house, there is a boundary and we're asking and we have sent all the information off to Town to get approval to move the boundary of 205 and extend it another 20 feet, so that in the event that we don't sell and we have the property that we had the permission to go ahead and build additional driveway and/or parking spaces. That's what's in the works that we have generated. I appreciate all the comments that you made, that this is not by-right, for instance,that anybody coming to present themselves to you would be bringing their own specific and unique uses for the property. That's why we generalized it based on the seven most recent people who toured the property that these were their concerns and their interest. If you Page 41 June 23,2020 do have any more additional questions for me, I'd be happy to answer them, but I don't have an offer, so I don't have a buyer that I can present with any specific business plan. I'm sorry.What you have is what we can propose. Mayor Burk: Thank you.Appreciate that Miss Miles. Melanie Miles:Anybody have any questions? Mayor Burk: Not at this time, but thank you, and if we have any,we will forward them to you. Thank you. Melanie Miles: Okay. Thank you. Mayor Burk: Now Grandmaster Choi is--Yes. Grandmaster Choi: Well, I'm so glad to see a very healthy place for the Mayor and Council. Thank you very much for my small heart accepted for this. Leesburg is my second hometown. So, I grow almost everything half of my life here. So I know all leaders, Town of Leesburg leaders, you're doing great for the community. The reason for me and my best friend, over[unintelligible 00:20:06] Mr. Kim would you come over here please, he and I decision and make this little presentation. Augustine Kim: Thank you very much for accept our heart together. Thank you. Grandmaster Choi:Thank you. Mayor Burk: Grandmaster Choi, I'm going to come down, if you would just wait just one second. Grandmaster Choi: I have about 1,000 masks but made in Korea,they said very good one. Please. I miss you. [laughs]Yes. Mayor Burk: So you are, oh thank you. Grandmaster Choi, you are generously donating 1,000 masks to the Town, is that correct? Grandmaster Choi: Yes. Mayor Burk:Well,thank you very much. That's very generous of you and we truly appreciate it and we'll certainly we'll put them to good use. It's very kind of you to think of us to bring that forward. I did want to present you with a letter of appreciation for the fact that you thought of us and that you were willing to do this for us,we really appreciate it and thank you very much.As always, you're so kind and generous and we're very proud of you. May I also give you just a small token of Leesburg? Grandmaster Choi: Thank you. Mayor Burk: Thank you very much.We really appreciate your generosity. Grandmaster Choi: [unintelligible 00:21:29] if you don't mind [unintelligible 00:21:33]. Mayor Burk: Do you want a picture? Grandmaster Choi: I miss you too.We are a good distance from each other, but I really want my campaign, kick cancer out of the world, I want to change kick cancer out of COVID-19 out of our community. How about that? Council Member Ron Campbell: Yes, sir. Grandmaster Choi: [unintelligible 00:22:06]. I think you [unintelligible 00:22:09]. Mayor Burk: You want me over here? Page 51 June 23, 2020 Grandmaster Choi: Yes. Mayor Burk: Put your mask on.All right. [background conversation] Mayor Burk:All right. Grandmaster Choi: Thank you. Mayor Burk:Thank you very much and I'm so sorry, I can't hug you and say thank you. Grandmaster Choi: I'm waiting until it is kicked out and then a hundred for you. Council Member Steinberg: See you again. I'll see you later. Grandmaster Choi: Thank you. [background conversation] Mayor Burk: Neil,would you send that to us,the picture? Council Member Steinberg:Yes. Mayor Burk:All right. Corina, do we have any members of the public that would like to speak that are online? Corina Alvarez:Yes. Betsy Arnett: Madam Mayor, this is Betsy Arnett.Yes. One member of the public who has joined us via WebEx, Mr.Williams. Mr.Williams, when I unmute you, you'll hear a tone, if you would please state your full name and your address for the record for the purposes of closed captioning and then you'll have five minutes to make your comment. I'm going unmute you now, sir. Dan Williams: Thank you, Mayor and Council. This is Dan Williams, D-A- N W-I-L-L-I-A-M-S. I'm at 1119 Bradfield Drive in Country Club. I've lived there with my wife since 1991 and we raised our family there. I just wanted three things, one, thank the leadership Council and the staff for everything you're doing to keep things rolling during this pandemic. I just wanted to get that said. Mayor Burk: Thank you. Dan Williams: Secondly, I watched the Council Work Session last night and regarding the open space, I say I support the creative thinking that you have and the idea of exploring partnerships. I think that would be helpful and there's some opportunities out there. Then the third thing is,just a personal support I'd like to offer for the monument of the Confederate soldier on the courthouse grounds. I support the idea of relocating it, not necessarily eliminating it as long as it can be used for teaching purposes, so to speak. Everybody's understands the conflict and everything that happened, but it should not occupy the most prominent location that we have where we should be promoting and teaching our highest ideal. So I support that,the idea of moving it somewhere, but let's use that prominent place for something that embraces everybody and is timeless. Those are my comments. Thanks again for everything you're doing. Mayor Burk: Thank you. Thank you, Mr.Williams. Is that the last speaker, Ms.Arnett? Betsy Arnett:Yes, ma'am. It is. Page 61 June 23,2020 Mayor Burk:All right. Is there anybody in the audience that would like to speak now that didn't get a chance previously?All right.That being the case, then I will close the Petitioner's section at this point. That takes us to the approval of the consent agenda. We have two items on the consent agenda. The Town Council, 2020 meeting calendar, setting the calendar year 2020 Town Council meeting schedule and fixing the date or days to which a regular meeting shall continue in the event of inclement weather. Is that correct? Okay.All right, did I read that correctly?Okay. Then the other one is the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment related to bed and breakfast use, initiating the amendment to the Leesburg Zoning Ordinance to amend the definition use standard for bed and breakfast within the R-HD zoning district. Does anybody want anything removed from this? Council Member Campbell:Yes. Mayor Burk: What would you like removed? Council Member Dunn: 12A. Council Member Campbell: 12A, I have a question. Mayor Burk: All right.We only have 12B, the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment related to the bed and breakfast. Do I have a motion to accept the consent agenda? Council Member Fox: So moved. Mayor Burk: So moved by Council Member Fox. Second? Council Member Steinberg: Second. Mayor Burk: Seconded by Council Member Steinberg.Any questions at this point?All in favor, indicate by saying aye. Council Members:Aye. Mayor Burk: That would be six, zero, one.All right. Mr. Dunn, you asked for 12A to be removed? Council Member Dunn:Yes, I had a question on that. The actual wording of the resolution, are we changing any dates? Haven't we already voted on everything in the resolution as far as setting our dates and our changes for inclement weather because the only thing I saw that if we have not voted on before, then I understand the need for doing this. Otherwise, it looks like the only thing we've added to it is a date to our regular meetings to consider Town Attorney. If that's the case, I think we have not represented this in our agenda properly, but if staff could let me know if we have already voted on the rest of the resolution. The only thing on there is the Town Attorney addition. Mayor Burk:Who's answering that one? Okay, Mr. Dentler. Kaj Dentler: The only purpose of this item is to officially amend your formal meeting calendar for the year, that's it. You've already chosen the date of June 30th to discuss the Town Attorney position, and this is just amending your official calendar for meetings,that's the only purpose, is really a housekeeping item. Mayor Burk: Does that answer your question, Mr. Dunn? Council Member Dunn: Not completely. If we've already voted on the meetings and as I said, it looks like to me that the only addition-the only housekeeping that we were doing is adding an attorney review meeting. If that's the case, I don't think we have represented that properly on our agenda Page 71 June 23,2020 because it looks like we have already voted in the past to consider what's on here as far as meeting for inclement weather, and I don't see that changed in our previous votes. But it looks like this should have been represented as a meeting,we should be voting to amend the calendar for the addition of an attorney meeting, not inclement weather meetings. Mayor Burk: Mr. Crim,would you like to weigh in on this? Martin Crim: I don't have any information to do that, I'm sorry. Mayor Burk:What is it that you want to change, Mr. Dunn? Council Member Dunn: I just don't think that we have represented in our agenda what the amendment to our calendar is actually for.We're saying,we put in our agenda tonight,that is for inclement weather,we're not even doing anything about inclement weather.We haven't represented that to the public that way, it's about a meeting for-adding a meeting for selecting a Town Attorney. So I don't think we've represented it properly on our agenda. If Council is okay with going forward with it like that, that's fine. I'll just have to vote against that because I don't think it properly represents what it's for. Thank you. Mayor Burk:All right. Mr. Campbell, you had a question? Council Member Campbell: I guess it was a little similar. I thought we had already approved the meeting and maybe it was a special meeting, not a regular meeting. Because we typically don't approve the agenda for regular meetings until we get to the regular meeting. So to have it in the resolution, my question is, does that prohibit us from having any other agenda items added as we talk tonight about future meetings? Is it then as a regular meeting, can we add other agenda items to that meeting? Martin Crim: If it is a regular meeting then you could add-by your rules of procedure, you can add items to the agenda if all Members of the Town Council present vote to consider new business by suspension of the rules. Council Member Campbell: So we aren't locked into this particular agenda by this vote or our previous vote for the June 30th? I just want to understand because we've never voted on the agenda until we get to the regular meeting. In this resolution,we're saying this is the agenda only to consider the Town Attorney. I was just questioning what flexibility we had. Martin Crim: Regardless of whether it's a regular special meeting.You would still have the ability to amend the agenda at the meeting if all Members of Town Council present, vote to consider new business by suspension of the rules, but it doesn't really matter whether it's a regular or a special meeting. Council Member Campbell: Okay. But-a question, as we look at additions to future meetings, it doesn't require a suspension of the rules to add it to a future meeting,which is a June 30th would be a future meeting. Martin Crim: Correct. Council Member Campbell: Thank you. Mayor Burk:All right. Then do I have a motion to accept the resolution 2019-178 amended? Council Member Steinberg: So moved. Mayor Burk: So moved by Council Member Steinberg. Second? Council Member Campbell: Second. Page 8I June 23,2020 Mayor Burk: By Council Member Campbell.All in favor, indicate by saying aye. Council Members:Aye. Mayor Burk: Miss Fox? Mr. Dunn? Council Member Dunn: Nay. Mayor Burk: Miss Fox? Council Member Campbell: Excuse me. I have an email from Miss Fox, she's having trouble with unmuting. Council Member Dunn: She did text me that she was having problems unmuting and that may be the case. I'm not sure. Council Member Fox: Okay, I've got it.Aye. Mayor Burk: Aye, okay. [laughs] Sorry. That is five, one, one. Resolution and ordinances,we have a motion to approve proclamation of respect for Nelson Matt Lassiter. Council Member Dunn: Point of order. Madam Mayor that last count was incorrect. Mayor Burk:Why was it incorrect? Five of us, one wrong and one not here. Council Member Dunn:We don't have a missing person. A non-seat can't be a non-vote. Mayor Burk: Oh, okay.All right. So it's five, one. So there's no other one. Sorry. While I was interrupted, let's see, a motion to approve the proclamation of respect for Nelson Matt Lassiter.This was moved by Council Member Steinberg. Vice Mayor Martinez: Second. Mayor Burk: Seconded by Vice Mayor Martinez.All in favor? Council Members:Aye. Council Member Dunn: Abstain. Mayor Burk:All right. That is a five,zero, one.We have no public hearing, Council disclosures and comments? Miss Fox? Council Member Fox: Thank you. I have no disclosures but I've got a couple of comments. I listened to Dr. Cook's proposal and his request of Council about Rock Spring Farm and I would like to submit that for a future Work Session if Council so chooses. Mayor Burk: You are asking to allow-- Council Member Fox: No, no, I'm asking to discuss what he's requested. Mayor Burk: Okay.You don't want to initiate, you want it to go to a Work Session? Council Member Fox: I think there's a lot of information that we don't know, so yes, I think a Work Session is probably in order. Mayor Burk:All right, are there four votes that would like to have this on for a future Work Session? Mr. Campbell, Mr. Steinberg, Miss Fox. Mr. Dunn? Page 91 June 23,2020 Council Member Dunn: Yes. Mayor Burk: Mr. Dunn and Miss Burk.All right. That goes forward, and Mr. Martinez. Council Member Fox: I wanted to also--Oh, I'm sorry. I'm still on? Mayor Burk: Yes, you're still on. Council Member Fox: Okay. I wanted to also comment on the Ampersand Pantry Project. I think we've all been getting the emails from Mr. Courter about that. There's times when citizen's efforts really stand out as Grandmaster Choi did for Leesburg. Mr. Burnett has amassed a huge group of volunteers that have made and delivered more than 17,000 meals. That's a big effort in and of itself. I heard it's a community effort with all private funding from churches, and then just large and small donations just from people donating to this cause. I know that it's really helped our citizens here in Leesburg. To that end, I was hoping to offer him, maybe Mr. Burnett or just the Ampersand Pantry Project, a certificate of appreciation over that effort. Mayor Burk: I believe it might be coming to an end in July, early July. That would be perfect timing if people would-- Council Member Fox:Yes,that's great. I did talk to Mr. Courter, he said it was going to be an ongoing effort, so I don't know exactly when it's going to end and that was a question I had. I really don't know the specifics on the end time. Mayor Burk:Are there four people that would like to give the Ampersand Pantry Project recognition? Mr. Campbell, Mr. Martinez, Ms. Burk, Mr. Steinberg, Ms. Fox. Mr. Dunn? Mr. Dunn, are you a yay or a nay on this? Council Member Dunn: I don't have to nod my head if I choose not to. Mayor Burk:Are you in favor or opposed? Council Member Dunn:We're not taking votes, right? Mayor Burk: Yes. This is for a future meeting. Council Member Dunn: This is to add to future meetings, correct? Mayor Burk: Right. So you don't-- Council Member Dunn: Therefore you need four head nods and I think you have that. Thank you. Mayor Burk: We will move on from that one. Ms. Fox. Council Member Fox: I'm finished. Thank you. Mayor Burk: Mr. Steinberg. Council Member Steinberg: Thank you. No disclosures. I would just like to, once again, thank Grandmaster Choi and Mr. Kim for their incredible generosity in donating the masks to the Town of Leesburg.As we know, Grandmaster Choi has been a long-standing member of this community and the degree to which he's given back to the Town in many respects is unparalleled. I would mention he was also part of a similar ceremony this morning at the County Board of Supervisors,where he and Mr. Kim joined representatives from the Taiwanese government. The Taiwanese government presented 10,000 masks to the County and Grandmaster Choi and Mr. Kim presented 2,000 masks to the County. Chair Phyllis Randall was in attendance there along with Page 101 June 23, 2020 several members of the County staff. Once again, I would just like to offer my thanks and gratitude to Grandmaster Choi and Mr. Tin. Everybody, have a good weekend. Mayor Burk:Thank you. Mr. Campbell. Council Member Campbell: Yes, I have no disclosures. I would like to add to a future meeting, particularly June 30th.We did not complete, obviously could not complete our temporary appointment selection process last night because we could not vote. I think it's in our best interest to move quickly on selecting the final candidates and having our process confirm rather than wait until July 14th. So I'd like the consideration for voting on our selection process to be done on June the 30th at our next regular meeting. Mayor Burk:Are there four people that instead of taking what we did last night,want to formally vote on it at the next meeting,the process? Council Member Campbell: Excuse me. Point of order.We didn't do anything last night.All we did was give four head nods that we agreed this is the process we wanted to go forward on. We have to formally vote on the process to be approved. Mayor Burk: That's fine. If you want to wait that long, we can make that happen. Are there four people that want to put that on a future agenda? Mr. Campbell. Council Member Fox: Yes. Mayor Burk: Ms. Fox.That doesn't move forward. Council Member Campbell: Let me continue then. Right now we have no formal process that's been approved by this Council for any temporary appointments selection. I'm hearing, and I hope that people are hearing that it is the desire of this Council not to engage in any formal process for a temporary appointment because we have taken no formal action as a Council. The other point,we live in a time of serious disruption where there are serious issues that we are considering as a country, a County, and even as a Town.Westpark is not one of those to play games on social media to try to rile up our community with innuendos and falsehoods. I think it is a shame when there are legitimate points and issues that have been raised and addressed, and because they don't want to be addressed or because we don't get a votes that we want, it does this Council and this deliberative body no good to act in that way. If that's the choice you make,that's the choice you make.We all have votes, we win,we lose,we don't,we move on, but the reality is, for what people think is at stake and what we know is at stake in this Town, is far more important than playing games. I hope that we can move past that and deal with the real important issues that this Town has to address and whether some like it or not,we all have differences of opinions and those differences don't just get to be thrown around because someone doesn't like it. We've either proven ourselves to be bigger and better than that, or we continue to show this Town that we're not. I think it's just not the way and not the direction that this Council needs to behave on and off this particular dais. No more comments. Mayor Burk:All right. Thank you Mr. Campbell. Mr. Dunn? Council Member Dunn: Thank you. To follow up on a couple of things that[unintelligible 00:43:46], is that as I understand it on June 30th, that we did just vote for that to be a regular meeting. At a regular meeting, additions can be added to future meetings at a regular meeting. If it were a special meeting, that would not be able to be done, unless of course, as the Town Attorney mentioned, there was a motion to suspend the rules and make additions to future meetings, but that would generally be considered inappropriate at a special meeting since a special meeting is usually designed to address specific issues. Page 111 June 23, 2020 However, on June 30th, I believe we just voted that to be a regular meeting, and therefore all of our rules would continue as we do any other regular meeting. So additions to future meetings can be brought up, however, as already mentioned, additions to that meeting would require-that are not already on the agenda,would require a suspension of rules to add them to that agenda at that. meeting. The other issue I was going to mention was, I did appreciate the comments of all Council Members last night regarding Westpark and the need for more detail, more work, more investigation, more discussion. That would have been the optimum way to address it to the public from the very beginning in posts made by certain Council Members, rather than going out and saying, "Would you like me to buy you something?" That is wholly inappropriate, irresponsible and only trying to elicit one response,which anyone from a three-year-old to 103-year-old will generally say, "Would you like me to buy you something?"And the answer will be, yes, but showing that there's so much more work needed in this,that should have been how it was presented to the public and not trying to use the public to do the bidding for Council Members who can't get their job done at Council meetings but instead, and this Council has shown itself, especially over the last year, and some even before that,who want to be more activists than legislators, but that's the freedom we have in this country. We have the freedom to bring in elected officials who we want to be as activists instead of leaders and legislators. If that's what people want, then they have the right to do it. I bring it up because we are approaching our 4th of July, the celebration of the birth of this nation. Our Constitution says, "We the people" I think most importantly,the next line is, "In order to form a more perfect union." It did not say, in order to maintain a perfect union.We are imperfect and we need to continue to work towards the perfection, and perfection is a very hard standard to maintain. I encourage everyone,while your government is not participating in celebrating of this nation's birth, due to certain issues, I encourage everyone to do as our founders did,to take on the celebration of our nation on your own. Wear the colors, enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, do those things that you would do on the Fourth of July to have a good time to remember the importance that we are all here to form a more perfect union. Especially in this year during the strife that is going around in our country, that there are individuals who are looking down on our symbols of individuals who,while not perfect,fought much harder than we've ever done to try to form that more perfect union. So please enjoy the Fourth. Enjoy the celebrations. Enjoy your family, enjoy the barbecue, or whatever your meal of pleasure is. Please in this year,while governments may not be able to go out and celebrate our nation's birth, it's within each of us to go ahead and do that and I encourage everyone to do so. Happy Fourth of July. Thank you. Mayor Burk: Thank you, Mr. Dunn. Mr. Martinez. Vice Mayor Martinez: Well, I find it ironic that we're talking about the Fourth of July, yet we're also complaining about our freedom of speech. I don't care whether it's social media, press,we all have a right to express our opinion. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean that you can take it away. There have been many things some of these Council Members have put on Facebook that I thought were disgusting, and I thought were inappropriate, especially when attacking the Town, Town staff and Members of Council, yet I have not once complained about you putting it out there and accusing people of things that aren't true.You have your right to free speech, and to sit there and complain about that when it doesn't go your way. I also believe that a lot of times our residents,that's one of the ways we can let them know what's going on in the Town is through social media. Rarely do we get the coverage that on some of the issues we talked about, and when you talk about Westpark, everybody has their excuses on why they did or did not do it. The bottom line is, is that half this Council decided not to go any further with Westpark and the other half did. So what? Do I like the decision? No, I don't, but I'm going to move on and continue to do what I can to make this Town move forward on all kinds of things. Page 121 June 23, 2020 What I would like is for our Council Members to think about reconciliation, and let's work together instead of keep sniping at each other and attacking each other, and just work to move this Town forward. Now, I know there's probably going to be a Council Member or two,they're going to make some smartass remarks or comments about what I'm saying, but that's okay, too. That's your right. You can say whatever you want. I would rather instead of talk, act, and I'm going to continue to do what I can to make sure that this Council is functional and moving this Town forward. That's all I got. Thank you, Madam Mayor. Mayor Burk: Thank you. Mr. Dentler. I have a question for you.What is the status of the appointment to the Council at this point?What is the status of the appointment to the Council at this point? Kaj Dentler: As I understand it,from your discussion last night at the very end of your meeting,four of you did head nods,which acknowledged that you wanted to hold a closed session discussion on the candidates that have submitted their names to be the temporary Council Member,filling Mr. Thiel's seat, and you would submit your top-up to top five choices from the candidates to the Clerk, then whichever candidates basically received four votes, at least four votes from all of that,would be discussed in your closed session. That's generally the direction that you provided last night. Based on that,we have a closed session discussion planned for you on July 14th,which is a Tuesday because normally you do closed sessions on Tuesday, in case you want to take action after that, you can do so. That is what I have scheduled based on your direction from last night. Mayor Burk: Okay, thank you. Vice Mayor Martinez: Madam Mayor, I know I had my time, but this has to deal with that particular issue. I voted to submit the five names.We go into closed session and make our decision and come out of closed session on our July 14th meeting to vote for somebody. If that is not the process we voted in,then I want to rescind my vote. Mayor Burk:Well- Council Member Campbell: That's not the process. Vice Mayor Martinez: I want to rescind my yes nod. Mayor Burk: Okay.All right.We understand where it goes from now. I need to-- Council Member Dunn: Point of order. Mayor Burk:Yes, Mr. Dunn. This is my time, by the way,we're-- Council Member Dunn:Yes and I actually had my time interrupted by a point of order just a couple meetings ago. Vice Mayor Martinez: No, you didn't. Council Member Dunn:We are still in a meeting and yes, it is normally inappropriate- Council Member Fox:All right. Mr. Dunn, ask your question and move forward. I'm giving you two minutes. Council Member Dunn: [crosstalk] procedure issue during your point. The point is during Work Sessions,we do not take votes. I understand what Marty just said that he voted, but Marty doesn't know that he probably said he had a head nod. Normally, when we take actions, it's to move something forward to take a vote.We have not voted on this process.That's what Mr. Campbell was trying to bring up to you this evening. Page 131 June 23, 2020 That at a future meeting, you need to do it.You want to do it at the meeting on the 30th it will still get done in time by July 14th,while I won't support it, I am telling you how to get the process done, but right now- Mayor Burk:That's fine. Council Member Dunn:-Mr. Dentler is 100% incorrect. He has not had a vote for this by this Council to move forward on the action [crosstalk] Mayor Burk:All right. Thank you, Mr. Dunn.We get your opinion on this. Mr. Crim, I do have a question for you. Could we suspend the rules tonight to do this or can we proceed without having to do anything else other than what we did last night? Martin Crim: You don't actually need to suspend the rules. Section 14 of your rules of procedure say that the majority of Council shall rule whether an item be placed on an agenda for future work session as an informational item,that's A, B, an item for discussion or C an item for discussion with potential action the following day. That doesn't quite fit the situation because you're going to a closed session on a Tuesday, but I don't see any reason why the Council couldn't vote now and vote to place this formally on the July 14th agenda for action. I don't think that you've taken away the right to control your own agenda. Mayor Burk:All right. Do I have a motion to move this- Vice Mayor Martinez: Suspend the rules. Mayor Burk:We don't have to suspend the rules. He just stated that we don't have to suspend the rules. Council Member Dunn: That is incorrect. Mayor Burk: Well,we are not suspending the rules at this point.We're going to move this forward. Council Member Dunn: He has no bearing on our meeting. Mayor Burk:Well, I am telling-- Council Member Dunn: The chair wants to make a decision. Mayor Burk: Okay. Mr. Dunn,that's enough.You're not interrupting us any longer.We have a motion on the table that I have made. Is there a second? Council Member Steinberg: Second. Mayor Burk: Seconded by Council member Steinberg. Council Member Dunn: Point of order. Mayor Burk:All in favor- Council Member Dunn: Point of order. Mayor Burk: -please indicate what-- Council Member Dunn:You are out of order, Madam Mayor. Mayor Burk: Mr. Dunn,we are trying to clarify-- Council Member Dunn: I'm asking for a point of order[crosstalk]. Page 141 June 23, 2020 Mayor Burk:What is your point of order?You have a minute. Let's go. Council Member Dunn: The point of order is that Mr. Crim has no bearing on decisions on our meeting. [crosstalk] incorrect decision. Martin Crim: That's not a point of order. Mayor Burk: Mr. Crim was asked his opinion-he was asked his opinion and he gave it. I appreciate that information and we're now moving forward,we have a motion on the table. Council Member Dunn:Appeal the decision of the chair. Mayor Burk:All right.All oppo--Any--Let me say-- Vice Mayor Martinez: You need to get a second. Mayor Burk: Do we have a second? Council Member Campbell: Second. Mayor Burk: Second by Mr. Campbell.All in favor of appealing the decision of the chair? Council Member Dunn: Madam Mayor, that's not how it works.When a second is made, you make your position as to why you are making the decision, and-- Mayor Burk: I've already made my position clear and why we are moving forward. Council Member Dunn: You have to explain why you're making your decision. If you choose not to, then I'll explain why I'm appealing your decision. Mayor Burk: Mr. Dunn,we are just clarifying an action that you and Mr. Campbell had an issue with. We are trying to simply clarify it so that we have it formally the way that you've asked. If you don't want to do this,we can postpone it and we can do it on the next meeting. So,we are moving forward with this. All in favor of overturning the-- Council Member Campbell: Point of order. Council Member Dunn: Madam Mayor, I have an opportunity to speak to the appeal. Council Member Campbell: Right,we get to discuss. Martin Crim: You've called for a vote.Why don't you just take the vote? Mayor Burk:All in favor of overturning the Mayor's decision- Council Member Dunn: Point of order. Mayor Burk: -indicate by saying aye. Martin Crim: There's no further point of order on a point of order. Mayor Burk: Pardon me? Martin Crim: There's no further point of order on a point of order. Council Member Dunn: [unintelligible 00:56:46] I had an opportunity to discuss my appeal,the Mayor has, now it's my opportunity to do so. Page 151 June 23, 2020 Mayor Burk: I've already made a motion.We've got a second and we're moving forward on it. You may overturn the decision. All in favor of overturning the decision of the Mayor, indicate by saying aye. Council Member Fox: Point of order. If a motion is made-- I am confused. I thought it was supposed to be up for discussion if a motion is made and seconded. Mayor Burk: I withdraw it. Never mind.We'll just go on. Never mind. No motion. It's my time to speak. I want to recognize that I attended the Trinity House and had a wonderful tour of their renovation. If you get the chance to go down there, please do. I did a ribbon-cutting for Sycolin Road Overpass, and that went very well. That was a process that started in 1998 and it took all this time, but we got it so that we have four lanes. Divided four lanes,we've got a bike trail and a sidewalk. I want to congratulate our graduates and I want to thank the School Board Members for all of their dedicated work in regard to what's happened with the decision for next year. It's been a very arduous process and they're taken a lot of criticism, but I know that they're doing the best that they can and whatever decision will be for the best interest of the students. I want to thank Grandmaster Choi and Mr. Kim for coming in tonight and for donating these items. I did go over to Ampersand's project and was very impressed with what they're doing. The kindness and the love that they're showing on a regular basis is very impressive.With that, Mr. Dentler? Mr. Dentler, any comments? Kaj Dentler: I have no comments. Mayor Burk: Do I have a motion to adjourn? Vice Mayor Martinez: So moved. Mayor Burk: Moved by Mr. Martinez. Council Member Steinberg: Second. Mayor Burk: Seconded by Council Member Steinberg.All in favor? Council Members:Aye. • Mayor Burk: Opposed? Council Member Fox: Aye. Mayor Burk:All right, meeting's over. Page 16I June 23, 2020