HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:270N,. 97-270 Ol,le ol Ad.I)llm) ~ptJ~lbor 4, 1997 DII~.ECTiDIG TIlE ISSUANCE OF I~.AFIrLE LICEINSES TO ST. JOSEPH H.S.A. WIIEREAS, apl)lication has been I)~ ol)elly made to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cmteret, New Jelsey by Carteret High School Band Parent's Association and St. Joseph H.S.A. of the Borough of Cattetet; and WIIEB. EAS, it apl}ears that tile applicant (s) is/ate qualified to be licensed and that tile members designated to conduct I~AFFLES m~d lo assist are bona fide members of the applicant (s); and WlIEREAS, the applicant (s) has/have signilied that Ihe games will be played in accordance with Rules 6, 7 and 8 o[Ihe Legalized Games oF Chance Commission's Regulalions. ~OW, TIIEI~EFORE, lie IT A~D IT IS IIEREllY I~ESOI~VEI), by lhe Mayor nmi Council ofll~e Bmough 9f Cmleml, flm~ tim Mu.icilml Clerk is hmeby aulhoHzed nmi di~ e~led Io execule the endmsemeul oF Ihe Mnym and Council by issuing, .upon proper pmsenlation of application and lhes, n I~AFFLE LICENSE to the applleant (s); BE IT FUI~'I'IIEI~ I~ESOLVEI) dml acet dried copy of this Resolul]on be sent lb~ d~wRh to lhe~egalized Gnmes tff Cha.ce Conlt ol Commission, P. O. ~ox 46000, Newmk, New Jersey 07101. CEI~,'I'IFICA'I'ION I hereby certify thai Ihls l~.esolution is a tree copy of the odghml adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cartemt, County of Middlesex, Stale of New Jersey, at the Council Meeting held on. F~pr~,,,,~r A. 1997 DA'I'ED:~4M:.mflamr._ 5; lq97 KATIILEEN M. BAP. NEY Cel rifled Mtmicipn[ Clerk I[l,~t~Ol[l) [~1r (X)UNCIL ¥O'1'1'; X - I.dlcale Vote AU - Absent H V - Hul Vuth18 XOR - [lid}coles Vole lo Overrule Velo Adopted o{ a meclb)g o[Ihe Mumcqml Co c'l ~pt~ 4, 1~7 ' ' ''CLERK~