HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:284 97-284 I)a~c t}l' Adllplitm S]~[']~vl~ 16 1997 RI~.SOLUTION TO (.;() INTO CI.()SEI) SESSION WIIEREAS, Sectioa 8 oflhe Open I~ublic Meelings Acl, Chapler 23 I l'.t,. 1975, l)e~ mils the exclusion o['lhe public fiont a meelin8 in ce~lain ci~cumslances; and WIi EREAS, this Imblic body is of Ihe opinion Ihal SllGh cJrculnslances p~esenlly exisls; NOW, TiI~R~I~OIIE, lie IT I/ESOI~V~I) by Ihe Mayor and Cotmcil Borough oFCmteret, Com~ly oF Middlesex, ~lal~ of Hew Jersey, as lbllows: 1. Tho publi~ slmll b~ excluded fi'om otlemling, discussing or pa~licipaling hereinafter specified subject mn~le~ s. 2. The general nalure oFIhe subjecl nmller lo be discussed is as Follows: 3. II is anlicipated al (his time Ihal Ihe above slaled subject matlel will be made public: Upon conc:l.us i.on 4. This lesolution shall lake elTect immediately.