HomeMy Public PortalAbout20211202 - Open Space Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 18 MAIN STREET HOPKINTON, MA 01748 (508) 497-9755 Open Space Preservation Commission 2, December 2021 Page 1 of 4 DRAFT Meeting of Meeting: 2, December 2021 Present: Ed Harrow, Steven Levandosky, Jane Moran, Nancy Peters, Brendan Tedstone Guests: Dave Goldman, Dave Marquedant, Call the meeting to order at 7:04PM Nancy has been on the commission since its inception. Boundary Marking for Cameron Woods Mr. Harrow explained that Mr. Marquedant was present and available to answer any questions pertaining to the boundary marking request. Mr. Levandosky inquired if the survey was for the entire boundary. It was discussed that it was to include 21 points, which was provided by Mr. Harrow. The Commission questioned if the property located around 147-157 Wood, owned by Ron Nation would also get surveyed. It was discussed that there were a few additional pins that the Commission would like to add, making note of the Phipps property. Ms. Moran inquired about an agreement Mr. Nation had potentially with the town to get his property surveyed. Mr. Gasser explained that Mr. Nation was going to survey behind the houses, which was discussed while the lots were before the Planning Board. Mr. Gasser noted that he was not sure however if the survey for the Nation property was written down or if it was more a verbal agreement. Mr. Harrow explained that it should be decided prior to the survey if the properties will be included, it was discussed if they were not boundary lines they might not get done. Mr. Gasser inquired what the pins were made from, and if there would be a cap, Mr. Marquedant explained that the Commission would need to pay for the caps but he would be able to put them on if he had them at the time of the staking. Motion to approve the quote in the amount of $10,000 plus an additional $200 for the caps was made by Ms. Moran, seconded by Mr. Levandosky. Winter Street Encroachments - Mr. Harrow explained that he wanted to get back out to the property at 61 Winter Street, but has been unable to do so. The Commission gave the property owner 30 days to clean the property of the encroachments. Mr. Harrow explained Mr. Gasser had drafted a series of letters addressed to properties that are encroaching. The address at 81 Winter Street for example had been walked by Mr. Harrow and he found an old car/other machinery in Open Space land. During a second site walk the machinery had been removed however there were still some items that are encroaching onto the Open Space Land. The Open Space Preservation Commission 2, December 2021 Page 2 of 4 Commission spoke about potentially getting some help from either the Boyscouts or another organization. It was discussed that the Open Space Preservation Commissions job is to inform the property owners of the encroachment. Mr Tedstone spoke of a by-law that went to town meeting that would have prohibited the storing of debris, however the by-law was not passed at town meeting. The Commission spoke about writing a letter to building inspector Michael Shepard to address the encroachment issues. Mr. Goldman explained that the building inspectors are the authority and could enforce the boundary. Mr. Tedstone inquired what would happen if the property owner simply says the items on the Conservation Land are not wanted, to which Mr. Gasser explained the property owner admitted the items were her late husbands and that she was having difficulties getting them onto her land. Mr. Tedstone suggested reaching out to the Building Department to see if a letter could get the ball moving. Motion to have Inspectional Services investigate and send a letter as appropriate was made by Mr. Tedstone and seconded by Ms. Moran. The vote was unanimous. Ms. Peters who was participating remotely was inaudible, when she spoke of the last time the Commission attempted to enforce encroachment orders it reflected negatively on the town. That statement maybe inaccurate - looking for Ms. Peters’ input. Mr. Levandosky inquired if all encroachment issues could be pushed to Inspectional Services. Mr. Gasser explained that some of the encroachment issues are organic debris which is being dumped onto town land, his approach would be to have the owners spread the debris and stop dumping. Mr. Harrow explained it was a complicated issue and the Commission couldn’t wash their hands of enforcing encroachment issues. He explained that the Commission did vote to have Inspectional Services send a letter to 81 Winter Street. Ed working with New View that has a background in lawn and garden design, he is attempting to see if they can assist with the property at 4 Sylvan. Mr. Gasser said the key is to get everything into the ground before mowing season begins. 271 Wood Mr. Gasser showed the Commission a picture of the property; it appears that the owners have set up a fairy garden in the Open Space land. The Commission suggested sending the property owner a note asking for the garden to be moved onto her property. Mr. Harrow will draft a letter to the property owner. Whitehall Conservation Area Mr. Harrow explained that the DPW had removed two piles of items, to which Mr. Levandosky commented that the meadow was looking good. Mr. Harrow explained it was a huge project to keep under control. He wrote a letter to the Select Board about the invasives, and how the Dog Park had bittersweet that will takeover the property. Signs The brackets are up however the new sign hasn’t arrived just yet, Mr. Harrow explained the posts have been painted and should be installed the following day. Open Space Preservation Commission 2, December 2021 Page 3 of 4 Prioritizing land acquisition - Mr. Harrow explained that the McDonough property is active and there were negotiations ongoing. He explained that the Spengler is also a willing seller. Mr. Harrow thanked Mr. Levandosky on his hard work on the Conroy property. Mr. Levandosky reported to the Commission that he was able to track down the owner's information and he was willing to sell the property for the right price. Mr. Levandosky explained that the owners contact information has been forwarded to town manager Norman Khumalo. The Commission spoke about the Issadore property and how there is roughly $80,000 in back taxes, however no one has been able to get into contact with the owner. The lawyers office that is representing the Creedan property suggested having the town take the property for back taxes. Mr. Harrow reported that Christine Berry, DCR was interested in the properties and requested to be kept in the loop; especially in regards to the properties that abut their property. Ms. Moran listed the properties: Spengler, Conroy, Creedan and Jenner. While Spengler is a willing seller much like the McDonough and Conroy properties. Mr. Levandosky noted that the Creedan property was not a top priority, the Jenner property as well as the Issadore property are also not top priority at the moment. Mr. Levandosky would put the Conroy property at the top of the priority list closely followed by the McDonough property, third on the list would be the Spengler property. Mr. Tedstone inquired about the Lake Maspenock lots, if we are not actively pursuing the lots, what is the potential of Dell/EMC or Ron Nation (for an example) purchasing one or more properties. Ms. Moran suggested that the Commission still actively pursue the Maspenock Lake lots. Mr. Tedstone agreed that anything with past due taxes wasn’t a high level priority. Mr. Levandosky informed the Commission that he spoke to chair Ken Weismantel and would be submitting an application for the Conroy property. Mr. Harrow will update town manager Norman Khumalo on the priority list as well as ask him to look into the Creedan property. Transfer of Center Trail CR from ConCom to Ospc Mr. Harrow explained that if you were to read the legislation it reads that land in Conservation jurisdiction could not be transferred. There was a discussion about where its written that ConCom owns the Center Trail, to which Mr. Levandosky asked does a committee own property or is it the town that owns the property and the committee is responsible for managing the property. Mr. Gasser explained he spoke to Conservation Agent Kim Ciaramicoli about the Echo Trail. It was discussed that the question might be a Norman Khumalo or Elaine Lazarus matter. Mr. Levandosky referenced the Map GIS and noted that there was a ComCon/ Ospc co-ownership for Elmwood. Mr. Harrow will write a memo to Norman Khumalo after speaking with Jeff Barnes to inquire about a transfer. Motion to sponsor CPC application to purchase the Conroy property was made by Mr. Levandosky and seconded by Ms. Moran. The motion was unanimous. Open Space Preservation Commission 2, December 2021 Page 4 of 4 Motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Moran and was seconded by Mr. Levandosky. The vote was unanimous. Approved by Commission January 6, 2022 Document List Documents Location Open Space Preservation Commission Agenda December 2, 2021 Web Meeting Calendar J.D Marquedant & Associates Estimate Cameron Woods Web Meeting Calendar ** All material listed posted on Web Calendar are also available in OSPC Files