HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:30097-300 I)ule ul Adulflml O~tOJ:)~' 2, _LgO? DII1ECTING Tile ISSIJANCE OF I1.AIrFLE LICENSES TO WllEll. EAS, apl)lication has been properly made to the Mayor and Council of the Bolough of Cartmet, New Jmsey by Cat'to_ret High School Band Par~mts Association of the Borough of Cm feral; and WIIEREAS, it nppems that tile apl)licant (s) is/am qualified to be licensed and that tile members designated to colKl~.~ct I~.AFFLES and to assist are bona fide members of the applicant (s); and WilEREAS, the applicnnt (s) has/have sig.ilied that the games will be played in accordance with Rules 6, 7 ami 8 oflhe Legalized Games of Chance Commission's Kegulallons. NOW, TIIEREirOIIE, BE IT AND IT IS IIEREBY RESOI~VED, by the Mayor and Cou.cll of the Bm ough .f Cat tot ct, Ihat the Mtmicilml Clmk is hm eby authorized and di~ ected to execute the mldo~ semem of the Mayor and Council by issuing, .upon proper pmsent~tion of application nnd Fees, n I[AFFLE LICENSE to the applicant (s); BE IT FURTIlEI[ RESOLVED that a ceitified copy of this ltesolulion be sent Forthwith to the'Legalized Games of Chance Conhol Commission, P. O. Box 46000, Newmk, New Jersey 07101. CEI~,'I'IFICATIOI~ 1 hereby certify that this P. esolution is a true copy of the orlghmJ adopted by the Mayor and Cmmcil of the Borough of Cmteret, County of Middlesex, State of New .le~sey, at the Council Meeting held on Oetobor 2, 1997 DATED:. Oetobor _3, 1997 KATI [LEEN M. BAll. NEY Ce~ tiffed Municipal Clerk