HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:335aN.. 97-335A Date o1' Adoplit~I~tOb~r 21, 1997 IIES()LUTION TO (;O INTO CLOSED SESSION WIIEREAS, Section 8 ol'the Open Public Ivleetings Acl, Chapter 231 ILL. 1975, i)elmits tile exclusion of Ihe public Ii om a meeli.g ill ce~ lain circumslances; an(I Wll EREAS, this Imblic body is oF the Olfinion Ihat such circmnsta.ces I)~eseutlY exists; NOW, TIIEREFORE, lie IT IIESOLVEI) by the Mayor and Council of tile Bolough of Cmteret, County of Middlesex, Slate of New Jersey, as lbltows: I. The public shall be excluded flora attending, discussing or participating in tile hereinafter specified subject dmtters, 2, The general nature o£1he subject malter to be discussed is as Follows: pe~s.,..-~l and legal ~tte~s 3. It is anlicipated at Ihis time that Ihe above stated subject mailer will be made public: upon conclusion of the a_b~v, e. 4. This resolution shall lake effect hnmedialeiy. iIECOIll) OF COUNCIl, VO'I'E X - [udirale Vote AIl - Abse.l NV - No~ Voting XOR - [mlicates Vole to Ovenule Veto Sj Adopled al a meeting or ibc Muuicilml C.u.cil . OCTOBER 21, 1997