HomeMy Public PortalAbout30th Board Journal 7-9-19545U. JOURNAL OF THE 3OTH MEETING' OF THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT JULY 9TH, 195*+ The Trustees of the District met in the Boaxd Roora at 506 Olive Street at 2:00 P.M. on July 9th, 195*+. Trustees present: George C. Willson, Chairman, John M. Bogdanor, Vice Chairman, Jos. L. Doran, W. W. IVbxtin, Wm. C. E. Becker. Trustee absent: J. E. Williaras, Jr. Staff members present: H. F. Thomson, Executive Director, John P. McCammon, General Counsel, Dr. Victor Brarmon, Consultant, L. McKenna, Secretary-Treasurer. Others present: Stuart LfecCready, \-ho.. Kline, St. Louis County Counselor's office. Mr. Willson presided. Mr. Willson read the,draft of an ordinance prepared by Mr. McCamraon authorizing the District to enter an agreement with the First National Bank in St. Louis to establish credit in the aggregate sum not to exceed $100,000.00, $50,000.00 of v/hich is to be imnsdiately advanced to the District as evidenced by promissory note to be due January 12, 1955. Mr. Doran mo-v"ed and Mr. Martin seconded that the Trustees proceed to consider this ordinance. Ordinance was introduced by unaniraous consent. Poll of the Board showed - Doran, aye; Martin, aye; Becker, aye; Willson, aye; Bogdanor, aye. Trustee Williaras absent. The raotion pass unaniraously. Mr. I>fextin raoved and Mr. Doran seconded that the ordinance as introduced be adopted. Poll of the showed - Doran, aye; Martin, aye; Becker, aye; Willson, aye; Bogdanor, aye* Trustee Williams absent. 5 ayes - no nays. The ordinance v/as declared adopted unanimously. This ordinance is nurabered 8. With reference to fees to Trustees for attendaptS at Board meetings subsequent to July 1st, Mr. Willson suggested that the fees be ••'allowed to accuraulate and payment postponed until late Deceraber 195*+. All Board raembers assented to this suggestion. On motion of Mr. Martin, seconded by Mr. Bogdanor, Mr. Thorason was authorized to purchase furniture for Mr. Ellman. Poll of the Board showed - Doran, aye; Maxtin, aye; Becker, aye; Willson, aye; Bogdanor, aye. Trustee Williams absent. The.raotion was passed unaniraously. Mr. Thorason undertook to arrange for Mr. Ellman to attend the Board meeting on July 15th, to be sworn in as of that date. Mr. Thorason stated that he had been advised that the contract betv/een the Berkeley Carsonville Sewer District which had been discussed by the Board on June 10th had been signed. Mr. Thomson v/as authorized to contact the officers of both communities to advise that the Metro- politan District had taken title to all sev/er facilities on July 1st in accordance with provisions of the Plan. I I I I I 6S. Mr. Thomson discussed the current work on additional sewers in the Town of Des Peres v/hich has been underway since July 1st without permits from either the Coimty Health Department or the County Plumbing Division. No action v/as taken. Mr. Thomson discussed the situation in the vicinity of Coppinger Drive and Roberts Avenue in Ferguson where an area of about 10 residences included in the Ferguson Sev/er Dis'trict has not. been sev/ered and where the effluent frora septic tanks is flowing into the streets. He v/ill discuss with Mr. J. C. Elder, Jr., resident of the area, the possibility of setting up a sub-district for the v/atershed which would include the offend- ing area. Mr. Willson suggested that the escrow agreement as adopted June 7th and amended June 28th be reviewed at the next meeting of the Board. - Mr. Thomson reported a growing need for adding an engineer to the staff. Mr. Willson suggested that consideration be deferred to the next meeting. The Board discussed at length matters of policy with reference to connection charges. No formal action was taken. . Jfeeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. a. I