HomeMy Public PortalAbout48th Board Journal 9-23-195491. JOURNAL OF THE *+8TH MEETING OF THE METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 23RD, 195*+ . > . . The Trustees of the District raet in the Board Roora.at- 506 Olive Street at 2:00 P.M.- on Septeraber 23rd, 195*+. Trustees present: George C. Willson, Chairman, John M. Bogdanor, Vice Chairman, Jos. L. Doran, Wm. C. E. Becker, J. E. Williams, Jr... Trustee absent:_ W. W. Ifertin.'' Staff mem- bers present: L. E. Ordelheide", Executive Director, John P. McCammon, General Counsel, Dr. Victor Brarmon, Consultant, L. McKenna, Secretary- Treasurer, David L. LaDriere, Assistant to Mr. McCammon, Raymond L. Hanson, Engineer. Others present: Charles B. Kaiser, Jr. and James Symington of City Counselor's office, representing City of St. Louis, Mrs. Sieferd, Mrs. Mamelian, Mr. Faxrar, Ifr. Hatcher of Town Talk, Mr. Vftn. Donovan, State Representative, representing group frora City of Ferguson regarding unsanitary condition of Maline Creek.i Mr. Willson read Journal of raeeting of September 20th, 195*+. Mr. Becker raoved and Mr. Doran seconded that the Journal, as read and corrected, be approved. Poll of the Boaxd showed - Doran, aye; Williams, aye; Becker, aye; Willson, aye; Bogdanor, aye. Five ayes - no nays. One Trustee absent. The motion was unanimously passed. Mr. Ordelheide read letter from Carsonville Sewer District, signed by Mr. Schoenbeck, regarding Maline Creek. Mr. Ordelheide suggested getting to- gether with Mr. Schoenbeck to arrange for various sewer districts to raeet. The coramittee from Ferguson came into the meeting regarding Maline Creek and presented petition signed by 200 residents of the area. Mr. Bogdanor discussed the matter with the committee regarding tour of the axea with Mr. Ordelheide, also referred to raeeting he and Mr. Willson had with Judge Matthews regaxding Maline Cre'ek area and explained method of handling by the Board regaxding necessary ordinance. During discussion with Judge Matthews he indicated that all the probleras that might be anticipated in any watershed would be found in this district; that the Maline Creek District constituted the greatest immediate health hazard in St. Louis County; and from his point of viev/ inasmuch as Federal funds had been declined for a study on Gravois Creek; and that inasrauch as on Coldwater Creek the sanitary sewage arising in the upper watershed was in pipe down to the Airport that Maline Creek should be the sub-district acted upon first by this Metropolitan St. Louis Sev/er District. Mr. Ordelheide also discussed the matter. Qrdinance introduced by all merabers of the Board present regarding Maline Creek Sub-district as follows: "AN ORDINANCE to establish a sub-dis- - trict for the entire Maline Creek Watershed, to be known as Maline Creek Sanitaxy Trunk Sewer Sub-District of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. II .... Poll of the Board showed - Doran, aye; Williams, aye; Becker, aye; Willson, aye; Bogdanor abstaining. Four ayes - no nays - one Trustee absent - one Trustee not voting. The ordinance was introduced by unanimous consent.'' ! I I I I I I U8th Meeting (cont'd) Mr. McCammon introduced Mr. Kaiser and Mr. Symington of the City Counselor's office, representing the Mayor, as liaison be"tween the Ci"ty and "the Board of Trustees. Mr. McCammon reported he had received summaries of escrow agreonents from Mr. LaDriere. Mr. Hanson referred to North Affton (Lakewood) area and dis- 'played map showing district with regard to sewers and discussed same vrLth the Board generally; Mr. Ordelheide also discussed the matter. There vras a long discussion about cost of pjcLiminary engineering. Ordinance on North Affton (lakewood) area introduced by all members" of the Board present, to be known as River Des Peres Sub-District No. *+. Poll of the Board showed - Doran, aye; Williams, aye; Becker, aye; Willson, aye; BogdJanor, aye. One TIrustee absent. Five ayes - no nays. The ordinance was introduced unanimously. Mr. Ordelheide referred to Ad"visory Committee list for Ifeiline Creek Sub-District No. 1 (East Beliefon"baine Neighbors and West Riverview area) and recommended that it be accepted. Mr. Bogdanor said "that according "to the Plan the Ad"visory Committee members are required to he residCTits of the area and some on the list presented were non-residents of the area. Mr. Williams moved and Mr. Doran seconded that all residents whose names appear on "the list of the particular area be placed on the Advrisory Cimmittee and that all those non-residents of the area be stricken from the list. Polls of the Board showed - Doran, aye; Williams, aye; Becker, aye; Willson, aye; Bogdanor, aye. One Trustee absent - five ayes - no nays. The motion was passed unanimously. Mir. . OrdelJtieide and Mr. McCammon reported on meeting of September 22nd, 195*+^ v/lth Rvissell and Company with regard to operation of private, sewer systons on Gravois Creek. There vras a general discussion about this matter. Mr."McCammon is to explore the legail phases of the matter further and report back to the Board'. Mr. Ordelheide said he would havexfurther meetings vriLth Russell and Company on this same subject and he would also report back "to the Board. ; , , After discussion it was the consensus of opinion of the Board that."the Executive Director submit amendment to the escrow agreement to the effect that escrov/s be not required in cases of land served by exist- ing sani'tary sewers which had been constrxicted by public funds. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Secretary-Treasurer