HomeMy Public PortalAboutMIN-CC-2003-03-25MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 25, 2003 The Moab City Council held their Regular Meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Pro-Tem Rob Sweeten called the Pre - Council Workshop to order at 6:30 PM. Mayor Pro-Tem Sweeten called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 PM and City Manager Metzler led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Gregg Stucki, Jeffrey Davis, Kirstin Peterson, and Kyle Bailey; City Recorder/Assistant City Manager Rachel Ellison, City Planner Robert Hugie, City Treasurer Jennie Ross. Four (4) members of the audience and media were present. Mayor Sakrison was absent. Councilmember Davis moved to approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2003. Councilmember Stucki seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no Citizens to be Heard. Under City Planning, City Planner Hugie distributed a written report. A Public Works Department Update was not given. Under Police Department Update, a written report was distributed. Councilmember Peterson moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Award of the 2003 Roadway Chip Seal Project to LeGrand Johnson in the amount of $87,500; 2) Approval of the 2003 Roadway Chip Seal Project Contract; 3) Award of the Mobile In -car Video Cameras Bid to Mobile Vision, Incorporated in the amount of $18,600; 4) Award of the 2003 Non -Motorized Concrete Path Project Bid to KSUE Corporation in the amount of $59,955; 5) Approval of the 2003 Non -Motorized Concrete Path Project Contract. Councilmember Stucki seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve a Moved -on Structure Permit for Rob and Cindy Daye Located at 83 South Main Street to Conduct a Snow Cone Business. Councilmember Stucki seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Peterson moved to approve a Class IV Special Event Beer License for Scott James Guzman -Newton d.b.a. Poison Spider Bicycles for April through April 6, 2003. Councilmember Davis seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Under Discussion Regarding 500 West Bike Lanes, Councilmember Bailey moved to direct staff to redraw the lane lines next spring on 500 West as east side travel lane 11 feet, parking lane 8 feet, bike lane 4 feet and west side travel lane 11 feet, bike lane 4 feet pending city engineer review. Councilmember Stucki seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. March 25, 2003 Page 1 of 2 REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE PUBLIC WORKS UPDATE POLICE DEPARTMENT UPDATE CONSENT AGENDA, APPROVED MOVED ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR ROB & CINDY DAYE, APPROVED CLASS IV SPECIAL EVENT BEER LICENSE FOR SCOTT JAMES GUZMAN-NEWTON, APPROVED STAFF DIRECTED TO RE -DRAW 500 WEST LANES PENDING ENGINEER REVIEW Under Reading of Correspondence, Councilmember Davis stated that he had received a letter from Teresa King regarding a funding request for the Moab Arts Council. Councilmember Peterson stated that she had received complaints from citizens near Old City Park regarding the city dumping grass clippings behind the park. Councilmember Peterson stated that the citizens had provided her with some information regarding composting. Councilmember Sweeten stated that there would be a Recreation Oversight Committee meeting on Thursday, March 27, 2003 at 1:30 PM to discuss the Interlocal agreement and prioritization of Capital Projects. Mayor Pro-Tem Sweeten opened a public hearing on Solicitation of Public Input on Moab City's Application to the Community Impact Board for the Municipal Building Project and Solicitation of Public Input on the Proposed Community Development Block Grant Projects of the Moonstone Gallery Mini Park Project and the Grand County Housing Authority's Virginian Apartment Accessibility Upgrade Project at 7:30 PM. Teresa King stated that she supports the City's Community Impact Board Application and applauds the City's efforts toward the Municipal Building Project. Ms. King then stated that she represented the Moab Arts Council and that they were very much in favor of the Moonstone Gallery and creating an art space in downtown Moab. Mayor Pro-Tem Sweeten closed the public hearings at 7:31 PM. Under Administrative Report, City Manager Metzler distributed a written report. Under Goal Update, Councilmember Bailey stated that the MAPS Committee was reviewing designs for traffic and circulation for the new project. Councilmember Sweeten stated that he would like to improve correspondence with the School District and would like to setup a meeting with the District. No Mayor or Council Reports were given. Councilmember Peterson moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $77,145.61. Councilmember Stucki seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. The Executive Session was cancelled. Councilmember Peterson moved for adjournment. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Pro-Tem Sweeten adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 7:46 PM. APPROVED: ATTEST: David L. Sakrison Rachel Ellison Mayor City Recorder March 25, 2003 Page 2 of 2 READING OF CORRESPONDENCE PUBLIC HEARING OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS GOAL UPDATES MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS EXECUTIVE SESSION CANCELED MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT