HomeMy Public PortalAbout02 February 21, 1967 TC MinutesTOWN OF YARROW POINT The regular meeting of the council of the Town of.Yarrow Point was held on February 21, 1967 at the town office, 4705 91st Avenue N. E., Bellevue, at 8:00 P. M. Those in attendance were John Helsell, Sheldon Dunning, Joseph Harlacher, Harvey., -Rhoades, Glen Sparrow, Ken Day, and Lorraine Diede, Others in attendance were Mrs. West, a new resident on N. E-. 38th St., Mr. Richard Wyman, Mrs. Warren Johanson, and Mrs. David Hoedemaker, and a representative of Red Sam Mining Company. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, Mr. Helsell.. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting as all those councilmen present had received a copy of same and approved. The first order of business was the opening of bids for the overlay on 92nd Avenue N. E. - Project . There were three bids received. The Town Engineer, Mr. Sparrow, read the detailed amounts of each bid and they were recorded by the clerk, as follows: Red Sam Mining Company - 835,376.50 Seattle Tac Asphalt Co. 34,257.50 Washington Asphalt Co. 29,085.00 Mr. Sparrow stated that the amounts would be lees approximately 4570.00 because of man holes and valve boxes to be adjusted by the water district (at their expense). This would make the lowest bid �28,515.00. There was discussion among the council. It was acknowledged that our budget only allowed $24,636.00 for this project. The council directed that the Treasurer endeavor to finance the balance of monies needed to complete this overlay. Mr. Sparrow advised the council they have 30 days from today in which to decide which bid, if any, to accept. The next order of business was a letter dated January 31, 1967 directed to the council from Gordon Schroeder requesting that the town exercise their police powers to keep THZi wa er ran owners on N. E. 58th Streetwithl—nTheir easement y barrIE-ddIng thg road down to 12 reeto easement and arresting them ror respaesing if they extend their driving into the balance of the easement (8 feet). Mr. Schroeder platted Cove View with four lots. Dr. Walters and Dr. Wright who are not part of this plat live west of the platted property and have a 12 foot easement bordering Cove View that leads to their properties. Mr. Schroeder was required under the town platting rules to dedicate 20 feet of easement road along his plat. He did this and built the road according to town standards. When the road was completed he presented Dr. Wright and Dr. Walters with a bill for their share of the new roadway. Since they have Onot paid, he has made the request as stated above. Page 2 - Council minutes of February 21, 1967 The council had requested an opinion from our Town Attorney. His answer was that the dispute was a private one and that the town should not become Involved nor should It abet or aid any obstruction of the private easement lane. xr. Schroeder then asked if the town would agree to his fencing part of the easement so that the Wrights and Walters could only use their 12 foot easement and Mr. Schroeder would then give the town a key to a gate opening this to the 20 feet of easement when it was needed by the town. This would then take care, he felt of his commitment to the town of a 20 foot easement. Mr. Schroeder was told that he should not construe this conversation to mean that the town would agree to this key arrangement but that he might rewrite his letter and when it was received by the council it would be again forwarded to the Town Attorney for his opinion. 3. A letter was read from Mr and Mrs. R. J. "hick" W roan of 4012 92nd Ave. N. E. directed to the council and reporting a -day nursery or babysitti� service being carried on In the home to the north of them by Kra. Warren Johansen of 4028 92nd Avenue N. E, Yarrow Point. Mrs. Johansen spoke on her behalf and stated that she did care for children of Yarrow Point residents only and that she did charge 65¢ per hour. She said that it was not a day nursery in that there were no set hours and no regular enrollment. Some days she had no children and other days she might have three or four. She has three children of her own which account for some of the activity. She stated that in good weather the children play outside. Mrs. David Hoedemaker spoke on behalf of Mrs. Johansen and attested to her capability.and usefulness to the mothers whom she helps. Ordinance #15 was read to the council. Conversation. It was decided by the council that the town attorney should be requested for his opinion on whether or not this is a commercial venture as referred to In Ordinance #15. The council stated that Mrs. Johansen may continue to baby sit for the present. When an answer is received from our Town attorney - if he determines that this Is a commercial venture, then she must apply to the council for a permit which may or may not -be granted. If he determines that it is not a commercial venture, she may continue as prior to the complaint from the Wymans. 4. Request for extension of rOLad bond on 14ornin view Plat. At the Planning Commission meeting of February 6, 1967 Mr. Granberg requested another one-year extension of the road bond on the above -mentioned plat. After discussion, a motion was made by Sheldon Dunning, seconded by Harvey Rhoades, and passed unanimously that this road bond extension be granted to February W4, 1968. 5. Ordinance #116 entitled "An ordinance of the Town of Yarrow Point, Wash. approving an can rm ng a assessments HHU Efie assessment roll n Locai Improvement s r c o. I was read to Me a uni5ll. A!ter ttlsausslon, YL motion was ma s by Mr. HM acher, seconded by Mr. Dunning that this ordinance be adopted. {Changed assessment for Wallace Taylor from 4953.30 to ,$571,98. The motion was passed unanimously. Page 3 40 The town engineer reported to the council that underground wiring_cost on 92nd Avenue N. E. as reported by Puget Power would be ,000.00. The previous figure given was �41,000.00. The total cost would be approximately 490,000.00. Puget Power would pay the difference between o46,000 and �90,000. There had been a report from Mrs Martin Ford on N E. 32nd Street regarding drainage across 92nd Avenue and down N. E. 32nd causing a dangerous problem Mr. Sparrow and Marshal Day stated that this problem originated in Clyde Hill and that Clyde Hill has taken action to correct It. 7. Treasurer's Report. Balance of Cash and Equivalent 12/31/66 January receipts 1967 Less expenses Invest Treasury bills (street fund)due 1/19/67 elus interest on investments Balance $27,8o4.32 6 105.41 033,909.73 8,238.40 425,671.33 14 644.65 11,U26.68 386.41 411,413.08 8. Report from Marshal - Marshai Day has previously handed his monthly report to the clerk for file. All councilmen and the mayor have also received a copy of this report. From his report, he commented.particularly on the:1ast item of his report in which he referred to a young Yarrow Point Boy who had. (for his Boy Scout Merit award) toured our streets with traffic safety features In mind. Marshal Day states that Kent Fosness has made some very good suggestions in this regard. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Dunning, seconded by Mr. Rhoades that stop signs be placed at -streets coming into our arterial street, also that the triangle at the intersection of 91st Place N. E. and 92nd Avenue N. E. be blocked off. This motion was passed unanimously. 9. Vouchers. A motion was made by Sheldon Dunning, Seconded by Jos Harlacher and passed unanimously that the following vouchers be approved for payment. #023--035 -- Current Expense Fund 0 #280 and 281 = Street Fund #16 - 18 - L. I. D. #1 Construction Fund #6 - L. 1. D. #1 Fund The meeting wa Approved by t a ou ne B. Helsell rG 11: 00 P . M"'/ OW' Respectfully $ubmitte3 Lorrain Diede, Clerk Jo r /� TOWN OF YA,�ROW POINT VOUCHERS -February 21, 1967 Current Expense Fund #023 - Kenneth W. Day -- Marshal January 1967 - Contractual o450.00 025 - R. H. Hamilton- Deputy Clerk (Treasurer) January. 1967 40.00 026 - voided 027 - G. T. Sparrow and Associates - Engineering for Jan.1967 124.8 9 028 - Christian Diede - vent for town office February 1967 80.00 029 - Pacific N. W Bell - 1/8 and 2/8/67 Town office telephone 27.85 030 - Keeney's office supplies through 1/31/67 10.31 U31 - King County Sheriff's Dept. - Docketing charges 10/66 9.40 032 - Municipal Revolving Fund - Howard Albert, State Examiner Jan 9-13-67 for 1965 307.69 033 Suburban Propane Gas Co - 125 gal of propane for office 2/2/67 31.26 034 - Kenneth W. Day - Utility trailer purchased for town 72.50 035 - Lorraine M Diede - Clerk, etc. for January 1967 4420.00 less w/ t $70.00 and SS 16.80 333.20 Street; 280 - Kenneth W. Day - Contractual Services for Street Supt. Jan. 1967 150.00 281 - Bestway Lumber Co. -- lumber for street signs 1.09 L. I. D. #1 Construction Fund 16 - G. T. Sparrow -- L. I. D. #1 engineering statement #4742 123.70 17 - Preston,Thorgrimson, Horowitz, Starin and Ellis - Legal fees for L. I. D. #1 per Mr Forrest walls 57.00 18'- Bellevue Ameriban Newspaper - Publication of Notice of Hearing on L/ I. D. #1 Assessment Roll ..10.1.6 L. I. D. #1 Fund 6 - w. P. Harper and Son and Co. 190.86