HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:362 97-362 Dam of Adopfio,, November_2__5~ 1997 ~( IIESOLUTION TO (,) INTO CLOSEi) SESSION WI1EREAS, Section 8 ol'the Open Public Meeti,gs Acl, Chapter 231 ILL. 1975, pe~ mits lite exclusion of the I)ublic fi om a meeting itt certain citcumslances; and WIIEREAS, this public body is of the opinion thai such circumstances p~esenlly exists; NOW, 'I'llEREFOi/E, lie IT IIESOI,VED by Ihe Mayor a.d Council of the Borough ofCatteret, Cou.ty o[ Middlesex, State of New Jersey, as lbllows: 1. The public shall be excluded flora atlending, discussi.g or parlicipating in the he'reina[ter specified subject matters. 2. The general nature of the subject malter to be discussed is as follows: litigation and personnel matters. 3. It is a,ticipated at this lime that Ihe above stated subject matter will be made public: u~pgn conclusion of the~a_bQve matters ._ 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. ......... U. irAX)iI.i) ()ir cOUNCIl, V()TI,~ B IALOWARC~ZU~K__ - ............. FAZEg~ DDPONT ~ - .......... FEINGOL~ FAILA~ ............ ~J~SK~ ........ X X - Imlic~c Vote All - Al)scm NV - Not Vollng XOR - I.diculcs Vo~c h) OvcrltdC Veiq) sj Ad.pled al a mecfi.g ol dm Mu.i~:ipal Council NOV~r 25~ 1997