HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 97:371-AN.. 97-371-A Dam o1' Adlll~lio. Doco_gllb~r 11 1997 RESOLUTION TO GO INTO CI,OSEI) SESSION WIIEREAS, Section 8 ol'lhe Open Public Meetings Acl, Clmpter 23 I ILL 1975, pemlils the exclusion of the public Ii om a meeling in cet lain cil cumslances; and WIIEREAS, this imblic body is of the opinion that such circumstances p~esenlly exists; ,NOW, TI1EREIrORE, lie IT I/ESOI,VEI) by Ihe Mnyor and Council oF the Borough oFCm'lerel, Com~ty oF Middlesex, Slal¢ oFHew Jersey, ~s lbllows: I. The public shall be excluded flora atlending, discussing or imrlicipatlng in Ihe herehmfl, er specified subject malle~s. 2. The general nature o[Ihe s~lbjecl malle~ lo be discussed is as Follows: Personnel matters, contract negotiations and litigation. 3. It is anticipated at this lime that ll~e above slaled subject matte~ will be made public: Upon conclusion of above matters. 4. This ~esolution shall lake effect immedialely. RIr~C()IU) ()lr COUNCIl, V()TE X - ]lllliCllle Vole ~[1 - Al)Still ~V - Nol Vulh~g XOR - Imlicalcs Vole lo OvcrllllC Velo Adopted al a mecli~g ol II~e Mtmicilml Council ~cem~r 11 ~ 1997