HomeMy Public PortalAbout19851218 - Minutes - Board of Directors (BOD) Alt Meeting 85-33 A= MOM MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT 375 DISTEL CIRCLE,SUITE D-1,LOS ALTOS,CALIFORNIA 94022 (415)965-4717 RESCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS DECEMBER 18 , 1985 MINUTES I. ROLL CALL President Teena Henshaw called the meeting to order at 7 :35 P.M. Members Present: Katherine Duffy, Teena Henshaw, Edward Shelley, Nonette Hanko, and Richard Bishop. Daniel Wendin and Harry Turner arrived at 7 : 38 P.M. Personnel Present: Herbert Grench, Craig Britton, David Hansen, Mary Hale , Stanley Norton, Del Woods , James Boland, Mary Gundert, Dennis Danielson, and Emma Johnson. II. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION E. Johnson stated the Board received the following written communications : 1) a letter from Warren and PattieAnne Hergerton suggesting that the Baldwin-Wallace College addition to the Sierra Azul Preserve be patrolled at least 4-5 times a day because of gun use , alcohol and drug abuse, and off road vehicles on the property. They added they looked forward to working with the Board to improve the area, 2) a letter dated December 11 from Guadalupe Land Company' s President C. M. Dwyre, stating support of the Interim Use and Management recommendations in staff 's acquisition report for Baldwin-Wallace College property but noting that the property line between District and Guadalupe Land Company ' s property does not follow the creek center and that use of the present trail would be mostly on private property. He added that the Company supports the concept of opening the trail to public use in the future but not at this time, and 3) an invitation to the Park and Recreation Commissioners ' and Board Members ' Council installation and Awards Dinner. Since Mr. and Mrs . Hergerton and Mr. Dwyre were in the audience, no reply was required. Staff will respond to the invitation if a Board member can attend the awards dinner. III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communications. IV. ADOPTION OF AGENDA T. Henshaw said the agenda was adopted by Board consensus. V. BOARD BUSINESS A. Final Adoption of the Interim Use and Management Plan for the Baldwin- Wallace College Property Addition to the Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve - Mt. Umunhum Area (Memorandum M-85-171 of December 13 , 1985) ,*, D. Hansen outlined staff ' s recommendations for short-term management of the area, noting a meeting has been scheduled for February 8 with Herbert A.Grench,General Manager Board of Directors:Katherine Duffy,Nonette G.Hanko,Teena Henshaw,Richard S.Bishop,Edward G.Shelley,Harry A.Turner,Daniel G.Wendin Meeting 85-33 Page two neighbors , California Department of Fish and Game, and the County Sheriff' s office to outline the District ' s policies and to solicit help in surveillance of District lands in the area. He said staff recommends investigating the posting of "No Parking Dusk to Dawn" signs at some pullouts along Hicks Road, the cost and desirability of hiring extra patrol service from the County Sheriff, and possi- bility of a resident caretaker in the area. D. Hansen said long range plans that are affected by the Land Management Staffing Study include a Ranger patrol and maintenance unit in the area, law enforcement needs (either in-house or contrac- ted) , and siting of a Ranger residence in the vicinity. Charles Dwyre , President of Guadalupe Land Company of Los Gatos said the property line between the Company' s land and the Preserve does not follow the creek center, and persons using the trail would be trespassing on much of the 3-4 miles of trail. D. Hansen added that staff had met with Mr. Dwyre regarding the boundary question and the Company ' s possible interest in dedication of the land along the creek in connection with development of their property. Board members expressed support for cooperative management of the area, including working with the Sheriff ' s Department. Motion: E. Shelley moved that staff return at the second regular meeting in January with a preliminary report on potential use of a Sheriff' s patrol . D. Wendin seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0 . Motion : R. Bishop moved that the Board adopt the Interim Use and Management Plan contained in reports R-85-53 and M-85-171 and that the property be withheld from dedication as public open space. H. Turner seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0 . After a ten minute recess called at 8 :00 P.M. , Vice President H. Turner presided over the meeting in the absence of T. Henshaw, who left the meeting. B. Proposed Atwood Property Addition to the El Sereno Open Space Preserve (Report R-85-57 dated December 12 , 1985) C. Britton showed the location of the $100 ,000 29. 95 acre parcel on the wall map, noting the site is contiguous to the western boundary of El Sereno Open Space Preserve. D. Woods showed slides of the property. Discussion centered on access to the property and dedication status. Harry Haeussler, 1094 Highland Circle , Los Altos, noted that the only access to the property is via a private road, and D. Hansen responded that while access over the easement has to be with permission of the property owners , there is potential for access via the El Sereno Open Space Preserve. K. Duffy asserted that all property does not have to be dedicated to active public use, that some land has conservation and scenic backdrop value. C. Britton added that the parcel has the highest composite rating based upon scenic backdrop and habitat value . Motion: K. Duffy moved that the Board adopt Resolution 85-52 , a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Authorizing Acceptance of Purchase Agreement, Authorizing Officer to Execute Certi- ficate of Acceptance of Grant to District, and Authorizing General Manager to Execute Any and All Other Documents Meeting 85-33 Page three Necessary to Closing of the Transaction (El Serena Open Space Preserve - Atwood Property) . E. Shelley seconded the motion. The motion passed 6 to 0 . Motion: K. Duffy moved that the Board tentatively adopt the Interim Use and Management Plan recommendations in report R-85-57 including naming the property as an addition to the El Sereno Open Space Preserve , and indicate its intention to withhold the property from dedication. E. Shelley seconded the motion. The motion passed 6 to 0 . C. Annual Review of Relative Site Emphasis Plan and Use and Management Plan Review Schedule (Report R-85-56 dated December 12 , 1985) H. Grench explained that the Land Management Staffing Study and the Land Management Budget Guidelines Study will relate considerably to the goals presented in the plan. D. Woods reviewed the changes in standing of preserves on the relative emphasis chart. He said Long Ridge Open Space Preserve' s priority position had risen to #11 because of increased public interest and use , the new El Corte de Madera Open Space Preserve was placed at the 19th position on the list determined by the criteria of public need, attractiveness , accessibility, manageability, geographic location and regional significance. He said the La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve had been moved upward slightly because of the addition of the Darling property to the Preserve. D. Woods said that the planning projects for the year have increased significantly, that more specific site planning related to access projects will occur and that as the District ' s land spreads further to the extremes of the District boundaries , planning, development, and management programs have been significantly impacted. In view of those facts , he said it may be necessary to modify the approach to the Relative Site Emphasis Plan by decreasing site development or creating a new category for minimal use and management encompas- sing sites that are relatively low on the list. He added the later approach would be to discourage public use by means of minimizing improvements , not directing signing to recreation and not distri- buting public maps or brochures. Discussion centered on the proposed minimal use and management category. N. Hanko said she would not support limiting public access; she suggested using caretakers , volunteer rangers, and docents as an alternative. E. Shelley stated his opinion that the present policy is generally consistent with the proposal , and H. Turner suggested continuing with present procedures. K. Duffy expressed her concern with a three-year review schedule for rural sites where problems occur which the Board needs to be aware of. H. Grench said that while the Use and Management Plan reviews are good management tools , they are time consuming. He said the pro- posal would discourage but not prohibit use by the public of certain sites and would not encourage use on others. D. Wendin said if patrol-type problems are removed from considera- tion, there may be a way to de-emphasize sites without discouraging use entirely. Meeting 85-33 Page four R. Bishop said that not all sites should be treated in the same way. He suggested staff redefine the criteria of minimal use and manage- ment. H. Turner stated the Board ' s consensus that staff should return to the Board with (1) a restatement of the rationale for creating the new category, (2) definition of category and criteria for including sites, (3) PR implications, (4) sites at the bottom of the list having two identifications; (a) planning attention and (b) management attention, (5) impact on the planning process of the three year review cycle. D. Woods highlighted changes in the Funding/Staffing Priorities for Fiscal Year 1986-87 which include Skyline Ridge , Purisima Creek Redwoods, Los Gatos Creek Park, and Saratoga Gap Open Space Pre- serves. Motion: R. Bishop moved that the Board tentatively adopt the Revised Plan for Relative Emphasis of District Sites and the 1986 Use and Management Review Plan and that staff be directed to return with further definition of the reduced use of sites category. E. Shelley seconded the motion. The motion passed 6 to 0 . H. Turner stated the Board' s consensus that the second reading of the item be scheduled for the second regular Board meeting in January. VI. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS H. Grench announced that the President' s Commission on Americans Out- doors would be conducting a hearing in this area and that he has been investigating how the District could be involved. He added that the East Bay Regional Park District is hosting areception, and a District Director and the General Manager have been invited. R. Bishop expressed his willingness to attend if his schedule allows . H. Grench reported that agendas and appropriate materials have been mailed for the January 15 Special Board Meeting regarding eminent domain policies - to be held in the Menlo Park Council Chambers. H. Grench distributed information and an invitation letter :for the Con- ference of the International Institute of Park Administrators in Aukland, New Zealand and asked if the Board is willing to have two staff members attend . N. Hanko asked how long the conference would be , and H. Grench replied that it would be six days . Directors Turner , Shelley, Duffy, and Bishop spoke in favor of the professional value to the indi- viduals and the District of attending such a conference. Motion: D. Wendin moved that the Board approve expenditure in the appropriate amount indicated by H. Grench from the District ' s conference budget for two staff members to attend the conference. R. Bishop seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 to 1 with N. Hanko voting no. D. Hansen encouraged the Board to seek letters of support to the State for the District' s grant applications for Skyline Ridge and Picchetti Ranch. He said he would be meeting with a State represen- tative at Picchetti on December 30 to review the historic renovation proposal. C. Britton reported that a lease has been signed for new office space at the Old Mill Office Center and that the move probably would occur around mid-March. Meeting 85-33 Page five D. Wendin stated he had read that the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County had authorized purchase of radar guns for the California Highway Patrol which contradicts previous information. Staff noted it would follow-up on the report. VII. CLAIMS Motion : R. Bishop moved approval of Revised Claims 85-25 . N. Hanko seconded the motion. The motion passed 6 to 0. VIII. CLOSED SESSION S. Norton announced that litigation matters to be discussed in Closed Session fell under subdivision (b) (1) of Government Code Section 54945. 9 . The Board recessed to Closed Session at 9 :40 P.M. IX. ADJOURNMENT The Board reconvened to adjourn at 10 :50 P.M. Emma Johnson Secretary