HomeMy Public PortalAbout20141108 - Select Board - Minutes 1 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes November 18, 2014 TOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen November 18, 2014 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Selectmen Present: Todd Cestari, John Mosher, Ben Palleiko, Michelle Gates, John Coutinho. Officials Present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Operations Assistant Jamie Hellen. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Cestari called the public meeting to order at 6:02 PM in Room 211. I will entertain a motion to discuss strategies with respect to collective bargaining updates by the Town Manager with respect to Fire, Police and Dispatch, because an open meeting may have detrimental effects on the bargaining positions of the Board; to discuss considering the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property in regards to a property regarding the Pratt Parcel, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board; to discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices, or strategies with respect to emergency communications and the 2015 Boston Marathon; to discuss strategy with respect to the litigation of Doe v. Town, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigation position of the Board; to conduct contract negotiations with nonunion personnel at Town Hall, Library, Town Manager’s Office, Fire, Police, DPW and Senior Center; to allow town staff Norman Khumalo, Ray Miyares and Jamie Hellen to participate; and, to enter into public session at the conclusion of Executive Session. MOVED by Palleiko and SECONDED by Mosher. ROLL CALL: Mr. Mosher- Yes, Mr. Cestari-Yes, Mr. Palleiko-Yes, Mr. Coutinho-Yes, Ms. Gates-Yes. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. REOPEN PUBLIC SESSION: Chairman Cestari reopened the Public Session in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC FORUM: Residents were invited to share ideas, opinions, or ask questions regarding town government. David Goldman, 20 Fruit Street, addressed the Board in support of the town purchasing the property at 203 Pond Street. Steve Warren, President of Friends of Whitehall, addressed the Board in support of this purchase as well. Ed Harrow of the Conservation Commission addressed the Board to inform them the Conservation Commission has voted to support this acquisition. Christa Collins, Sudbury Valley Trustees, addressed the Board in support of this acquisition. CONSENT AGENDA: 2 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes November 18, 2014 I. The Board considered approving the appointment of Ed Harrow to the Open Space Preservation Commission as the Conservation Commission’s Representative, for a term to expire on June 30, 2015. II. Minutes: The Board considered approving the public session minutes of September 11, 2014 and September 23, 2014. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to approve the consent agenda, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstained-0. NAMING OF PUBLIC ASSETS POLICY: The Board discussed a proposed Naming of Public Assets policy. Mr. Khumalo stated he provided a draft of this policy to the Board. At the Board’s request he spoke with the Superintendent of Schools, who requested the Board consider exempting the School Department from this policy as they have their own naming policy. This proposed policy will encompass the naming of buildings, parks, squares, streets, and ways, parcels of land or portions thereof owned by the town. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to approve the Naming of Public Assets Policy as amended, SECONDED by Mr. Coutinho. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstained-0. 203 POND STREET: Mr. Khumalo reported the town has received a letter regarding the potential sale of 203 Pond Street. This letter has been reviewed by Town Counsel and Mr. Khumalo recommended the Board authorize him to circulate the letter to various town boards for their input. A public hearing will also be scheduled to receive input on this matter. MOTION by Mr. Palleiko that the Board authorize the Town Manager to circulate the 203 Pond Street notice to appropriate boards for feedback and to schedule a public meeting at the appropriate time, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0, Abstained-0. LIAISON REPORTS: Mr. Mosher reported the Open Space Committee discussed the 203 Pond Street property and voted to enter into discussions with the owner of the property to discuss financial information and to put together a comprehensive financial analysis of the property. Mrs. Gates reported the Veteran’s Day dinner was a great event which was well attended. She referenced stickers which were on recent water bills and informed residents that they should write separate checks for their tax and water bills, as the town cannot process a combined check. She announced the Center School feasibility study public workshop is scheduled for Saturday, November 22 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Senior Center. Mr. Coutinho reported the Planning Board is reviewing a proposed DOT facility off of Route 495. He stated the Visioning group is on track to bring information forward to the Board by the end of the year. FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS: Mr. Palleiko stated he would like the Board to consider creation of a document which expands on the master plan and maps out what the town will look like in ten years, and to make decisions on future development. 3 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes November 18, 2014 TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Khumalo reported he is scheduled to meet with the Personnel Committee December 1 to finalize the position analysis and pay classification plan. He hopes to present this information to the Board on December 2. Mr. Westerling reported that all the preparation work at the intersection of School and West Main has been completed and the final coat of pavement will be done on Saturday, November 22 and the traffic lights will be adjusted in conjunction with this work. WATER SUPPLY & TREATMENT EVALUATION AND WATER CONNECTION FEES STUDY: Leah Stanton of Weston and Sampson provided the Board with an update on the water supply and treatment evaluation report. Mark Abrahams provided an update on the water connection fee study. Discussion was held and comments and questions from the Board were addressed. It was decided to discuss the options presented further at the next Board meeting and to potentially vote at that time. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Palleiko to adjourn, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Meeting adjourned. Correspondence to the Board of Selectmen 1. Board of Appeals Public Hearing Amending Hopkinton Mews Comprehensive Permit (November 2014)