HomeMy Public PortalAboutM2004-11-16-CCLYNWOOD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 2004 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 5:17 p.m. Mayor Byrd presiding. Councilmen Pedroza, Rodriguez, Santillan, Vasquez, and Byrd answered the roll call. Also present were Interim City Manager Wang, City Attorney Beltran, City Clerk Hooper and City Treasurer Pygatt. City Clerk Hooper announced that the Agenda had been duly posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Item #6: PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS: • Athlete of the year Eugene Jackson • MDA Firefighter Appreciation Week Batellan Chief Peter and Christine O'Brien Item #7: COUNCIL RECESS TO: Lynwood Redevelopment Agency Lynwood Information Inc. Lynwood Public Finance Authority PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) Irene Garcia spoke against item #9 Appeal No. 2004-03 Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-19, spoke against item #10 Special Permit- Massage 3100 Imperial Highway, Cart #16, spoke on item #1~ Warrant Registers, she is glad to see that the warrant run pertaining to the phones is cutting down but has concerns about paying $340.00 dollars for car washes and feels that taxpayers should not pay for it. Spoke on item #20 Review of parking meter operations within zone 2B (North Long Beach Boulevard) would like all parking meters removed. Spoke against item #21 Consideration of Contract Extension for Childcare Consultant. Spoke against item #22 Request to submit grant application for childcare funding. Sylvia Herron spoke on item #15 Warrant Registers. There are three items on the warrant regarding the telephones and the total is over $12,000 dollars and she hopes it is a three- month billing. Also the Legal fees of $42,000.00 dollars to a person that is not the City Attorney and would like that to be explained. Spoke on item #19 policy and guidelines for providing support to local community organizations/charities and is in favor of adopting Option 1, to cut everything and no one will have any gripes. Alex Landeros has concerns about the security. The Citizens are the eyes and hears of the community and they are the ones out using the parks, not the Councilmembers. He sees it because of his involvement with the Youth Center and with the park. Before the Sheriffs Department there was vandalism at the Youth Center and in the park. They were gangbangers hanging around the outside of the Youth Center. He would see the security personel asleep in their cars. When the Sheriff Security took over, all of gangbangers that hung around were no longer there. Plus, they turnoff the lights sooner and you have kids still at the youth center and it is very dark on that side. He wants more quality of public safety instead of decreasing it. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mario Trogaros Spoke on item #21, and item #22 stated he is a parent in this community and is thankful for this program that Patricia Shields has put together. He has a son that is four years old and has seen the change in his son ever since that he as been attending the Domino Early Learning Center. He is giving his support and hopes that Council will extend her Contract and will continue to support the Learning Center. Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated the she wants to make something very clear that tonight Council is going to vote whether or not to extend Ms. Shields contract as a Consultant with the City. The Domino Early Learning Center will continue to run. It is a separate entity from the City. Carline Marshal stated she is 74 years old and loves to teach and help and watch the children grow and learn. She is amazed on how quickly they learn and are willing to learn. She is here in support of Patricia Shields and hopes Council will extend her contract. Blanca Sanchez spoke in favor of the extension of Patricia Shields contract. Yolanda LeMone spoke in favor of extending Patricia Shields contract. Jacquelyn Barrios is a teacher for the Center and spoke in favor of extending Patricia Shields Contract. Leticia Sanchez is a parent and spoke in favor of extending Patricia Shields Contract. Antonio Mungia spoke on item #6 upcoming Comcast price adjustments as a taxpayer he feels he is loosing a lot of money in Lynwood from this particular cable company. He had his cable disconnected from this cable company because what they charge for basic cable is to high and you do not receive all the basic chanells that normally comes with other cable companies. Maybe Council can negotiate a better deal and rates for Lynwood residents. Frank Calderon stated he noticed that in the "Lynwood "N" Perspective" it mentions there are twelve streets to be worked on, but there is no mention of Josephine Street between Bullis Road and Harris Avenue. Even though the they have gathered signatures and turned in those signatures and this was two years ago and have been given the run around every since and been ignored. Mr. Yodollah Farhadi has given him one excuse after another. He can not understand how incompetent people hold these positions, if they cannot meet the needs of people of the community, and would like an explanation on why they have not received any answers. Irene Garcia stated she would like to know why we have contracts for tree trimming when we can use the public works employees. Even if the workers work seven days a week, ten hours a day all the trees in Lynwood would still not be cut. The trees should be cut around mid October so when the rains come they will not clog the sewers. Also the City needs more Code Enforcement officers. Sylvia Herron gave an update on the AARP Community Service Project. Stated it is doing very well but for those of you who have not donated anything yet they need toothpaste. You can go to the City Clerk Office to drop off donations until December 7, 2004. They will prepare the baskets and donate them to the Battered Women's Shelter on December 9, 2004. Also, when she read the minutes of October 2004, she thought that the Women's conference cost $3,500.00 dollars and thought at the time that was way too much. Then she learned the cost was $7,500.00 dollars. You do not know how much ~,J food was wasted that day. Jack Kean stated with logical and reasonable thought a major league bike patrol will cut crime and blend the Sheriff and the citizens. He went to the department and was told that they where working on this and that was two months ago, and still nothing. Sylvia Ortiz stated she wanted to be last because she has positive news. A few months ago she had a fundraiser for Gerardo Garcia the boy with the rare form of cancer. She wanted Council to know that he is doing well, he is back at school and enrolled in winter ball. He is not in remission but his T- cell count is consistent every week. Gerardo is truly a blessing and miracle and she tributes that to all the help and prayers and donations by all the people in this community. There are good things still in this City and good people and we need to focus on that. Item #8: MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: It was moved by Councilman Rodriguez seconded by Councilman Pedroza to approve the following minutes. • Regular Meeting, September 21, 2004 • Regular Meeting, October 5, 2004 • Special meeting, October 13, 2004 • Regular Meeting, October 19, 2004 • Special Meeting, October 26, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING It was moved by Councilman Rodriguez seconded by Councilman Pedroza to open Public Hearing. Item #9: APPEAL NO. 2004-03-CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2004-19 Councilman Rodriguez stated that he would like Director of Development Services Grant Taylor to give an explanation on how the process works, because he knows that this item was brought up two months ago and he knows that the applicant was required to do some corrections. Director of Development Services Grant Taylor stated what he is going over is called a plan check correction and it just came back yesterday. The item before you is a request from the applicant to overturn the decision of the Planning Commission to deny legalization and operation of a homeless shelter. In conjunction with the Church at 12627 Oak Avenue. It is in the R-3 multiple family residential zones. Also in 1986 the Planning Commission approved the conditional use permit for a Church and a preschool for operation at this location. The Preschool is no longer there and it has been replaced with a homeless shelter. Although a homeless shelter is a needed service, there was a significant structural alteration. There was no authorization, no Plan Check, no Zoning approval, no building permits. And multiple violations of the Municipal Code and the California Building Code, fire code, and Health Code. The most recent inspection conducted on November 9, 2004 should very little has been done. Besides improvements, such as removing security doors, placing a couple of fire extinguisher, and temporary battery operated smoke detectors instead of the hard wire. The applicants came in on October 5, 2004 to submit for plan check and they were given an additional list of thing that had to be done. If Council can recall back in August this item was reviewed and the applicants were given 45 days to show substantial progress. It has been three months since that hearing and very little has been done since that hearing. At the time the Pastor stated that he would be helping since then Mr. Taylor has talked to him once and has not seen or heard from him since. Also, the Pastor is just the tenant and the City should be dealing with the property owner. Another problem is that the plans do not have a stamp so there is no way of knowing if the architect is licensed or not. The City has no record that the plans where submitted to the Fire Department. It is staffs opinion, which includes Planning, Building and Fire. That this structure causes an immediate threat to health, safety and welfaze. At this time, is asking Council to uphold the Planning commission decision to deny appeal. Councilman Pedroza stated he would like some clarification and questioned Ms. Jackson as to the reason why they have not complied. Is it because they have not received the permits from Mr. Taylor. Antoinette Jackson was told by Mr. Taylor that they had to wait until the plans were approved before they could do anything. They were waiting for the plans that they just received and resubmitted and to the architect so he can include the changes. They trying aze to comply but it takes time, and she needs clarification as to what Mr. Taylor wants them to do. Councilman Pedroza stated that these corrections were given to them prior to tonight's meeting in tonight. Councilman Rodriguez questioned when the plan checks where submitted to the City. Antoinette Jackson stated that it was back on October 13, 2004. It was moved by Councilman Pedroza seconded by Mayor Byrd and carried to close the public heazing. Councilman Pedroza asked Mr. Taylor if he had given the applicant a list of corrections. Director of Development Services Grant Taylor replied that two day after the council meeting the staff met with the property owner, the pastor and contractor and went over the list of corrections they had to do. She was told that most of the structural work should not be done without a permit and without inspection. What concerns him is the length of time it took to get the plans back. Also he is concerned about the length of time it took to get the plans in. These are basic plans and should not have taken 45 days. Staff questions the applicants ability and or desire to remedy these violations because they are very minor. There are immediate health, safety and fire issues. Councilman Pedroza questioned what are some of the things they could start doing that do not require a permit. Director of Development Services Grant Taylor respond that the shelter could have placed the fire extinguishers in all the hallways and all the landings rather then just having two. Also, at least have temporary smoke detectors in all the room. The signage could have been repaired and the lighting improved in the EXIT signage, so that it could be visible when it is needed. Councilman Rodriguez stated that the only thing troubling him is that it took so long to bring in the plans. As a Council we have spen so much time on this and we were sympathetic to this problem. The thing that bothers him the most is you have up to twenty to thirty people living there without escape routes, and his recommendation is to deny the extension. Councilwoman Santillan stated when this happened back on August 17, 2004 she was not sure about her vote. Council wad very sympathetic because the city does have a homeless problem, and she knows they are doing a great service for the City, but she left that night thinking what happens to these poor people if something happens within 45 days. That is going to stay on her mind forever. Unfortunately the architect is not here and the City is not here to hold everybody's hand so her recommendation is to deny the extension. Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated that she was one of the Councilperson who did not vote for this because she really believed that peoples lives where in danger, and she knows the will of the Council to help the organization is defiantly there. Although Councilmembers have suggested declining the extension perhaps we can shut the shelter down temporarily until all of the criteria is met and then go head and reissue the license, this way it is fair for everyone concerned. Mayor Byrd stated he noticed some things were done that were requested and the azchitect had some oversight. He feels there is a lot of things here that he not like. He feels that this is a rush judgment and he is only one vote. His recommendation is to approve the extension. Director of Development Services Grant Taylor stated the shelter provides three meals a day and the kitchen on your plans is inoperable. The Health Department will not allow it to be used until it is repaired and upgraded to meet current codes. The property owner lives around the corner on Euclid Avenue. The meals are prepared there at his home and then shuttled to the shelter and you are not supposed to do that. It was moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez seconded by Councilwoman Santillan and carried to deny appeal until the building is brought up to code and bring back for reconsideration. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE DISCUSSION ITEM -SPECIAL PERMIT REQUESTS Item #10: SPECIAL PERMIT- MESSAGE CART 3100 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, #16 City Clerk Hooper stated she would like to ask that in future Agendas for minute purposes discussion items be listed before the Consent Calendar is uncommon it should all be done with the same discussion item? So if you could direct Interim City Manager to put the entire discussion item after the Consent Calendar because it is a real Problem. Councilman Pedroza asked staff to clarify whether the applicant is applying for temporary or permanent permits. Director of Development Services Grant Taylor responded that this is permanent permit this a permanent business license. In February of this year Council approved a Resolution allowing up to thirty retail tenant push carts within Plaza Mexico and believes that this is the sixteenth cart application and these are permanent businesses year round. Councilman Pedroza stated that he does not think that this missage service that fits in with the Plaza theme, and his recommendation is to deny Mayor Byrd stated that he is at odds with Councilman Pedroza because he has been to a lot of places and he sees them in the streets and such places as Palm Springs and it is more of a novelty. And he does not see any negative connection to it. Maybe he sees things different than other people. His recommendation is to approve. Councilwoman Santillan stated that the resolution was for new merchandise only. Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated she has seen these at the South Cost Plaza in Orange County and you get a massage will you are in a chair facing down. She does not know why Council would be against this. Unfortunately she and Mayor Byrd do not have the support to get this passed. It was moved by Councilman Rodriguez seconded by Councilwoman Santillan and carried to deny the special permit. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, AND VASQUEZ NOES: MAYOR BYRD ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #11 SPECIAL PERMIT -YARD SALE LYNWOOD ROTARY CLUB Councilman Rodriguez removed himself from this item since he is a member of Rotary. Mayor Byrd introduced the item. Councilman Pedroza questioned if the School District approved this since it is going to held at Roosevelt Elementary School. Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated she read this and thought this was a great idea, to have a yard sale at a school and not in someone yard. It was moved by Councilwoman Santillan seconded by Councilman Pedroza and carried to approve the special permit. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCILMAN RODRIGUEZ ABSENT: NONE Interim City Manager Wang stated there is a subsequent need item that the Department of Environmental Services has submitted regarding the Grant Application for the landscape and median island for the City's major boulevard and it has to be done before the next Council meeting. However they just received information after the last Council meeting. It was moved by Councilwoman Santillan seconded by Councilman Rodriguez and carried to add the subsequent need item. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ~j ABSENT: NONE Director of Environmental Services/ City Engineer Yadollah Farhadi stated this grant is for enhancing and that it includes landscaping for recently built transportation facilities. The city can use this money on those facilities built after 1991. Also, Long Beach Boulevard is a good candidate for this grant, for the proposed median island north of Martin Luther King Boulevard. The limit is between $25,000.00 and $250,000.00 dollars. It was moved by Councilman Pedroza seconded by Mayor Byrd and carried to adopt the following resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2004.197 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR FRANT FUNDS FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND MITIGATION PROGRAM UNDER THE SECTION 164.56 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAY LANDSCAPE AND URBAN FORESTRY PROJECTS. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, ~ ', VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOE5: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar will be acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended on the agenda. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to voting unless members of the Council or staff request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. The following items where pulled: ~' Councilman Pedroza pulled items 12,16 Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez pulled item 15 It was moved by Mayor Byrd, seconded by Councilman Pedroza to receive and file, and adopt the following resolutions and ordinances. Item #13: A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT FOR EXCLUDED POSITIONS RESOLUTION NO. 2004.198 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD SETTING FORTH ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AFFECTING WAGES, HOURS AND WORKING CONDITIONS BETWEEN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AND THE EXCLUDED POSITIONS OF THE LYNWOOD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION BARGAINING GROUP". Item #14: INDEPENDENT CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY - APPROVAL OF AMENDED JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT FOR INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT PURPOSES. RESOLUTION NO. 2004.199 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT FOR INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT PURPOSES AND APPOINTING REPRESENTATIVES TO THE INDEPENDENT CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYS GOVERNING BOARD AND ITS SEPARATE RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. Item #17: ACCEPTANCE OF THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AT IMPERIAL HIGHWAY AND APRICOT STREET (VACATED) PROJECT NO. OS-5292, AS COMPLETE RESOLUTION NO. 2004.200 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ACCEPTING THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AT IMPERIAL HIGHWAY AND APRICOT STREET (VACATED) PROJECT NO. OS-5292, AS BEING COMPLETE". Item #18: TREASURER'S QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT ROLL CAI AYES: ~ NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: .L: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NONE NONE NONE Item #12: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE LYNWOOD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Councilman Pedroza stated that some of the employees said that there was no clear communication as to what is being offered and has some concerns. Interim City Manager Wang responded per the direction of the Council the negotiating staff met with the Employee Association and they did vote to approve an offer, and that is why this item is on the Agenda? It was moved by Councilman Pedroza seconded by Councilman Rodriguez and carried to approve the following resolution RESOLUTION N0.2004.201 ENTITLED: ~`A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AND THE LYNWOOD EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION AND SETTING FORTH ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AFFECTING WAGES, HOURS AND WORHING CONDITIONS". ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #15: APPROVAL OF THE WARRANT REGISTERS Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated that she would like an explanation from Finance on the legal fees for Warrant #124]65 in amount $41,717.49 dollars, Assistant City Manager Director of Finance & Administration Earnest responded that she did ask finance for that because she knew it would be questioned, and if she could put that information in their boxes tomorrow. Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated she would like clarification on Warrant #124188 which is also for legal fees, and Warrant # 124237, which is for legal fees. City Attorney Beltran stated that Warrant #124188 is pertaining to the grand jury proceedings both federal and District Attomey Council authorized retention of Special Counsel who represented the City as an entity throughout the proceedings. Warrant #124165 the discussion came up in the appeal with the Tomes Matter. It was moved by Councilman Pedroza seconded by Mayor Byrd and carried to approve the following resolution RESOLUTION N0.2004.202 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #16: PARK AND PUBLIC SECURITY SERVICES Councilman Pedroza stated the most important issue council has is with public safety. Just for the record the private security gave the best RFP. We are receiving more coverage and an extra 6 hours at a lower cost than the sheriff security. Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated when Council decided to revisit this issue the goal was not to save money the goal was to provide the public with the best security the residents deserve. It was moved by Councilman Pedroza seconded by Mayor Byrd and carried to approve the following resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2004.203 ENTITLED: r "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD I APPROPRIATING FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE TO FUND THE PARK AND PUBLIC SECURITY SERVICES PROGRAM FOR THE BALANCE OF THE 2004/ 2005 FISCAL YEAR". ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE DISCUSSION ITMES Item #19: POLICY AND GUIDELINES FOR PROVIDING SUPPORT TO LOCAL COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS/ CHARITIES Interim City Manager Wang stated this a possible guideline since Council has no guidelines or resolutions pertaining to this matter. Director of Recreation & Community Services Given stated the policy that is before Council is a clear-cut policy. There are four to choose from (1) No financial support. (2) Only support to local non-profit organizations. (3) Just to provided technical support. (4) To create a community foundation Councilwoman Santillan questioned what are the guidelines for fee wavers. Director of Recreation & Community Services Given responded that fee waivers for community groups are zero for example for meetings the cost is nothing. However if they where to have a fundraiser dinner then they would be charged. Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated she would like to know how the $65,000.00 dollars was spent. Director of Recreation & Community Services Given responded that it was spent on transportation for the karate team, and for the boxing team. Councilwoman Santillan stated the $20,000.00 for the Baseball Clinic could be included in the $65,000.00 dollars as well. Director of Recreation & community Services Given responded yes. Assistant City Manager/ Director of Finance & Administration Earnest stated the money would come out of the General Fund and not out of Parks & Rec. It was moved by general consent to continue this item to a later meeting. Item #20: REVIEW OF PARKING METER OPERATIONS WITHIN ZONE 2B (NORTH LONG BEACH BOULEVARD) Parking Enforcement Officer Whitaker stated that staff is presenting a proposal to Council to remove the parking meters on Long Beach Boulevard bordering Tweedy Boulevard and south of Martin Luther King Boulevard. There are 119 meters and as Council can see they aze not producing the revenue to sustain themselves .For example when the Parking Enforcement spots a violator the shoper is in and out before staff can turn around and cite them. Councilman Pedroza questioned staffs recommendation Parking Enforcement Officer Jerron Whitaker responded that it comes down to _ manpower you are going to need someone there to enforce all the time. Councilman Pedroza stated how many are talking about. ~ Parking Enforcement Officer Whitaker responded 2 additional officers should bring up the department where it should be. It was moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez seconded by Councilman Pedroza, and carried to approve staffs recommendation ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #21: CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT EXTENSION FOR CHILD CARE CONSULTATN Interim City Manager Wang stated staff listed different options for Councils consideration. Director of Development Services Taylor stated the childcare contract is asking for a four year extension at $4,000.00 dollars a month. The City first contracted with Ms. Shields back in October 2001. and even then there was an extension, currently she is paid $2,500.00 dollars a month and that contract is due to expire on December 17, 2004. For him to do a complete feasibility report it is going to take him through February 2005. What staff is asking Council is to provide direction, but recommends amonth-to-month option. Councilman Pedroza questioned the budget for the consultant even though you do not have the money in you budget. Assistant City Manager/ Director of Finance & Administration Earnest stated that there is $50,000.00 dollars in the Administration Budget. Councilman Rodriguez stated he would like Ms. Shields to explain the administration for early learning academy and her role as such. Child Care Consultant Patricia shields stated as you heard earlier from the parents they are getting a quality education for about $2.00 dollars rather than the $7.00 dollars. So something has to give. ' Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated Ms. Shields is to be commended for all the hard work she has done for the City and helps all the young children get ajump-start on there education. Child Care Consultant Patricia Shields stated if Council would like for her to trim down some things she would. For the thirty dollars an hour, it comes down to what it is that you want to buy. Do you want to help these pazents because if she is not compensated for her time then council is going to have to find another administrator. Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated that Council is a very strong supporter of early childhood learning. So Council is here to support you but Council is at a loss as to what to put in place to account for your time. Also Council needs a clear description on your title and what exactly is it that you do for the city as a consultant. Councilwoman Santillan stated she agrees with Mayor-Pro Tem Vasquez that she too went down the list and would like to see a list of providers names and the dates when this happen and would to see back up for the list in this packet that was given to Council. Such as flyers that promote the day care, also a list of dates that workshops took place when and where. Minutes of the meetings. What she has in front of her did not give her any infotmation, so she can understand exactly what she is doing. Also Shawn Powell is a perfect example as what Council is looking for. His report went into great detail with back up and explanation. Mayor Byrd questioned whether or not they hold monthly meetings Child Care Consultant Patricia Shields stated they do, to bring up on the new and latest technique. For them to network, train them and so on. Councilman Rodriguez stated that Council is in agreement for Childcare but there has to be accountability and as of right now there is no accountability and there is no back up in this report. Recommends amonth-to-month basis until they receive a full report. Child Care Consultant Patricia Shields stated based on a month to month basis she is not interested in something like that because it would not be worth her time. Councilwoman Santillan stated if she is not interested in the month to month then she is not going to approve a contract with an increase without backup information. It was moved by Councilwoman Santillan seconded by Councilman Rodriguez and carried to deny the Contract. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, AND VASQUEZ NOES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, BYRD ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Item #22: REQUEST TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION FOR CHILD CARE FUNDING. Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez stated if staff is up to date on L.A. Up Grant Funding and First Five, and did the city assign a staff to attend the meetings. Director of Recreation & Community Services Given responded no Councilman Rodriguez questioned if staff is available for the meetings. Interim City Manager Wang stated the. he will instruct Mr. Taylor to assign a staff to attend the meeting since this is under his department. It was moved by Mayor Pro-Tem Vasquez seconded by Councilman Rodriguez and tamed to designate a staff person to submit a grant application for childcare funding. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEN PEDROZA, RODRIGUEZ, SANTILLAN, VASQUEZ AND BYRD NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE CLOSED SESSION It was moved by Councilman Pedroza, second by Councilman Rodriguez and carried to recess Closed Session at 9:15 p.m. Council reconvened at 11:25 p.m. Item #23: CLOSED SESSION ITEMS City Attorney Beltran stated, with respect to every item of business to be discussed in Joint Closed Session pursuant to Section 54957.6: A. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agency Negotiator: Gail L. Black Employee Organization: Lynwood Employees' Association B. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.9 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9) Name of Case: Bulletin Displays, LLC vs. City of Lynwood, et al. LASC Case No. BS 091177 Name of Case: Regency Outdoor Advertising, Inc. v. City of Lynwood. Case No. BC285256 C. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.9: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9: TWO (2) CASES City Attorney Beltran stated that Council met on the aforementioned matters and reported on: Item #23: CLOSED SESSION ITEMS City Attorney Beltran stated, with respect to every item of business to be discussed in Joint Closed Session pursuant to Section 54957.6: A. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agency Negotiator: Gail L. Black Employee Organization: Lynwood Employees' Association Information Only B. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.9 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL -EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9) Name of Case: Bulletin Displays, LLC vs. City of Lynwood, et al. LASC Case No. BS 091177 Name of Case: Regency Outdoor Advertising, Inc. v. City of Lynwood. Case No. BC285256 Council reached concensus and provided further instruction Mayor Pro- Tem Vasquez was the only no vote. C. With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Section 54956.9: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9: TWO (2) CASES CASE (1) ONE - Staff report was given but no action required. CASE (2) TWO - Staff report was given but not action required. ADJOURNMENT Having no further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Pedroza second by Councilman Rodriguez and carried to adjourn the Regular Council Meeting at 11:28 p.m. a- 4L~~~ / Lo is Byrd, Mayor Andrea L. Hooper, City Clerk 7"-'