HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 7 CALLT,D MTING May 20th,192a THE MEUITT", OALLD TO ORDER by the mayor at 7 :46 2M with all members present. The mayor announced that the meeting was called to go over the preliminary and un- official statements of the auditor. The matter of collecting the regular Toll and Dog Tax was discussed. Larshel -arding was instructed to begin the annual collection. The matter of sales of soft drinks in 3illiard halls was discussed. Pstrouck moved, seconded by Anderson that the Judiciary Committee loof up and report on the Ordinance concerning license and regulations for billiard halls.U1 vote YEA. : he preliminary statements of the auditor were reed.Hasbrouck moved , seconded by Andrews that the auditor' s figures on Flant and oistribution costs be forwarded to the Mginaer at '3oulter,,l1 vote YEA. Auditor oreo.'7.Folbrook was then heard.He presented preliminary statements informally.The matter of the audit was then taken up and discussed,and upon learning from nr. Holbrook, the unsatisfactory conditions under which he has been working, to arrive et correct results, the following resolution was introduced by rustee 7asbrouck. esolution ,hereas, the method of keeping the , own' s books and eecords hes been such that a complete audit cannot be made,or even a partial or preliminary report made,with any definite degree of eccuracy,without much research and de- tail investigation,and ihereas, such research and details can be worked up by a competent elerk,at much less expense to the town than if done by an auditor,and Aiereas,.,,Lr.qe0.,:.Jolbrook,who was engaged to make an audit,and who has already spent considerable time upon it,has expressed a willingness to cancel his contract and stop further prosecution of the work,and Jiereas, it appears to be for the finencial int- erest of the town that this be done,now therefore be it ROVED ,by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Allt,r,olorado, that the contract with •r.--Tolbrook to make an audit of the ?own' s books,be,nnd is hereby annuled and cancelled,and that 11r. olbrook be ,anci hereby re- lieved, from all responsibility,liabilit ' and obligation under said contnact,nnd be it further RESOLVED that the mayor and hairman of the "min- ance omrnittee be and are hereby authorized to make the best settlement possible with Lir. -olbrook for services al- ready rendered ,and that a warrant be drawn on the ;eneral -und for tee amount agreed upon,and given to mr. eolbrook. qefeler moved , seconde by endrews , that the above ,esolution be adopted, All vote YEA . rustee ondrews the introduced the following ,hereas, it was deemed advisable by the liayor and hairman of the -inance Committee that the audit begin pril lst,1918, instead of January lst,1918, therefore be it Rt,1SOLVED that the audit begin pril lst,1918. ,ndrews moved ,seconded by Rewell that the above aesolution be adopted.All vote vY .