HomeMy Public PortalAboutMarch 5, 2019 minutes with links Watertown Free Public Library Meeting of the Trustees Tuesday,March 5,2019 Raya Stern Trustees Room,WFPL Present:Trustees Shep Ferguson,Michael Hanlon,Penny Peoples,Daniel Evans Pritchard, Timothy Tracy;WFPL Director Leone Cole,Assistant Director Caitlin Browne;Donald Bleech, Red Leaf Cafe; Carey Conkey,WFPL Teen Room Librarian. Enclosures: March 5 Meeting Agenda;February 2019 Board Meeting Minutes;Library Budget Report;HATCH Budget Report;Memo and Related Documents Regarding Library Suspension Appeal; Copy of Donation Check from Friends of Project Literacy;Draft of Letter to Patron Regarding February 2019 Public Forum Statement;Marshall Home Fund Grant Application and Memo;Memo in Regards to 150th Anniversary Sponsorship;Director's Self-Evaluation Notes and Supporting Material. Call to order:Mr. Tracy called the meeting to order at 6:59 pm. Watertown Cable Access Television was on hand to record the meeting. Executive Session: For the purpose of discussing complaints or charges brought against an individual,including issues affecting reputation and character under G.L. c.30A§21(a)(1) and to comply with,or act under the authority of, a general law, specifically,G.L. c.214, §1B (privacy) under G.L. c.30A §21(a)(7). Mr. Hanlon raised a motion to enter Executive Session. Board voted to move into Executive Session. Mr. Hanlon raised a motion to exit Executive Session Board voted to move into Regular Session. Secretary's Report:Minutes of the February 5,2019 WFPL meeting were approved. Public Forum:No members of the public present. Red Leaf Cafe:A patron complained about the noisiness of younger patrons of the cafe. The WFPL code of conduct applies in the cafe,with certain exceptions. Mr. Tracy and Ms. Cole will meet with Mr. Bleech to discuss stronger enforcement of the code of conduct in that space. Financial Report: FY19 Bud:et Update The finances of the Library are in good order. Donations have been submitted by Friends of Project Literacy and the Building Fund. Mr. Hanlon raised a motion to accept the financial report. Board voted unanimously to accept. Chair's Report: Collective Bargaining The town agent will make a presentation to the board to review upcoming collective bargaining. Draft Response to Tanuary Public Forum Comments Mr. Tracy reviewed and accepted the draft to be sent to the patron. Director's Report: Consideration and Action on Project Literacv Grant Ms. Cole raised the question of whether the board should have approval authority over Friends of Project Literacy grant application.She would prefer that the literacy staff focus on programming than on grant writing, and notes that there are sometimes restrictions around grant-funded programming. Board advises that grant applications should be reviewed and approved by the Board,since it has direct bearing on the budget and programmatic scope of the Library. Mr. Pritchard raised a motion to accept the Marshall Home Fund application Board votes to approve. Old Business: 150th Anniversary Plan Ms. Cole requested up to$7,500 to be transferred from Griffin Fund to cover costs of the Anniversary program expenses. Mr. Tracy asked whether the Griffin Fund could be replenished in the case where sponsorship funds arrive after the vendor invoices are due. Ms. Cole advised that the funds will be spent as necessary. Mr Ferguson raised a motion to spend up to$7,500 of the Griffin Fund on Anniversary-related items,as necessary. Ms. Peoples requested updates on sponsorship effort. Trustees provided updates on their outreach efforts. Ms. Peoples asked how the Library might thank our sponsors. She is going to look into having a sign mounted on foam for the gala. March 25,2019,is the cut-off date for inclusion in the gala program. New Business: Library Director Self-Evaluation Mr. Pritchard will collect evaluations at the April board meeting,collate them, and compile a report with average scores on each measure for the May board meeting. Requests for Information: Mr. Pritchard asked whether the Girls Who Code program will be running in the 2019-2020. Ms Cole will check and send a memo. Mr. Pritchard also asked,when appropriate,for a report in regards to the efforts to reach residents who don't currently take advantage of the Library's resources. Next meeting:Scheduled for April 2,2019 at 7:00 pm. Mr. Hanlon raised the motion to adjourn the meeting. The board voted unanimously to adjourn.