HomeMy Public PortalAboutMIN-CC-2000-02-08MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING February 8, 2000 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Kirstin Peterson led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Gregg W. Stucki, Joseph Lekarczyk and Rob Sweeten; City Manager Donna Metzler, Deputy Recorder II Danielle Shumway, City Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, Public Works Director Brent Williams, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Police Chief Alan West, Assistant Police Chief Michael Navarre, Police Sergeant John Scott Mallon, Police Sergeant Steve Ross, Police Officer II Craig Shumway, Police Officer I Tom Nixon, Planning Aide Debra Gilger, and Temporary Planning Aide Janet Lowe; nineteen (19) members of the audience and media were present. There were no minutes to approve. There were no Citizens to be Heard. Under Planning Update, Planning Aide Gilger stated that there would be a Joint City/County Planning Commission Meeting on Thursday February 10, 2000 at 7:00 PM. No Police Department Update was given. Councilmember Sweeten moved to move the Agenda to a Request for a Moved on Structure Permit for Robert Morgan. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve a Request for a Moved on Structure Permit for Robert Morgan dba Uncle Bebop's to Conduct a Beverage Sales Business located at 425 South Main Street. Councilmember Sweeten seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to confirm the Mayoral Appointment of Michael Navarre as Temporary Acting Police Chief. Councilmember Peterson seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye by a roll call vote. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to confirm the Mayoral Appointment of Planning Commission Members as follows: Dorothy Markle, term ending December 31, 2004 and Kara Dohrenwend term ending December 31, 2000. Councilmember Sweeten seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. No action was taken on Approval of 2000-2001 Transportation Enhancement (TEA-21) Project. Under Discussion Regarding Contracting with the Grand County Sheriff's Department for the Provision of Law Enforcement Services, City Manager Metzler made a presentation. Discussion followed. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE POLICE DEPARTMENT UPDATE AGENDA MOVED MOVED ON STRUCTURE PERMIT FOR ROBERT MORGAN DBA UNCLE BEBOP'S TO CONDUCT A BEVERAGE SALES BUSINESS, APPROVED MAYORAL APPOINTMENT OF MICHAEL NAVARRE AS TEMPORARY ACTING POLICE CHIEF, APPROVED MAYORAL APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS, APPROVED APPROVAL OF 2000-2001 TRANS. ENHANCEMENT (TEA-21) PROJECT, NO ACTION TAKEN DISCUSSION RE: CONTRACTING WITH THE GRAND COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES Under Discussion Regarding Possible Interlocal Agreement with Town of Castle Valley for the Provision of Animal Control Services, City Manager Metzler made a presentation. Discussion followed. Under Review of Draft Interlocal Agreement for the coordination of North Corridor Planning, City Manager Metzler made a presentation. Discussion followed. Mayor Hancock opened a Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance #02- 2000 — A Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Budget at 7:30 PM. City Manager Metzler stated that this was a mid -year budget adjustment process. City Manager Metzler also stated that she is recommending an overall decrease in the General Fund Budget of $19,000. City Manager Metzler stated that when the Council voted to implement the sewer rate decrease, it affected Transient Room Tax balance in the General Fund which would have been transferred into the Sanitation department, which does not exist, so it will instead be reflected in the Sewer Fund. City Manager Metzler stated that the Police Department would be receiving a Cops -in -Shops grant of $5,000 which is reflected in revenue. City Manager Metzler also stated that the Sanitation Department shows an overall decrease due to moving expenditures for containers back into the General Fund. Councilmember Peterson inquired if the expenditure was for anticipated containers or if it is needed now. City Manager Metzler stated that a container assessment would be done to determine current needs. County Administrator David Hutchinson inquired if drainage work identified by city engineers was addressed in this budget. Mr. Hutchinson stated specifically a drainage pond at the top of 200 South and Hillside. Mr. Hutchinson requested that if it is not in the budget that it be made a priority, especially the detention basin. City Manager Metzler stated that engineering for that project has been budgeted in the current fiscal year and that the actual project will be budgeted for in the next fiscal year. City Manager Metzler stated that other requested budget changes in the Resolution are outlined in a memo that she had distributed. City Manager Metzler stated included in the changes is $7,000 for the Planning Department for North Corridor Planning Study as well as funds for the Map Revision Project. City Manager Metzler stated that there was an increase in the Police Department to cover some unexpected vehicle maintenance. Councilmember Bailey inquired if each vehicle's repair was in excess of $4,000 and if the cost is $7,000 to lease a new vehicle. Police Chief West affirmed that was correct. Councilmember Bailey continued that anytime that much money is put into a repair, the City should look at a replacement vehicle. Mayor Hancock inquired if money was designated this year for the Police Management Audit. DISCUSSION RE: POSSIBLE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH TOWN OF CASTLE VALLEY FOR THE PROVISION OF ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES DISCUSSION RE: REVIEW OF DRAFT INTERLOCAL AGMT FOR THE COORD OF NORTH CORRIDOR PLANNING PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE #02-2000 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 BUDGET, OPENED City Manager Metzler stated that the funds were reflected in the Administrative Budget. City Manager Metzler stated that the Resolution also included a transfer of fund balances to clean-up some unused funds, including combining the After School Fund back into Recreation and putting the Sanitation Capital Projects fund back into the Capital Projects Fund. Councilmember Sweeten inquired if in the Recreation Department there was a possibility for a staff assistant this year budgeted from the General Fund and have their job duties include Recreation, MARC and General Government. City Manager Metzler stated that it would be possible and would be something to be discussed during the regular budget process since it is a policy decision. Councilmember Sweeten then inquired if there would be a temporary reduction in the Police Department budget due to Police Chief West's retirement. City Manager Metzler stated that due to the payout of annual leave, there would not be a surplus of funds in the Police Department. Councilmember Peterson inquired if Moab Arts and Recreation Center (MARC) expenditures were approved by the MARC board. City Manager Metzler stated that the MARC board serves only in an advisory capacity and make recommendations as to the overall budget to the City Council. Councilmember Bailey inquired what the difference was between the Out of School Program and the After School Program. City Manager Metzler stated that the After School Program was administered several years ago through a state contract with state provided funds and the state requested that a separate fund be established. City Manager Metzler stated that having a separate fund for the program makes it difficult to manage cash flow due to the state reimbursement of expenditures and resulted in a loan to the fund from the City. Councilmember Bailey inquired what the modified budget for the Out of School Program would be. City Manager Metzler stated that it is approximately $11,000. Councilmember Bailey stated that it appeared to be a new program and inquired how much of expenditures would be offset by revenue. City Manager Metzler stated that she would provide a detailed program budget and that the program will not being subsidized by other programs and will partially be funded by state grants. Mayor Hancock closed the Public Hearing at 7:51 PM. Councilmember Peterson moved to Approve Proposed Resolution #2- 2000 — a Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Budget. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PROPOSED RESOLUTION #2-2000 - A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 BUDGET, APPROVED Under Review of Status of Grand Water and Sewer Service Agency Draft Agreement, City Manager Metzler made a presentation. Discussion followed. Under Review of Status of Club Utah Pre -annexation Agreement Process, City Manager Metzler made a presentation. Discussion followed. Councilmember Sweeten moved to Approve Proposed Resolution #3- 2000 - A Resolution Adopting Revisions to the City of Moab Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. Councilmember Peterson seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Bailey moved to approve a Request for a Special Event License for Canyonlands Volleyball Tournament to Conduct a Volleyball Tournament on February 18-19, March 3-4, 10-11, 24-25, 31 and April 1, 2000. Councilmember Sweeten seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Lekarczyk moved to approve an Application for a Temporary Class I Beer License by Gonzo Inn Located at 100 West 200 South. Councilmember Sweeten seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There was no Correspondence to be Read. Under Administrative Reports, City Manager Metzler stated that she had been working on the agreements in the agenda packet and she has also drafted a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Old Middle School which she has given to the City Attorney for review. City Manager Metzler stated that she is an appointee to the Children's Justice Center Advisory Board and that she has been working on quite a few administrative issues for them. City Manager Metzler stated that there would be a Department Head/Council Workshop on the following day and asked if a budget priority setting meeting could be held on Tuesday, February 29, 2000 at 7:00 PM. City Manager Metzler also stated that there would be an open house for Police Chief West's retirement immediately following the Department Head Workshop. City Manager Metzler stated that the revisions to the Bed and Breakfast Ordinance had been sent to the Planning Commission, the letter to Spanish Valley Water Agency was done and the Police Management Audit Request for Proposals had been advertised. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Mayor Hancock stated that she is soliciting for someone to replace her as City liaison on the Chamber of Commerce Board and that those meetings are held on the third Tuesday at 5:30 PM. Councilmember Stucki stated that he had attended a community sign ordinance committee meeting and that it had been a good meeting and was a great group of people. Councilmember Stucki moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $517,936.87. Councilmember Peterson seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye by a roll -call -vote. Councilmember Sweeten moved for adjournment. Councilmember Stucki seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 8:33 PM. DISCUSSION RE: REVIEW OF STATUS OF GRAND WATER AND SEWER SERVICE AGENCY DRAFT AGREEMENT DIS. RE: REVIEW OF STATUS OF CLUB UTAH PRE -ANNEXATION AGREEMENT PROCESS PROP RES #3-2000 - A RES ADOPTING REVISIONS TO THE CITY OF MOAB PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL, APPROVED SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE FOR CANYONLANDS VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT, APPROVED TEMPORARY CLASS I BEER LICENSE BY GONZO INN, APPROVED READING OF CORRESPONDENCE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS MOTION TO ADJOURN ADJOURNMENT