HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 13PFP rlej9 Dund s noved, seconded by Hasbrouck that the bills be allowed as read anc warrants draen on the Treasurer for the same.All present vote YEA. Dundas moved to ajourn subect to the c ,11 of the 1:ayor,seconde" by Hasbrouck. All present vote YE.1. MAYOR. Attest . . . . . 01, CL7RK. O' LLEJ MEETING . August 6th, 1921. iff MEETING LAS CALLED 20 OP OP BY THE :1LYOR T 8:30 2.M. for the purpose of presenting the following resolution by Trustee Hasbrouck which was duly seconded by Trustee Newell. _HERE T, The Home Gaw & Electric Co, a corporation, has offered to buy the electric light distribution system of the Town of Ault, including trans :ormers,meters and street lighting eeuipment, for the price of (T10,000) Ten Thousand Dollars: ND 7EREA3,at an election duly held on the 19th day of July, sa' d town.the question of sabd sale was submitted to the vote of the qualified electors of said town, who in the year next preceding had paid a property tax therin: AND 'eHERE.; 3,canvass of the votes of said election has been made nd shows that a total of One Hindi.e Two ballots were cast and that Seventy-Two of said votes ere in fs..vor of said sale and only thirty votes were -g inst the seme,whereby said euestion of sale has been affirmatively carried end said sale has been authorized by a more than two-thirds vote; ,ND .9:ERELS,upon tpplication for authority to make saLd sale and to premit the Town of Ault to discontinue s id electrical distribution system, oeoceedins were had before the Public Utilities Cornmision of the 3tate of Colorado resulting in an- order after hearing on the 4th day of .August,e..D.1921,authorieing the to n to discontinue the distribution of electric energy; AND HEREAS, due to disability from repairs necessary in the plant of the to-n, said compen - has been since the 27th day of July 1921, furnishing to the town thro gh the municipal distribution system electric energy since that date,and said company is willing to take over the accounts of private consumers. leaving the town liable only for electric energy consumed for pumpin aeter, street lighting and other strictly municipal uses of the town since said date ; 2HEET,F07E BE IT R.]3OLVED? that the 2own of Ault shall and does forthwith cease the distribution of electric energy and that the _layor with :he attest of the Tomn clerk, is authorized to execute to the Home Gas & Electric Co,such instrument of transfer end conveyance to said company,upon receipt of the sum of Ten Thousand ( 110,000 ) Dollars, setting over and deliverin,g, to said company the electrical distribution system of the Town of Ault , including all poles,wires,transformers,meters, and street lightine' eeuiptment, (but not including generetors, engines and municipal water system e _uiptment in the pumping house of said town ), also to transfer and assign to said company all accounts for electric energy furnished: over the municipal distribution system of the Town of Ault , beginging with July 28, 1921, acceptance dfwhich transfer by the said company shall leave the town obligate: only for electric current fur- nished to the town for pumping weter, for street lighting and for strictly municipal eses,beginning with the last named date, Upon vote had, the trustees votecas follows : Aye : Anderson, ,3.affner,Andrews,Hasbrouck,Newell. bay: none. Dundas. _hereupon such resolution was by the Mayor dulj. - declared adopted. Mayor Smith then read the bill of sale to the board which was duly lie lied by the Jayor and attested by the clerk. The following resolution was then read. Resolvea;Thit thc crossing of the 11.ion ?acfic 7ailroad -Lacks on lain Street in the 7nwn of Ault is unsafe for tr eel witholet a at one: light to protect travel at night and that the Union 2icific 17ea.ilway Co. be re ested to install and maint Ln such light . Anderson moved, seconded by ndrews that the resolution be accepted as read All present vote YEA. Anderson moveJ ,seconded by Hasbrouck to ajourn subje t to the call of the :ayor All present vote YEA. 00000 es esernseemersoose 000000 * es * =OR. Attest": • . * * * * * * * * . * . CL=.