HomeMy Public PortalAboutM2000-07-17-LII_Sp~ ®~4'0 LYNWOOD INFORMATION INC., JULY 17, 2000 The Information Inc., of the City of Lynwood met in a Special Session, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 9:50 a.m. Chairman Byrd presiding. Directors Reyes, Richards, Sanchez and Byrd answered roll call. Director Rea was absent. Also present were Chief Administrative Officer Davis, City Attorney Thever, and Secretary Hooper. Treasurer Pygatt was absent. Secretary Hooper announced the Agenda had been posted in accordance with The Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -AGENDA ITEMS ONLY None PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None Director Rea arrived at 10:00 a.m. Item #5: Media One merger with AT& T. Mr. Kent Leacook stated that the FCC approved the merger with AT&T that will take place around the 3'd week of August. Stated there will not be any changes, except name change. rgM #5 ~~ ~ ~' Chief Administrative Officer Davis requested if there are any changes to please ~'~ notify the City Council, even if there are no changes, just to give a status report. r Chairman Byrd questioned if the franchise agreement will be affected. Mr. Leacook stated that AT&T would abide with all existing agreements. Director Rea stated that Media One has lacked community response, and customer care. Secretary Hooper stated that the services with Media One in her opinion are not up to par. Asked if AT&T will have local offices. It was moved by Director Rea, seconded by Director Sanchez and carried to: RECEIVE AND FILE Item #4: Strategies forOblectives under Goals 11, & 12: rgra #4 Goal 11: "To create and maintain a community that provides access to ~ 11 outstanding educational opportunities for residents and businesses." ~' 12 After review and questions from the Directors, the Directors stated their suggestions on how to work with each objective. ~~' Having no further discussion, it was moved by Director Rea, seconded by III Director Sanchez and carried to adjourn at 11:45 a.m. G1C.>,L LO~D, C IR AN ~y ,~~^-d~t.2eL of ~ ANDREA L. HOOPER, SEC ETARY July 17.20001