HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 21 21 REGTILAR MUTING. April 4th,1922. aem,maa_-.N.a,MVP .M... ...•-.at-=•_,Ik-• ...... .. A RFG0LAR liF. TINn OF THE BOARD OF TRTISTEES WAS CALLED TO ORDER By THE MAYOR at 8: 00 P.M. Trustees, Andrevs, Anderson, Gaffner, Hasbrouck and Newell were present. Minutes of the preceeding meeting read and a-rroved. Mr Kirby,Mr Taylor and Mr.Hine repersentin,cr the Ault Volunteer Fire Department addressed the meting and presented the resolution adopteJ_ by the Fire Department. Andrews moved seconded by Newell; That the Town of Ault pay Three dollars per man, for each fire attended by the individual ,providing water, chemical, sand or soil is used in extinguishing the fire, and fifty cents per man per rratiee, aleo that the Town furnish each enrolled member ':;itll boots, raincoat and he1met, A11- prceent vote Yea. Andrews moved, seconded by Hasbrcuck; That the clerk be instucted to write Fendrie & Folthoff and get prices on a 3hp electric fire siren installerl . All present vote Yea. 'Vatering of parks disscussed and refered to proper committee. Letter from the tate Compensation Insurance Fund read. The fo lowing bills having been checked by the finance committee were read. R.P.Bowman. 14n.o0 G.A.Cloyd. e6.03 Farmers Natl Bank 17.11 J.M.Minnis 2.25 Kountze :roe'. 550.00 Pittsburg Meter 070. 05 1.E.Harding. 85, 00 Home Gas & Flee 1 . 58 Yrs Kirby. 15. 00 7 , ) , „ 59.95 Mrs.Riedel . 15. 0- 4 y ) 1 ) 3 100. 00 C.T-T.Frye. 15. 00 Ault IOOF Realty.21. 50 Mrs Campbell. 5. 00 Town clerk. 2. 00 Mrs Hart, 5. 00 Smith Lbr ro 143. 65 Joe Monfort . .P0 Ault Advertiser 73. 12 Newell moved, seconded by Hasbrouck; That the bills be allowed as read and warrants drawn on the Treasurer for the same, All present vote Yea. Treasurers report for the fiscal year ending March 31st read. Newell moved, seconded by Andrews to ajourn subject to the call of the Mayor, All present vote Ye . . .iWi..- Mayor. /11 , attest. . . . Called Meeting. April, 11th,1922. A 7TETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEFQ NArlCALLED TO ORDT'B BY THE MAYOR at 8:00 F.V . for the purpose of closing the business of the fiscal year Ind to install the new members of the Board. Trustees Andrews, Anderso , Hasbrouck,Dundas,Newell and Gaffner were present. The minutes of the preceeding meeting we-e real and approved. Proposed annual appropriation Ordinance No 81 was read and discussed, Anderson moved, seconded by Gaffner; That proposed Ordinance No 81 be adopted and paceed as read, A-11 rreeent vote Yea. The fellc:;ing bills for salaries of the Poard of Trustees for the year ware checked by the Finance committee and read. 1 .F. Smith d26. 00 F.J .0affner. :.37. 00 A .ANderson. 26 . 00 C.L.Pundas, 18, 00 E.r.Andrevs. 24. 0 J .7asbrouck, 24. 00 J .J .Newell. 93. 0r Anderson moved, seconded by Ardraws; That the bills be allowed as read and warrants drawn on the Treasurer for the eame, All present vote Yea. Mr. Hasbrouck chairman of the Finance Committee reported that upon check the Town Clerks books wore correct. Treasurers report for the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1922 • was read. Hasbrouck moved, seconded by rundae; That the Treasurers report be accepted as read, All present vote Yea. Hasbrouck moved, seconded by Andrews; That the Board ajourn '13TNE Die,AIT'Pres to attpst.- • ,c'oese,3v . 0004 OOOOOOO • • i %OOOOOO Town Clerk ( 'Mayor L _