HomeMy Public PortalAboutMIN-CC-2000-06-27MOAB CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 27, 2000 The Moab City Council held their regular meeting on the above date in the Council Chambers of Moab City Offices, located at 115 West 200 South, Moab, Utah. Mayor Karla R. Hancock called the Pre -Council Workshop to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Hancock called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Kirstin Peterson led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also in attendance were Councilmembers Kyle Bailey, Rob Sweeten, Gregg W. Stucki and Joseph Lekarczyk; City Manager Donna Metzler, Deputy Recorder Danielle Shumway, City Treasurer Laurie Ramstetter, Community Development Coordinator David Olsen, City Attorney Chris McAnany, Acting Temporary Police Chief Michael NaVarre, Police Officer I Jon C. Morgan, Police Sergeant J. Scott Mallon, Police Sergeant Steve Ross, Police Sergeant Mike Wiler, Police Officer I Tom Nixon, Animal Control Officer Randal Zimmerman and Temporary Planning Aide Janet Lowe. Fifteen (15) members of the audience and media were present. Councilmember Sweeten moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of May 23, May 30 and June 14, 2000. Councilmember Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. There were no Citizens to be Heard. There was no Planning Update There was no Public Works Department Update Under Police Department Update Police Sergeant Mallon reminded everyone of the Department of Justice meetings. Councilmember Sweeten moved to approve the request for use of the Old City Park by Vijali Hamilton to hold an Amplified Music Event on July 23, 2000. Councilmember Peterson seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Peterson moved to approve a request for a Home Occupation License for Sherry and Tina Sorrell, d.b.a. Runaway Retreats Located at 557 North 500 West to Conduct a Massage Therapy and Retreat Business. Councilmember Stucki seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Sweeten moved to approve a request for a Home Occupation License by Janet Lowe, d.b.a. Lowe and Behold Publications Located at 75 South 400 East to Conduct a Freelance Writing Business. Councilmember Stucki seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to table the Award of the Engineering Services Bid. Councilmember Sweeten seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. Councilmember Bailey moved to table the Approval of the Engineering Services Contract. Councilmember Stucki seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 aye. REGULAR MEETING & ATTENDANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITIZENS TO BE HEARD PLANNING UPDATE PUBLIC WORKS UPDATE POLICE DEPARTMENT UPDATE APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR USE OF OLD CITY PARK ON JULY 23,2000 APPROVAL OF HOME OCCUPATION FOR RUNAWAY RETREATS APPROVAL OF HOME OCCUPATION FOR LOWE AND BEHOLD AWARD OF ENGINEERING BID TABLED APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING CONTRACT TABLED Councilmember Stucki moved to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Mike NaVarre as Police Chief. Councilmember Sweeten seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2 aye by a roll -call -vote with Councilmembers Bailey and Peterson voting nay. Councilmember Peterson moved to approve a Request for 15 Family Pool Pass Waivers by Utah Foster Care Foundation. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by a roll - call -vote with Councilmember Stucki voting nay. The Attorney Services Contract was discussed. Mayor Hancock opened the public hearing at 7:41 PM on a Proposed Zone Change Located at 911 West 400 North from I-1 to R-4. Sandy Bastian stated that she lives in the area of the zone change, and that she is not sure what an R-4 zone is. Community Development Coordinator David Olsen replied that the Planning Commission recommended an R-4 Zone instead of a conditional use zone change. Community Development Coordinator Olsen stated that this piece of land is a small piece of land. Ms. Bastian stated that she did not know what was allowed in an R-4 zone. Ms. Bastain has observed a For Sale sign in front of the property, and an advertisement listing multiple units. Ms. Bastain stated that she is a resident of that area and that she is concerned that the existing 15 foot road can't handle current traffic plus increased traffic. Ms. Bastian stated that she is not opposed to a single dwelling and she is not opposed to the area being upgraded; however, she is opposed to over -building. Ms. Bastain stated that Zoning Administrator/Planning Assistant Debra Gilger had contacted her Monday and indicated that it is possible to put nine apartments in that area. Ms. Bastain does not feel that the area is suited for that. Ms. Bastain stated that the Planning Commission is not aware of the whole situation; Ms. Bastain thinks the zone change request was to build a single house on the back half of the property. Ms. Bastain believes that the property could handle a single dwelling and another car using that road. Ms. Bastain requested that the road be checked out because of the projects and the heavy equipment using the road. Councilmember Sweeten asked Community Development Coordinator David Olsen to explain conditional uses, and the possibility of the property owner being able to put 9 units on the property with the current zone. Community Development Coordinator David Olsen explained that with a conditional use, the possibility is there; however, there would be conditions applied to this use. City Attorney McAnany read a section of Utah State Code on Conditional Use, Transition Uses. Maryann Beeson stated that she lives on 400 North where the good pavement ends. She stated that she agrees with the comments that Sandy Bastian had made. She also wanted to address what is happening in general in that area in the past ten years. Ms. Beeson bought her home six years ago and at that time it was in the County and zoned agricultural. Since that time the property has been annexed into the city and zoned R-4. APPROVAL OF MAYORAL APPOINTMENT OF POLICE CHIEF APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR FAMILY POOL PASS WAIVERS DISCUSSION OF ATTORNEY CONTRACT PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONE CHANGE AT 911 W. 400 N. FROM I-1 TO R-4 OPENED Councilmember Bailey asked Ms. Beeson if she would be more concerned if that entire lot changed to Industrial I-1 Zone. Ms. Beason responded that it would depend on what the proposal was for industrial use. Councilmember Bailey stated that the City has standards for industrial use. Councilmember Sweeten asked Community Development Coordinator David Olsen what were the acceptable uses of an Industrial Zone. City Attorney McAnany read a section of Utah State Code describing what is allowed and not allowed in an Industrial Zone. Mayor Hancock closed the Public Hearing on Proposed Zone Change at 911 West 400 North from I-1 to R-4 at 8:12 PM. Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance #2000-05 — An Ordinance Setting the Salaries for the Exempt Positions of the City of Moab at 8:12 PM. No public comment was made. Mayor Hancock closed the Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance #2000-05 — An Ordinance Setting the Salaries for the Exempt Positions of the City of Moab at 8:13 PM. Mayor Hancock opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Resolution #12-2000 — A Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Budget at 8:13 PM. No public comment was made. Mayor Hancock closed the Public Hearing on Proposed Resolution #12-2000 — A Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Budget at 8:14 PM. No public comment was made. Councilmember Sweeten moved to approve Proposed Ordinance #2000-05 — An Ordinance Setting the Salaries for the Exempt Positions of the City of Moab. Councilmember Peterson seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-1 aye by roll -call -vote with Councilmember Stucki voting nay. Councilmember Peterson moved to approve Proposed Resolution #12- 2000 — A Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Budget. Councilmember Sweeten seconded the motion. The motion carried 5- 0 aye by roll -call -vote. Mr. Edwards made a presentation regarding a possible property swap between Club Utah and Moab City for the Skakel Spring Pump House. Discussion followed. City Attorney McAnany made a Presentation Regarding the Solid Waste Contract performance bond. Discussion followed. Under Reading of Correspondence Mayor Hancock stated that she had a note from the Chamber of Commerce stating that they were very appreciative of the Police Officers working with them so well during the parade. Councilmember Sweeten addressed overflow into the Treatment Plant. Discussion followed. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE #2000-05 SETTING EXEMPT SALARIES OPENED PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION #12-2000 AMENDING 99-00 BUDGET OPENED PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE #2000-05 - SETTING SALARIES FOR EXEMPT SALARIES APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION #12- 2000 - AMENDING FISCAL YEAR 99-00 BUDGET PRESENTATION ON PROPERTY SWAP WITH CLUB UTAH PRESENTATION REGARDING SOLID WASTE CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BOND READING OF CORRESPONDENCE Under Administrative Reports City Manager Metzler sated that City Staff was closing the fiscal year end. City Manager Metzler stated that this year had been busier than the previous years. City Manager Metzler stated she has not received a formal response regarding the Middle School Project. City Manager Metzler stated that she was dealing with some rather large personnel issues at this time; City Manager Metzler offered Mayor and Council the opportunity to discuss these issues at her office or on the phone. City Manager Metzler also reported that the Department of Justice meetings went well and that there would be one more meeting on Wednesday. Under Mayor and Council Reports, Councilmember Sweeten stated that he expressed his opinion on the Middle School Project during Citizens to be Heard at the last County Council Meeting. Mayor Hancock expressed that she would like the Council to attend the Department of Justice meeting on Wednesday. Mayor Hancock stated that she had also attended the Recreation Meeting and that the board was in favor of the expansion of the Equestrian Center. Councilmember Bailey reported that Public Works Director Brent Williams and he had attended a County Council Meeting in Monticello, Utah, and that plans that for the upper end of Spanish Valley were discussed. Councilmember Bailey stated that he offered the help of the City with finding resources. Councilmember Lekarczyk reported that he had spoke with Lance Christie and that having Mr. Christie give a presentation would be very helpful to the City. Councilmember Sweeten reported that he attended a Grand County Council Meeting with the San Juan County Commission and they would like a committee to be developed with representatives from the City, Grand County and San Juan County. Councilmember Peterson reported on the lighting ordinance. She stated that Janet Lowe is working on it. There is some activity from the private sector in support. Councilmember Stucki reported that he would like to get information for the last eight years on the population of the City and what the City Budgets were. Councilmember Stucki reported on a garbage issue on Power House Lane. Councilmember Sweeten reported that he had lunch with a representative from the state concerning the Middle School Project and Energy Efficiency. Councilmember Stucki moved to pay the bills against the City of Moab in the amount of $150,551.57. Councilmember Lekarczyk seconded the motion. The motion carried by roll -call vote 5-0 aye. Mayor Hancock adjourned the Regular Council Meeting at 9:30 PM. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS PAID AGAINST THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $150,551.57 ADJOURNMENT