HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 28r _ 2 8 Outstanding Warrants 0 mills Spec ial Improvements 1948. 02 Total. . . . . . . .16 mill s 9183.57 Upon ,vo te,All. present voted Yea. ' License of Motion Picture Show discussed and the Clerk was inbructed to collect the sum of 11, 25.00 from the present tenant .also collect all unpaid license money due , from ,pool halls. Newell moved, seconded by Burman to ajourn subject to , the call of the l: ayor, All present vote Yea. . . . .Mayor. , , att st . . . . .Town Clerk. REGULAR MEETING. October. 3rd. ,192 ,. A RFrf LAR MUTINY; OP TFE BOARD OF TRT18TEES r3AS CALL FD TO ORDER RY THE MAYOR at 8 :00 P.M. Trustees; Anderson, Hasbrouck,Gaf finer,Burman and Fullmer were present . The minutes of the _ preceeding meetings were read. Anderson moved seconded by Burman; That the minutes be approved as r.ead, A11 present vote Yea, Letters from the gethman Flectric & Mfg. Co. read and discussed . Fullmer moved, seconded by TTasbroucic; That the clerk bo instructed to write the Sethman Electric P. Mfg.ro. , Statng that the prpperty mentioned in their letter of September 22nd.l22. 3.s the property of the Town of Ault and is for sale at a resonable price.Upon vote, Anderson, Burman,Hasbrouck and Fullmer voted Yea. , Gaffner voted Nay. Newell absent. Street sprinkling was discussed and refered to the proper Committee. The Marshall was instructed to investigate the parking of cars outside of the several chu1Thes by parties who have been creating a disturhence which has been interfering with religious worship.and also to notify children and their parents not to allow the children to play in the streets. It was the opinion of the Board that the school be allowed water for the sprinkling of the foot ball field. Report of the Cemetery Corrrnittee. The following bills having been checked by the Finance Committee were read; R.D.Dotson t'2.60 M.J.A'Fallon. $9.42 R.R.Powr an. 70. 00 M.J.O 'Falion. 59. 41 Kountze Bros. 550. 00 Ault Advertiser. 7.00 First National Bank. 5.75, Wyatt Hardware Co.5.30 A.C.McCain. 8.00 Wyatt Hardware Co.1. 30 R.R.Bowman. 7. 30 M.STATES.T. Y.T.Co. 5. 40 R.R.Bowman. 70. 00 Home G.&.E.Co. .. 1. 50 Smith Lbr Co. . 75 , , , , , , 110.00 Smith Lbr. Co. • 2.25 , , „ „ 17. 5R Pit tshurt Meter no . 94.05 , , , , , , 100. 00 Gec Broy.. 2.20 .J .Via.Yinni s. 1.00 , Brayton & McIntyre. 1 .20 rr.A.C1 cyd. 7. 40 S.Carmack. 12. 00 James Hensley., , 1.80 John Nelson. 6.00 Blain Blake. 7.00 M.F.Oesterle. 6.50 Colo Con.0i1 co . 7. 50 M.F.Oesterle. 85.00 F.R.Giradot. .40 Chas Frye. 49.88 Ault Vol Fire feptll. 50 Ault IOOF Realty Co. 21. 50 G.B.Wood. 4.88 E.N.Rlakesley. 85.00 elm.Widdows. 27.15