HomeMy Public PortalAboutM2002-08-20-LII_Sp052 LYNWOOD INFORMATION, INC. SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 20, 2002 The Lynwood Information, Inc. of the City of Lynwood met in a Special Meeting in the Council Chambers, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 9:15 a.m. Chairman Reyes presiding. Directors Byrd, Pedroza, Rodriguez and Reyes answered the joint roll call for all agencies. Director Richards was absent. Also present were City Manager Gonzales, Secretary Hooper and Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced that the agenda had been posted in accordance with the Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) NONE PUBLIC ORALS COMMUNICATIONS Director Richards arrived at 9:20 a.m. Item #t4: PROPOSED FY 2002-2003 BUDGET PLAN City Manager Gonzales explained to the Directors that staff presented a three-year projection of all funds based upon current expenditure level. Based on this analysis, the ~~ General Fund was projected in deficit in FY 2003-2004 fiscal year if current levels of expenditure are maintained. Given that scenario, the preparation for the proposed FY 2002-2003 budget needs to take into consideration reducing cost and increasing revenue in order to forestall a deficit. Staff has since adjusted the estimates and refined the three- year projection. Since April 18 staff has derived improved estimates on the actual expenditures and revenues to use for the base year as the starting point for the projection. Staff has also prepared a budget plan that includes corrective measures, which will achieve a savings of approximately $l.8 million dollars in the general fund if implemented and would forestall a deficit in FY 2004-2005. The corrective measures are as follows: decrease on operational cost, reorganization of departments for greater efficiency, enhancement of ongoing revenues, consideration of one-time potential revenues, and scheduling payback of general fund liabilities. City Manager Gonzales also explained that the submitted budget plan is not a finished budget. Its purpose is to provide the Directors with a basic document, which after the Directors review and input can be used in preparation of the line item budget. City Manager Gonzales stated he would bring back a proposed FY 2002-2003 line item budget for a public hearing and Directors adoption in approximately three weeks. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION BUDGET PLAN: `' Director of Finance & Administration Alfretta Earnest - Presented a brief presentation to the Directors on the Finance & Administration Department. RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES BUDGET PLAN: Director of Recreation & Community Services Jim Givens - Presented a brief presentation to the Directors on the Recreation & Community Services Department. Yfs ®~VH Stated he would like to bring a new Park Ranger aboard to help resolve some of the parks issues. Director Richards -Believes that by bringing a Park Ranger aboard would not resolve the parks issues. The problems need to be resolved by the Director of the department a Park Ranger believes, this position is a waste of time and money. Director Byrd -Stated he would like for the Supervisor to provide Recreational Leaders for every site that belongs to the Recreation & Community Services Department. Chairman Reyes -Stated he would like to have a Recreation Leader or an employee on time to constantly supervise the parks and also every site of the department. Director Richards -Explained that the key is to have communication between staff and head departments. The Directors have to take action and make sure the job is being accomplished by the employees. Vice Chairman Pedroza -Questioned on the responsibility of maintaining the Parks up to date. And what action has been taken to progress the City's Parks. Director of Recreation & Community Services Jim Givens -Explained to the Directors that staff has been scheduled earlier than their usual hour to help solve some of the parks issues. Director Richards -Stated he believes that the one who is in charge to solve any issues is the Director of the department. Vice Chairman Pedroza -Suggested that maybe what would probably help make a difference with employees and directors is to provide a time clock for every department. Director Rodriguez -Stated he believes there is a solution to every problem, you just have to work harder to find the solution. Chairman Reyes -Stated he is considering putting a time clock for all City employees. Believe that maybe this would help make a difference and also help solve some issues. NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION BUDGET PLAN: City Manager Gonzales -Explained to the Directors that staff would like to bring a new Department aboard the Neighborhood Preservation Department to help solve some of the City's issues. Including Code Enforcement, Parking Enforcement, Crossing Guards, Complaints and etc. Chairman Reyes -Thanked the Supervisors and staff for their assistance in putting all the Budget Plans together for the Directors review. Stated he would like to provide a retirement plan for the City's employees, would like for staff to look into this idea. Vice Chairman Pedroza -Stated he would like for staff to provide two security guards in the City Hall buildings at all times and he would also like to install surveillance cameras through out the City Hall building. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Director Rodriguez, seconded by Vice Chairman Pedroza and carried to adjourn the Special Council Meeting at 11:45 a.m. ~~ Arturo Reyes, Cha" an ~~~.~~~- Andrea L. Hooper, Secretary