HomeMy Public PortalAboutSult FamilyDescendants of . Name John TETEaore Sult Virginia Ann Sult Charles Arthur Sult Cora Belle Suit Dora Dissiah Sult Laurance Ray Sult Laura May Sult George Franklin Sult Elsie Ella Sult John Theodore Sult and Virginia Ann MaCormao Place of Birth Date of Birth Marriage Death Indiana Juno 10: 4,(;3 Af r, 2571878 Sept, 22,1931 Muscatine, Iowa Oct. 12, 1858 Apr. 25, 1878 Dec. 2,1909 Wilson Co.,Kan. Dec. 9, 1879 June 23, 1901 Dec. 4, 188 ) Nov. 16, 1902 Apr. 25, 1883 Nov. 3, 1901 Lynn Co.,Kan. July 26, 1885 June 8, 1909 July 26, 1885 Roseberry, Idaho June 28, 1892 Nov. 7, 1915 Dec. 13, 1928 n n n n u n n n n n Oct. 12, 1899 Feb. 7,196 zS' ,°��' June,c1 1962 Juky Nov. 25, 1885 John Theodore Suit and Virginia Ann McCormac were married at her home in Lynn County,.(Mound City) Kansae, April 25, 1878. They moved to his farm in Wilson County, near Fredonia, where the threo oldest children were born. They sold the farm in the spring of 1885. Levi McCormao and J.T.Sult bought 150 head of cattle and prepared to go west. In April they were read to start from the home of A.J.MoCormac, with Ann drives ing the team of mules. While they were loading, the teem became frightened and rare, injuring Ann so that it was impossible for her to make the trip. J.T. and Levi started on, leaving the family with her parents. They went as far as Kingman County. where his sister, firs. James Reece lived. In July twins were born. J.T. came back in the late summer and moved the fam- ily to Kingman County, where Laura May died, Nov. 25, age 4 months. The next spring the family, with Theodore Sult, a nephew of J.T. started west again, with Ann driv» ing the mules, J.T. the ox team and Levi and Theodore the cattle. That summer t::,7 i .. ...7 11 ..'� -� :� v� 9 f T v ...�. �qt .... � [� 1 l 1 . ♦ �. 1 1 v.:..�.cd c:ld ..vv fc, lops,., ca young fill', a& t:Jluti V11 cii�i tiy, ai;t1 (, QQuLLl tl llt; l4J Ill l,i: the cattle, (Topsy became a family institution; all the children and several grand- children learned to ride on her. She finally died of old age about 1911). They spent that winter in Wyoming, near Bushnell Creek, about 65 miles from Cheyenne. There was good open range here, and they bought hay for the cattle during the worst of the winter. The next winter, 1887, they spent in the south-east corner of Idaho, near Benn- ington. It was necessary to have the cattle fed, so they parceled them out by 10's or 20is. Ann and the children went on to Ironside, Oregon, where another sister of J.T.Sult, Mrs. George Duncan, lived. She.and her husband had large land holdings on the Malheur River. They had originally intended to settle there, but Levi and J.T. went on a fishing trip to bong Valley, Idaho, and wore so favorably impressed with the wild hay and the general appearanoe of the country that they decided to go there instead. Page 2 On June 10, 1888, they arrived in Long Valley and camped near the falls on the Payette River, which later became the town of Crawford. Later that summer they too} a premption on 160 acres on Boulder Creek, 11 miles northeast of Donnelly. Levi took one adjoining it. (1942. It is now known as the Bob Wallaoe Place.) They did not put up much hay that summer, and the printer of 1888-89 was a very hard one. They loot many cattle. There George Franklin was born, June 28, 1892. In 1892 or 1893, J.T. bought Jack Jasper's pre-emption and filed a homestead claim on 160 acres on Gold Fork. Edd Cole was one of the witnesses when they pr•Jv- ed up on it. J.T. went in with Billy Ball and a Mr. Bradley in a sawmill, and built a dam on the river, "Suit's Mill" became a fishing and picnic center for all the country around. More of the family living came frbm the sawmill than from the farm,. Crops were planted and harvested, but largely left to themselves in the mean., time; while the men were busy getting out logs in winter and sawing them up in sum. mer, They also had a grist mill and people dome from miles around, bringing their wheat to ba ground into graham which was the mainstay of many of the families in the valley. Elsie Ella was born there on October 12, 1899. In 1912 or 1913, when the Boise Payette Lumber Company started to locate in the valley, J.T. and Ann filed on 160 acres of land each as timber claims. About 1898 they bought the Worley Place, 41 miles south, down the valley. The family living was also helped along by carrying the mails into that pioneer country. In 1894, Charley, age 16, began carrying the mail from Van Wyck to old Salmon Meadows. He drove for two years for someone else, then J.T. took the con- tract.to carry mail from Van Wyck to Roseberry. .Later the lino from Roseberry to Meadows was cut off. (Was not the contract from Van Wyck to Meadows?) In the sum- mer of 1901, Dora drove from Roseberry to Van Wyck. In 1902, the summer of the Thunder Mountain gold rush, J.T. took a four-year oontract to carry the mails from Ola (Squaw Creek) to Van Wyck. Charley had the run from 0la to Smith's Ferry and Laurence, from Smith's Ferry to Van Wyck. Ann died Dec. 2, 1909, of Bright's disease at the home of her sister. -in-law, Mrs. Cass Wisdom (Emily A. Sult) in Weise:, Idaho. J.T. continued to live on the farm, most of the time alone, until his death of heart failure on Sept. 22, 1931. They are buried in the Holmes Cemetery, not far from the home. ' Page.3 Charles Arthur Sult vas marKed June 23, 1901, at her home near Van Wyck, Idaho to Grace Belle Hall They began housekeeping at Ola, where Charley was carrying the mail from 01a to Smithfs Ferry. Later they moved to Van Wyck, where Grace and the children lived most of their early life. They were divorced about 1908 or 1909. Grace and the children moved to McCall, whore they lived until all had homes of their own. Grace later married Charley Arnold, who was a very good step -father to the children. Charley and Grace Sult had four daughterst Name Goldie Marie Sult Arthur Shaw Arvaretta Shaw Bud Coonrod Eva May Shaw Martin Cameron Virgil Lea Keathley Robert Dennis Doroth$r Hill Judy Marie Cameron Eddie Amgiven Lyle Arthur Shaw Lois Shepherd Sharron K . Kenny Lyle Bonita Elaine Patricia Ann May Belle Sult Charlie Cruse Mitt Bonecher ' Cyril Charles Cruse Dorothy Lee Smith Plane of Birth Van Wyck, Idaho Roseberry, " McCall, Idaho Van Wyck, " McCall, Idaho Cheyenne, Wyo. McCall, Idaho u " ,t " McCall, Idaho McCall, Idaho McCall, Idaho McCall, Idaho McCall, Idaho Date of Birth July 2, 1902 Jan. 31, 1892 Jan. 3, 1921 Apr. 4, 1912 Apr. 1, 1922 Jan. 24, 1917 June 19 May 21, 1942 not. 8, 1943 June 17, 1942 Mar. 11, 1930 Jan. 24, 1949 Mar. 11, 1950 Sept. 23, 1951 Mar. 21, 1952 Van Wyck, Idaho Dec. 14, 1904 Dec. 9, 1900 Aug. 16, 1920 June 1, 1901 Marriage Jan. 28, 1920 Jan. 28, 1920 June 13, 1942 June 13, 1942 July 3, 1940 July 3, 1940 Oct. 22, 1960 Nov. 21, 1962 Nov. 21, 1962 Jan, 19, 1963 Jan. 19, 1963 July 1948 " Death Sept,,15.53 124-58 2-8 5> • Aug. 16, 1920 10-19..30 Nov. 20, 1932 New Meadows,Idaho Mar.24, 1921 Nov. 28, 1945 Great Falls,Uont. June 15,1929 Nov. 28, 1945 Page 4 Name Place of Birth Date of Birth Charles Cyril (Chucky) Courcil,Idaho Mar. 27, 1950 Diana Lee Diana Ape Hazel Adella Suit Harry Radmaker Rollin Radmaker Eva Iiit Rorman :zi.i ie Rosemarie Pheifer Yora Jean Pau' Kevin Mae Susan Patricia ida. Mae Sult Charles Patrick Cummins Joan Cummins Council, Idaho July 7, 1952 MarriaPe Death Rosoberry (ranch) Feb. 26, 1906 Feb. Laconia,Indiana Feb. 9, 1887 Feb. Cascade, Idaho 'July 27, 1926 _;alem, .)r Aug;. . ., 1.'.%'O Forest 11-)tre Beaverton, Ore, Portland, " .;ent. C, 1.9g1 Apr. Apr. 27, 1925 27, 1925 1947 1947 divorced 1954( Apr. 13, 1956 • pva oct. 5, 1957 Portland, Ore. Oct. 15, 1958 .Van Wyck, Idaho Jan, ..19, 1908 .. Aug.. 82 1927 Apr..7. 1953.. Seattle, Wash. Jan. 26, 1930 ? Grace died at Cabarton, Idaho, Jan. 5, 1927, Charley lived mostly in Long Valley. He and Laurance ran the sawmill for a year or two. One year, about 1924. haip waa hard iv 6ei, and ne over -worked. his health iallea ana ne hover was well after that. He lived in Cascade, where he owned several houses, and ran his ranch, a part of the old Worley Place. Later he sold out in Cascade and went to Boise. There he bought and sold property, and had several houses that he rented. In 1942 he was no longer able to live alone, or to look after his property, so he sold everything but his car and his trailer house. Ho lived for awhile with Hazel at New Meadows; spent some time in Oregon with Dora, but name back to Boise for the winter. He died there on February 7, 1943. Page 5 Cora Belle Sult was marrled at her home on Gold Fork, Roseberry, Joel P. Glenn of Fruitvale, who was born March 23, 1962. They where they lived until about 1921 when they sold Oregon. They bought a place and lived there for of heart failure on Jan. 2, 1928. Cora moved to When her fatherts estate was settled, she bought children live. Xare Henfy Arthur Anna. Ravecca Frank Boren Gladys Evelyn Ross Fuquay, Jr. Robert Gordon Sue Harrison Terr1. Lynn Joy Charles Robin Anne Nellie May Glenn Bill Welling Cornelius Kolen Martha Jane Glenn Ernest Marshall Walter Reed William Conklin Elsie Iva Glenn Theodore Watry Effie Ida Glenn Stanley N. Thompson Helen Thompson 'l :!arold W. Nelson TWO Place of Birth PZ'uitvale, Idaho Fruitvale, lam}, Beaver, Wisc. Hoquiam, Wash Montesano, Wash. Hoquiam, Wash. Seattle, Wash Taloma, Wash. Idaho, Nov. 16, 1902 to began housekeeping on hie farm, their place and moved to Toledo, several years. Joe died suddenly Portland a year or two later, a home there, where several r.f h�:r Date of Birth Marriage Pcath Sept. 2, 1903 Mar717I Feb. 12, 1905 Aug. 30, 1925 Apra 30, 1895 Aug. 30,.1925 Oct. 21, 1926 July 22, 1951 Aug. 29, 1930 July 22, 1951 Apr. 10, 1930 Sept. 2, 1951 Jan, 28, 1932 Sept.12, 1951 Feb, 13, 1954 Port Angeles, Wn.Sept. 13, 1957 Port Angeles,Wn. July 1, 1961 Fruitvale, Idaho Nov. 28, 1906 Cheney, Wash. j u1.: Rt, 21:, 1903 Coos Bay, Wash. May '2 ; 1910 Dec. Dec. May Fruitvale, Idaho Apra 22, 1903 Mar. :Jar, Coos Bay, Ore, May 27, 1910 July 19, 19, 3, 1933 1933 1957 July 1950 6, 1926 6, 19%6 Divorced L1vorCsd 196.1. Fruitvale, Idaho Oct. 9, 1909 Apr. 16, 1927 Apr„ 16, 1927 Fruitvale, Idaho Oct. 9, 1909 June Juno Portland, Ore. June 5, 1928 Apl, Apr. 6, 1929 6, 1929 26, 1953 26, 1957 Page 6 Nara Place of Birth Date of Birth Marriage Death Diana Christine Nelson Seattle, Wash. Oct. 10, 1960 Linda Ann Nelson Jimmie Thompson Clarence Andrew Glenn Lorraine Collins Gerald Arthur Glenn Cora Lee Glenn William Fuller Terry Arthur Fuller Karyll Erma Willard Cook Dehre Ann Cook Seattle, Wash. Portland July 27, 1962 Oregon Jan. 21, 1931 Fruitvale,Idaho Marshfield North Bend, Ore Schneotedy, N.Y. Ft. Ord, Calif. North Bend, 0re. Fitchburg, Mass. Oct. 14, 1911 Apr. Apr. Nov. 23, 1934 Apr. 30, 1941 Jan. Jan. 8, 1937 Jan. Sept. 20, 1960 May 25, 1938 June Dec. 8, 1938 June May 26, 1956 James C. Prescott Cook Watsonville, Cal, Sept. 16, 1959 Gerald Clarence C. Seattle, Wash. July 26, 1961 ? 1934 ? 1934 Mar. 5, 1936 3,1960 3, 1960 18, 1956 18, 1956 " Page 7 Family of Cora B. Glenn, continued " Name Place of Birth Date of Birth :carriage Death Dora Elisabeth Glenn Fruitvale (:1) May 15, 1913 June , 1939 James Byrne June , 1939 Barbara Ann Byrne Port Townsend, Wn. Apr.20, 1942 Bernice Eileen Byrne Pt.Townsend, Wn. Apr.20, 1942 Karen Lynn Byrne Port Townsend, Wn. Feb.25, 1945 ;J4-01, matt (4: 74 < t 4 Amelia Kathryn Glenn Fruitvale .73 1; E. Triplett Jack E. Triplett,Jr. Portland ,1./4.1 / lam. 17 {f Feb.28, 1915 Aug.14, 1934 Henry James Triplett Portland Nov.15, 1935 Alice Johnson Oct. 2, 1939 Mary Ann Coos Bay Apr.28, 1959 Tamri& Jean ' Coos Bay Fiept.19, 1960 Cindy Arline N.Bend, Ore. Apr.17, 1962 Bernice Kathryn Triplett,Portland Nov. 4, 1936 i' Melvin Lee Triplett Marshfield Aug. 7, ? Sept. 2, 1933 Sept. 2, 1933 Oct. 16, 1962 Mar. 1, 1958 Mar. 1, 1958 Apr.27,1937 William Robert Triplett Nov.21, 1942 Harold Clyde Triplett North Bend Oct. 28, 1944 Rose Marie Triplett Aug.23, 1946 Dorothy Ellen Triplett Nov.15,71948 Opal Irene Glenn Fruitvale Dec.14, 1916 Oct. 13, 1935 George Ridout Oct. 13, 1935 Divorced Robert J. Murpljy Jan. 7, 1938 Divorced Ralph Riggs Jerry Lee Ridout Murphy, Portland July 28,1936 Gene Thomas Ridout Murphy,North Bend July 28, 1937 Robert Glenn Murphy Yreka, Calif. Apr. 30, 1941 Died 1957 Page 8 Name Wm. Theodore Glenn lama Wilson (Murph) Place of Birth Date of Birth Marriage Death Fruitvale ti ,6-to Sept. 15, 1918 Feb.10, 1942 Feb.10, 1942 Barbara Elizabeth Glenn Aug. 31, 1946 Chas. Franklin Glenn Fruitvale Joan McManus Kathleen Marie McManus Glenn Jimmie Glenn Deo. 1, 1920 July,15, 1950 July,15, 1950 Jan. 19, 1948 Portland June 12, 1955 Baby Glenn 1963 P"�rtin 0lville Glenn Sept.23, 1922 ? Reth Wood Glenn ? Robert Martin Glenn New York Donna Ruth Glenn (adopted) New York Nov. 5, 1950 Mar.29, 1959 Eliza Belle Glenn "Bibbs" Toledo, Oregon Mar.28, 1926 Jan,11,1943 Div.2-.18.46 Warren Mays Jan.11,1953 " " Lester Payne Div. 1961 Harold Duffy "Duffy" Rocky Ford, Colo. July 11, 1919 June23, 1962 Warren Irl Mays,Jr. Bremerton Nov. 214 1943 Mary Kathleen Mays, Bremerton Sept. 6, 1945 Feb. 4, 1961 Frederick W.Thompson, Portland Apr. 13, 1941 Feb. 6, 1961 Jean Ann Thompson Portland Nov, 22, 1961 Tracy Lynn Thompson Portland Mar. 12, 1963 Thomas Michael Payne Portland Oct. 27, 1949 Page 9 Dora Dissiah Suit married James VanZant Morrison (born Aug. 8, 1570) at her home on Gold Fork near Roseberry, Idaho, Nov. 3, 1901. They began housekeep.• ing on his ranch near Council, Idaho and lived there until Van's death in 1934. Dora and the youngest daughter, Alice, then moved to an acreage near Payette, Idaho, and later, into town where Alice finished high school in 1940. Dora lived with her chilf. dren hear Clarkston, Washington and her brother, Charley during that winter and was married on June 2801941 to Edd Cole, her girlhood lover who had married a friend and neighbor of the Suit family, Sophia Davis and had raised a family of six boys. So- phia had died about 1936. They lived in Springfield, Oregon among his children. Edd died in 1950 and Dora went to live in Scappoose, Oregon where her daughter,Viola and her husband Roy Ventris, had built her a house on the back of their lot. She died there in June,n1962. Name Place of Birth Date of birth Marriage r !Tarry Orville Morrison Council Mar. 29, 1903 Aug. 1 i4a2y Conner Oct. 9 1902 Aug. 1 }tarry LaMar Morrison,Council Lida Mae Daggett Christine Morrison Eongview,Wash. Vicki Morrison Bonnie Carol Eugene Steelman Carol Jean Steelman Longview,Wash. Council • Victor Mark Steelman,Ontario,Oregon Emory Ellis Morrison Irma Nelson Aurella Ruff Arlene Shoemaker Linda Lee Morrison Oliver Julian Morrison Ethel Wooden Leta Crawford Sept. 29, 1927 ? oe7 ,�- - (9Y7 D F G -r 1 q s-1 Dec. 28, 1935 Caldwell Jan. 11, 19t Oct. 29, 1957 Council, Idaho Aug. 30, 1904 June 23, 1931 June 23, 1931 May 5, 1938 Dec. 21, 1913 May 3, 1946 Portland Mar. 15: 1952 , 1953 , 1953 Bayard, Nebr. Ruth Crawford Morrison,Pomeroy, Bill Young Pomeroy, Gregory Young Ronna Young • Douglas Young Council, Idaho Apr. 47, 1906 Oct. Council Valley Oct. Clarkston, Wash.May 1, 1910 Apr. 3, 1935 Wash. Oct, 14, 1927 June 1947 Wash. July 8, 1926 June 1947 Pomeroy, Wash. May 27, 1948 Pomeroy, Wash. Feb. 25, 1950 ed Pomeroy, Wash. Jan. 30) 1956 1, 1, -f ; "/L` Death C C i. Divorced 3, 1929 3, 1929 Died Feb.13,1930 Page 10 Name Place .of Birth Leonard VanZant Morrison Counoil Evelyn Johnson Viola Marie Morrison Council, Idaho James *Roy Ventris Spokane, Wash. Larry LeRoy Ventris Spokane, Wash. Evelyn Geraldine Cooper Texas P4.1rIC-1,1 N ieiAle i,icrz.. v c.11,F Jackie Ventrie Portland,Ore. Jeffrey Scott Ventris " " CeLe) e fe7 ►�s 11Y7i:'Po . c, r/c, a r'.) Janice Marlene Ventris, Spokane, Wash. James Ellery Nutter . Deborah Lynn Nutter Portland Date of Birth Mar. 15, 1909 1918 Aug. 13, 1916 May $3, 1906 Jan. 28, 1931 Jan. 8, 1941 Marriage Death June 20,1938 Aug.21,1939 June 20,1938 Jan., 1, 1934 Jan. 1, 1934 . 27, 1957.1 ,yc, Feb. 8, 19 9 ill Z r. 1 ! J J Dec. 10, 1960 it/4v. a, i 963 iv/ 4 ,i i;• •, Nov. 4, 1940 June 22, 1957 July 1, 1938 June 22, 1957 Deo. 28, 1957 Susan Marie Nutter ' Livermore,Cal. Feb. 6, 1962 1 . ,- Kenneth Ventris /44 r r e-T hi r s .t. j J L >I/ 8 S Ji.c. it-,K.tn ✓c Constance Ventris Robert Henry Thomas Spokane r re- ricws -/vie rf� Spokane Portland Robert Dale Thomas Portland Aug. 13, 1943 i /9s'S Aug. 13, 1943 Jan. 8,1961 Nov. 21, 1942 Jan. 8,1961 Aug. 51 1961 Mary Alice Morrison Counoil July 25, 1922 Oct. 10,1942 Fred Snyder Oct. 10,1942 On the death of Dora's brother, George Sult in 1928, his two daughters, Virginia and Emma, ages 12 and 10, came into the Morrison home. They lived there until Virginia finished high school and was married in 1935 and Emma went to live with another aunt, Elsie in Kansas the same year. " Page 11 Arthur It. tilt CASCADE —Services for A thur R. Sult, 55, Cascade, wl died-llondav in a Ca.0 ace h Laurance .Ray Sult pita!, will he at ' p.m F married :n the Community Christ; Church with the Rev, Ref P., Esther Curl ten officiating. Interment be at 'Margaret Cemetery. He was born June S, 19!�) who was born June 30, 1890, at the home of her sister Lou Caldwell neaRoseberry, Idaho, and Idaho on June 8, 1909. They began housekeeping in a little cabin acrolifelong e residentmarof ra' Count}'. iiried DoEV from the family home where Laurence was running the sawnnill with his f Dec. 5, tsar, at Cascade. brothers. They moved for a time to a house near Roseberry. Later Lat had lived in Cascade since E, on a homestead adjoining the family's loner place, known as the Morley they lived there for several years. Then I.,aurence becane a sawmill ma and they lived in various places where he bought timber to cut; for a the home place on Gold Fork, then on the west side of the valley, then where VanZant had been, near the new town of Cascade. Six sons were b Name Place of Birth Arthur Raymond Sult Dora Evans Roseberry VanWyck Ara Patricia Sult Cascade Merton Newell Julie Renee' Newell, Boise Pamela Rae Newell Boise John Floyd Sult Roseberry Marion Lowell Sult Harry Maurice Sult Marjorie Rose Menzies Myrna Lee Sult Cecil Raymond Suit Eiyoko Nathan Sult Francis Laurence Sult P� ty Hogan Heidi Sult Susan Cheri Sult Lori Jean Teresa Esther Sult Roseberry Roseberry Wash. D. C. Roseberry Honolulu Roseberry Fresno, Calif. Honolulu Nampa, Idaho Roseburg, Ore. Roseburg, Oregon Date of Birth Marriage June 8, 1910 June 17, 1909 Dec. 18, 1937 May 11, 1960 June 5, 1961 Dec. 16, 1911 Feb. 21, 1913 Feb. 28, 1916 Jan. 29,1950 Apr. 9, 1919 Nov. 26, 1956 May 17, 1921 Sept.18, 1924 May 22, 1954 Feb. 8, 1957 July 26,1958 1960 t.or the past 25 years ne v. employed as a mechanic { the' Valley County Road Cc: mission. Mrs. Sult died M... 28, 1965. Surviving him are a daughte Mrs. Patricia Newell, Bpi_ four brothers, Harry Washington, D. C., Floyd S.. and Dr. Frank Sult, Rosebtt: Ore., and Cecil Sult, Honolc Hawaii; and three grandci; Dec. 5,191drem Dec. 5,1931 - Oct. ,1959 Oct. 4959 i-� Died Mar.16,1931 Mar.28, 1945 Mar.28, 1945 June 4,1949 June 4, 1949 About 1930 Laurance and the boys started a garage in Cascade. Later he became the distributor for the Utah Oil Refininf Company and the business grew until, by 19L2 when all but the eldest boy had gone away to school or to other work, it was almost more than they could manage. They had a home in Cascacae where Esther pursued her hobby of growing flowers. She and her daughter-in-law, Dora, took most of the prizes at the annual flower shows. In 1947 (7) they moved to Nampa where they lived until Esther's death Feb. 24,1949. A year later, Laurance married belle , a widow, but the marriage was not a happy one and they were divorced in 1951. In that year Cecil and Floyd bought a farm near Nampa. Laurance moved out with "_,em for a time. Then Cecil decided to go on with the work he had trained for -- architecture-- and Floyd, who really owned the farm, continued to live on it whiTh LRS moved into a little building he had intended for a feed and grain store on t..� edge of Nampa. Later he sold that and moved into one of his rental properties on II 16th Avenue, where he still lives (July, 1963). * * * * * * * * * * Elsie Ella Sult was the "old maid" of the family. After her mother's death when she was ten, she lived with various families and attended school. She lived with the D. G. Scott family in Roseberry and when they moved to Emmett, Idaho, she went there for the last three years of high school graduating in 1918. After teaching three years, she entered the College of Idaho and graduated in 1925. She taught in Nampa High School two years, then went into YMCA work. She has held positions in Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, Indiana, North Carolina, Montana and Washington. She received her Master's degree from Columbia University in 1945. Page 13 George Franklin Sult married Bessie Estoa Gosvenor at her home near Donnelly, Idaho on Nov. old home place on Gold Fork, then farmed the valley and rented a place near Kuna, died after an illness of several months, cemetery. 71 1915. They lived the first year on the the Boulder Place. About 1919 they left Idaho where her people lived. There Bessie July 161 1920. She was buried in the Kuna Mrs. Gosvenor kept the two little girls until her death about 1926, while George wandered about, working in harvest fields or anything he could find to do. When the grandmother died he was working as a carpenter in LaGrande, Oregon. He took the girls with him and had them boarded for a year or two, then rented a house and took care of them as best he could. In 1928 he went to sit up with a neighbor who was seriously ill with what they thought was pneumonia. It proved to be diphtheria instead and George contracted the disease and died after only a few days illness, Dec. 13, 1928. His father, brother Charley and two sisters, Dora dnd Elsie, came. They took his body back to Kuna and laid it beside his wife. The two girls were taken into the Morriser, home in Council, Idaho, where they lived until they were grown. Name Virginia Opal Sult Flreld William Colton Karen Darlene Colton 1 Jimmie William Colton Mar9atct Marien L9u tic marie `./to n chael Colton r y ....a c..14 .0 �.w F.JU1V John Cecil McCormick Monty Dale McCormick Patricia JoAnn Quinlan Ol:y Duane McCormick Place of Birth Date of Birth Marriage Death Donnelly, Idaho Council, Idaho Longview, Wash. r ` Longview, Wash. Weiser, Idaho nnnnl-tem T► Trini,n Medford, Oregon Longview Longview, Wash Oct. 301 1916 Aug. 25, 1936 Aug. 52 1914 Aug. 25, 1936 July 20,1942 r; 1 c , 1,""' r' G` May, 29, 1945 Mir • Oct. 27, 1946 Sept.20, 1917 3c PT S err /03 A“, `/1 1 01A Aug. 20, 1938 Died Sept•25, 1959 Dec. 12, 1943 Apr. 6, 1963 June 11, 1943 Apr. 62 1963 Feb. 1, 1946