HomeMy Public PortalAbout05-10-2005DRAFT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES — MAY 10, 2005 PRESENT: TOM CROSBY, MARILYN FORTIN, DICK PICARD, TOM SUPEL, DOUG DICKERSON AND LENNY LEVER. ALSO PRESENT CITY PLANNER ROSE LORSUNG, PLANNING CONSULTANT SARAH SCHIELD AND PLANNING AND ZONING ASSISTANT SANDIE LARSON. ABSENT: MARY VERBICK 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Dick Picard called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Mr. Picard reminded everyone that the Planning Commission was a recommending body and that the City Council made the final decisions. 2. PUBLIC FORUM There were no comments. 3. TOM TERRY — FERN STREET — PRELIMINARY PLAT AND VARIANCE FROM MINIMUM LOT SIZE — PUBLIC HEARING Rose Lorsung went over her report to the Planning Commission. She stated the applicant is requesting a lot combination of two parcels to construct a home. The combined lots are still less than the minimum lot size, thus requiring a variance. She stated the applicant combining the lots to get as close to the 9000 square feet as possible, but would still be about 500 square feet short. R. Lorsung stated in her report that there have been 7 variances in this area in the last five years. She said there is a great deal of subjectivity in decision making with regard to variances and that many of the lots in Independence Beach area are smaller than the required 9000 sq ft. and this request is very close to the required size. R. Lorsung said that approval for the preliminary plat to combine these two parcels depends on the outcome of the decision making with regard to the variance. She said included in the information are pictures of the existing conditions including the garage on the site that is located over the two lots. This building will be demolished. R. Lorsung said that staff recommends approval of the variance and the preliminary plat. Marilyn Fortin asked about the `patio' that was mentioned for the new house. R. Lorsung said as shown it will not meet the required setbacks. M. Fortin asked about the property line to the west. Mark Gronberg, applicant's representative, said the property lines are not at a right angle to Fern Street. Planning Commission Minutes May 10, 2005 1 DRAFT The public hearing was opened, Dave Overby, 4705 Fern Street, asked about the house to the east and where they will park when the garage is taken down. He said parking for the existing house is his concern. Tom Crosby said it is a technical matter. Does the planning commission have anything to say for condition of approval for this application for the lot to the east? R. Lorsung said no. Lucian Strong, 4685 Fern Street, said he is the renter at the house to the east and he is dealing with the owner about parking, etc. for when the garage comes down. There was discussion of if there is room on the lot to the east to park and/or build a garage. M. Gronberg said it seems like there would be room for a single garage. Lenny Leuer said there is a 30' drainage and utility easement on the lot to the east and the deck and the house are in this easement and wondered if this easement would be a problem for a new garage. R. Lorsung said this is not germane to the Terry application. L. Leuer said there seems to be some drainage from the lot to the west to the Terry lot. M. Gronberg said he would look into that. R. Lorsung said the watershed district can be given plans for the home before construction begins to see if they have any concerns. M. Gronberg said there is drainage to the NE corner. Doug Dickerson asked about the shed on Lot 2. R. Lorsung said it meets all criteria. Tom Supel said there is a list of variance criteria and he said he would like to see that criteria integrated into an analysis of every variance request. R. Lorsung said she will do that on all future applications. She said that staff did not feel this application required such an analysis. T. Supel said he is concerned about the issue of other property. He said we have to be assured that we are not creating a problem. Planning Commission Minutes May 10, 2005 2 DRAFT R. Lorsung said staff looked at this application for code compliance and criteria and everything met. She said she has talked with property owners and they are aware of what is happening. They can come forward for a driveway permit and an application for a garage if they so desire. Tom Crosby said another issue is because of prior approvals of light variances and if we chose to turn down this application we could maybe have some legal problems. R. Lorsung said this seems like a straight forward request. Staff wants the smaller lots combined to make the best possible size lot and that is what the applicant is requesting. Dick Picard asked about the park fee and what does it mean. R. Lorsung said whenever a property is combined or divided a park fee is due. M. Gronberg said that in other cities when it is a combination, there is no park fee. R. Lorsung said staff will check on this. D. Picard said the west line is at an angle. D. Overby said he has always known that. MOVED BY TOM CROSBY AND SECONDED BY MARILYN FORTIN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE VARIANCE REQUEST TO ALLOW A LOT IN INDEPENDENCE BEACH OF 8,500 SQUARE FEET, A VARIANCE OF 500 SQUARE FEET. THE HARDSHIP IS THAT THIS IS A MINIMAL REQUEST AND IT WILL NOT BE MATERIALLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE PURPOSES OF THE ORDINANCE. MOTION PASSED. MOVED BY MARILYN FORTIN AND SECONDED BY TOM SUPEL TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT, LOT COMBINATION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 7 AND A PORTION OF LOT 4, BLOCK 7, INDEPENDENCE BEACH WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. Pioneer Sarah Creek Watershed district is to check the plans. MOTION PASSED. 4. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT — UPTOWN HAMEL TRAFFIC STUDY — PUBLIC HEARING Rose Lorsung went over her report to the Planning Commission. She attached a revised traffic study map to her memo which is a reflection of previous council meetings on the Uptown Hamel Traffic Study. Tonight's goal is to create a short text section for incorporation into the city's comprehensive plan. Staff looks on the map and text as a guide for re -development proposals in Planning Commission Minutes May 10, 2005 3 DRAFT relation to access to particular sites as well as mitigation for traffic flow on and around Hamel Road. R. Lorsung said that the city council has approved the idea of adding a traffic study map and supporting text to the comprehensive plan. She also said that in further discussion with interested parties, it has been determined that the south frontage road should possibly connect to Hamel Road through the parking lot of Inn Kahoots. This would only be possible if there was some swapping of ROW across the street to make this a 4 way intersection. Rose said maps were included for review. R. Lorsung said staff is recommending reviewing and finalizing the Uptown Hamel Traffic map to be used as a guide for future re -development projects. Supplemental text will be included in the comprehensive plan. She said again that the map is simply a guide to show developers they need rear access for 3-4 story buildings. She said the map is just an assumption of what could be. Marilyn Fortin said if this never happens do we have permission from the Legion to use their property. R. Lorsung said there is a 1991 document from the Legion that if the City utilizes their parking area, there are a number of conditions. She said that Inn Kahoots was very favorable to the discussion of using part of their parking area. M. Fortin said that in theory we could construct the part through Inn Kahoots and not across Hamel Road until later. R. Lorsung said staff will bring this discussion to the city council and ultimately this will be a re- development guide for the comprehensive plan. Doug Dickerson asked if we are limiting future re -development of sites with no road behind them. R. Lorsung said there needs to be access from 2 sides for structures grater than 2 stories. She said the north side of Hamel Road is more of a problem. M. Fortin said maybe we should show a road behind the Inn Kahoots to the east. Elizabeth Weir, councilor, said she had taken a poll of the city council when we did the Uptown Hamel ordinance. We were relying on the fire code to limit buildings to three stories. She said there is no desire on the part of the city council to re -look at the Uptown Hamel ordinance. Dick Picard asked if this was all conceptual. R. Lorsung said yes. There was discussion of rear access for the north lots with the topography, etc. Planning Commission Minutes May 10, 2005 4 DRAFT R. Lorsung explained that since specifics about rear access for fire safety and for garage access are not spelled out in the Uptown Hamel ordinance, the city needs a guide plan for the area so that developers can interpret the City's intentions. Rose showed maps with a proposed rear access lane south and north of Hamel Road at the east end of Uptown Hamel. She said the proposal would be for fire lanes to gain access to Hamel Road via a re -aligned Mill Drive on the east and a re -aligned Eugene Drive. Tom Crosby said he is in favor of Eugene Drive aligning with Inn Kahoots (potentially) with the fire lane to the east and west of Eugene Drive and also a fire lane on the south side. He said this should be done with both graphics and text and that there be rear access to all developable parcels. There was further discussion of fire access, fire code, etc. D. Picard asked what this is for. R. Lorsung stated once again that this is a guide to ensure that the City gets the planning it intended in the Uptown Hamel ordinance. D. Picard asked why it is necessary since plans are changed whenever someone wants to change them. He stated that he thought Eugene Drive was a joke since most people in Hamel don't know where it is. R. Lorsung stated that Eugene Drive is a City street and part of the Comprehensive Plan and that the role of the Planning Commission is to do planning so that property owners and developers have some idea of the City's long-range plans. Lenny Leuer said it says "any re -development will have 2 sided access". He said we have mixed use in Uptown Hamel. Why do we need this for residential? R. Lorsung said there should be rear access for larger re -developments. T. Crosby said that Eugene Drive thru Inn Kahoots and rear access for future re -development should be taken into consideration by the city council for re -developments larger than 2 stories both north and south of Hamel Road. The public hearing was closed. MOVED BY TOM CROSBY AND SECONDED BY MARILYN FORTIN THAT A ROAD BE CONSIDERED BEHIND THE INN KAHOOTS' PARKING AREA AND EVENTUALLY HOOK UP ACROSS FROM EUGUNE DRIVE AND REAR ACCESS FOR FUTURE RE- DEVELOPMENTS LARGER THAN 2 STORIES BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION. MOTION PASSED WITH TOM SUPEL AND DICK PICARD ABSTAINING Planning Commission Minutes May 10, 2005 5 DRAFT Elizabeth Weir talked to the Planning Commission of her goal of slow growth, but agrees we need the dense re -developments to meet the Metropolitan Council's goals and Uptown Hamel is a place for it. She said she has evolved and thinks we should stick to the Comprehensive Plan. She explained her voting on issues. 5. MINUTES OF APRIL 12, 2005 MOVED BY TOM SUPLE AND SECONDED BY TOM CROSBY TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED. MOTION PASSED. 6. PLANNERS REPORT Rose Lorsung said at the last city council meeting the council adopted the Ryan resolutions with 85 conditions and staff is meeting with the developers and we should be getting the final plans. She said Ryan has an aggressive pace for the re -development. Sarah Schield said our ordinance does not have final plats or final PUD's come back to the planning commission. She said if Ryan gets their plans to us, they will be on the June city council agendas. Lenny Leuer wanted to know if the watershed had seen the plans. R. Lorsung said yes and also the TEP panel. She said we will again go over the final plans. Rose said staff has been meeting with the county and the property owners about the re -alignment of Clydesdale Trail. She said Ace Properties has withdrawn their plan and will come back with another project when the re -alignment is finalized. R. Lorsung said Ace Properties also has come forward with a plan on the DQ site on Baker Park Road (County Road 29) showing a 4 tenant retail building with a `drive-thru-. They will be asking for a conditional use permit for the drive-thru and to be closer than 400' from residential for the drive-thru. R. Lorsung went over what was coming up at the next few city council meetings. Doug Dickerson said he had some concerns about the Musich property and the run-off onto his property. Dick Picard said we should add `Council feeback' at the end of the planning commission agenda. MOVED BY LENNY LEUER AND SECONDED BY TOM SUPEL TO ADJOURN. MOTION PASSED. Meeting as adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Planning and Zoning Assistant Date Planning Commission Minutes May 10, 2005 6