HomeMy Public PortalAbout05-13-1997MEDINA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - MAY 13, 1997 PRESENT: KATHY COOK, LENNY LEUER, ANNE HEIDEMAN AND CAROLYN SMITH. ALSO PRESENT, PLANNING AND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR LOREN KOHNEN AND PLANNING AND ZONING ASSISTANT SANDIE LARSON. ABSENT: CHRIS CROSBY, SUSIE MACKAY, BRUCE WORKMAN AND FRANK MIGNONE. Chairperson Anne Heideman told all present that a quorum of the planning commission was not present tonight and asked both applicants and public that were present if the following would be acceptable: If the planning commission vote on an application was unanimous it would be passed on to the city council for review; if there was a divided vote by the planning commission, the application would then be tabled and be heard once again at the June planning commission meeting. This was acceptable to all present. 1. MINUTES OF APRIL 8, 1997 The minutes will be reviewed at the June meeting. 2. W.G. SCHROEDER - 3705 COUNTY ROAD #19 - LOT SPLIT - PUBLIC HEARING - 8:05 P.M. Loren Kohnen read his memo to the planning commission and put up an overhead of the proposal. He also mentioned that a park dedication fee would be due on the new parcel. Carolyn Smith asked where easements would be. L. Kohnen said around the property lines and across the wetland area as stated in Shawn's letter. Linda Gillan, 3505 County Road 19, asked what our ordinance says about a buildable lot since they were told their10 acres could not be divided. She also asked about septic system regulations. L. Kohnen told her that divisions were done by soil types that were classified as suitable for septic systems and that lots could be as small as 2 acres if there were conventional soils, but that most in Medina tended to be at least 5 acres or more because of the types of soils, steep slopes, etc. He also said that septic systems must be installed according to state regulations with one regulation was that they must be 50' from a well. L. Gillan also asked about building setbacks. 1 L. Kohnen told her home setbacks were 20' side, 40' rear, 100' from center line of County Road 19 and that animal structures had to be 150' from all property lines. L. Gillan wanted to know if there was a chance for further subdivision of the property L. Kohnen said no, not now. Lenny Leuer stated that there was no indication on the site plan where the septic system would be located. Do we require the sites be protected? L. Kohnen said that we can and also when a building permit is issued, it states that both sites must be protected before and during construction. L. Leuer asked if the SE corner of the new lot and also the SW area had steep slopes. L. Kohnen said there are some steep slopes but are not all are classified as such. L. Leuer asked for some clarification of the Pioneer Creek letter. A. Heideman said that any motion would be contingent on a clarification for the watershed. L. Gillan asked about building on a wetland. L. Kohnen said that wetlands can be filled but on a 2:1 replacement, preferably on the same parcel. Dr. Schroeder clarified the lots: #1 - existing house and #2 - new lot. L. Leuer said that it was appropriate for us to put the applicant on notice that an animal structure would have to be in the middle of the lot to meet our setback requirements. L. Kohnen said that it could be put in the conditions. MOVED BY LENNY LEUER AND SECONDED BY KATHY COOK TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE SUBDIVISION FOR W.G. SCHROEDER WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Any animal structure must meet the current ordinance requirements at the time of building. 2. Park dedication fee in the amount of $3,100 is due for Lot #2. 3. Revised letter from the Watershed District with correct lot designations and also which one contains the wetlands. 4. Drainage and utility easements shown around all lot lines and across the wetlands on Lot 1, per city engineer's letter. 2 There was discussion on whether the wetlands were DNR protected and it was said there was no reference to it and the only requirement was to get an easement over it. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 3. RANDALL MAYER/MAYER MOBILE - 762 HIGHWAY #55 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR CAR WASH - PUBLIC HEARING - 8:35 P.M. Loren Kohnen read his memo to the planning commission and put up overheads of the site. He also pointed out where the parking space would be relocated. He said that there would be no increase in hardcover and that no additional landscaping was required. He said that the car wash would be a recycled system. Randy Mayer said that the extra $50,000 for the recycled system would save him the cost of 24 SAC units. Lenny Leuer had questions concerning the recycled system, when the pits are cleaned, where the effluent goes - - Terry Landen, representative for the car wash system, said that the main pit accumulates sand and sludge and is cleaned out by septic people. The industrial waste goes to an authorized landfill. When the main pit is cleaned out, the flammable waste is also cleaned out. L. Leuer wanted to know if there would be a maintenance agreement. T. Landen said yes, that they service the equipment every two weeks but this does not include the main pit and the flammable waste. Anne Heideman wanted to know how you knew when it needed cleaning. T. Landen said that a visual inspection would tell you and that it needed it about once a year. L. Kohnen said that the flammable trap does not work when it is full. L. Leuer asked about cleaning the filters and if that is done instead of backwashing to help with the smell of the water. T. Landen said yes the filters are cleaned and that the ozone generator takes the smell out of the water. A. Heideman said she felt it was appropriate to request that Randy keep a recored of when the main pit is pumped and the maintenance record. Carolyn Smith asked if we were going to consistently ask for that. 3 A. Heideman said that we cannot make it retroactive, but said she is willing to make it a practice. She also wanted to know who monitors the 750 gallons. L. Kohnen said that the city and Randy would work together. R. Mayer said that there would be one meter on site. He said that October thru January is the heavy time for car washes and he would prefer a yearly review since there are some heavy quarters and some that are very light. L. Kohnen said that the meter would be read every quarter. Kathy Cook said she is more concerned with daily or annually. C. Smith said she is comfortable with monitoring quarterly. MOVED BY CAROLYN SMITH AND SECONDED BY KATHY COOK TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR RANDALL MAYER/MAYER MOBIL AT 762 HIGHWAY #55 FOR A 60'X28' CAR WASH WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Car wash to be recycled type as per plans submitted. 2. If water discharge surpasses an average of 750 gallons per acre per day the hours of operation must be adjusted and the number of washes reduced to met that criteria and the total annual discharge shall not exceed 500,960 gallons 3. Parking spaces 14, 15 & 16 to be moved to the south side of the building and parking area. 4. Exterior lighting must be designed and installed so that the globe is recessed and enclosed on all sides except the bottom and no light is cast directly on any other property or right-of-way. 5. As per the Metropolitan Council, three (3) additional SAC units @950 each plus $3004 connection fee per SAC unit to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. 6. New driving lane to be pained per city engineer's letter. 7. Maintenance record to be available for review. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 4. GLEN LINCOLN PARTNERS - TOWER DRIVE -LOT COMBINATION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OFFICE/WAREHOUSE - PUBLIC HEARING 9:14 P.M. Loren Kohnen read his memo to the planning commission and put up overheads of the site and proposed combination. Anne Heideman asked about steep slopes if a berm is put in. L. Kohnen recommended that the berm be eliminated and plantings be put in between the parking area and Tower Drive. Carolyn and Anne concurred. 4 Jack Day said they could keep the berm by the existing building and put in plantings by the new building. He talked of eliminating the corner parking space for easier turn in for trucks. He said there was plenty of parking to eliminate that one. There was discussion of parking spaces. Lenny Leuer said that he did not feel that it was appropriate for the proposed building to be out farther (closer to the road) than the other buildings on that side of Tower Drive. Jack Day said there is a metal clad building on one side and with this building farther out it would help to shield that building from view. L. Leuer said that the front set -back has been met on other buildings, why should the planning commission consider a variance for this one. Jack Day said they are trying to maximize the site. A. Heideman said that economics is not a hardship. L. Leuer said that Brushmasters is in back of Lot 1 and all the drainage comes to the corner and if there is a berm on the side of the new building where does the water run- off go. Jack Day said that it is more of a swale on the side of the building than a berm. L. Leuer asked if everything will fit with having to do that? Jack Day said they could divert it down the parking lot between the buildings and out. L. Kohnen said that somewhat of a swale is needed for roof top drainage. L. Leuer said that the neighbor to the east is lower and no water should be forced on him. He clarified where the new parking would be. He said if the berm comes down and trees go up what about us having required berms along the other properties along Tower Drive. L. Kohnen said this could still be bermed, but less than what is shown. Kathy Cook asked why a berm was necessary. L. Kohnen said to be able to have the parking area closer to the lot line. L. Leuer mentioned that the exterior lighting on the current building does not meet code and Mr. Day said they would take care of that. A. Heideman asked about dropping the first bay that is shown on the plan so that the front set -back variance would not have to be so great. 5 Both Anne and Lenny felt that it was reasonable to cut off the first bay for a maximum 5' front set -back variance. MOVED BY CAROLYN SMITH AND SECONDED BY KATHY COOK TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE LOT COMBINATION OF LOT 1, BLK 2 AND LOT 2, BLK 2, MEDINA INDUSTRIAL ADDITION TO LOT 1, BLK 1, MEDINA INDUSTRIAL 4TH ADDITION. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY CAROLYN SMITH AND SECONDED BY KATHY COOK TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE FOR GLEN LINCOLN PROPERTIES ON TOWER DRIVE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND ALSO THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES WITH THE HARDSHIP BEING THE SMALL SIZE AND SHAPE OF THE LOT AND SET -BACKS CONSISTENT WITH OTHERS ALONG TOWER DRIVE: VARIANCES: 1. Front yard variance - 5' 2. Side yard variance - 5' 3. Rear yard variance - 15' CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: 1. All requirements of city engineer to be met. 2. City engineer to look at new drainage plan. 3. All requirements of Elm Creek Watershed to be complied with. 4. As per the Metropolitan Council one (1) SAC unit at $950 is due at the time a building permit is issued. 5. Exterior lighting on existing building to be brought up to code. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 5. REPORT ON JOINT MEETING AT CORCORAN CITY HALL Anne Heideman stated that she attended the meeting at Corcoran City Hall and the topics included: 1. Comprehensive plan updates including a 3-5 year growth plan, land use, trails, etc. 2. Being very specific in minutes and providing justification for actions. 3. Keep public informed on zoning and comprehensive plan changes. 4. Sixty day action time may be changed. 5. Elm Creek Interceptor to the 94/694 area by the end of 1998. 6. Affordable housing requires sewer availability. 7. The Metropolitan Council foresees MUSA expansion to the west with a tiered system; Urban reserve, Permanent rural, Permanent agriculture, and Growth centers with Medina containing all four. 6 It was recommended that cities join forces to present a united front. If a city tells the Metropolitan Council that they do not want sewer, it will be assigned elsewhere. Task forces will determine the permanent agriculture and urban reserve areas. The Planning Commission was reminded of the joint work session with the City Council on Thursday, May 29th at 6 p.m. MOVED BY KATHY COOK AND SECONDED BY LENNY LEUER TO ADJOURN. MOTION PASSED. Meeting adjourned at 10:47 p.m. Sandie Larson Date Planning and Zoning Assistant 7