HomeMy Public PortalAboutRAC Min 2023-08-17Orleans Recreation Advisory Committee August 17th, 2023, 6 p.m. Members Present: Tracy Murphy, Sharon Basso, Carolyn Witt, Aim Sigsbee, Joan Francolini Jamie Balliett, Will Bilowz (NRHS Student) Call to Order: Tracy Murphy 6 p.rn. Public Speak: No one Meet with Town Administrator Kimberly Newman: A brief discussion on was held on a need for the RAC to provide rec priorities for both the upcoming town budget and this fall's Special Town Meeting. The RAC agreed to work on this and deliver a plan in the coming days. Update on the Putnam Property with Rick Francolini: Working as a volunteer, Mr. Francolini reviewed a number of ongoing projects to improve access and environmental stewardship of the town owned parcel. Since January, a new kiosk has been installed as well as a portable toilet. Two areas have been cleared and picnic tables added. Power is now available on the property. A pump house has been installed, which provides well water for irrigation (much of user fees had been going to pay for town water costs). The farm is seeking to be economically self-supporting. There are eight new plots. Two wetlands have been assessed and restoration projects proposed. One would be a vernal (seasonal) wetland; a second would be a pond. Work could be done this winter. A pavilion is being considered. Currently there are 12 plots utilized by residents of 7 different towns. Most are in their 30s. The community is thriving and vibrant. Approve minutes for 7/20/23: Motion to approve minutes made by Joan Francolini and 2nd by Tracy Murphy, approved 5-0-0. Recreation Program Updates: Tracy Murphy provided brief updates. The summer Rec program has wrapped up and a survey of staff has been completed, including feedback from participants. There are a few candidates for the new Rec Director position. Highest thanks go to Interim Rec Director Judi Wilson for all her work, running the Rec Department this spring and summer — she did an outstanding job getting programs running and making many needed changes. Thank you, Judi! Discussion on Rec Priorities for the Budget and Special Town Meeting: The RAC reviewed some lists from Anne Sigsbee related to priorities. The group discussed whether the second full time job should be an assistant director or an operations manager. A portion of the recent Collins Recreational report was reviewed. Motion: Tracy Murphy made a motion for the RAC to recommend the town seek positions to equal 1.5 FTE, which would elevate the department to a total of 3.0 FTEs. She offered to develop a written proposal for Kimberly Newman. Updates: Tracy Murphy reported no updates to the rec master plan for the Eldredge Park/schools area (mtg cancelled). The CPC has approved a study of the Bay Ridge Road old DPW site for possible pickle ball courts. A hearing is August 24th. Carolyn Witt handed out a flyer proposing an Orleans Day event at the Middle School/Eldredge Park area after the July 4 parade. Adjournment 7:18pm Motion by Joan Francolini, 2nd Anne Sigsbee. All in Favor.