HomeMy Public PortalAbout04-13-2022 Minutes BOA Regular Meeting 101 E. Orange St., PO Box 429, Hillsborough, NC 27278 919-732-1270 | www.hillsboroughnc.gov | @HillsboroughGov BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES | 1 of 3 Minutes BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Remote regular meeting 7 p.m. April 13, 2022 Virtual meeting via YouTube Live Town of Hillsborough YouTube channel Present: Chair Bill Harris, Vice Chair Sean Kehoe, Joe Becker, Richard Chapple and Raul Herrera Absent: Rob Bray and Hooper Schultz Staff: Senior Planner Tom King 1. Call to order and confirmation of quorum Chair Bill Harris called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Senior Planner Tom King confirmed the presence of a quorum. 2. Agenda changes and approval There were no changes. The agenda stood as presented. Later in the meeting, the board members voted to amend the agenda to designate Item 4 as Item 4A and to add Item 4B: Election of Chair and Vice Chair. 3. Minutes review and approval Minutes from the regular meeting on Jan. 12, 2022. Motion: Member Raul Herrera moved approval of the Jan. 12, 2022, minutes as submitted. Vice Chair Sean Kehoe seconded. King called the roll for voting. Vote: 5-0. Ayes: Members Joe Becker, Richard Chapple, Harris, Herrera and Kehoe. Nays: None. 4. Other Business A. Board of Adjustment Rules of Procedure amendment — Proposed amendment to the board’s Rules of Procedure to remove all references to the town’s minimum housing code and make minor typographical changes. Harris introduced Item 4A. King explained that up until this year the town has enforced its own minimum housing code. King said the Orange County Housing and Community Development Department recently has taken over that function and will be enforcing the county’s minimum housing code within the Town’s jurisdiction. King said any appeals now will go to the Orange County Board of Adjustment rather than the town’s Board of Adjustment. King said the amendment would remove references to the housing code and the housing inspector from the board’s Rules of Procedure. King also asked the board members if they were interested in changing the board’s regular meeting day or time. After a brief discussion, the members decided not to change the meeting day or time, noting it could be revisited at a later date. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES | 2 of 3 The board members discussed the proposed amendment to the Rules of Procedure. When asked, the board members indicated their approval of the changes. King noted the last page of the Rules of Procedure states the rules “may be amended without prior notice by unanimous vote. Otherwise, consideration of the proposed amendment shall be set over to the next regular meeting.” Because all members present indicated approval of the proposed changes, Harris called for a motion. Motion: Herrera moved to approve the amendment to the board’s Rules of Procedure as proposed. Kehoe seconded. King called the roll for voting. Vote: 5-0. Ayes: Becker, Chapple, Harris, Herrera and Kehoe. Nays: None. King noted he had forgotten to add the annual election of the chair and vice chair to tonight’s agenda. He said the Rules of Procedure call for annual elections each April. Harris called for a motion to amend the agenda. Motion: Becker moved to amend the agenda to designate Item 4 as Item 4A and to add Item 4B: Election of Chair and Vice Chair. Chapple seconded. King called the roll for voting. Vote: 5-0. Ayes: Becker, Chapple, Harris, Herrera and Kehoe. Nays: None. B. Election of Chair and Vice Chair Harris reminded the board members that tonight would be his last meeting. He thanked the board members for working with him. The board members discussed nominations for chair and vice chair. Motion: Harris moved to nominate Kehoe as chair and Herrera as vice chair. Becker seconded. Kehoe and Herrera accepted the nominations. King called the roll for voting. Vote: 5-0. Ayes: Becker, Chapple, Harris, Herrera and Kehoe. Nays: None. 5. Committee and staff reports King gave several updates to the board members. He said Kehoe has been appointed an in-town regular member to replace Harris’ position on the board, while former Planning Board member Jenn Sykes has been appointed an in-town alternate member to take Kehoe’s current position. King said Planner Tyler Sliger gave his two-week notice on Monday and would be resigning effective April 22, 2022. King said the town offices are scheduled to reopen to the public on April 18, and in-person meetings are expected to resume in May. King said he expects the board to hear at least one case, and possibly two cases, at the May 11, 2022, meeting. King noted the town has received letters of interest from several developers for larger developments on the south side of town. Lastly, he said at next week’s joint public hearing the town board and Planning Board would hear proposed updates to the code enforcement language in the Unified Development Ordinance. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES | 3 of 3 6. Adjournment Motion: Kehoe moved to adjourn at 7:34 p.m. Herrera seconded. Vote: 5-0. Ayes: Becker, Chapple, Harris, Herrera and Kehoe. Nays: None. Respectfully submitted, Tom King, AICP, CZO Senior Planner Staff support to the Board of Adjustment Approved: May 11, 2022