HomeMy Public PortalAboutAHC Joint Min 2023-07-18,7: HUC 16 1 it:l0" Cu EA ( AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST BOARD & AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMMITTEE Minutes July 18, 2023. The Affordable Housing Trust Board (AHTB) met jointly with the Affordable Housing Committee on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 4:30 PM in the Nauset Room at Town Hall and via Zoom. Real-time public access was provided by Orleans Channel 18 on the Town website. Attending for the AHTB were Chair McClennen, Vice Chair Mathison, Clerk Ghory, Mr. Brehm, Mr. Cole, Mr. Jurkowski, Mr. Herman. Ms. Wibby was absent. Attending for the AHC were Chair Renn, Ms. McClennen, Ms. Carlton, Mr. Flood, and Mr. Stoeckert. Select Board liaison Andrea Reed attended as well as Marsha Allgeier, Michael Solitro and George Meservey from the Planning Department. Call to Order. The Chair of the Affordable Housing Committee (AHC) called her meeting to order at 4.30pm. The Chair of the Affordable Housing Trust Board (AHTB) called the meeting to order at 4.31pm. Introduction of the new Town Manager, Kim Newman. Committee members who had not yet met the Town Manager introduced themselves. Ms. Newman briefly introduced herself and her understanding of the challenges of affordable housing on Cape Cod. Public Comment — No one presented for public comment. Housing Needs Assessment Deliverable #2 Data Analysis. Jen Goldson and Lauren Smead presented a summary of their findings from focus groups and surveys about housing in Orleans. They summarized the key findings (listed below) and discussed them briefly. 1. There is a mismatch between housing supply and housing need. 2. There is a lack of financially accessible, year-round housing. 3. Extremely low-income, moderate -income, or greater than 80 percent area median income earners and households are disproportionately impacted. 4. There is more impact on owners, seniors hoping to downsize, and families with children. 5. Seasonal and year-round workers are unable to live near their jobs. 6. There is uncertainty in future population, transportation, and employment trends The presenters referred to a UMass Donohue Institute Cape Cod Housing Projections chart from 2022 which forecasts a deficit of housing units in the next ten years of approximately 503 units. Among other noteworthy findings they observed that 65% of the housing stock in Orleans seems to be 3 or 4 bedroom homes although demand is largely for one or two bedroom units. They estimate a family needs to earn approximately $345K/annum to afford a mortgage on an "average -priced" home in Orleans at about $1.1 million. Among those facing cost burdens, 62% were homeowners which is atypical in most of Massachusetts. The presenters suggested that many owners in this situation want to down -size but could not find affordable and appropriate housing in Orleans. Significantly, the presenters noted a post -pandemic increase in people aged 55-64 moving to Orleans while there is an ongoing decline in those under the age of 34. They suggested there is a predicted population decline of about 2000 by 2050 (based on birth and death projections) but many variables can affect this. 2 Discussion followed the presentation of findings. Several committee members reflected on the presentation noting that the housing challenges are regional and that it is particularly striking that there are fewer and fewer young families with children. It was suggested that Orleans needs to communicate town initiatives that benefit young adults and those with children (like the research into a Rec/Community Center, new library, school renovations, universal preschool). It was also suggested the town engage more with this market segment around needs. This disconnect between the size of the income needed to service a mortgage in Orleans v. the availability of high -paying jobs was noted. It was also stressed that infrastructure like the new sewer system will support the addition of housing units and that there are opportunities for developers to compete in the market -rate space for rentals. Future planning needs to consider how to save/protect stock for those who need it, not for investors aiming for a high -income market. The presenters identified some preliminary goals that might be considered for Orleans such as broadening the types of housing permitted (i.e., mufti -family by right), changing density restrictions, setting more aggressive standards for the percentage of affordable units in the population, and addressing the "missing middle." Responses to the presentation were asked to be forwarded by Committee members to Marsha Allgeier by July 25 to forward to JS Goldson. The joint committees will meet again on August 1 at 4.30pm in the Nauset Room (Mr. Stoeckert left the meeting) Update re: Pennrose and 107 Main Street. Mr. McClennen summarized the status of both projects which are expecting notification regarding Barnstable County ARPA funds by mid -late August. Update re: RFP for 66-76 Route 6A. Mr. McClennen said the Town Counsel was reviewing the RFP today (July 18, 2023). Once finished there will be a joint meeting scheduled with the Select Board and AHTB to review and approve the RFP. The property will be appraised on August 10. Discussion and vote to continue HECH funding for the Housing Rehabilitation Program. Director of Planning & Development Meservey explained a proposal for the Housing Emergency Loan Program (HELP) for $70,800. Ms. Mathison moved the Affordable Housing Trust Board approve the HELP program with the Harwich Ecumenical Council for Housing (HECH) for $70,800. Mr. Ghory seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Mr. Ghory, Ms. Mathison, Mr. Cole, Mr. Brehm, Mr. Jurkowski, Mr. Herman, and Mr. McClennen voted Aye. Motion carried: 7-0-0. Discuss monitoring of deed -restricted properties owned by the Town and vote to approve agreement with HAC. Mr. Meservey reviewed a proposed agreement with the Housing Assistance Corporation to be the monitoring agent for the Town of Orleans' deeded affordable housing units. This includes an initial first -year review of all properties for up to $10,000 and a monitoring cost of $250 per unit. 3 Ms. Mathison moved the Affordable Housing Trust Board appropriate $17,000 and sign the contract with HAC for the Monitoring Technical Assistance Contract. Mr. Ghory seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Mr. Ghory, Ms. Mathison, Mr. Cole, Mr. Brehm, Mr. Jurkowski, Mr. Herman, and Mr. McClennen voted Aye. Motion carried: 7-0-0. Vote to approve the annual condo fee for 24 Old Colony Way for $5,820.72. Mr. Meservey reviewed the new condo fees with the committee. Mr. Cole moved the Affordable Housing Trust Board approve and pay the 2023-2024 condo fee for 24 Old Colony Way/15 in the amount of $5820.72. Ms. Mathison seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Mr. Ghory, Ms. Mathison, Mr. Cole, Mr. Brehm, Mr. Jurkowski, Mr. Herman, and Mr. McClennen voted Aye. Motion carried: 7-0-0. Annual reorganization discussion and vote for officers. For most Orleans committees, the normal term lasts three years, but for the Trust the term was originally set at two years. Recently, the Select Board set a term limit of two terms for its committees. The Chair explained that the Select Board has now voted to arnend its term limit resolution to permit three two-year terms for Trust members. This will enable several members of the AHTB who have completed two two-year terms to remain on the Board, and stabilize Board membership for the near future. The matter of re -organization and roles will be continued at the August meeting. Approval of Minutes - June 20, 2023, June 27, 2023 Mr. Ghory moved to approve the minutes of June 20, 2023 as written. Ms. Mathison seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Mr. Ghory, Ms. Mathison, Mr. Cole, Mr. Brehm, Mr. Jurkowski, Mr. Herman, and Mr. McClennen voted Aye. Motion carried: 7-0-0. Mr. Ghory moved to approve the minutes of June 27, 2023 as written. Ms. Mathison seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Mr. Ghory, Ms. Mathison, Mr. Cole, Mr. Brehm, Mr. Jurkowski, Mr. Herman, and Mr. McClennen voted Aye. Motion carried: 7-0-0. Matters arising. The chair reminded all present of the upcoming joint AHC & AHTB meeting on August 1 at 4.30pm. Adjourn Ms. McClennen moved to adjourn the meeting of the Affordable Housing Committee. Ms. Carlton seconded the motion. All voted Aye. Motion carried: 4-0-0. Ms. Mathison moved to adjourn the meeting of the AHTB. Mr. Herman seconded the motion. All voted Aye. Motion carried: 7-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Fountain and Ward Ghory